19TH CENTURY POLITICAL HISTORY CHAPTER 12 Historical Overview There was a time when no one lived in our area. No individual, empire, or nation controlled the region. The natural wildlife was abundant on both sides of the Cascades. For most of the past 14,000 years, only the Native American lived in the area we now call Washington. Individual tribes controlled small areas. Both the coastal and plateau tribes had similar organization. Individuals held tribal leadership positions. Tribal leaders normally included tribal chiefs, elders, council members, and a shaman. In the early 16th century, European countries sent explorers to establish political claims in the New World. Spain, Great Britain, and Russia wanted to control the area we call Washington. Their political struggle lasted from 1542 to 1889. By the end of the 18th century, explorers sent by the United States went on to establish political claims to the Washington region. The remainder of this chapter will describe the events from 1542 to November 11, 1889 when Washington was admitted as the 42nd state of the United States of America. Spanish Claims to Washington In 1494, Spain and Portugal agreed to divide the non-Christian world into two parts. The line of demarcation divided the known world into two halves. Portugal obtained all lands east of the line of demarcation. These lands included Africa, India, and a portion of Brazil. Spain had “exclusive rights” to all lands west of the Line of Demarcation. Spain now controlled all of North and South America, except for northeastern Brazil. Spanish sea explorers sailed north along the Pacific coastline from 1542 to 1792. Spain had strong political claims to the Pacific coastline, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the San Juan Islands. However, Spanish sea explorers missed many key features along Washington’s coast. They never explored or claimed the mouth of the Columbia River, Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay, Hood Canal, Puget Sound, or any of Washington’s inland areas. Spain also failed to send land explorers to map the inland areas of the region. The fact that these explorers never sailed into these areas weakened Spain’s claim to western North America. Spain dropped its “exclusive rights” policy in 1792 when Bodega y Quadra met with Great Britain’s George Vancouver at Nootka Sound. Spain’s political interest in the Oregon Country declined rapidly. The Adams-Onês Treaty was signed in 1819. As a result of this treaty, Spain was forced to drop any political claims north of the 42nd parallel. This meant that Spain could no longer claim any Map 12-1 part of the “Oregon Country.” British Claims to Washington Great Britain’s political claim to Washington was very strong. British sea and land explorers established British control over the Washington area between 1577 and 1811. Great Britain’s four major sea explorers were Sir Francis Drake, John Meares, and captains James Cook and George Vancouver. All of them strengthened Britain’s claims to the Washington Territory. Sir Francis Drake sailed along Washington’s coastline to as far north as the Queen Charlotte Islands. Captain Cook sailed south from Alaska past Washington’s coast. John Meares sailed near the mouth of the Columbia River. He entered Willapa Bay and the northern Puget Sound area near present day Everett. George Vancouver explored the Hood Canal and Puget Sound areas. He also sailed around a large island which would later be named after him, Vancouver Island. Great Britain’s land explorers included Alexander Mackenzie, Peter Pond, Simon Fraser, and David Thompson. They explored the region of British Columbia, Canada. It was Thompson who discovered the source of the Columbia River. In 1808, he started to map the course of the river to its mouth. It took him more than three years to map the 1,245 mile long Columbia. Great Britain clearly had a stronger legal claim than the United States to present day British Columbia and Vancouver Island. In fact, Britain’s sea explorers and fur traders established very obvious claims to western Washington. Their claim covered all areas west of the Columbia River. United States Claims to Washington The United States was last to actively compete for control of present day Washington. Four American explorers strengthened the United States’ claim to our area. They were Captain Robert Gray, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and Lieutenant Charles Wilkes. In the summer of 1792, Captain Robert Gray discovered Grays Harbor and the mouth of the Columbia River. Gray’s discoveries, plus the Lewis and Clark Expedition, gave the United States first claim to the lower Columbia River. On Lewis and Clark’s return journey, they strengthened our country’s claim to the southeastern corner of present day Washington when they traveled south of the Snake River to present day Clarkston, Washington. In 1841-1842, Lieutenant Charles Wilkes explored the lowlands of Puget Sound. He also journeyed into eastern Washington. During the period of 1811-1847, several American fur traders and Christian missionaries explored and established early forts, trading posts, and missions in the area that is now Washington. International Boundary Dispute At the beginning of the 19th century, there was no international boundary between Canada and the United States. Great Britain and the United States had differing views about the location of the boundary. You may be asking why Great Britain was involved in the decision? Great Britain controlled all of Canada until Canada’s independence on July 1, 1867. All decisions regarding boundary disputes had to be negotiated with Britain. Where should the boundary be located? The present day 4,000 mile boundary between Canada and the United States took more than 70 years to establish through negotiations! The War of 1812 and the Treaty of Ghent The boundary dispute between Great Britain and the United States was a major cause of the War of 1812. There was no agreement on the boundary between the two countries east of the Mississippi River. The conflict centered around who would have ownership of the Great Lakes. The War of 1812 accomplished little. However, the Treaty of Ghent, signed in 1815, had two provisions that affected our region. One provision stated that both parties must return all possessions acquired by an act of war. The British had acquired Fort Astoria, owned by the Pacific Fur Company. The fort was returned to the United States. The second provision of the Treaty of Ghent stated that the two nations must conduct negotiations. The purpose was to establish a boundary between Canada and the United States. In 1817, the Rush-Bagot Agreement stated the process of ending the long dispute. It called for the countries to share ownership of the Great Lakes. Later, in 1842, the eastern boundary between Canada and the United States was established. This was a result of the WebsterAshburton Treaty. These two agreements established the boundary from the Atlantic Ocean to the Lake of the Woods, Minnesota. The Convention of 1818 The boundary was still unsettled from the Lake of the Woods to the Pacific Ocean. The two countries negotiated at the Convention of 1818. They agreed that the 49th Parallel (the northern boundary of the Louisiana Territory) would serve as the international boundary. The boundary ran from the Lake of the Woods to the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains. The Convention of 1818 stated that the British and Americans would jointly occupy the “Oregon Country” for ten years. Both countries could encourage their citizens to settle in the Oregon Country. The Oregon Country (1818-1846) The Oregon Country was located in southwestern Canada and the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The Oregon Country’s northern boundary was 5440´ north latitude. Its southern boundary was 42north latitude. The Continental Divide was the eastern boundary, and the Pacific Ocean bound Oregon on the west. The Oregon Country was a large area. It included portions of today’s British Columbia Province in Canada. Also included were the present day states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and the western portions of Wyoming and Montana. The Oregon Country was formed in 1818. Four countries expressed claims to a part of the area. Spain gave up its political claim by signing the Adams-Onês Treaty. Obviously both Great Britain and the United States wanted political control. What was the fourth country? Russia also had interests in the Oregon Country. Russia owned Alaska and its southern panhandle to 5440´ north latitude. In 1821, Tsar Alexander I announced that the Russians would Parallel. This extended Russian claims southward from 5440´ to the 51st Parallel. In 1823, President James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine. This was in response to Russia’s aggressive claims to the Oregon Country. The Monroe Doctrine stopped Russia from expanding its colonial claims in the Western Hemisphere. Great Britain supported the United States doctrine. In 1824, Tsar Alexander I and the Russians withdrew its proposed expansion to the 51st Parallel. In 1867, Russia withdrew her political claims to North America. Russia sold Alaska to the United States for $7,200,000. The price paid was just two cents per acre! Joint Occupation (1818-1846) Now only Great Britain and the United States sought control of the Oregon Country. Both countries could explore and develop the land. Each tried to strengthen its respective claims. How could the Oregon Country be fairly divided between Great Britain and the United States? Both countries realized that the Oregon Country would be shared between them. Each had very strong claims to certain areas but neither could claim the entire region. The United States wanted the 49th Parallel to be extended to the Pacific Ocean. If Great Britain agreed, the southern part of Vancouver Island would have become part of the United States. The British, in contrast, wanted the 49th Parallel boundary to be extended to only the Columbia River. The Columbia would become the natural boundary to the Pacific Ocean. This would have given Great Britain all areas of Washington north and west of the Columbia River. From 1818 to 1846, Great Britain’s official policy was to encourage all American fur traders, missionaries, settlers, and miners to live in areas east and south of the Columbia River. The Treaty of Oregon (1846) When thousands of American pioneers began moving into the Oregon Country, Great Britain decided to settle the boundary issue. Americans hoping to expand their country were supporting “Manifest Destiny” and Polk’s 1844 campaign slogan, “54 40´ or fight.” Manifest Destiny was the belief that America should own all the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Many Americans were more than willing to wage war to see its boundaries extended from ocean to ocean. On June 15, 1846, Great Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Oregon. The 49th Parallel was extended to the main channel separating Vancouver Island and the United States’ mainland. The agreement allowed Great Britain to control Vancouver Island. Both countries would share the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The United States received all lands south of the 49th Parallel. The San Juan Dispute (1859-1872) The current United States-Canada international border did not exist until 1872. There are many islands between Vancouver Island and the mainland of the North American continent. The terms of the Treaty of Oregon stated that the “main channel” was to be the boundary. A problem arose. Was the main channel the Haro Strait or the Rosario Strait? Who owned the San Juan Islands? If the main channel was the Haro Strait, then the San Juan Islands belonged to the United States. If the main channel was the Rosario Strait, then the San Juans belonged to Great Britain. German Kaiser Wilhelm I and a British pig would settle the dispute over who owned the San Juan Islands. Lyman Cutler was an American citizen. On June 15, 1859 Cutler shot and killed a pig. This pig belonged to a British citizen, Charles Griffin. Cutler offered to pay ten dollars to Griffin. Griffin refused; he wanted one hundred dollars. They lived within the disputed area of the San Juan Islands. So, in which country’s courts would the incident be settled? The “Pig War” resulted. The San Juans were occupied by British and American soldiers from 1860 to 1872. Both built numerous blockhouses and forts to defend their territory. On November 25, 1872, Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm I finally settled the San Juan Islands dispute. He declared Haro Strait as the main channel between Vancouver Island and the mainland. Through this decision, the United States won ownership of the San Juan Islands. The 4,000 mile international boundary between the United States and Canada was now complete. It took 80 years, many negotiations, and even a dead pig to achieve its settlement! Washington’s Road to Statehood In 1846, few Americans lived north of the Columbia River before the signing of the Treaty of Oregon. The people who did live there had no official government or rule of law. Americans were governed by ship captains, overland expedition leaders, managers of fur trading posts, head missionaries, and wagon masters. Finally, for those living south of the 49th Parallel, they now lived on American soil. They were under the control of the United States government. However, for those Americans living north of the Columbia River, there would be no organized government until 1848. Congress was very slow to create a territorial government for those living south of the 49th Parallel. From June 15, 1846 to August 14, 1848 there was no territorial government or rule of law. The Whitman Massacre on November 29, 1847 shocked Congress into action. The Oregon Territory was finally established on August 14, 1848. Originally the Oregon Territory included the present states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and the western sections of Montana and Wyoming. Several major issues faced Americans living north of the Columbia River and the Willamette River Valley. These issues eventually caused Washington and its residents to seek separation from the Oregon Territory. Washington Territory 1853-1889 American citizens living north of the Columbia River held two meetings. Both were in regards to political separation from the Oregon Territory. One meeting was held at Cowlitz Landing in August 1852. The second meeting was held at the so-called Monticello Convention on November 25, 1852. A formal petition was sent to Congress requesting a separate territory for Washington. Then a bill was introduced on February 8, 1853. The bill was signed into law on March 2, 1853. President Millard Fillmore’s signature created the Washington Territory. President Fillmore appointed Isaac Stevens as the first territorial governor of the Washington Territory. Olympia was chosen as the territorial capital. The Organic Act established three branches of territorial government. They were the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The Congress of the United States appointed all territorial officials. The Washington Territory existed from March 2, 1853 to November 11, 1889. It was a territory for more than 36 years. Why did it take over 36 years for Washington to become a state? Washington Statehood New territories of the United States had to meet certain qualifications before they could become a state. Washington and 34 other states followed the procedures established by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. There are many procedural steps to statehood. The two most important are a minimum population and a written state constitution. Before statehood could be approved by Congress, each territory needed a population of more than 125,000 people. Once the population requirement was met, then the residents of the territory asked for permission to write a state constitution. The drafted constitution had to be approved by the voters of the territory. Finally, it had to be approved by Congress. Statehood was a short process for some states; it was a long process for others. Oregon achieved statehood in only 11 years. In contrast, it took Washington 36 years to gain its statehood. Why did it take Washington 36 years to become a state? Several factors contributed to this lengthy amount of time. Our population grew very slowly. Dr. McLoughlin at Fort Vancouver told pioneers to settle south of the Columbia River. People were also fearful of moving into the territory because of the Indian Wars. The lack of railroads also slowed the growth. The last factor was the length of time it took to write an acceptable state constitution. In 1850, only 1,201 white people lived in Washington. The Indian Wars also discouraged white settlement in the territory. Even in 1880 the population of the Washington Territory was only 75,116. This was obviously short of the 125,000 population requirement. With completion of three transcontinental railroads and the end of the Indian Wars, Washington’s total population exploded to over 300,000 by 1889. Once population requirements were met, residents could attempt to write an acceptable state constitution. Two constitutions were written. Finally, in the summer of 1889, the voters approved the second constitution. Washington was admitted as the 42nd state on November 11, 1889. President Benjamin Harrison’s signature of the Presidential Proclamation finalized the statehood process. Chapter Summary Establishing the United States-Canada boundary and the political organization of Washington were very difficult issues to resolve. It took 80 years to settle the boundary dispute. It took 36 years before the statehood process created the state of Washington. Originally, four countries claimed the Oregon Country. Spain, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States competed for this area. During the early 1800s, Spain (1819) and Russia (1824) dropped their claims to Oregon. Washington Idaho Territory Oregon 42nd Parallel 49th Parallel BOISE OLYMPIA SALEM Pacific Ocean WASHINGTON STATEHOOD Map 12-7 Great Britain and the United States each had strong claims to the Oregon Country. Their sea and land exploration led to permanent settlements by both countries. From 1818 to 1846, the British and Americans jointly occupied the Oregon Country. In June 1846, the Treaty of Oregon split the area between Great Britain and the United States. Great Britain received all of Vancouver Island and present day British Columbia north of the 49th Parallel. The United States received all lands south of the 49th Parallel and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. In 1872, the San Juan Islands became part of Washington and the United States. In 1848, the area south of the 49th Parallel was organized as the Oregon Territory. In 1853, Washington residents petitioned Congress to become a separate territory. The Washington Territory existed from 1853 to 1889. Washington achieved statehood on November 11, 1889. It became the 42nd state. The city of Olympia has served as both the territorial and state capital.