Heaven Johnson

Permanency Planning Child Role Play
Heaven Johnson
Interviewer Information
Janice Johnson; 24 yrs. old
Ricky Malone; 27 yrs old (absent)
Timothy Key; 41 yrs. old (mom’s boyfriend—currently incarcerated)
Heaven, (female), 9 years
Removal Information: Heaven disclosed sexual abuse by her mom’s boyfriend, Tim (Timothy Key).
Heaven told her best friend (Nicole), that she and Tim were having “sexes” and Nicole told her mom.
Nicole’s mother reported it to DHS and Heaven disclosed Tim was having vaginal and anal intercourse
with Heaven. Heaven also reported she told her mother about the sexual abuse 2 times but her mother
called her a liar and did not believe her.
After the investigation, it was determined that Ms. Johnson knew about the abuse but did not believe it
was happening. She is still at this point, denying the abuse occurred. She believes Tim and still has a
relationship with him even though he is incarcerated and charged.
Heaven was removed and placed with a maternal cousin, Stephanie Bledsoe—single female, no
children. You are in the home of Ms. Bledsoe for your first contact with Heaven. This is the first time
you have met with this child. You may need to explain your role and who you are.
Permanency Planning Role Play (Child)
Heaven Johnson
Actor Information
Janice Johnson; 24 yrs. old
Ricky Malone; 27 yrs old (absent)
Timothy Key; 41 yrs. old (mom’s boyfriend—currently incarcerated)
Heaven, (female), 9 years, DOB: 1/29/20____
Removal Information: Heaven disclosed sexual abuse by her mom’s boyfriend, Tim (Timothy Key). Heaven
told her best friend (Nicole), that she and Tim were having “sexes” and Nicole told her mom. Nicole’s mother
reported it to DHS and Heaven disclosed Tim was having vaginal and anal intercourse with Heaven. Heaven also
reported she told her mother about the sexual abuse 2 times but her mother called her a liar and did not believe
After the investigation, it was determined that Ms. Johnson knew about the abuse but did not believe it was
happening. She is still at this point, denying the abuse occurred. She believes Tim and still has a relationship
with him even though he is incarcerated and charged.
Heaven was removed and placed with a maternal cousin, Stephanie Bledsoe—single female.
You are playing the role of Heaven and the worker is in the home of Ms. Bledsoe to interview you for a monthly
contact. This is the first time you have met this worker.
The following things can be relayed and asked of the worker:
Things are going “okay” with Steph. You call her Aunt Steph, even though she is not your aunt
Why do you have a different worker now?
You like Aunt Steph, she takes good care of you and she helps you with your homework
Aunt Steph told you that Tim is in jail.
Why is he in jail? Is it because of you?
You don’t want to see him anymore, your aunt Steph said you don’t have to
You really want to see your best friend, Nicole. She must be really worried about you.
You were taken from school to go to an interview and did not get to say goodbye to her.
You are going to a different school now and you don’t really know anyone.
You are trying to make friends but it is hard.
You want to play soccer and Aunt Steph said she would look into getting it set up for you.
You would like to visit your mom; she calls you at least once a day.
She seems to be mad at you but you don’t know why.
She tells you that things are going to work out that it was “all a big misunderstanding”
You don’t know your grandma or grandpa, you have never met them. Aunt Steph said they are not very
nice people but you don’t know why.
You have another doctor’s appointment coming up next week. You are seeing a “gynecologist” to “check
things out”. You are not sure what all that means but Aunt Steph said it was because of what Tim did to
You are having nightmares at night where you see him coming into your room. Your Aunt Steph is
always there to wake you up. She even cried with you one night.
She told you she is going to take you to counseling to see if that will help.