Center Grove Community School Corporation
School Year
Counselor Effectiveness
Domain 1: Purposeful Planning and Preparation
School counselors use student data and survey results to plan, set annual student goals, organize, deliver and manage an effective school counseling program.
Possible examples of evidence are listed when appropriate.
1.1 Utilize Assessment Data
to Plan
*Data Teams
Highly Effective
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
Counselor uses:
-student achievement-related,
survey and other student data
to formulate plans.
-incorporates differentiated
strategies in planning.
1.2 Reviews Professional
Guidelines and Best Practices
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-routinely reviews or utilizes
professional guidelines or best
practices and uses them indepth as situations allow.
1.3 Track Student Data and
Analyze Progress
*Family Connection (HS)
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-uses assessment/progress
data in planning future
programming accordingly.
Based on program and
student goals, the counselor:
-routinely reviews or utilizes
professional guidelines or best
Counselor uses:
- a data tracking system for
analyzing data on a routine
Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
1.4 Planning the student
support program, integrated
with the overall school
1.5 Developing a plan to
evaluate the guidance
support program
1.6 Reflecting on Practice
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-Counselor’s guidance
program plan is highly
coherent, taking into account
the competing demands of
making presentations and
consulting with teachers, and
has been developed following
consultation with
administrators and teachers.
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-Counselor’s evaluation plan
is highly sophisticated, with
imaginative sources of
evidence and a clear path
toward improving the
program on an ongoing basis.
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-Counselor’s reflection is
highly accurate and
Counselor’s plan:
-is well designed and
supports teachers in
improving their knowledge
base of available resources or
strategies to use regarding
student assistance.
Counselor’s plan to evaluate
the program:
-is organized around clear
goals and the collection of
evidence to indicate the
degree to which the goals
have been met.
Counselor’s reflection:
-provides an accurate and
objective description of practice
citing specific positive and
negative characteristics.
Counselor makes some specific
suggestions as to how the
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
perceptive, citing specific
examples. Counselor draws
on extensive repertoire to
suggest alternative strategies.
guidance program might be
Counselor Effectiveness
Domain 2: Delivery of Effectives Counseling Services
Counselors use professional counseling skills in prevention, assessment, intervention and referral to remove barriers to student success. Possible examples of evidence are listed
when appropriate.
2.1 Follows laws, rules and
policies, adhering to ethical
standards, and respecting
student confidentiality to
help students overcome
barriers to learning
*IEP process
*CPS Services
Highly Effective
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills criteria for
Effective as well as some of
the following:
-is highly effective at following
laws, rules and policies,
adhering to professional
ethical standards and
respecting student
-Counselor stays current with
changes to laws, rules,
policies and ethical standards.
An Effective Counselor:
- is efficient at following laws,
rules and policies, adhering to
professional ethical standards
and respecting student
-Professional conduct and
integrity is exhibited.
-Ethical and legal codes are
-Consultation and supervision
are used when needed.
-Student interventions appear
appropriate to the situation.
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
2.2 Provide counseling,
guidance, consultation, crisis
intervention or referral as
A Highly Effective fulfills the
criteria of Effective as well as
some of the following:
-Counselor is highly effective
at providing counseling,
guidance, consultation, crisis
intervention or referral as
-Works well with school staff
and administrators to
facilitate identification of
students in need of services.
2.3 Develop student
understanding of safety,
survival and prevention skills
*Safe Place
*Girls Fight Back
*Bullying Prevention
*Body Safety Program
*Prom-lead up activities
A Highly Effective Counselor
fulfills the criteria of Effective
and as well as some of the
-coordinates preventiontraining programs to help
understand their right to a
safe and secure school
-organizes and communicates
information regarding
resources for peer, adult,
and/or community support.
An Effective Counselor:
-is effective at providing
counseling, guidance,
consultation, crisis
intervention or referral as
-meets the diverse needs of
students addressed through
appropriate counseling,
guidance, consultation, crisis
intervention or referral.
-is proficient at delivering or
referring students to receive
appropriate service.
An Effective Counselor:
assists students to identify
safety concerns and needs, as
-helps students understand
their right to a safe and secure
school environment.
-helps students identify
resources for peer, adult
and/or community support.
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
Connect student learning to
future plans
A Highly Effective Counselor
fulfills the Effective criteria as
well as some of the following:
*Career Planning
*21st Century Scholars
*College Admissions
*Military Opportunities
*H.S. Scheduling
*Family Connection
-is highly Effective at
connecting student learning
to future plans.
-utilizes resources outside of
the school setting. (MS/HS)
-helps families see
connections between
achievement and
career/future success.
2.5 Supports
students/staff/parents in
assessment interpretation
and goal-setting
A Highly Effect Counselor
fulfills the Effective criteria as
well as some of the following:
-is Highly Effective at
interpreting assessment
results and goal-setting to
-Assessment interpretation
and goal-setting is systematic
and well-planned.
An Effective Counselor:
- helps students see
connection between
achievement and
career/future success.
-helps student learn about
interests, abilities, and
-provides age-appropriate
career awareness,
information preparation or
planning assistance to
students. (MS/HS)
-provides information for
students to practice decisionmaking when selecting course
work or career planning.
An Effective Counselor:
-is Effective at interpreting
assessment results and goalsetting to
-assists students/staff/parents
in interpreting and
understanding assessment
-helps students set
challenging academic goals
and/or make course plans
based on results.
-applies knowledge of student
interests and aptitudes to
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
2.6 Create Culture of Respect
A Highly Effective Counselor
meets the criteria for
Effective as well as some of
the following:
-is Highly Effective at creating
a classroom culture of respect
and collaboration.
-seeks out opportunities to
reinforce positive behavior
and/or skillfully defuses
emotionally charged
An Effective Counselor:
-is Effective at creating a
classroom culture of respect
and collaboration.
-requires students to be
respectful during time spent
-reinforces positive behavior
and explains consequences
appropriately in order to
discourage negative behavior.
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
Counselor Effectiveness
Domain 3: Effective Leadership and Collaboration
Counselors develop and sustain the intense energy and leadership within their school community to ensure the achievement of all students. Possible examples of evidence are
listed when appropriate.
3.1 Contribute to School
Highly Effective
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-Seeks out leadership roles.
-Goes above and beyond in
dedicating time for students
and peers.
3.2 Collaborate with Peers
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-goes above and beyond in
seeking out opportunities to
-coaches peers through
difficult situations.
-takes on leadership roles
within collaborative groups.
An Effective counselor will:
-Contribute ideas and
expertise to further the
schools’ mission and
-Dedicate time efficiently,
when needed, to helping
students and peers.
-Counselor has a good rapport
with students, and shows
genuine interest in their
thoughts and opinions.
At Effective, a counselor will:
-seek out and participate in
regular opportunities to work
with and learn from others.
-ask for assistance, when
needed, and provide
assistance to others in need.
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
Seek Professional Skills and
Advocate for Student Success
*Fast Track
Engage Families in Student
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-regularly shares newly
learned knowledge and
practices with others.
-seeks out opportunities to
lead professional
development sessions.
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-displays commitment to the
education of all students.
-proposes creative changes to
ensure student success.
At Highly Effective, a
counselor fulfills the criteria
for Effective as well as some
of the following:
-strives to form relationships
in which parents are given
ample opportunity to
participate in student
-Is available to address
concerns in a timely and
positive manner, when
An Effective counselor:
-actively pursues
opportunities to improve
knowledge and practice.
-seeks out ways to implement
new practices where
-welcomes constructive
feedback to improve practice.
An Effective counselor:
-displays commitment to the
education of all his/her
-attempts to remove or
remedy obstacles to student
-advocates for students’
individual needs.
An Effective counselor:
-proactively reaches out to
parents to engage them in
student learning.
-responds to contact from
parents in a timely, respectful
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Rubric For Counselor Effectiveness
Counselor Effectiveness
Domain 4: Professionalism
Meets Standards
4.1 Attendance
Individual demonstrates a pattern of meeting attendance
4.2 On-Time Arrival
Individual demonstrates a pattern of meeting arrival
4.3 Policies, Procedures, and
Individual demonstrates a pattern of following state,
corporation, and school policies and procedures (e.g.
submitting discipline referrals, timely grading records,
supervision assignments, appropriate attire, etc.)
Individual demonstrates a pattern of interacting with students,
colleagues, parents/guardians, and community members in a
respectful manner.
Individual demonstrates a pattern of implementing building
and/or district goals.
4.4 Respect
4.5 District/Building Goals
Does Not Meet Standards
Individual demonstrates a pattern of unexcused absences or
inappropriate use of absences (absences that are in violation of
procedures set forth by the Master Contract).
Individual demonstrates a pattern of unexcused late arrivals
(late arrivals that are in violation of procedures set forth by the
Master Contract).
Individual demonstrates a pattern of failing to follow state,
corporation, and school policies and procedures (e.g.
submitting discipline referrals, timely grading records,
supervision assignments, appropriate attire, etc.)
Individual demonstrates a pattern of failing to interact with
students, colleagues, parents/guardians, and community
members in a timely, respectful manner.
Individual demonstrates a pattern of failing to implement
building and/or district goals.
Artifact Ideas for each Domain
Domain 1: GAP, CWT data, IEP, Data Teams, RTI, PSAT, Grades, AimsWeb, Skyward, SAT, Family Connection (HS)
Domain 2: GAP, CWT data, S504, IEP process, CPS Services, Safe Place Girls, Fight Back Bullying Prevention, Body Safety Program, Prom lead-up activities,
Domain 3: GAP, CWT data, Food, Clothes, Tutors, Fast Track
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