IMPLEMENTATION PLAN – APPOINTMENT OF SENIOR MANAGERS AND RELATED MATTERS TASK DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES / TASKS In these Regulations, a word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act has the same meaning as in the Act, unless the context indicates otherwise. Advise Council of the New Regulations and provide details of Implementation Plan Director F & C’s July 2014 Plan and arrange a workshop for Senior and middle managers as well as the Mayoral Committee Director F & C’s 10 June 2014 Municpal Manager 17 January 2015 REGULATION NUMBER Regulation 1 – 2 Definitions and scope of application RESPONSIBLE OFFICER DUE DATE These regulations apply to all municipalities, municipal entities, and senior managers. These regulations must be read in conjunction with – any the regulations or guidelines issued in terms of section 120 of the Act; and LG: Municipal Regulations on Minimum Competence Levels, 2007. Regulation 3 Human resource planning Regulation 4 Staff establishment A municipal council must – - assess the human resources necessary to perform its functions, with particular reference to – - the number of senior managers required; and - the competencies which a senior manager must have. - assess existing human resources by race, gender and disability, and department with reference to their - competences; - training needs; and - employment capacities, and - plan within its available budgeted funds for the recruitment, retention and development of human resources according to its specific needs. A municipality must review their staff establishment before 17 January 2015, after having considered the principles set out in the Regulations. In order to curb the bloating of Regulation 3 and 4 will require a review of the Organizational Structure and Staff Establishment which must be linked to the IDP and functions performed by the municipality. It is suggested that this task be outsourced to Organisational Development Consultants as detailed in Regulations 3 and 4. It is suggested that this review process is dealt with in terms of an HR implementation plan PROGRESS ON ACTION PLANS DETAILED COMMENTS WHERE TASK IS LAGGING municipal administrations, a municipality must also provide for at least the following departments on its staff establishment: - Development and Town Planning Services; Public Works and Basic Services (Technical Services); Community Services; Financial Services (Chief Financial Officer); and Corporate Support Services. A municipality must review its staff establishment within 12 months if there is a new council elected for the municipality; when the council adopts its integrated development plan; or when there are changes to the outer boundaries of the municipality, or to its functions. The staff establishment must provide for the appointment on a permanent or a fixed-term basis. In the case of fixed term posts, the municipal manager must have due regard to – - - - the financial implications of such a post to the municipality; any existing contractual obligations of the incumbent manager and the financial implications thereof on the budget of the municipality; the need of the municipality to retain institutional memory and scarce skills, and to promote stability and continuity within the municipality; and the sustainability of the municipality. After finalisation of the review of the staff establishment, the municipal manager must, within 14 days, submit the staff establishment (together with a detailed report) to the municipal council for approval at its next meeting. Regulation 3 and 4 will require a review of the Organizational Structure and Staff Establishment which must be linked to the IDP and functions performed by the municipality. It is suggested that this task be outsourced to Organisational Development Consultants as detailed in Regulations 3 and 4. It is suggested that this review process is dealt with in terms of an HR implementation plan Municpal Manager 17 January 2015 The report contemplated above must outline the process followed in developing the staff establishment, including – - a summary of the mandate and service delivery priorities of the municipality and how the proposed staff establishment addresses these; - a summary of the proposed posts that are envisaged to – - materially change; - change to a limited or nonmaterial degree; - be abolished; and - not be affected by the changes; - a motivation of the proposed changes, including an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of the current staff establishment; - job descriptions, duties, functions, competency requirements and responsibilities according to which one or more posts of the same grade are established, including the grading or relative size and value of a job; - details of the financial implications of the changes including, but not limited to, the outcomes of job evaluation processes, remuneration costs for senior managers, costs for relocation, new facilities and equipment, if any; non-financial implications of the changes, including the impact on existing staff, key stakeholders and other processes within the municipality; - a project plan that specifies the timeframes within which it is envisaged that implementation is to take place; and - the stakeholders and change management requirements. Regulation 5 Creation and filling of senior manager posts A municipal council must– - confirm that the municipality Regulation 3 and 4 will require a review of the Organizational Structure and Staff Establishment which must be linked to the IDP and functions performed by the municipality. It is suggested that this task be outsourced to Organisational Development Consultants as detailed in Regulations 3 and 4. It is suggested that this review process is dealt with in terms of an HR implementation plan refer Municipal Manager to Upper Limits Regulations. Include details in the report Municpal Manager Mayor and Municipal Manager Manager: Corporate 17 January 2015 - - Regulation 6 Principles of recruitment requires the post to meet its strategic objectives; ensure that a job description has been developed for the post; attach to that post the remuneration and other conditions of employment; and ensure that sufficient budgeted funds, including funds for the remaining period of the mediumterm expenditure framework, are available for filling the post. required in terms of Regulation 7 Recruitment, selection and appointment of senior managers must take place in accordance with the municipal systems and procedures contemplated in section 67 of the Act that are consistent with sections 54A, 56 and 57A of the Act. A senior manager post must be filled through public advertising. Services CFO Municipal Manager Draft advert taking into account the requirements detailed in the regulations Manager: Corporate Services Report to Council include information detailed in Regulation 5 Municipal Manager Initiate when post becomes vacant Initiate when post becomes vacant Selection must be competencebased. Regulation 7 Determination of recruitment needs When the post of a senior manager becomes vacant, or is due to become vacant, the MM or mayor must upon receipt of official notification, obtain approval from the municipal council for the filling of such post. A vacant senior manager post may not be filled unless – - approval to fill the post has been granted by the municipal council; and - the post has been budgeted for. Regulation 8 General requirements for appointment of senior managers Council CFO The speaker may convene a special meeting to obtain municipal council approval for the filling of a senior manager post. No person may be appointed as a senior manager on a fixed term contract, permanent basis or on probation, to any post on the approved establishment of a Initiate when post becomes vacant Speaker Include note in advertisement Manager: Corporate Services Initiate when post becomes vacant municipality unless he or she – - is a South African citizen or permanent resident; and - Possesses the relevant qualifications, experience, competencies and skills. Regulation 10 Advertising a vacant posts An appointment may not take effect before the first day of the month following the month during which the municipal council approved the appointment. Note in Letter of Appointment Manager: Corporate Service Start counting days from date of Council Resolution Manager: Corporate Services The municipal manager must within fourteen (14) days of receipt of approval from the municipal council ensure that the post is advertised. A vacant senior manager post must be advertised in the media circulating nationally and in each of the provinces. Regulation 11 Application for vacant posts Finalize within 14 days of the Council Resolution Manager: Corporate Services A municipality may utilise a recruitment agency to identify candidates for posts: Provided that the advertising, recruitment and selection procedures comply with these regulations. Note: has financial implications Monthly reports on the progress made with regards to the filling of the vacancy must also be submitted to the mayor / municipal council. Draft template or attach the Implementation Plan Reflecting Progress Manager: Corporate Services Applications for vacant posts must be submitted on an official application form. Design a new application form Manager: Corporate Services On-line application forms that may have been developed by a municipality (provided that the on-line application form substantially corresponds to the prescribed application form). Place new application form on website (prescribed format) Include these disclosing requirements in the advert. State failure to disclose June 2014 June 2014 An applicant for a senior manager post must disclose – - academic qualifications, proven Manager: Corporate Services Regulation 12 Selection panel experience and competencies; - contactable references; - any offence for which he or she has been convicted; - any disciplinary actions, whether pending or finalised, instituted against him or her in his or her current or previous employment; and - registration with any professional body. information requested may result in application not being considered Any misrepresentation or failure to disclose information is a breach of conduct and will lead to the disqualification of candidate. Manager: Corporate Services The municipality must compile and maintain a record of all applications received. Include these disclosing requirements in the advert. State failure to disclose information requested may result in application not being considered A municipal council must appoint a selection panel to make recommendations for the appointment of candidates to vacant senior manager posts. Report to Council. Include appointment of panel when obtaining approval to fill post in terms of Regulations 7 Mayor Municipal Manager The selection panel for the appointment of a municipal manager must, at least, consist of – - the mayor - who will be the chairperson, or his or her delegate; - a councillor designated by the municipal council; and - at least one other person, who is not a councillor or a staff member of the municipality, and who has expertise or experience in the area of the advertised post. Report to Council. Include appointment of panel when obtaining approval to fill post in terms of Regulations 7 Mayor Municipal Manager The selection panel for the appointment of a senior manager must, at least, consist of – - the municipal manager - who will be the chairperson; - a member of the mayoral committee or councillor who is the portfolio head of the relevant portfolio; and - at least one other person, who is not a councillor or a staff member of the municipality, and who has Report to Council. Include appointment of panel when obtaining approval to fill post in terms of Regulations 7 Mayor Municipal Manager Initiate when post becomes vacant expertise or experience in the area of the advertised post. Regulation 13 Compiling shortlist of applicants A panel member must disclose any interest or relationship with shortlisted candidates during the shortlisting process, and must recuse himself or herself from the selection panel if there is any conflict of interest. Draft a declaration form to be signed by all the members of the shortlisting and interview panel (See Annexure “D” to Regulations Manager: Corporate Services A panel member and staff member must sign a declaration of confidentiality as set out in Annexure D to the Regulations. Draft a declaration form to be signed by all the members of the shortlisting and interview panel (See Annexure “D” to Regulations Manager: Corporate Services Design a template for shortlisting candidates Mayor Municipal Manager Manager Corporate Service to assist in shortlisting panel. Manager Corporate Services to make all arrangements June 2014 Finalize within 44 days of Council Resolution Mayor Municipal Manager Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Finalize within 44 days of Council Resolution A mayor/municipal manager must compile, in consultation with the selection panel – - a list of all applicants who applied for an advertised post; and - a shortlist consisting of all applications received for a specific post, evaluated against the relevant competency requirements. The shortlisting must be finalised within thirty (30) days of the closing date of the advertisement. June 2014 A record of all the applicants must be kept by the municipality. Both the long and short lists must be submitted to the selection panel members before the interviews. Regulation 14 Screening of applicants Screening of the shortlisted applicants must take place within twenty-one (21) days of finalisation of shortlisting by – - conducting reference checks; - contacting the candidate's current or previous employer if unemployed; - determining the validity of a candidates’ qualifications; and - verifying whether the candidate has been dismissed previously for misconduct or poor performance by another employer. Mayor Municipal Manager Manager: Corporate Services It may be advisable to outsource the screening of shortlisted candidates Manager: Corporate Services Finalize within 65 days of Council Resolution Regulation 15 Interviews A report on the screening process must be compiled and tabled before the selection panel. Manager: Corporate Services Interviews must be conducted within 21 days of the screening process. The selection panel for a specific post must remain the same throughout the screening and interviewing process A records must be kept of every panel member’s individual assessment of the interviewed candidates. Manager: Corporate Services must finalize within 86 days after Council Resolution The Recruitment and Selection Policy needs to be reviewed that it will provide for the screening during the interview process Manager: Corporate Service The determination of candidates to be recommended for appointment must be considered by way of consensus between the members of the selection panel. If consensus cannot be reached, a dissenting member may record his or her concerns in the minutes where after the issue may be voted upon, with each member of the selection panel entitled to one vote. Section Panel The selection panel must make a determination of a second and third choice to mitigate against delays in the event that the first choice candidate declines the offer of employment. Regulation 16 Selection The persons recommended for appointment to the post of a senior manager must undergo a competency assessment. Appoint an external service provider to perform competency assessments through SCM processes Manager: Corporate Services CFO (Budget) The competency assessment instrument must – - be scientifically proven to be valid and reliable; - be capable of being applied fairly; and - not be biased against any person or group of persons. A municipality must provide funding for purposes of competency assessment and testing. CFO (Budget) June 2014 The selection panel must submit a report and recommendation on the selection process to the municipal council Municipalities may apply to the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) to make use of the discretionary grants to fund the competency assessment / testing. Develop a template for the report Municipal Manager Regulation 17 Resolution of municipal council on the appointment of senior managers Before making a decision on an appointment, a municipal council must satisfy itself that – - the candidate meets the relevant competency requirements for the post; - Screening of the candidate has been conducted; and - the candidate does not appear on the record of staff members dismissed for misconduct. Report to Council to include these details The municipal council must take a decision on the appointment of a suitable candidate. Municipal Manager Manager: Corporate Services Council The municipal council must – - inform all interviewed candidates of the outcome of the decision referred to in sub regulation (3); and - within 14 days of the decision, report to the MEC for local government of the appointment process and outcome. The report must contain – - details of the advertisement, including date of issue and the name of newspapers in which the advert was published, and proof of the advertisement or a copy thereof; - a list of all applicants; - a report contemplated in regulation 14(2) on the screening process and the outcome thereof; - the municipal council’s resolution approving the selection panel and the shortlisted candidates; - competency assessment results; Develop a template to Report to MEC which provides all information requested in terms of Regulations 17 Municipal Manager Manager: Corporate Services 14 Days after Council Resolution confirming appointment - the minutes of the shortlisting meeting; - the minutes of interviews, including scoring; - the recommendations of the selection panel submitted to the municipal council; - the details of executive committee members and recommendations, if the selection panel comprised of all members of the executive committee; - the recommendation of the executive committee or executive mayor to the municipal council, if any; - the municipal council resolution approving the appointment of the successful candidate; - the application form, curriculum vitae, proof of qualifications and other supporting documentation of the successful candidate; - a written confirmation by the successful candidate that he or she does not hold political office as contemplated in section 56A of the Act, as at the date of appointment; - the letter of appointment, outlining the term of contract, remuneration and conditions of employment of the senior manager; and - any other information relevant to the appointment Regulation 18 Re-employment of dismissed persons Municipal Manager Manager: Corporate Services Develop a template to Report to MEC which provides all information requested in terms of Regulations 17 Draft a template for letter of appointment as well as a contract of employment A person who has been dismissed for misconduct may not be employed as a senior manager in any municipality before a certain period has expired: Provided that this does not apply to a senior manager whose dismissal is pending appeal. If a senior manager is dismissed for more than one category of misconduct the periods of rehabilitation will run concurrently. A person dismissed for misconduct is prohibited from re-employment in any municipality is calculated from the date of dismissal or conviction. Manager Corporate Services When employee is dismissed A municipality must maintain a record of staff members dismissed for misconduct and those who resigned prior to the finalisation of any disciplinary proceedings. Manager: Corporate Services A report must be submitted within 14 days of such dismissal or resignation to the MEC and the Minister. Regulation 19 Re-advertisement of posts Regulation 20 Secondment If no suitable candidate has been identified, the municipal council – - must inform all shortlisted candidates that their applications have been unsuccessful; and - may re-advertise the post. Mayor Municipal Manager Initiate when no shortlist cannot be finalized due to the lack of suitable candidates A municipal council may request the MEC for local government to second a suitable person with the relevant skills, competencies, expertise and qualifications to act as municipal manager . Secondment must be done by agreement, and the agreement must stipulate the duration, party responsible for costs, the job description. A person seconded must be paid an allowance and be compensated while on secondment for subsistence and travel. A person seconded must ― - prioritise the filling of the vacant post to which he or she is seconded; - report in writing at least once a month to the relevant MEC for local government and the Minister with regard to the filling of the post and the development and implementation of any municipal institutional recovery plan for which the seconded official is responsible; - ensure that the municipal council meets regularly and in line with section 18(2) of the Structures Act or as often as is necessary to When necessary Mayor Municipal Manager conduct council business; - monitor and assess the adherence to policy, principles and frameworks applicable to council and the administration; - address challenges in respect of adherence to such policy, principles and frameworks by reviewing, amending and ensuring adoption and implementation thereof; - devise a turnaround strategy for the municipality including a strategy to promote good governance; - ensure implementation of council resolutions by the administration; - implement a system to control and approve all expenditure; - implement all governance systems and procedures including appropriate councillor oversight mechanisms; and - ensure implementation of financial systems, policies and procedures. Regulation 21-23 Ordinary hours of work, overtime and annual leave A senior manager must work at least 40 ordinary hours per week from Monday to Friday. A senior manager may be required to work overtime without additional remuneration. A senior manager must apply for leave on an official leave form attached on the regulations. Annual leave cycle” is calculated from 1 January to 31 December. A senior manager is entitled to two working days leave on full remuneration for every month worked. A senior manager who commences employment after 1 January must be entitled to paid annual leave on a pro rata basis. A municipality must establish a system to record accurately the leave taken by senior managers. Include in Employment Contracts of Senior Managers Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Regulation 24-32 Sick, maternity, family responsibility, study and special leave A senior manager qualifies for 36 days' sick leave in a three year cycle calculated from 1 January. Sick leave may not be carried over from one sick leave cycle to the next sick leave cycle. Include in Employment Contracts of Senior Managers Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Develop a template for Senior Managers to make declarations each year in terms of Regulation 36 Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 A senior manager is entitled to full remuneration for four months while on maternity leave. A senior manager is entitled to five working days family responsibility leave per annual cycle. Regulation 36 Disclosure of benefits and interests A senior manager may apply for study leave and special leave in accordance with the policies of a municipality. A senior manager who enters into an employment contract in terms of these regulations must— - within 60 days after his or her appointment; and - annually thereafter, from the commencement of the new financial year of a municipality, declare his or her benefits and interests. The benefits and interests may include any shares, directorships or property, which may potentially be in conflict with the senior manager’s official duties. A senior manager must disclose all his or her registerable interests on the prescribed form. Failure to disclose benefits and interests is a breach of contract and must be dealt with in terms of the Code of Conduct for Municipal Staff as provided for in Schedule 2 to the Act, read in conjunction with the Disciplinary Regulations. Regulation 37 - 40 A senior manager must participate in Retirement, medical schemes, motor vehicle and mobile phone a retirement or pension fund registered in terms of the Pension Fund Act, including retirement funds accredited by the bargaining council designated for municipalities. A senior manager may (optional) participate in a medical aid registered in terms of the Medical Aid Scheme Act, including medical aid schemes accredited by the bargaining council designated for municipalities. A senior must have a motor vehicle for the proper performance of his or her functions – own funding from total cost to company. A senior manager is entitled to compensation for use of mobile telephone for official purposes according to policy of municipality. Regulation 41-44 Retirement, notice of termination, dismissal for misconduct, nomination of beneficiaries A senior manager has the right to retire, and must retire, on the first calendar day of the month following the day on which he or she turns 65 years of age. Include in Employment Contracts of Senior Managers Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Senior Managers to provide evidence annually that they are participating in a medical aid scheme and retirement fund Review Cellphone allowance to include Senior Managers Manager: Corporate Services Include in Employment Contract of Senior Managers Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Write to Senior Managers annually requesting evidence of the Appointment of beneficiaries in respect of benefits to be paid in the event of death Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Inform current Senior Managers of the new Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 Manager: Corporate Services June 2014 The municipality may, on the basis of medical evidence, consider the dismissal of a senior manager on account of ill-health. A dismissal on account of ill-health or injury must be done with due regard to item 10 of Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act.\ A senior manager may for purposes of implementation of these regulations, designate one or more beneficiaries to whom accruing benefits to him or her may be paid in the event of senior manager’s death. The benefits of a senior manager who died before nominating beneficiaries must be dealt with in terms of the Administration of Estate Act, 1995. Regulation 45 Transitional arrangements An employment contract for a senior manager, entered into before the Regulations came into effect, remain in force until the contract lapses or is terminated. When such an employment contract lapses or is terminated, the vacant post must be advertised in accordance with the provisions contained in the Regulations regulations and the transitional arrangements MUNICIPAL MANAGER : _________________________ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER : __________________________ DATE : _________________________ DATE : ___________________________ MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES : _________________________ DATE : _________________________