Electronic Supplementary Information to the Manuscript Bone-eating worms from the Antarctic: the contrasting fate of whale and wood remains on the Southern Ocean seafloor Adrian G. Glover1, Helena Wiklund1, Sergio Taboada2, Conxita Avila2,3, Javier Cristobo4, Craig R. Smith5, Kirsty M. Kemp1,6, Alan Jamieson7, Thomas G. Dahlgren8,9* 1 Life Sciences Department, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, UK, SW7 5BD 2 Depto. de Biología Animal, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Barcelona, Avda. Diagonal 643, 08028 Barcelona, Spain 3 Biodiversity Research Institute, Campus Sud, Av. Diagonal 643, 08028 Barcelona, Spain 4 Centro Oceanográfico de Gijón, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Avda. Príncipe de Asturias 70 bis, 33212 Gijón, Spain Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 1000 Pope Road, Marine Science Building, Honolulu, HI96822 USA 5 6 Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, UK, NV1 4RY 7 Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Main Street, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire, UK, AB41 6AA 8 University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 463, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden 9 Present address: Uni Research, P.O. Box 7810, 5020 Bergen, Norway *correspondence: thda@mac.com Detailed Materials and Methods Study area and experimental setup The study area and sites were chosen based on two criteria: how representative they are of the typical Antarctic shelf habitat, and the logistical fit to pre-existing oceanographic cruise programs to minimise cost. Free-vehicle landers from the Antarctic Chemosynthetic Ecosystems (ACES) project were used at two locations (ACES 1 and 2, near to Smith Island), and a simple mooring on an acoustic release at the site in Whalers Bay, Deception Island (Main Text, figure 1a,b). The site near Smith Island lies on a relatively flat area of soft-sediment shelf environment at 550-650m depth close to the 'FOODBANCS2 Project' site 'AA', approximately 30 nautical miles south-west of Deception Island (Smith et al. 2011). The site in Whalers Bay, Deception Island, lies at the much shallower depth of 21m, close to the early 20th century whaling station. Whalers Bay is a highly unusual benthic environment, disturbed by the presence of geothermal activity (causing an influx of warm water into the harbour) (Somoza et al. 2004) and with a large number of whale bones and debris discarded by the whalers during the period 1906-1931 (Tønnessen and Johnsen 1982). SCUBA and ROV surveys in 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2011 have since confirmed the presence of a very large number of whale bones on the seafloor at depths of 0-60m in Whalers Bay [T.G.D, J.C, C.A., S.T. pers obs., Jon Copley, pers. comm.] This is the first time that a free-vehicle lander has been successfully modified for the study of deep-sea whale and wood-falls. The ACES experiments utilised a modified compact lander supplied by Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen. Each lander consisted of an aluminum frame surrounded by fixed-buoyancy foam blocks, a lifting ring, flag, separate surface float and radar reflector to aid surface recovery, ballast and a 6000m-rated IXSEA Acoustic release unit (Main Text, figure 1c). Each lander was equipped with experimental settlement substrates consisting of minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lacépède, 1804), oak wood (Quercus robur L.) and pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.). The whale bones for ACES 1 and 2 were collected from a dead, stranded carcass in Fjällbacka, Sweden on 4th April 2007, de-fleshed, sterilized in freezers and transported frozen aboard the MS Oden to Antarctica. The oak and pine wood was collected in eastern Sweden. Minke whale bones were chosen as they are abundant in the Antarctic, in the form of the species Balaenoptera bonaerensis Burmeister, 1867 (morphologically almost identical to B. acutorostrata). Oak and pine planks from Scandinavia were used as these were the building materials for the wooden ship Endurance (now a shipwreck in the Antarctic), as well as other early 20th century shipwrecks, e.g. Otto Nordenskjöld's Antarctic. For the ACES 1 experiment, the substrates consisted of 1 skull, 2 vertebra, 3 bone pieces, 8 pine planks and 1 oak plank, with a total weight of 93.5 kg. For the ACES 2 experiment, the substrates consisted of 1 scapula, 3 vertebra, 1 rib, 4 bone pieces, 8 pine planks and 1 oak plank with a total weight of 24.2 kg. The Whalers Bay mooring consisted of a single caudal vertebra (approximately 20cm in length, width and height) of a juvenile B. acutorostrata collected from a dead stranding in Asturias, Spain and treated in a similar manner to the ACES bones. The mooring itself was simply the bone attached to a piece of ballast, with a line going to an IXSEA 500 release, flotation and a larger piece of ballast. No wood was attached to the Whalers Bay mooring. The ACES 1 and 2 experiments were deployed by the Swedish Icebreaker MS Oden and the Whalers Bay mooring by a vessel from the Spanish Research Station ‘Gabriel de Castilla’ in December 2007 and January 2009 respectively (Main Text, table 1). The ACES experiments were recovered by acoustic command (and visual search) in February 2009 by the US vessel RV Laurence M Gould and the Whalers Bay mooring was recovered in January 2010 by the Spanish scientists. Thus each mooring had between 12-14 months on the seafloor. For both the ACES lander experiments, wood and whale-bone were combined onto the same mooring in order to maximise sample return per effort. We assessed the potential caveat that having two differing substrates on the same landers may influence the larval settlement, for example the presence of whale bones could inhibit larval settlement by bivalves. However, we currently discount this based on data from experimental deployments at shelf depths in the North Sea, Sweden and bathyal depths in the central Indian ocean, where bones and wood were deployed together with no observed inhibition of bivalve larval settlement on the wood (T Dahlgren, K Kemp, A Glover, unpublished data). Sampling On recovery, the bones and wood from the ACES experiments were detached from the lander frame and stored in onboard aquarium facilities at ambient temperature of 1-2°C prior to processing. Photographs of the substrate surface and fauna were taken underwater using an Olympus underwater camera. Specimens were picked and (in the case of Osedax) dissected from the whale bone under stereo microscopes and imaged using a Nikon 4500 camera with microscope adaptor (for ACES sites) and Invenio 5S CMOS with Zeiss Stemi-2000 (for Whalers Bay site) before preservation. Material that had washed off the substrates and collected in the bottom of the tanks was sieved at 300µm and examined under microscope. The majority of the fauna was later preserved in 95% ethanol in individual numbered vials, with some specimens selected for preservation in 10% formalin or 2% glutaraldehyde in sodium cacodylate buffer for more detailed morphological study. For the material from Whalers Bay, a similar protocol was used although no formalin-fixation was carried out. The bone was brought to the laboratory at the Spanish Antarctic Base 'Gabriel de Castilla' and placed in an aquarium maintained at room temperature (0-5°C) with no oxygenation of the water. Morphological analysis In the laboratory, all specimens were databased and identified to putative species level. Specimens were examined and imaged using light and electron microscopy (SEM). Light microscopy was undertaken using Wild M5 field microscopes equipped with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 camera, a Leica DM5000 compound microscope with DFC 480 camera and a Zeiss V.20 stereomicroscope with AxioCam camera. For SEM, specimens were critical-point-dried, gold-coated and imaged using a Philips XL-30 FEG scanning electron microscope. The individual males of Osedax antarcticus sp. nov. (approximately 500µm in length) were recovered separately from the tubes of the females, and critical-point-dried on their own. They were then collected from the drying chamber baskets using an eyelash attached to a stick, and carefully placed transversely across a piece of razor blade coated with a thin veneer of epoxy resin, orientated vertically above the stub, allowing the majority of the specimen, including the chaetae, to be imaged. The internal bacterial symbionts of the root tissue were imaged through a transverse section of root tissue, with exposed tissue regions gold-coated and SEM imaged as above. 38 formalin-preserved specimens of female Osedax antarcticus sp. nov. from the Smith Island site were examined, imaged and measured using the Zeiss V.20 and AxioCam camera. Measurements were taken of the maximum depth and width of the roots, trunk, palps and oviduct. The number of dwarf males was counted on each specimen. A futher 73 specimens of Osedax sp. indet. (hypothesised to be Osedax antarcticus sp. nov.) were examined from a photo taken of live animals emergent from bone samples, the maximum length of the trunk and palps was measured and analysed using Microsoft Excel. Molecular sequencing and analysis The molecular phylogenetic analyses were made with datasets from the sequences 18S, 16S and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). In total, 46 terminal taxa were included in the analyses, 26 from Osedax, 17 from other genera within Siboglinidae, and three outgroup taxa of which a spionid, Malacoceros fuliginosus (Claparède, 1870), was used as root. Outgroup choice was based on analyses of Rousset et al. (2004) and Struck et al. (2007). Accession numbers for the taxa used can be found in Table 1. In the Sabellidae outgroup, 18S and 16S from Sabella pavonina Savigny, 1822 was used together with COI from Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791). In the Oweniidae outgroup, 18S and COI from Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje, 1844 was used together with 16S from Myriochele sp. Extraction of DNA was done with DNAeasy Tissue Kit (Qiagen) following the protocol supplied by the manufacturer. About 1900 bp of 18S, 500 bp of 16S and 600 bp of COI were amplified. PCR mixtures contained ddH2O, 1 µl of each primer (10µM), 2 µl template DNA and puReTaq Ready-To-Go PCR Beads (GE Healthcare) in a mixture of total 25 µl. The temperature profile was as follows: 96ºC/240s -(94ºC/30s-48ºC/30s-72ºC/60s)*45cycles-72ºC/480s. PCR products were purified with the E.Z.N.A. Cycle-Pure Kit (Omega Bio-tek). Sequencing was performed by the Macrogen Sequencing System in Korea, on an ABI 3730XL DNA Analyser (Applied Biosystems), using primers listed in Table 3. Overlapping sequence fragments were merged into consensus sequences using Geneious (Kearse et al. 2012) and aligned using MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) for COI, and MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2002) for 18S and 16S, both alignment programs provided as plug-ins in Geneious and used with default settings. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses (BA) were conducted with MrBayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003). Analyses were run three times for each dataset with four chains for 10,000,000 generations. 2,500,000 generations were discarded as burn-in. The treefiles were tested with AWTY (Are We There Yet) (Nylander et al 2008) to see that the analyses had reached a stationary phase. The evolutionary models used for the molecular data in BA were obtained by running the datasets in MrModelTest (Nylander 2004), and for 18S the optional model was GTR+I+G, while GTR+G was suggested for 16S. For COI the data was partitioned into codon positions, and position 1 and 2 followed GTR+I+G, while HKY+G was used for position 3. A separate COI dataset was made for haplotype distribution analysis using TCS 1.21 (Clement et al. 2000), with twelve sequenced specimens of Osedax antarcticus sp. nov. Results ESM Table 1. Taxa, collection sites and NCBI GenBank accession numbers. Terminal taxa Alaysia sp. Southward, 1991 Escarpia spicata Jones, 1985 Galathealinum brachiosum Ivanov, 1961 Lamellibrachia barhami Webb, 1969 Lamellibrachia columna Southward, 1991 Lamellibrachia satsuma Miura, 1997 Malacoceros fuliginosus (Claparède, 1870) Myriochele sp. Malmgren, 1867 Oasisia alvinae Jones, 1985 Oligobrachia haakonmosbiensis Smirnov, 2000 Osedax antarcticus sp. n. Osedax deceptionensis sp. n. Osedax frankpressi Rouse et al., 2004 Osedax japonicus Fujikura et al., 2006 Osedax mucofloris Glover et al., 2005 Osedax roseus Rouse et al., 2008 Osedax rubiplumus Rouse et al., 2004 Osedax sp. 'green palp' Osedax sp. 'nude palp A' Osedax sp. 'nude palp B' Osedax sp. 'nude palp C' Osedax sp. 'nude palp D' Osedax sp. 'nude palp E' Osedax sp. 'nude palp F' Osedax sp. 'orange collar' Osedax sp. 'pinnules' Osedax sp. 'sagami 3' Osedax sp. 'sagami 4' Osedax sp. 'sagami 5' Osedax sp. 'sagami 6' Osedax sp. 'sagami 7' Osedax sp. 'sagami 8' Osedax sp. 'spiral' Osedax sp. 'white collar' Osedax sp. 'yellow collar' Osedax sp. 'yellow patch' Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje, 1844 Paraescarpia sp. Southward et al., 2002 Polybrachia sp. Ivanov, 1952 Ridgeia piscesae Jones, 1985 Riftia pachyptila Jones, 1981 18S FM995545 AF168741 AF168738 AF168742 FJ347679 FM995543 AY525632 --AF168743 AM883186 KF444420 KF444421 FJ347682 FM995535 AY941263 FM995536 FM995538 FJ347694 FJ347687 FJ347686 FJ347688 FJ347691 FJ347692 FJ347695 FJ347690 --FM995537 FM995541 FM995539 FM995540 FM995542 FM995534 FJ347693 FJ347684 FJ347689 FJ347685 AB106256 FM995546 AF168739 AF168744 AF168745 16S --AF315041 AF315040 AF315047 FJ347646 --EF431962 AY340468 AF315052 --KF444418 KF444419 AY577876 --FJ347657 AY577878 FJ347655 FJ347653 FJ347652 FJ347650 FJ347649 FJ347648 FJ347651 FJ347661 --------------FJ347647 FJ347659 FJ347660 FJ347654 --AF315053 AF315037 AF315054 AF315049 COI --FJ667537 U74066 AY129146 DQ996645 D38030 EF432016 --AY646020 FM178481 KF444422 KF444428 DQ996621 FM998111 AY827568 EU032469 EU223302 FJ347640 EU223356 EU236218 EU267675 FJ347630 FJ347634 FJ347643 EU223340 FJ431197 FM998078 FM998082 FM998083 FM998091 FM998108 FM998110 FJ347637 FJ347611 EU223323 FJ347618 AY428839 D50595 FJ480393 AF022233 FJ667529 Sabella pavonina Savigny, 1822 Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791) Sclerolinum brattstromi Webb, 1964 Sclerolinum contortum Smirnov, 2000 Siboglinum ekmani Jägersten, 1956 Spirobrachia sp. Ivanov, 1952 Tevnia jerichonana Jones, 1985 U67144 --AF315061 AM883187 AF315062 AF168740 AF168746 AY340482 --FJ347645 --AF315038 AF315036 AF315042 ESM Table 2. PCR and sequencing primers Primer 18SA 18SB 620F 584R 860F 1115R 1324F 1324R 16SarL 16SbrH OsCO1f OsCO1r Sequence 5'-3' AYCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAGT ACCTTGTTACGACTTTTACTTCCTC TAAAGYTGYTGCAGTTAAA ACGCTATTGGAGCTGGAAT GAATAATGGAATAGGA TASGACGGTATCTGATCGTCTT GGTGGTGCATGGCCG CGGCCATGCACCACC CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACGT AATTATTCGAATTGAATTAGG AATCAAAATAGGTGTTGGAATAG References Medlin et al. (1988) Nygren and Sundberg (2003) Nygren and Sundberg (2003) Persson, pers. comm. Turbeville et al. (1992)a Nygren and Sundberg (2003) Cohen et al. (1998) Cohen et al. (1998) Palumbi (1996) Palumbi (1996) Glover et al. (2005) Glover et al. (2005) --AY436349 FJ347644 FM178480 KF444429 FJ483547 AY646000 ESM Table 3. List of known Osedax. Footnotes: aClade numerals refer to figure 6e, and build upon Vrijenhoek et al (2009). bOTU's based on sequences deposited at GenBank and names mentioned in the literature using informal taxonomy. cMaximum length of trunk and crown (mm) after preservation. dOTU's are synonyms based on data provided on GenBank. eDepth estimated from Google Earth using position data reported under GenBank accession number. fBased on data on GenBank, this OTU may be a synonym of 'nude palp D'. Cladea Described species I none I none I none II O. antarcticus II none II none Undescribed OTUsb 'green palp' Depth range (m) 1820 Type/voucher Sizec locality NE Pacific 3 Palps Pinnules Roots Tube References red/green present robust, lobate ? Vrijenhoek et al. 2009 'yellow patch' & 'pinnules'd 'sagami 5' 633–1018 NE Pacific 5 pale present ? Vrijenhoek et al. 2009 113e NW Pacific ? ? ? ? ? 568-650 Antarctica 25 red, striped absentg robust, lobate thin mucous sheath Pradillon et al. (unpublished, GenBank FM995539) This study 'nude palp A' 1820 NE Pacific 25 red absent ? ? Jones et al. 2008, Vrijenhoek et al 2009 'nude palp B' 2893 NE Pacific 25 red absent ? ? Jones et al. 2008, Vrijenhoek et al 2009 113e-1018 NE Pacific 12 red absent ? ? Rouse et al. 2009, Pradillon et al (unpublished GenBank FM995540) 1018–1820 NE Pacific 12 red absent ? ? Vrijenhoek et al. 2009 II none II none 'nude palps' & 'nude palp C'd & 'sagami 6'd 'nude palp D' II none 'nude palp E' 1018 NE Pacific 12 red absent robust, lobate II none 'nude palp F' 2893 NE Pacific 18 red absent robust, lobate ? Vrijenhoek et al. 2009 II none 'sagami 8'f 113e NW Pacific ? ? ? ? ? III none 'spiral' 2893 NE Pacific 25 absent absent thin filaments thick? gelatinous IV O. frankpressi 1820–2893 NE Pacific 23 red, striped present robust, lobate gelatinous, hemispherical Pradillon et al (unpublished, GenBank FM995534) Braby et al. 2007, Vrijenhoek et al 2009 Rouse et al. 2004 IV O. mucofloris 30–125 North Sea 15 white to pink present robust, lobulate gelatinous, hemispherical Glover et al. 2005 IV O. japonicus 224–250 NW Pacific 12 white to pink present robust, lobulate gelatinous, cylindrical Fujikura et al. 2006 IV none 'yellow collar' 385 NE Pacific 18 red yes ? Braby et al. 2007 IV none 'orange collar' 385–1018 NE Pacific 18 red yes robust, lobulate ? Braby et al. 2007 IV none 'white collar' & 'sagami 7'd 113e-1018 NE Pacific 6 red, striped present robust, lobulate ? V O. rubiplumus 1820–2893 NE Pacfic 59 red present long, branched rigid, cylindrical Vrijenhoek et al. 2009, Pradillon et al. (unpublished GenBank FM995542) Rouse et al. 2004 V O. roseus 'rosy' 633–1820 NE Pacific 24 bright red present long, branched transparent, cylindrical Rouse et al. 2008 V none 'sagami 3' 113e NW Pacfic ? ? ? ? ? V none 'sagami 4' 113e NW Pacfic ? ? ? ? ? VI? O. deceptionensis 21 Antarctica 1.2 pale absent robust, lobulate gelatinous, hemispherical Pradillon et al (unpublished GenBank FM995537) Pradillon et al (unpublished GenBank FM995541) This report Vrijenhoek et al. 2009 ESM Figure 1. Frequency distribution of live palp length in Osedax antarcticus sp. nov. based on measurements of the length of the emergent palps in 73 specimens on a region of bone. References to the Electronic Supplementary Material Braby C.E., Rouse G.W., Johnson S.B., Jones W.J., Vrijenhoek R.C. 2007 Bathymetric and temporal variation among Osedax boneworms and associated megafauna on whale-falls in Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Res Pt I 54(10), 1773-1791. Clement, M., Posada, D. & Crandall, K. 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