Assessment Project

Jennifer Wysocki
Technology and Assessment
Assessment Project
1. The purpose is to measure the ability to use correct form when executing the three passing
types used in basketball. Passing is an essential skill in order to create an offensive advantage
and move the ball up the court.
Refining the Problem
2. Students are in 8th grade and are both male and female. Although the students have been
exposed to throwing and catching in the past, they have not had formal instruction for passing in
basketball. They will be exposed to the skill during the basketball unit.
3. The rating scale will be used as a pretest and posttest. The pretest will be used to evaluate if
the student has any past knowledge of the basketball passes. Also if administrators want to see
proof of progress and learning, then showing the pretest and posttest should be sufficient. After
the basketball unit is covered, the posttest will be given. Also a pretest is effective to see if any
students are advanced in the skill and was be quality peer leaders. The students will be graded on
their final posttest and should demonstrate improvement, mastery of technique, and an
understanding of the skill.
4. In basketball there are three main types of passes, the chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead
pass. Each has specific skill requirements that relate to “mature” technique. The parts of the pass
I want to emphasize in the grade is the follow through with thumbs pointed downward, the
appropriate amount of force, successfully reaching their partner with the pass, and starting
position with the ball. Natural movement and consistency will also be evaluated.
Instrumentation and Methodology
5. The rating scale is broken down into 4 categories:
Needs Improvement- The student does not show signs of understanding the fundamental
movements of the skill.
Developing- There is evidence of understanding of the skill but consistency is lacking. The
student must attempt the skill several times to be successful. The more advanced parts of the skill
are lacking.
Proficient- The student has shown understanding of the skill and has performed the movement
with proper technique. However, the student shows signs of hesitating and at times is not
successful at performing the skill.
Advanced- All the fundaments discussed and demonstrated occur without effort. Students
appear very natural demonstrating the skill. Student does not have to be reminded of any steps.
(In the advanced stage the teacher should notice if the student is confident when performing the
In the rating scale, needs improvement receives 1 point, developing receives 3 points, proficient
receives 3 points and advanced receives 4 points. Ideally a teacher wants every student to be
advanced but the reality is that many will not get to that level. If every student can be proficient,
then it was be a successful unit. That is why this rating scale can also be converted into a
“Pass/Fail” evaluation but making the minimum score a 9 out of 12.
6. A test administrator should have prior knowledge on a mature chest, bounce, and overhead
pass. If not, I have included an “ideal” description of what the correct pass should look like. The
administrator should have access to a basketball court with the key area of the court lined out.
This will be the distance the students are passing from, the width of the key. There should be a
basketball for every two students. The balls should have the appropriate air pressure, which can
be tested by dropping the ball from forehead level and the ball should bounce back to about hip
height. When administering the overhead pass have the students take a step backwards. The
teacher will be evaluating the pre and posttest and should have a rubric for each student. The
students will not be able to see the rubric before the pretest for the purpose of fully evaluating
previous knowledge. After the pretest is given the students will receive their individual scores so
they understand what they need to improve on and the categories they will be graded on. The
administrator should look at a minimum of 5 passes per student to effectively evaluate
Analysis of Results
7. The passing grade for the skill of passing is 9 out of 12. This means that the student should
score at least “Proficient” in every category of pass. I will want to convert the scores into letter
grades, A=10-12, B=7-9, C=5-6 D=3-4 F= Refusing to attempt the skill. This grading scale will
be used during the final post assessment. During this assessment the pretest would be considered
formative because it will be an assessment on previous knowledge and will be considered a scale
of improvement. The posttest will be considered a summative evaluation because it will be
occurring after all the passing lessons for been taught and will be an assessment on knowledge
learned. My basketball unit will consist of 6 skills and passing will be one of them. If each skill
is 100 points then passing will make up 1/6 of the final grade for basketball. If a student is unable
to participate in the unit then a doctor’s note will be required. With a doctor’s note the student
will still be involved by evaluating students and discussing why each student received the grade
they did. This will demonstrate knowledge of the skill. If parents want to see why a student has
received the grade that they did, the teacher will show the pretest and posttest and describe the
areas of improvement that the student needed to make.
Work Cited
Breakthrough Basketball. Basketball Passing Fundamentals, Drills, & Tips. Retrieved May 4,
2013, from
Rcampus Username Jeanninem. iRubric: Basketball:passing rubric. Retrieved May 4, 2013,
Skill: The Basketball Pass- Including Chest, Bounce, and Overhead pass
Objective: To assess the technique of the 3 basketball passes.
Directions: Please circle the correct passing level for each of the three passes. The points for
each level are indicated at the top. The test is out of 12 points. The passing grade for passing is
a 9 out of 12 indicating proficiency in the three areas.
Improvement (1
No follow through.
Ball does not get
to target.
Develeoping (2
Proficient (3
Advanced (4
Inconsistent in
demonstrating the
pass. Needs
several attempts
to complete the
Ball starts next to
chest with elbows
bent. Ball is thrust
forward with
appropriate level
of force. Ball lands
at the target,
chest level of
Hands finish with
thumbs down.
Bounce Pass
No follow through.
Ball does not get
to target without a
second bounce.
Inconsistent in
demonstrating the
pass. Needs
several attempts
to complete the
Over-head Pass
No follow through. Inconsistent in
Ball does not
demonstrating the
cover the distance. pass. Needs
Ball starts next to
chest with elbows
bent. Ball is thrust
to the floor with
amount of force.
Ball is bounced at
the appropriate
point in the floor.
Ball lands at the
target, chest level
of teammate.
Hands finish
thumbs down.
Ball starts over the
head. Ball is
thrown with
All the
discussed and
occur without
effort. Students
appear very
demonstrating the
skill. Student does
not have to be
reminded of any
All the
discussed and
occur without
effort. Students
appear very
demonstrating the
skill. Student does
not have to be
reminded of any
Chest Pass
All the
discussed and
several attempts
to complete the
appropriate force.
Ball is thrown high
over a possible
Ball lands at the
target, chest level
of teammate.
occur without
effort. Students
appear very
demonstrating the
skill. Student does
not have to be
reminded of any
Total Score: ___/12
For administrators not familiar with the basketball passes:
The ideal pass:
Chest Pass- The student will have his or her eyes focused on target, spread fingers wide,
extends arms, finish with thumbs down, and palms out at finish.
Bounce Pass- The student will have his or her eyes focused on target, spread fingers wide,
extends arms, finish with thumbs down, and palms out at finish
Overhead Pass- The student will have his or her eyes focused on target, spread fingers wide,
extends arms, finish with thumbs down, and palms out at finish.