There is no `Quick `Fix` for the Angel Gradebook, although a primer in

Hello and welcome to Angel Training 101. The
staff of e-learning at IRSC invites and welcomes
you to the ANGEL Learning Management
System.Great comment, be sure to save your
beach experience paper.
This document is designed as a quick step
Guide to Angel, to engage the Instructor at IRSC
in the Angle Learning Management System as
quickly as possible. First, watch the ‘Introduction
to Angel’.
This video provides the instructor an overview of
Angel from a student’s perspective, while
introducing the use of important items such as
Calendar, Mail, Discussion, Assignment Dropbox
and customization of the students’ home page
environment. Various tabs in Angel are also
discussed, in addition to how students will check
their grades using Angel.
Step 1.
Start Here
Click Here: to see video
From the IRSC Home Page, select the
E-learning Tab, or go straight to the Angel Log On
page. Log on to your Angel account by using the
same credentials that you use to access your
Webmail account, without the
component. Please be aware, this format is
different than the username and password you
are using for your Mariner access for online
grading purposes.
Once you have successfully logged into Angel,
you will have immediate access to your courses,
the Instructor Fundamentals / Evergreen
course, and the Assessments / Evergreen
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The purpose of these self-paced courses is to
help guide you through the navigation and
implementation of content for your face to face
and online teaching and learning environments at
IRSC. Look for these courses in the course list of
your home page. Also within your ANGEL course
list, you have access to a training and/or
development course, located near the bottom of
your course list. As ‘Course Editor’ of these
courses, you will be able to ‘customize’ the
learning environment of both your active and
training courses, upload many forms of content,
assign and accept assignments electronically,
while implementing some ‘best practices’ as
recommended in the Evergreen courses.
Step 2.
Loading Click here to see the video:
a Syllabus
All course communication between an instructor
and students can occur through the Angel
interface. The syllabus serves as a form of
contractual agreement for the course, clearly
communicating both institutional and course
specific policies benefiting both the instructor and
the student. The posting of a course syllabus in
Angel is a requirement of instructors at IRSC.
Upload a syllabus to your course Homepage,
1. Place your pointer/ mouse over the blue bar
that reads “Syllabus”.
2. Look for the small pencil icon on the far right of
the blue bar, and select the pencil.
3. Select the dropdown menu (small chevron) and
from the choices, select ‘Upload Syllabus’.
4. Select ‘Browse’ and navigate to your course
syllabus on your computer. When you find the
course syllabus, select Open.
5. Select ‘Update’. Your course syllabus is now
loaded onto the front page of your course.
To Place a Syllabus or any other File into
1. Select the course by name in your course list
2. Select the Lessons Tab, located at the top
3. Select ‘Add Content’
4. Select which type of ‘content’ you’d like to add,
in this case, select ‘File’
5. Select Browse, navigate to your file and click
6. Enter a Title, then select ‘Upload File’.
Success is indicated, Click “OK”
Step 3.
How to add an
Assignment DropBox to Angel
Document’ might contain a virus and opening it
might infect your computer. Or, perhaps you
never even get it because your internet service
provider doesn't let you receive attachments with
that file size. The I.S.P. may fail to tell you that it
would not deliver the attachment or the email.
You might have even asked your students to
submit the assignment on USB/Flash /Memory
stick. You collect all the files, dump them to your
USB Key or Flash drive, and take them home to
grade. When you get home, you cannot find the
USB Key. Where did it go? Or worse, you
download them to your computer and a virus is
found. And remember, hard drives can fail. That
means you can lose everything including the
record of the assignments and grades.
The Assignment Drop Box Tool allows you to
assign work, and to receive the assignments back
electronically. The system is backed up and files
are scanned for viruses. You can then open the
files, grade them, and send them back, without
ever having to "Print" any paper at all. The
Assignment Tool can keep track of versions,
meaning you never lose any files and can keep
track of different versions. (The "Review Tool" is a
wonderful tool in Word, used to track changes in
Red. Check out the ‘Track Changes’ button in MS
Word.) The server backs the files up for you so
that you do not have to.
Click Here for Video
Assignments turned in are time-stamped
The Assignment Dropbox: You may be asking
students to turn in their assignments by hand, on
paper printed copies. For some assignments, it
may be exactly what works best, but what if you
lost one…or many? What do you do then? Do
you ask the student to give you another copy or
do you give them a free-pass? How do you or the
student verify or prove that the assignment was
turned in and on time? Some instructors ask to
have assignments submitted via personal or
school email account. Unfortunately, that ‘Word
TOP of Page
electronically. You can identify those that came in
past the deadline or choose to ‘close’ the box at a
specific time, and the 'Assignment Drop Box' then
hidden from students access. The submission tab
becomes available for instructors to view, grade
or delete student submissions. You might even
want to send an assignment back to a student to
redo it. All of this is possible with the tool. You
can add attachments for the students to view the
assignment in detail, and then instruct students to
'Submit' their assignment via the Submit /
Attachment buttons that accompany the Drop Box
Select this Link to view a video that contains a
PowerPoint and demonstration of how to add an
Assignment Drop Box to your Angel course.
Step 4.
Add a Discussion Tool
Click here for video
You might also want to consider the Discussion
Tool as a way of keeping students involved in
your class content between class meetings. With
blended classes you can keep students engaged
from class to class by assigning a relevant topic
to discuss. Ultimately, an online class needs a
place where ideas can be discussed, and the
Discussion Tool provides that opportunity.
Private User Journal – student posts and
instructor replies are only visible to the
student and the instructor.
Private Team Journal – posts by team
members and instructor replies are only
visible to team members and instructors
Fishbowl – select students or teams to
participate in discussion while other
selected students or teams may only view
the discussion.
Hot Seat – students or teams “in” the hot
seat read and reply to topics posted by
other students or teams, but may not post
new topics themselves
Post First – users must first post a topic
before they’re allowed to view or reply to
other student’s posted topics.
Step 5
Mail Tool click here for video
The Mail Tool is the most essential tool to
communicate with your students. Using coursebased email assures that your students will
receive it. With external email and Internet
Service Providers email is often blocked for
reasons of SPAM and virus protection.
There are many options with this tool.
Discussions individually, or assign a question and
provide an automated credit for ‘participation’.
Students can be anonymous or identified in their
replies or posts. You can elect to have topic only
posts, reply only to posts, or allow true threaded
discussion generation with new topics and replies
to those topics.
The Discussion Tool provides several choices
listed below when you first enter the module.
Normal – all students may access and
participate fully in discussion.
Angel Mail can be used for both face-to-face
classes / blended and for online classes
especially. Instructors should place all of the
documents they would normally print out for
students in the course environment. Students are
then responsible to print these documents
and bring them to class.
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assessments will emphasize best practices for
Use the Mail Tool to communicate to the class
teaching in face-to-face, online, and blended
as a whole about pertinent, timely
information. You may also use the mail tool to
communicate to a student or group of students
regarding specific issues or questions about
assignments. Be sure to remind students to
check the email frequently. Angel has several
places that course email can be accessed, and
should be done so by both instructors and
students on a 48 hour, if not daily, basis. Course
email is the preferred method to contact your
students in a reliable and timely manner.
learning environments. The effective
implementation of the gradebook is important to
keep track of grades, create automated functions
for the instructor, and provide access to electronic
components such as grades for both students
and instructors.
The document below will lead you to a detailed .pdf
document that will guide you through setting up your
Step 6
gradebook in Angel.
Grade Book Tutorial
Grade Book
Click Here for Gradebook
Preferences Video
There is no ‘Quick ‘Fix’ for the Angel
Gradebook, although a primer in how to navigate
the Angel gradebook has been created to assist
Thank you for your active participation in Angel.
A new synchronous, online communication tool
called ELLUMINATE is also available to all
faculty, staff and administration at IRSC, and can
you in grading your projects, homework
be built into your course structure for live, online
assignments, quizzes and special projects to be
discussions, virtual office hours and for online,
recorded in Angel and reported simultaneously
back to your students. With the effective rollout of
virtual tutoring for your students. If you would like
this training process, more instructors, both full
to know more about the Angel Learning
time and those of adjunct status, will have better
Management System or any other program or
access to formalized training using the Angel
Learning Management system.
component such as Assessments in Angel,
please send an email to
These lessons teach practical operation and
application of instructional tools for teachers to
create the optimal learning environment for their
students. Online learning components and
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