1 APPENDIX S1 2 Appendix A. Information dissemination model of cell phone 3 Fig. S1 shows the information dissemination process of cell phone. P 1,phone is the probability that 4 person’s cell phone receiving the information and it is related to notified people (n’) in current step and 5 total population number Np. P2,phone reflects whether people could answer the cell phone and get the 6 information (from the n times cell phone experiments, there are nans(p) people answer the cell phone). 7 P3, which is related to the degree of trust of cell phone (Cphone ) and received phone numbers (nrec(p) 8 can be obtained by computational simulation) in the time step, is the probability of information 9 relievers to believers. P4,phone is felt to be the probability that people will spread information and the 10 number of spread people (Nspr(p) ) is obtained from questionnaires. 11 From the process shown in Fig. S1, effective information dissemination probability P phone is expressed 12 in equation 11. 13 1 Pphone =P1,phone P2,phone P3,phone = 1 1 N p n' n n ans ( p ) 1 1 C phone rec ( p ) n (11) 14 Delay time of the cell phone is calculated based on the data of 150 times cell phone experiments. It is a 15 weighted average of delay times in different states including answering phone, busy line, powering off 16 and hanging up. 17 18 Appendix B. Information dissemination model of short message service 19 Fig. S2 shows the information dissemination process of short message service. Among that, P1,SMS is 20 the probability of person’s cell phone receiving the message in one step and it is related to number of 21 spreaders (Nspr(SMS)), average spread number (nspr(SMS)) of spreaders and total population number (N SMS). 22 P2,SMS is the probability which is related to delay time (t d (SMS)) and the time of cell phone received the 23 message (trec(SMS)). P3,SMS, which is related to degree of trust of short message (CSMS ) and received 24 message number (nrec(SMS) ) in the time step, is the probability of information relievers to believers. 25 Among the all parameters, Nspr(SMS), P2,SMS and nrec(SMS) were obtained by simulation and nspr(SMS), NSMS 26 and CSMS a 27 From the process shown in Fig. S2, effective information dissemination probability P SMS is expressed 28 in equation 12. 1 PSMS = P1,SMS ∗ P2,SMS ∗ P3,SMS = (1 − (1 − 29 Nspr(SMS) ∗nspr(SMS) 1 NSMS ) ) · P2,SMS · (1 − (1 − CSMS )nrec(SMS) ) (12) Average delay time of short message is calculated based on the data of questionnaires. 30 31 Appendix C. Information dissemination model of news portal 32 Fig. S3 shows the information dissemination process of news portal. Here, the information is assumed 33 to be broadcasted per half an hour. Among the process, P 1,np is the ratio of visiting news portal in the 34 time periods. P2,np expresses the probability of a news portal visitor get the information from website. 35 Believing probability P3,np is calculated through the degree of trust of news portal (Cportal ) and 36 receiving times of information n ( n = 37 probability Pnp is calculated by equation 13. Pnp P1,np P2,np P3,np Tuse (i) 30 ). In summary, effective information dissemination Tuse (i ) Tuse (i ) n 30 30 (1 (1 C portal ) ) ti 60 min Tuse (i ) (1 (1 C portal ) n ) ti 60 min 180 (13) 38 Delay time of information dissemination in news portal is similar with television, and the final value is 39 calculated below: t2 t1 t2 2 2 24 0.5 t2 2 t2 dt t )( ) (14) t1 t2 2 0.5 2 2 T1,np (t1 , t2 ) P1,np f1, np (t ) p1, np (dt ) 41 Where T1,np is total delay time of news portal; 𝑃1,np denotes the proportion of each period to 24 42 hours; f1,np (t) is the function of delay time; p1,np (dt) represents the time weight of dt. t1 Tportal t 1.5 1 2 (0.75 1 48 t (n 1) t (n) t t 0.5 1 48 0.5 i 2 48 2 2 2 2 2 43 4.5 40 2 2 (15)