2011-2012 PAIU STATE SYSTEM OF SUPPORT INTERMEDIATE UNIT SUPPORT FOR BUREAU OF TEACHING AND LEARNING GOALS (formerly 2010-2011 Capacity Building Initiative: Level 1 Funding) The purpose of Statewide System of Support funding is to ensure intermediate unit capacity to support PDE initiatives in the area of professional development and Standards Aligned Systems (SAS) training. To support capacity building throughout the Commonwealth, funding will be provided to each IU to dedicate personnel to deliver services centered around the PDE goals defined below. PDE requires that IUs identify a coordinator for the initiative and personnel who will be engaged in the project; IUs should also identify the level of training for each and verify demonstration of capacity as related to the PDE goals. IUs will be expected to develop a plan to deliver technical assistance and guidance to all member districts and schools, including those who made AYP. Intermediate unit personnel will support districts to achieve the goals as defined below. It is, however, understood that IUs may set priorities based upon capacity and member district needs within each IU. PDE Defined School/District Goals Standards Aligned System Train and support teachers to use SAS resources to support effective instruction. Train and support the SAS Curriculum Mapping tool to sustain a dynamic SAS-related curriculum. Create SAS Professional Learning Communities and encourage teacher e-Portfolios to support collaboration. Remain abreast of current research, best practice, updates to SAS, and PDE initiatives. Evaluate SAS use and implementation to gauge its acceptance and efficacy. School Improvement and Strategic Planning Define achievement and growth goals from the perspective of a continuous improvement model. Develop District Supplements (with schools in Corrective Action) to Getting Results to define restructuring options. 8/10/11 2 Develop/revise, implement, and monitor effective school improvement plans. Data Tools Employ data tools (e.g. PVAAS and e-metric) as a means to inform decision making. No Fee Services to Support PDE-Defined Goals SAS Provide train the trainer training for SAS Curriculum Mapping tool. Provide SASIT training. Work with districts to assist them in identifying and submitting exemplary lesson plans and materials/resources to the SAS portal through Publish Your Best. Demonstrate the resources for instruction (e.g., Voluntary Model Curriculum, Learning Progressions, Classroom Diagnostic Testing) and how districts can utilize them. Meet with district personnel to gather feedback/data on SAS implementation, issues, concerns, needs, etc. Empower districts to promote SAS as a parent awareness vehicle. Update districts quarterly on enhancements to SAS and their application to improving teaching and learning. School Improvement Provide technical assistance in defining root cause, guiding districts in addressing achievement goals, and drafting a school improvement plan (Getting Results). Provide updates on the school improvement cycle and related requirements. Provide consultation and technical assistance through data analysis to identify priority needs. Provide supports for implementation of chosen evidence-based strategies. Identify effectiveness of best practice strategies in member schools and facilitate forums to share throughout IU districts. Assist schools/districts in implementing, monitoring, and evaluating action sequences focused on student achievement (minimum mid and end of year review with each LEA). PVAAS Provide overview sessions on PVAAS to district/building administrators and regular/special educators. Integrate the use of PVAAS into the IU’s offerings of professional development and technical assistance services in the areas of school level, grade level and student level datainformed decision-making. Support LEAs on the integration of PVAAS and e-metric as a tool: o For school level, grade level and student level planning processes. o To define district level initiatives and planning processes such as Strategic Planning o To evaluate regular education and special education programs o To communicate data and its implications to local school boards and key stakeholder groups. 8/10/11 3 Potential Fee Services to Support PDE-Defined Goals SAS Develop specialized SAS trainings to address districts’ unique needs. Moderate SAS Learning Communities and networks for member districts, including such groups as curriculum, technology, and special services councils. Assist districts in evaluating SAS use in schools and classrooms and implementing professional development to address optimal utilization of its resources. School Improvement Provide on site professional development to assist schools in improving student achievement. Offer professional development to support achievement goals. In addition to the above, IU personnel, as requested in PDE, will participate in focus and advisory groups to provide feedback to PDE on necessary additions, improvements, and evaluation of Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support goals. It is expected that IUs will survey member districts to discern needs and follow up with a plan to deliver and document services throughout the year. Monthly reporting to PDE will detail services provided as related to achievement of PDE defined goals above. End of year documentation to PDE will include a summary of services provided, feedback from districts as to efficacy of such services, and recommendations for future program delivery. Action Plan and Related Documents Please login to SAS, and then click on the following link: http://www.pdesas.org/module/communicate/PLCDashboard.aspx?cid=354 8/10/11