What is Ozone?

What is Ozone?
What is ozone?
Ozone, (O3), sometimes called "activated oxygen", contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the
two atoms we normally breathe. Ozone is the second most powerful sterlilant in the world and can be
used to destroy bacteria, viruses and odors. Ozone occurs quite readily in nature. In fact the "fresh,
clean, spring rain" smells that we notice after a storm most often results from nature’s creation of
How does ozone work?
The third oxygen atom of ozone makes it extremely reactive. When contaminants such as mold,
odors, bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, they are destroyed. This process is called
oxidation. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it very
environmentally friendly.
Are the treatments effective?
Yes. Studies show that it is far more effective than dangerous conventional disinfectants like chlorine
or bleach. Testing has proven our system to be 99.99% effective in eradicating bacteria, viruses,
smoke odor, pet odor, dust mites, bed bugs, cockroaches and all other types of vermin or
pests. Testing also revealed that our system eliminates MRSA, Strep, e-Coli, Salmonella, Listeria,
Legionella, and Black Mold. Recent media focus has been given to Ozone as a means of destroying
the Swine Flu Virus (H1N1). It will completely sanitize your home and eliminate all odors without
leaving any chemical residue behind.
Is ozone safe?
Yes. When professionally applied, shock treatments are completely safe. In fact, activated oxygen is
approved by the FDA to purify the food we eat and the water we drink.
That's one of the best features of ozone. It can be very toxic at high levels, which you must by
definition of the word have to kill something, and yet have the ability to revert completely back to a
completely nontoxic state very quickly. Because of these amazing qualities ozone may be the safest,
yet most powerful bactericides available.
Is Ozone healthy?
Yes, Ozone leaves no chemical by-products in water, nor does it leave any type of film within your
home. It will leave a clean, fresh scent in your home, which resembles the fresh scent of linens after a
wash. Ozone will not burn eyes or make them irritated in any way, nor will it dry out your skin, nose
or ears. Ozone leaves absolutely no film of any sort and will not discolor walls, drapery or carpet. In
fact, walls, carpet, drapes, blankets, etc. will be cleaned and disinfected. An ozone application in your
home or office will disinfect and purify all the surfaces within your environment and the air circulating
within it. Ozone will eradicate unhealthy microorganisms in the air and on your home's surfaces,
leaving you with a fresh, clean environment.
Ozone leaves no chemical by-products in water.
· Ozone leaves no chemical taste or smell.
· Ozone will not burn eyes or make them red or irritated.
· Ozone will not irritate or dry out skin, nose, or ears.
· Ozone will not leave a chemical film on material or skin.
· Ozone will not discolor or damage hair or clothing.
· Ozone rids water and air of unhealthy microorganisms.
How does the ozone get behind the walls?
As the generators continue to produce ozone, it forms a colorless "cloud" throughout the space. Over
time, it filters through all porous surfaces; through vents and spaces to go everywhere oxygen is
present. After several hours the ozone will even find its way behind walls and into all the "hidden"
spaces in a home or commercial building. Essentially, if there is air present, the ozone will follow it.
What happens to the mold after the Prodigy Fabricare Systems has treated it?
There is no need to do anything. The mold is dead. If the mold is not visible, there is no reason to do
anything with it; Mold will not come back to life. If the mold is visible, it is easily cleaned up with the
proper vacuuming or by wiping it away. This is a simple and safe procedure, unlike the process of
removing living mold.
What about furniture, carpets, and drapes that have been effected by mold?
In most cases, using Prodigy Fabricare Systems technology will allow you to save your clothing and
other soft goods and furnishings because the ozone will penetrate the fabrics and kill all the smoke,
mold and bacteria present. Often a thorough cleaning can then remove any stains that were present.
Allowing Prodigy Fabricare Systems to do an in home Ozone treatment, your cushions pillows and
mattresses, will also be free of dust mites as well!
What else does Ozone eradicate besides mold?
Virtually anything that requires oxygen, such as aerobic bacteria, viruses and other fungi will be
eradicated when exposed to ozone. Examples include E. coli, streptococcus, and salmonella. Anthrax is
even eradicated when exposed to high levels of ozone! All pest issues will be resolved as well including
dust mites, fleas, ticks, ants and rodents.
Can cleaning up mold be hazardous to my health?
Yes, during the cleaning process, you may be exposed to mold, strong detergents, and disinfectants.
Spore counts may be 10 to 1000 times higher than background levels when mold-contaminated
materials are disturbed. Take steps to protect you and your family's health by allowing us to do the
remediation for you.
Is the application of ozone approved by regulatory agencies?
In 1982, ozone was classified as generally recognized as Safe (GRAS) for treatment of bottled water.
Since 2001, FDA approved ozone use as an antimicrobial agent in foods. Ozone is also listed in the
National Organic Program (NOP) final rule, which permits its use in processed products labeled as
"organic" or "made with organic."