HERE - Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club

Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club
Royalty Handbook
Please read all contents of this packet. The
information in this packet will provide
everything you need to be prepared for the
pageant. Any reigning titles may not run for the same
title a second year in a row, with exceptions to 1st
alternate titles.
Good luck.
If you have any questions or concerns feel
free to call or email:
Stephanie 763-923-3606
Pageant Information and Schedule
Saturday October 11, 2014 at 1:00pm
The Pageant will begin promptly at 1:00. Please arrive early enough to allow
yourself plenty of time and do not feel rushed to be ready.
Royalty Court:
Queen- ages 16-19 Miss Stampede- ages 13-15 Princess- ages 9-12
*Age cutoff date is April of the reigning year
Indoor Portion
The indoor portion will be the first portion of the pageant. Each contestant will take her seat at
the contestant table and be ready to begin at 1:00pm sharp. The indoor will be completed in 5
categories, personal introduction, speech, modeling, impromptu questions, and judge’s interview.
Each category will begin with Queen/Attendant contestants, Miss Stampede contestants, and
then Princess Contestants.
*You will be evaluated on your personality, confidence and overall self presentation during the
entire indoor portion. Be sure to be well practiced, show your confidence and remember your
manors. Outfits should be clean and neat, in good taste, cowboy hats and queen hair. Please do
not have spurs on!
Personal Introduction
To start of the Pageant, contestants will get up and introduce themselves to the audience and
judges. Please include, but not limited to- your name, who your parents are, your age, grade,
sports, horse activities, anything else you would like to include and what position you are
running for. Keep this under 2 mins long and it should be memorized.
Speech (Princess does NOT do speech)
Queen and Attendant 3-5min
Topic: Who is the Rodeo Queen
This topic should go over who the Rodeo Queen is in your eyes. Your speech may discuss but
not limited to ideas such as: her role in the arena, her roll outside of the arena, the image behind
the queen, history, duties, characteristics of a queen and horsemanship.
NO full text scripts. Note cards are acceptable.
Miss Stampede 2-3 min
Topic: Western Heritage
This topic should go over what western heritage is. Your speech many discuss but not limited to
ideas such as: history of Westcliffe, cattle history, settling in the west, horsemanship, western
history, and how to keep the heritage alive today.
Self-presentation portion is an opportunity to show your confidence and cowgirl style. (This is
the outfit worn for the indoor portion, there will not be time to change indoor outfits.) Outfits
should be clean, pressed, age appropriate, in good taste, and western style. Contestants may wear
jeans, skirts, or dresses. Tops should be long sleeved and in good taste. Skirts should be long and
must cover the top of your boots. Contestants should be clean and in good grooming and have
“Queen Hair” (Queen Hair: is curled, teased big hair) Cowboy hats should be worn at all times
and should be clean and shaped. Boots should be clean, NO SPURS. (We are not expecting you
to go purchase a new outfit, old styles are always coming back around and jewelry can always
dress up an outfit.)
Create a modeling script to be read while you walk your choreographed modeling. The script
may be read by a person of your choice. Script may include brand of clothing, colors, ect. Be
After self-presentation you will remain up in front and complete the impromptu questions.
Impromptu Questions
Possible questions could be the following:
1. If people could know you for one quality what would it be and why?
2. Do you feel a person’s attitude affects their appearance? Why?
3. Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Why?
4. Who is the current reigning (2014) Miss Rodeo Colorado?
5. What inspired you to run for Westcliffe Stampede Queen?
6. What is your favorite horse activity to do? Why?
7. What association is the Westcliffe Stampede Rode sanctioned under?
Miss Stampede
1. What qualities do you look for in a good friend?
Which do you feel is more important, being on time or looking great?
Who do you admire in life? Why?
What is your favorite horse activity? Why?
What activities, besides horse activates are you involved in?
What traits do you feel make up a formula for a successful person?
What is your horse’s name?
What is the best book you have read? Why?
Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
Who has inspired you the most when it comes to riding and horses?
What is your favorite thing to do with horses?
*Answers should start with repeating the question and then your answer.
*Practice your answers and be prepared.
* Any answer is better than saying “I don’t know”
Judge’s Interview
After the modeling and questions each contestant will meet with the judges privately for a short
interview and questions. You will be asked questions to test your knowledge of horses and
rodeo. Review rules and rodeo terms. Remember to be confident, friendly, polite, and SMILE!
If you do not know the answer to a question, tell the judges where one could look the answer up.
Horse Questions could include:
1. What is one thing horses get vaccinated for in the spring?
2. What happens when a horse colics?
3. What breed is the most popular breed of horses in the United States?
4. What is the correct term for a baby horse?
5. What is the correct term for the dad of a horse?
6. What kinds of thing do horses eat?
7. What is the profession called of someone who shoes horses?
8. What is important to do with your horse after working it?
9. What do you to a horse before saddling?
10. What is a bridal path?
Rodeo Questions could include:
1. Where is the National Finals Rodeo held?
2. What is the job of the announcer at a rodeo?
3. What is the term used to describe bucking bulls and bucking horses?
4. What is the barrier in a roping event?
5. How many barrels are there in a barrel race pattern?
6. What is a hazer in steer wrestling?
7. What is the object of mutton busting?
8. What is the job of a Rodeo Queen?
9. What it the “Classic event or rodeo”?
10. How is a saddle bronc saddle different from a regular saddle?
11. What is the one event in rodeo that does not involve a horse?
12. If you could pick your favorite event in rodeo what would it be? Why?
Once your interview is over you may change and get your horse saddled and begin
warming up.
Outdoor Portion
There will be a 20 min warm up time before the outdoor
portion of the pageant begins.
The outdoor portion will be completed in 3 categories, pattern and horsemanship
knowledge, Queen’s wave, and flag lap.
Contestants must wear jeans, long sleeve button up western shirt tucked in, belt
and cowboy hat.
YOUR HAT MUST STAY ON IN THE ARENA!! Use hair spray and bobby
pins to ensure you do not lose your hat! You will be deducted greatly for loss of
your hat. (Stephanie is a resource to help you with tricks for things like this)
Pattern (provided the day of competition)
You will be evaluated on you as a rider not on the skill level of your horse. If your
horse acts up you will be evaluated on how you handle your horse and yourself to
calm down and continue working. You will also be evaluated on your control in
the arena. (See past Miss Rodeo Colorado patterns online for a good practice
After you complete your pattern walk up to the judges and dismount for inspection.
You will be asked questions about your horse. Make sure you are knowledgeable
of saddle and tack parts, horse parts, horse colors and markings. Then lead your
horse out of the arena.
Queens Wave
This is a fast lap around the arena on the rail. You will be evaluated on…
Rider control and use of all arena, arena etiquette at the gate
Flat hand, controlled wave (no pump handle arms), waves at everyone
Smile and connection to audience
Flag Lap
This is a fast lap around the arena on the rail with a flag. You will be evaluated
control, use of all of arena, arena etiquette at the gate
Flag positioning, control of flag
Arena EtiquetteYou will be evaluated on your arena etiquette in and around the arena. Be aware
of you and your horse the entire time. Safety is the number one concern around
an arena.
Control of horse
Pleasant to have in and around an arena and the gate
** Remember, anyone exiting the arena has the right of way at the gate. If you are waiting to
enter the arena wait for those exiting to get out safely before you try to enter.
**Remember you should enter and exit the gate at a walk; be sure to completely shut down your
horse before you approach the gate.
If the Queen fails to fulfill her duties as described the attendant will have the
opportunity to fulfill the duties of the Queen and therefore receive the scholarship
All royalty members must take responsibility for themselves and their horse at
royalty events. This means grooming and saddling horses to the best of their
ability, not making their parents do it. Helping to get herself ready and warming up
her own horse.
Queen Requirements
Attendance at the following:
-Stampede Queens Ball (This is NEW see below for expectations)
-Royal Gorge Rodeo, the first weekend in May in Canon City
-4th of July parade in Westcliffe
-Collegiate Peaks Stampede Rode, the second weekend in July in Buena Vista
-Westcliffe Stampede Rodeo, the third weekend in July here in Westcliffe for all 3
performances, Rodeo Parade, aid in moving cattle during roping events, and all
sponsorship flags
- The option between the Ranch Rodeo in La Veta the Saturday closest to the 4th of
July or Chaffee County Fair and Rodeo, the first weekend of August in Salida
-Press releases and letters to the editor reporting activities. (Stephanie can aid in
contents and contact with the paper)
-Saddle club meetings the first Mondays of May, June, July and August. Have a
report prepared to give the membership of activities at each.
Must be a member of the saddle Club. Must abide by code of conduct
.*** Benefits: $500 scholarship to be paid by Saddle Club to the college of queen’s attendance.
Must be paid within two years of high school graduation. Tiara, Buckle, and sash to keep and
Chaps and hip blanket for the use of her reign.
*** If the queen gets married or becomes pregnant during her title reign, the Queen title rolls
over to the attendant. The Queen must not partake in any illegal drug use or underage drinking
and will conduct herself in a way that will make the community proud.
“The Queen is the face of the rodeo.” You are being watch at all times and people notice
good and bad behavior.
Requirements of Attendant, Miss Stampede and Princess
-Stampede Queen’s Ball (This is NEW see below for expectations)
-4th of July parade, Westcliffe
-Westcliffe Stampede Rodeo, third weekend in July, parade and all 3 performances
- One out of town appearance. (Not limited to only one)
- Attend June, July, and August Saddle Club meetings.
Must be a member of the Saddle Club. Must abide by code of conduct
Benefits: Tiara, sash and buckle to keep. The use of hip blankets to be worn on the horses in
parades for their reign.
NEW in 2015: Stampede Queen’s Ball - This will be a fund raising evening to be
held in March! The reigning Queen will be the host of the event, along with her
court. Dinner and a DJ dance at the Saddle Club with silent auction to raise funds
to cover the expense of the buckles, tiaras, scholarship and travel. This is your first
official event as Royalty, an introduction to the community and the membership.
Queen will be expected to make a short introduction speech- this should introduce
herself, her court, thank the membership for the opportunity to represent them and
a quick synopsis of your intensions for the year!
** Boyfriends Policy- All royalty is to never be seen
acting affectionate to a boyfriend- this means no
kissing, touching, holding hands, ect. While in crown
and banner or during a rodeo. Even if you remove
your crown and banner and watch the rodeo, people
will recognize you! This will also apply for social
media during your reign- no photos of you kissing or
similar actions should be found on your social media
pages! You are the face of this rodeo and club for you
entire reigning year, if someone looked you up online
it should be as classy as you are at a rodeo!
Any action in question by any title holders will be
handled by a meeting review the incident before the
Saddle Club board. The Board holds the right to
retract any title and benefits for misconduct at any
Preparing for attendance of a rodeo as visiting royalty:
1. Coordinate with Royalty Coach for contact the hosting royalty or grand
entry coordinator at the rodeo at least 4 days ahead of time. Tell them you
would like to attend and ride in their entry, after this call you should know
the fallowing… what time to be saddled and ready to ride, who to check in
with when you arrive and any other information they have for you.
2. Prepare yourself and your horse ahead of time. Horses should be CLEAN
and groomed. Your hat should be clean and shaped, shirts ironed, jeans
clean, all tack in working order and ready to ride.
3. Double check and triple check that you have everything you need before you
leave. Bring buckets for water for your horse and hay for your horse as well.
4. Be prepared to carry flags if you are asked to and to help with any youth
events if you are asked.
5. Bring a typed bio for the announcer to read while you do your queen wave.
This should be very short and include, name, title, age, grade. (Queen MUST
also have an invite to your rodeo in your bio, with the exact dates of the
6. Have directions ready before you leave.
7. Arrive at the rodeo with plenty of time to get ready and warmed up and if
your horse is nervous in new places, early enough to go in the arena to find
any potential spooks before the rodeo.
8. KEEP YOUR HAT ON IN THE ARENA!! Losing your hat in the entry of a
rodeo is not acceptable. Hair spray on your sweat band and bobby pins in
your hair and between the sweatband and the felt of your hat will ensure
security. The best solution to a hat the falls off is a hat that fits your head
9. Smile and have a wonderful time.
10. After you ride you are expected to do some promotions for our rodeo. You
will have pictures to sign and hand out, help with the mutton busting or other
intermission activities spend some time in the grand stands, ect.