Usher Guidelines Please meet in the east foyer at 10:15 for the usher meeting. Ushers are considered part of the worship staff whose role is to enhance the worship experience for those in attendance. In addition to providing bulletins for worshippers and collecting the offering, ushers also play an important role in community building through their welcoming and greeting of individuals and through their role in answering questions and directing individuals in need of assistance. Ushers assist worshippers with seating prior to and during the service and help late comers enter worship in the least disruptive way. The ushers also serve in a security role, noting any unusual or suspicious activity and responding accordingly. Building Security We have a person who walks the building during the worship service. Ushers are on duty during worship in all four foyers to observe these areas. Pullen does not lock any doors coming into the building during worship. The back door remains open. The door to the Siler cellar is kept locked. Ushers are asked to be aware of their environment and persons walking around. As a general rule, there should not be any meandering in the building during worship. Adults, children or youth should not be sitting in empty classrooms or roaming around. When the security person finds a child roaming the building they take the child to the appropriate place. When they find a youth (or adult) roaming the building they bring them to a foyer area so that they can sit on a couch or chair and be observed by an usher during worship or go to worship. Foyer ushers need to be aware of persons who enter the building and do not go directly into worship, who appear suspicious, who appear to be roaming in the building, particularly if you do not recognize them. If a situation arises that seems suspicious, use your judgment and/or get someone to go with you to check out the situation. Supervisor of Ushers and Greeters The supervisor of ushers oversees the ushers and greeters for Sunday worship services. The supervisor: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Recruits and trains all ushers and greeters. Maintains the master worship schedule and email list of all ushers and greeters. Assigns head ushers to usher teams. Works with the youth minister in the recruitment of youth ushers. Works with the pastors and staff regarding additional worship needs or concerns. Works with the pastors with additional scheduled worship services. Communicates with the head ushers on a regular basis about issues and concerns. Communicates with the ushers and/or greeters about matters of interest or concern. Works with staff and usher crews to coordinate any special worship handouts. Reports to the Worship Council as needed. Makes decisions as needed on issues that affect ushers and greeters. Head Ushers Head Ushers attend the 10:00 a.m. worship meeting in the sanctuary. This review will highlight any special considerations in the order of worship and clarify any concerns regarding the entry of late worshippers. The head usher meets with the usher crew at 10:15 a.m. in the east foyer to go over the worship service and answer questions. Duties: 1. Supervise a crew of eight ushers and two greeters and serve as a teacher/mentor for your team. 2. Email or call all members of the team (greeters, ushers, building security, hearing device, parking lot) on the Monday prior to assigned Sunday. Ask members to respond that they will be present on that Sunday or ask them to identify the person who will be their substitute by Thursday of that week. If you are short any ushers or greeters, recruit substitutes from the master list prior to the Sunday service. 3. Attend the worship meeting at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary and confer with staff about any special needs or concerns regarding the service of worship. 4. Get the offering plates from church office and distribute. Confirm the procedure for the money bag. 5. Get bulletins (worship, for children, for large print) and distribute. 6. Hold an usher meeting at 10:15 am and review the following: Confirm usher assignments. Go over the order of worship and discuss when late comers enter the sanctuary. Answer any questions the ushers might have. Review any procedures that are needed (usually involves clarifying duties). Assign three ushers to count offering after collection (one from east side, one from west side and one from balcony.) Remind ushers to “pick up” the sanctuary at the end of worship (collect all bulletins/handouts, be sure rack has a bible with worship insert and two hymnals). Collect any unused bulletins and leave on the bulletin table in the hall. Be sure all ushers and greeters have a name tag. 7. Before worship begins check the following: Check speakers in the lobby to be sure they are on and in working order. Check sanctuary to be sure front doors to choir areas are closed. Check designated pews for the “reserve seating” cards (3 pews on each side, one in each alcove) and keep pews free for special needs. If there are a lot of people in the foyer ready to enter the sanctuary and the supervisor of the acolytes is getting ready to light the wicks, ask the supervisor to hold the acolytes briefly so you can get people into the sanctuary. Keep all aisles free from obstruction. If necessary, move walkers or wheelchairs to the side alcove. Do not allow people to sit on the floor in the back of the sanctuary. Be aware of poor weather conditions and be prepared for additional late arrivals. 8. Open the door at appropriate times to allow late comers entry into the sanctuary and seat on the back pews. 9. Remain on the main floor at the east door during the worship service. 10. Make decisions that would enhance the worship experience and deal with special circumstances that might arise during the service. Anticipate possible problems and solutions. 11. Stand at the back of the church (main aisle) and signal the pastors when communion helpers have completed covering the elements and are seated. 12. Instruct the offering counters where to leave the money envelopes. 13. Talk with supervisor of ushers if you have concerns or need replacement ushers/greeters. 14. Let the supervisor of ushers know if you run out of bulletins. 15. Let the supervisor know of any unusual problems that arise during your Sunday service. 16. Notify hear device supervisor is the volunteer does not show up to work. 17. Be aware of possible photography concerns on special services (baby dedication, other special Sundays) and remind families that the pastors will be glad to pose for pictures at the end of worship. 18. Continue to teach your team about procedures, identify problems that need attention and decisions that need to be reinforced or praised. Ushers All ushers meet with their head usher in the east foyer at 10:15 a.m. for instructions. Beverages are not allowed into the sanctuary, including the balcony areas. Large print hymnals and bulletins are available. Children’s bulletins are available. Hearing devices are available in the west foyer. No photography is allowed during the worship service. If an usher has a conflict with a given Sunday, please secure a substitute from the usher list and notify your head usher prior to your Sunday of service. All ushers are encouraged to find their voice. You communicate best when you talk and verbalize what you want someone to do, where you want them to go, where you want them to sit, etc. Once worship begins and the doors are closed, the head usher/sanctuary usher will open the door for persons to enter the sanctuary. Position yourself by where you stand to facilitate the process but use your voice to communicate your thoughts and ideas. Usher Stations for Main Floor: Two ushers are assigned to each foyer. Ushers stand at the entrance doors to the sanctuary, greet and distribute bulletins. Close one door when the bell chimes or music beings to signal the start of worship. Worshippers may continue to enter the sanctuary and be seated during the prelude. No seating is allowed on the main aisle when the acolytes are in the aisle (bringing in the light/communion elements) but seating continues on the side aisles. Both doors are closed when the Call to Worship begins and late worshippers are held. No seating is allowed during the Call to Worship. After the opening hymn, ushers work to get late comers into the service as quickly as possible with the least amount of disruption to the service. Typically, seating occurs when there is transition from one happening to another, when there is movement going to or from the pulpits, and during congregational hymns. We do not allow seating when someone is speaking from the pulpit(s), during prayers, special music or choral responses during/following prayers. Seat latecomers near the back. If someone arrives during the sermon, seat with as little disruption as possible in the back of the sanctuary. The head usher or sanctuary usher will open the door at appropriate times for people to enter the sanctuary. The foyer and alcove ushers talk with late arrivals about when to expect to enter the sanctuary. Late seating in the side alcoves after the opening hymn can be very disruptive to the whole service. Be aware of the seating availability and direct persons to the back rows when possible. Choral responses during or following prayers are part of the prayer time. Do not seat late worshippers until the prayer time, including all choral responses, is completed. If the offering is early in the service so that late comers are being held, seat the worshippers first before assuming duties for offering. East Foyer: head usher, one foyer usher, one alcove usher This is the main entrance to the church and is a busy area. The head usher assists worshippers in seating prior to the service. The head usher remains on duty at the back door during the worship service, opens the door to let late arrivals enter, seats late worshippers, assist worshippers leaving the service, and is available for any situation that might arise. The foyer and alcove ushers distribute bulletins, collect the offering, and remain on duty in the foyer during the service. Once worship begins and both doors are closed, the foyer usher stands in front of the double doors and talks with latecomers about when they can enter worship. The head usher opens the door for entry at the appropriate times. The alcove usher stands in the alcove doorway until someone wants to enter worship through the side alcove. The alcove usher goes to the sanctuary door and opens it for entry at the appropriate times. Both ushers welcome late arrivals and communicate about the service order and appropriate entry times. The foyer alcove door remains open during the service. West Foyer: sanctuary usher, one foyer usher and one alcove usher This sanctuary entrance is used by many of our worshippers on walkers and in wheelchairs because it is the side of the church where the elevator is located. The sanctuary usher assists worshippers in seating prior to the service. The sanctuary usher closes off the main aisle when the acolytes “bring in the light” or take communion elements down to the table. The sanctuary usher remains on duty at the back door during the worship service, opens the door to let late arrivals enter, seats late worshippers, assist worshippers leaving the service, and is available for any situation that might arise. If for some reason the volunteer scheduled to distribute the hearing devices does not show, get the basket of hearing aids from the closet and sit on the foyer table. Return the hearing aids to the base unit after the service. The foyer and alcove ushers distribute bulletins, collect the offering, and remain on duty in the foyer during the service. Once worship begins and both doors are closed, the foyer usher stands in front of the double doors and talks with latecomers about when they can enter worship. The sanctuary usher opens the door for entry at appropriate times. The alcove usher is responsible for the side alcove door and opens the door at appropriate times for late comers needing to enter worship. Both ushers welcome late arrivals and communicate about the service order and appropriate entry times. The foyer alcove door remains open during the service. Balcony: two ushers Ushers position just inside the double doors in the small hallway near the entrance to the side balconies. Ushers distribute bulletins, collect offering and assist late worshippers into the back balcony. Check to be sure there are several large print hymnals on the first pew by the entry doors and that there are at least two copies of a large print bulletin available for use. Try not to seat persons in the side balconies after the opening hymn. Ushers close the doors leading into the sanctuary when the call to worship begins. Ushers then direct late comers to seating with the least amount of disruption. Ushers remain outside the balcony in the small hallway during worship. Ushers should come down stairs to present the offering, should keep all walkways free from obstruction and should not allow seating on the steps or children to stand at the balcony rail. The doors into the sanctuary should remain closed during the worship service. Ushers should, however, be aware of temperature concerns. If the balcony gets hot the doors into the sanctuary and the double doors in the lobby area might need to be opened. If both sets of doors are opened noise becomes a concern. The usher might need to be near the top of the stairs so that late folks coming up the stairs can be signaled to be quiet. The two foyer areas on the second floor are typically used as a place for persons to come and sit if they are not in worship. The ushers should supervise and keep persons in the foyer area during worship. The doors to the balcony alcoves should be open during worship if people are sitting in the side balconies. Additional Thoughts Seat individuals when appropriate: new persons, crowded conditions, during service, special request. There are times when the usher should give verbal clues. Look for persons needing assistance (elderly, special needs) and seat. Keep walkers and wheelchairs out of the aisles. If necessary, go with persons to their seating area. Sometimes you will need to take the walker/wheel chair and put in the side alcove. Verbally communicate with late worshippers about the order of service and anticipated entry into service. People arrive for worship as late as 11:30-11:45 a.m. You are the face of Pullen at that moment. You are the welcoming person. Don’t just hand a bulletin and stand there. Once worship begins and the doors are closed, the foyer ushers need to be welcoming and affirming. Head usher/sanctuary usher should note where available seats are so that late people can be seated quickly and easily. Try to seat persons in the back third of the church and work from the side aisles if possible. When the sanctuary is approaching full, it might be necessary to walk down the side aisle during the hymn to check on available seats. Late persons wanting to sit in the side alcoves do not have to be seated. They need to be held at the door by an usher until an appropriate time to enter. There are instances when the usher needs to direct folks where to sit (there are seats on the back pew), by seating individuals (during a standing hymn or giving other verbal instructions. Once the alcove door opens there is nothing to prevent a person from going into the main section of the sanctuary. You help control that my communicating verbally where you want them to sit. Ask persons with beverages to remain in the foyers until they have finished their drink. Offering Procedures 1. Walk together slowly down the aisle together, side by side. Do not rush. Stand at the front of the sanctuary between the wooden hand rails until the prayer is given. Foyer ushers work the center aisles and alcove ushers work the side aisles. 2. Side aisle ushers start an offering plate in the side alcove, and then join the foyer usher to work the sanctuary plate. When the offering is completed in the side alcove, get the plate and work it into the collection process. Ushers at opposite ends of the pew should watch each other to know which usher will start the plate on a particular row. 3. When a pew has only one or two worshippers seated at the ends of the pew, present the offering plate to the worshippers at each end and hold on to the plate. Then move to the next row. Check in with the other usher. If you want the plate to go down the row, give the plate to a person and move to the next row. 4. To present the offering, the foyer ushers line up first, then the alcove, then the balcony. The lead ushers should wait until the balcony ushers are down, walk slowly down the aisle together and stand between the handrails. When the singing is complete, each foyer usher turns and leads the alcove and balcony usher out through the side alcove. 5. On occasion the organist begins the Doxology before the upstairs ushers have gotten downstairs. The foyer ushers should wait for the balcony ushers to join in the presentation. If one balcony usher is able to join the floor crew but the second usher is late, present the offering with five people. You may wait as late as the singing of the first line before going down the aisle. 6. After the offering is presented and the Doxology is completed, ushers exit through the side alcoves and meet in the foyers for counters to gather plates. Plates are given to the “counters” (three ushers max) and taken to the library for deposit collection. One usher from the east side, one usher from the west side, and one usher from the balcony should count. 7. During the offering the head usher remains at the east alcove door and the sanctuary usher remains at the west door. Watch for persons in the foyers and lend assistance if needed. 8. Three counters go to the library to sort the collection. Close the door while you are counting the money and do not let anyone join your group to talk or assist you. Use two envelopes: one for cash, another for checks. Complete the forms and insert the envelopes into the safe slot in the hallway. Ensure all counters witness the envelopes being inserted in the safe slot. 9. There should be an usher on duty in each foyer, one balcony usher on duty and the head usher and sanctuary usher at the inside back doors while the offering is being counted. Note: Balcony Offering Ushers stand at the balcony entrance as the main floor ushers walk forward. Begin collection upon completion of the prayer. When the collection is complete in the back balcony, pass the plates in the side balconies. When the offering has been collected, join the downstairs ushers for the presentation of the offering. If you are not able to join the downstairs presentation, one usher gather both plates and proceed to the library for counting. Communion Procedures Check to see if communion will be by intinction or served in the pew. If communion is served in the pew, the Deacons are responsible for getting servers. The usher crew does not have to assist. If communion is by intinction, the usher crew directs the worshippers Main Floor: 1. Two ushers (head usher and sanctuary usher) will be assigned the back doors to open and close as balcony worshippers come down for the elements. Keep the sanctuary door closed until the balcony folks get to the door. The noise from the stairs is very disturbing. Remain at the doors during communion to assist folks entering and leaving. The sanctuary usher needs to step into the foyer area to direct any youth back upstairs. 2. The alcove ushers direct persons seated in the side alcoves to communion. When the pastors walk to the communion table, walk down the side aisle and stand around the corner, waiting against the wall for the communion liturgy and the invitation to be given. When the invitation is completed, step forward, face the side alcove people and direct them down the side aisle towards the rear of the sanctuary. If you are not sure when the liturgy is completed, have the people stand when the choir stands. When everyone has left the pews, open the side alcove door so that the balcony people can return to the balcony through the side alcove. Then, move and stand in the sanctuary aisle to direct balcony persons through the side alcove door. When all balcony folks have returned, close the alcove door and take communion. 3. When the last of the balcony people have started down the aisle, the foyer ushers begin directing people from the last pew up the center aisle for communion. Gauge when people should get up based on the length of the line and how far persons must walk. Keep the line full. Don’t make the servers wait for people to come to them. It takes longer for folks in the back of the sanctuary to walk to the front so you have to get them up sooner than the folks sitting closer to the front. 4. Ushers may take communion and may join the line join as appropriate. 5. At the conclusion of communion the head usher stands at the back of the church, center aisle, and signals pastors when communion assistants have finished covering the elements and are seated. Balcony: As soon as the pastors complete the communion liturgy and give the invitation, motion for everyone in the back balcony stand and direct them to proceed downstairs. Then go to the side balconies and direct those individuals downstairs. If you aren’t sure the pastor has completed the liturgy, motion for people to stand when the choir gets up. The east foyer usher should follow the group down for communion. The west foyer usher should remain in the west foyer/balcony area until everyone is back upstairs and seated, then come downstairs for communion. Remember: Both the worshippers in the side alcoves on the main floor and back balcony get up at the same time at the end of the invitation. If you aren’t sure when the invitation ends, get worshippers up when the choir stands. Do not get worshippers up for communion before the pastors have completed the invitation. Additional Information No photography or filming is allowed during the worship service. The pastors will be glad to pose for pictures at the end of the service. If you see someone with a camera and are uncomfortable communicating the policy, tell your head usher so they can discuss the situation with the person or family. Keep all walkways free of obstacles. Move any wheelchairs, walkers, etc. to the side alcoves if appropriate. Open and close doors for people and assist those in need. Know where staff is seated in the sanctuary. Know the location of the fire extinguishers. Keep all walkways free of children. Keep the doors to the sanctuary closed at the end of the service until the ministers reach the doors for exit and the service is completed. Do not open early because of noise in the foyers and stairwells. In case of illness or need for first aid, render as much assistance as possible. The following individuals are medical personnel: Deb Norton, Charlotte Sweeney, Bob Harris, Ned Yellig, Phil Miller, Heidi Bland., Ed and Jean Sumpter, Sheila Stanley, Cindy Sawyer, Kelli Jovejoy, Cathy Cook, Jason Jones, Steve Edwards, Roger Adkins and Marchi Lopez. If you cannot work on an assigned date, get a substitute from the usher list and notify your head usher prior to the Sunday of service. Do not leave your head usher hanging! Ushers should dress in a way appropriate to maintaining a reverent and worshipful manner: collared shirts and pants for the men and slacks, blouse, collared shirt, dress or skirt for the women. No flip-flops or tennis shoes. Keep talking between ushers during the service to a minimum. Obviously there are times when communication is needed and appropriate. Communicate quietly. When people come with very young children, tactfully point out the location of the nursery where a child may be left during the service. Newborns, toddlers, two-three-four year olds are downstairs. Kindergarten and early grades go to worship and can leave the service to participate in children’s worship during their song. Close any stain glass windows that have been opened during worship because of the heat at the end of the service. There will always be times when you have to use your judgement in response to situations. Homeless Persons (Refer to head usher if needed) If an individual(s) requesting help (money, food, bus tickets, etc.) comes into the church before or during worship, refer the person to the head usher if you are uncomfortable answering their questions. The basic policy is that we do not provide any kind of assistance during Sunday School or Worship. If you consider this individual a serious threat, you may ask them to leave, get the head usher, get Cathy Tamsberg or call 911 if the threat seems real and imminent. However, calling 911 is the last resort. The church provides assistance (food, bus tickets) on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Ask them to come back at that time. If you feel the individual needs help now, ask them to wait in the foyer until after worship or ask them to come into worship. The head usher will notify Cathy that someone needs her assistance. Cathy usually sits on the right side on the main floor of the sanctuary about half way down and tries to get a seat on the end of a row in case she is needed. Do not let the individual roam the building or send the person to sit in or by the church office. Know that we generally do not give out cash or purchase bus tickets to other cities. Our financial assistance via check (which takes a few days to cut) is very limited. However, we do help when we can. Cathy is responsible for this part of our ministry, so these persons should be referred to her as often as possible. Guidelines for Supporting People with Disabilities These recommendations were developed by the Pullen Inclusion Committee to assist ushers to ask questions and provide resources. Always speak directly to the person with a disability. Look directly at the person with the disability, not at companion(s) or support staff. Offer assistance, but do not impose. It may take the person a little longer to manage alone, but let it remain his/her choice. Ask the person for the best way for you to assist. If it is a small child with a parent, ask the parent. Do not pretend to understand if someone’s speech is unclear. Politely ask the person to repeat or clarify. Have pencil and paper with you in case written communication is necessary. Treat adult with disabilities as adults. If you encounter unusual behavior, remain calm and non-judgmental. Listen carefully and offer support. Be sensitive to the fact that people react to touch differently. Some may be appreciative, others feel threatened. Keep information simple. Different people process at different rates. Do not pet assistance dogs without permission. They are working and must focus on the person they are assisting. Please help us reserve the limited amount of pew cuts for persons who use walkers or wheelchairs and their companions.