Elana Ziegenbein Digital Story-Telling Standard 3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text • 4. Use elements of poetry to facilitate understanding OBJECTIVES 1. Identify rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in poems read to them Summarize the events or tell the meaning of the poem Script: Digital Story-Telling by Elana Ziegenbein Using elements of poetry to facilitate understanding Identify rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in poems, read to them, summarize the events or tell the meaning of the poem. Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words. Rhythm is the recurrence or accents or stress in lines of verses. Repetition, the repeating of a word of phrase within a poetical line in order to emphasize. Now we will read a poem and analyze it. Read Shell Silverstein’s “Hug O’ War”. Let’s start by finding the rhyme. In the first two lines, “ I will not play at tug o’ war, I’d rather play at hug o’ war.” What sounds similar? Tug o-war’ and hug O’ war. Continue to read poem and point out the rhymes Shel Silverstein is using end rhyme Next, lets look at repletion. Remember repetition is the repeating of a word or phrase within a poetical line in order to emphasize it. In Shel Silverstein’s poem, “Hug O’ War” we find that he most commonly repeats the word “everyone”. He might do this to emphasize the unity of the poem or to call everyone to change or peace. Now that we have used repetition and rhyme to analyze the poem, were you able to find the meaning of the poem? Were you able to infer that Shel Silverstein was talking about promoting peace around the world and love instead of hate? By using the elements of poetry we were able to better understand the poem by breaking it down and finding the rhythm, the rhyme, and the repetition. By doing this, we were able to see the theme and what Shel Silverstein wanted us to emphasize. Until next time, Great work.