University of Texas at El Paso Student Government Association Agenda 4:34 p.m. October 7, 2009 Union East, 3rd Floor Room 304 I. II. III. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Executive Board Alex Munoz, President Ricky L. Nichols, Vice President-Internal Davi Kallman, Vice President-External Diana Gloria, Executive Assistant Present Present/Excused @5:47 PM Present @4:56 PM Absent Collegiate Senators Nadia Ramirez, College of Business Rosemary E. Prieto, College of Education Paola Acosta, College of Engineering Sofia F. Maragoudakis, College of Health Sciences Alex Diaz, College of Liberal Arts Rebecca R. Hernandez, School of Nursing Faustino C. Payan, College of Science Akshay Pai, Graduate School Present Present Present @4:47 PM Present Present Absent Absent Absent Senators-at-Large Alejandra Acosta Emmanuel Arzate Monica Castillo Lorena M. Garcia Gaby Leyva Marcela Licon Ana P. Martinez Cesar Alejandro Monsivais Pablo L. Padilla Wendy Rios Iskra Rodriguez Iris Tavarez Absent Present @5:53 PM Present Present Present Present Present/Excused@5:38 PM Present Present Absent Present Present @4:36 PM NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call the SGA office at (915) 747-6472 in advance so that arrangements may be made. IV. Announcement of Quorum Information NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under the AGENDA, including those on the Addition to the Agenda, will be considered by the STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION to be routine and will be enacted by one motion unless separate discussion is requested by SGA Members. Prior to the vote, members of the audience may ask questions regarding items on the agenda. When the vote has been taken, if an item has not been called out for separate discussion, the item has been approved. Student Government Association may, however, reconsider any item at any time during the meeting. The wording of all agenda items shall appear in the minutes of this meeting of the Student Government Association as posted, unless otherwise revised by this or other motion of SGA, without the necessity of the Senate Clerk reading the wording of each item into the record. V. Introduction of Guests Information Sergio Garcia- Bill No. 43 Jorge Frias- Bill No. 46 Lucia Dura- Bill No. 44 Li-Hao Yeh- Bill No. 45 VI. Revisions & Approval of Minutes Information/Action A. September 30, 2009 Minutes Approved VII. Revisions to the Agenda Information/Action Items added to New Business VIII. Approval of Agenda Information/Action Agenda Approved IX. Old Business No Old Business X. New Business A) Bill #43-Sergio I. Garcia Action A bill to appropriate the sum of $250.00 to help defray expenses of sending (1) one student to Providence, Rhode Island to attend to the National Conference on Latino Politics, Power and Policy at Brown University on October 24, 2009… Padilla/Licon/Garcia B) Bill #44- Lucia Dura Action A bill to appropriate the sum of $250.00 to help defray expenses of sending (1) one student to the National Communication Association Annual Convention in Chicago, Illinois from November 11, 2009 through November 13, 2009… Castillo/Licon/Martinez C) Bill#45-Li-Hao Yeh Action A bill to appropriate the sum of $250.00 to help defray expensesof sending (1) one student, Li-Hao Yeh, to present a poster titled “The influence of cross-language lexical activation on bilingual syntactic processing in sentence context” at the Armadillo: The Southwest Cognition Conference at Rice University, Houston, Texas from Oct. 23th to Oct. 24th , 2009… Ramirez/P. Acosta/Licon D) Bill#46-Jorge Frias- MAES/SHPE Action A bill to appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 to help defray the expenses of sending (50) fifty members of the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES) to attend the MAES National Symposium and Career Fair, which will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, scheduled for November 4 through 8, 2009 at the Riviera Hotel… Rodriguez/Acosta/Licon E)SARC appointments 1)Julian Casillas as Prosecutor Castillo/Leyva/General Consent 2)Pablo Perez as Prosecutor Castillo/Leyva/General Consent 3)Rusty Booth as Attorney General Castillo/Leyva/General Consent 4)Alex Chacon as Defender Castillo/Prieto/General Consent 5)Jennifer Huber as Traffic Court Justice Castillo/Leyva/General Consent 6)Gabi Munoz as Traffic Court Justice Castillo/P. Acosta/General Consent 7)Marco Favella as Traffic Court Alternate Castillo/P. Acosta/General Consent 8)Edgar Picasso as Alternate Traffic Court Alternate Castillo/Licon/General Consent F)Absence approvals 1)Alejandra Acosta Castillo/Martinez/General Consent 2)Wendy Rios Padilla/Monsivais/General Consent 3)Becky Hernandez Prieto/Maragoudakis/General Consent 4)Davi Kallman Monsivais/Diaz/General Consent 5)Davi Kallman-Last week’s absence Licon/Padilla/Diaz 6)Emmanuel Arzate Diaz/Padilla/Tavarez 7)Sofia Maragoudakis Licon/Arzate/Padilla G)LA Approval Senator Prieto’s new LA- Sandra Balderrama Licon/Martinez H)Swearing inJulian Casillas, Rusty Booth, Gabi Munoz, Fedra Munoz got sworn in by Dr. Edens. XI. XII. President’s Report Information Met with all deans, and got the consent to work the projects, such as, for each department to get task forces for disabled students. Get the Mine Tracker award. For undergraduate courses to get the same book for all students. There was some issues at the UT sack, dealing with the emplacement of faculty. Proposition 4 will be November 3rd- Resolution to make it public with the help of Senators. Senator Pai has been busy doing some research, plans to be back October 15. Disappointed with the lack of participation of senators in the “Rise and Shine” Mountain hike with Senator Shapleigh, only 4 attended, and got invalid excuses, make sure that if one signs in his/her name to something, one does it. Appreciates senators attendance, but senators are losing focus dealing with the most important projects. Projects that have been forgotten are: More discounts for food in campus, microwaves for public use, 24 hour computer access, more student organizations. Senators need to focus more in their jobs. Vice President of Internal Affairs’ Report Information/Action XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. There has been confusion dealing with the committees, there are 2 different committees, one ad-hoc, and one standing. Has not submit payrolls because VPI wants to talk with senators that have several absences in meetings. Contact VPI to view each senator’s records. Will be at his office Friday from 10-2 PM. Make sure to clock out. Vice President of External Affairs’ Report Information Thanked senators who attended the homecoming activities, but would like to see more senators to get involved. Will try to have the Faculty Senate, and integrants cannot be part of SGA, will be published on the Prosecutor, and give flyers. Will try to have 3 special events, Thanksgiving dinner, Talent Show, and have a guest speaker. Senators should attend the EXCEL induction Thursday @6:00 PM Executive Assistant Report Information Absent Senate Majority Leader Issues to get addressed. Contact Monsivais. Dean of Students – Advisor Report Information Swimming and Fitness Center grand opening tomorrow at noon, free food. Excused @6:00 PM because of another meeting. Committee Report Information A. Standing Committee’s: 1) SARC- Judicial Court, missing 1 defender. 2) DRC – Recreations of by-laws amendments will be sent via e-mail. 3) APPROPRIATIONS- Since 4 bills were appropriated, 1,750 dollars were given, the present budget has 19,895 dollars. The 1,000 dollars that were appropriated to Carlos, were given back. B. Ad-Hoc Committee’s: 1) Excel- Thursday is induction @ 6:00 PM. Have 17 RSVPS. Senators must attend. Stay after for a small reception, will be in the Prospector. Retreat Saturday from 9 to 5 PM. 2) CCQ - EXPO this Friday & Saturday 9-5 PM, will have 3 tables at the Convention Center. 3) Traffic- finished Miner Metro Appreciation week. Try to get buses in campus for disabled students. Try to fix Sun Metro routes. 4) Special Events- Talent show, guest speaker, Thanksgiving dinner, Miner Heroes. Homecoming spirit award- MPO won, do the plaque. 5) Academic Affairs- Communication committee – 1st week of November, meetings Thursday @3:30 PM at the Judicial Room 6) House of Student Representatives- Diaz stepped down, change to CCQ. f C. Special Project Committee’s: 1)H1N1- Ordered hand sanitizers, used 4,750 dollars, 250 dollars to promote it, senators can volunteer. XVIII. Items Laid on the Table XIX. Open Discussion -President Munoz- Apologized for VPI’s attitude. 2 volleyball matches, attend, Friday and Sunday. Promote SGA in events. -Padilla- Read bi-laws. -P. Acosta- @12:30 attended open forum, it had a bad turnout. Will make 2 surveys for students. Try to expand engineering building. -Iskra Rodriguez- SGA brochure next week before Wednesday. Save the lids of Yoplait yogurt. -Booth- Fundraising idea, 25 dollar fee to reserve a spot for tailgating. Governor Rick Perry will be at the Hilton Garden Inn, Friday @ 4:30 PM. XX. Public Comment Information At the call of the President, public comments shall be heard by the SGA. Upon proper request students, faculty, administration, and the public shall be granted the floor by the Vice-President of Internal Affairs. Please note that due to time restrictions the President reserves the right and authority to place a time limit of public comment in the compliance with the By-Laws Article IV. Section B. 2. XXI. Adjournment Castillo/Acosta/Diaz Information 6:35 PM This document will be posted at the following locations: UTEP SGA Office, UTEP Student Development Center, and Vice-President of Student Affairs Office. Posted: Spetember 30th, 2009; 2:30 p.m Revised: September 30th, 2009,- 4:45 p.m Approved: October 14nd, 2009,- 4:00 p.m Approved By: ___________________________ VPI Nichols- Date