SAR Application A1 Pres Route – AF and FHEA 30.7.15

Swansea Application Route: Application Form
This form should be completed for all staff members wishing to apply to the SAR. There are two application routes, via written application or
presentation and there are also 3 categories of Fellowship accredited via the scheme (matching Descriptors D1, 2 and 3). Form A1 is used for
Associate Fellow and Fellow applications at D1 and 2 by presentation. Form A2 is used for senior fellows at D3 choosing the presentation route.
Form B1 for the written route is used for Associate Fellows and Fellows and Form B2 for senior fellow applicants. All forms should be read in
conjunction with the UK Professional Standards Framework.
Form A1 - Swansea Application Route: Application Form – Presentation Route
General Information
Presentation time for Associate Fellow applications = 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions
Presentation time for Fellowship applications = 30 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions
College and Department:
Position (e.g. Head of Careers/ Associate Professor/Professor):
Role (e.g. Programme director, Head of Department etc):
Application for: Associate Fellow or Fellow (delete as
If applying for Fellow please indicate if you are already an
Associate Fellow of the Academy (delete as appropriate)
I am an Associate Fellow and my reference number is ______
I am not an Associate Fellow of the Academy
Length of Employment at Swansea University (approx. years)
Length of Employment in Higher Education (approx. years)
Your application must be accompanied by two references from people who are in a position to comment on your teaching and learning
achievements and is familiar with the UKPSF.
It is your responsibility to collect and submit the references.
First referee
Job title:
Email address
In what capacity can this individual comment on your professional practice?
Second referee
Job title:
Email address
In what capacity can this individual comment on your professional practice?
Line Manager sign-off
You should also include sign-off from your current line manager when your application is completed.
Presentation of Continuing Professional Development
The presentation must show how your evidence relates to the Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values.
Please indicate how you plan to present your reflective account of your practice here. For example, will you be using PowerPoint, delivering a
personal description, or demonstrating technology enhanced learning materials via Blackboard or the web?
Please note that you will be asked to provide a copy of your presentation and/or audio-visual materials.
Continuing Professional Development – your activities
Please list your CPD activities and map them against the UKPSF. You
are not required to attach any supplementary evidence but you should
be aware that this may be requested by the SAR Panel. Include as
many examples as you wish by expanding the form.
Example: Redesigned assessment strategy
Map against UKPSF:
Areas of Activity 1 – 5 as A1, A2 etc
Core Knowledge 1 – 6 as K1, K2 etc
Professional Values 1 – 4 as V1, V2 etc
A1,, A3, K2, K4, V2, V4
Please choose the activities that you wish to focus on in your presentation as you will not have time to cover everything in the
presentation time. However, you must demonstrate that you have covered all the ‘Areas of Activity’. The chosen activities should be
the ones that most clearly demonstrate engagement with the UKPSF. Please indicate here which areas of practice you will be
Supporting Evidence
Please provide supporting evidence against each of the key areas. Please note that the information in the key areas sections varies for each
descriptor (Associate Fellow or Fellow).
Associate Fellowship applications - At least 2 of the 5 Areas A1-A5 must be evidenced.
Fellowship applications - All Areas A1-A5 must be completed.
List titles of main sources of evidence below
Design and plan learning activities
and/or programmes of study
Teach and/or support learning
Assess and give feedback to
Develop effective learning
environments and approaches to
student support and guidance
Engage in continuing professional
development in
subjects/disciplines and their
pedagogy, incorporating research,
scholarship and the evaluation of
professional practices
List titles of main sources of evidence below
Associate Fellows MUST demonstrate evidence against K1 and K2.
Fellow applicants must demonstrated evidence against ALL of the Core Knowledge elements
The subject material
Appropriate methods for teaching
and learning in the subject area
and at the category of the
academic programme
How students learn, both generally
and within their subject /
disciplinary area(s)
The use and value of appropriate
learning technologies
Methods for evaluating the
effectiveness of teaching
The implications of quality
assurance and quality
enhancement for academic and
professional practice with a
particular focus on teaching
Respect individual learners and
diverse learning communities
Promote participation in higher
education and equality of
opportunity for learners
Use evidence-informed approaches
and the outcomes from research,
scholarship and continuing
professional development
Acknowledge the wider context in
which higher education operates
recognising the implications for
List titles of main sources of evidence below
professional practice
Applicant Checklist – please insert a ‘X’ in the relevant rows and include with your application
I am content that my application, presentation and supporting evidence have demonstrated the following:
Successful engagement with at least two of the five Areas of Activity
Successful engagement in appropriate teaching and practices related to these Areas of Activity
Appropriate Core Knowledge and understanding of at least K1 and K2
A commitment to appropriate Professional Values in facilitating others’ learning
Relevant professional practices, subject and pedagogic research and/or scholarship within the above activities
Successful engagement, where appropriate, in professional development activity related to teaching, learning and assessment
Clear evidence of my impact on the student learning experience
A personal account, demonstrating my commitment to learning and teaching which should be written in the first person
A reflective not purely descriptive account, demonstrating my actions in terms of improving my teaching, learning or assessment practice
and/or impact on others
Applications for Fellowship
I am content that my application, presentation and supporting evidence have demonstrated the following:
Successful engagement across all five Areas of Activity
Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge
A commitment to all the Professional Values
Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity
Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and / or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach
to academic practice
Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning, assessment and, where appropriate, related
professional practices
Clear evidence of my impact on the student learning experience
A personal account, demonstrating my commitment to learning and teaching which should be written in the first person
A reflective not purely descriptive account, demonstrating my actions in terms of improving my teaching, learning or assessment practice
and/or impact on others