2014 – 2015 Natomas High School Student Handbook It’s a GREAT day to be a NIGHTHAWK, CAW!! Table of Contents Natomas High School Contact Information Pages 4 - 5 Counseling Office Graduation Ceremony Eligibility Graduation Requirements Pages 5 -6 Intervention Counseling School Psychologist Library Media Center Technology Page 6 Williams Act Attendance Clearing Absences Excusable Absences Make-up Work after an Unexcused Absence SART SARB Campus Information Student Deliveries Visitors on Campus Eligibility Requirements Pages 6 - 7 Late Arrival to School Tardy Policy Early Dismissal Closed Campus Hall Passes Pages 7 - 8 Student Billing School Accountability Report Card Page 8 Eligibility Behavior and Discipline Policies Prohibited items Cell Phones and Electronic Devices Code of Academic Integrity Confiscated Items Dangerous Objects at School Disruption of the Educational Process Dress Code Freedom of Speech/Expression Gambling Gang Activity Good Neighbor Policy Harassment Disciplinary Actions Tardy Policy Matrix Cut Policy Matrix Class Suspension Matrix Classroom Suspension Registrar’s Office Residency Inter-District Transfer Agreements Student Health Concerns/ Requirements Pages 8 - 13 Loitering Mutual Combat (Fighting) Possession of Drubs/Alcohol with Intent to Sell Senior Contract Tobacco Public Displays of Affection (PDA) Sacramento Police Student Searches Student Photo Identification Cards Transportation Pages 14 - 15 After-School Detention ADA Recovery Detention (Late School) In-School Suspension Out-of-School Suspension Page 16 Student Checkout from Natomas High School Page 16 Emergency Cards Student with Medications 2 Natomas High School Office Staff Contact Information 3301 Fong Ranch Road, Sacramento, Ca 95834 Phone: 916-641-4960 Fax: 916-641-5455 Administration Mark Beebe– Principal Ext. 3010 mbeebe@natomas.k12.ca.us Shea Borges – Assistant Principal Ext. 3025 sborges@natomas.k12.us.ca.us Jessica Martin – Assistant Principal Ext. 3025 jmartin@natomas.k12.ca.us Jill Thom – Assistant Principal Ext. 3023 jthom@natomas.k12.ca.us Counselors Sherri Sandoval – Head Counselor Ext. 3051 ssandovals@natomas.k12.ca.us Brenda Borge – Counselor Ext. 3052 bborge@natomas.k12.ca.us Celina Adams– Counselor Ext. 3054 cadams@natomas.k12.ca.us Athletics/Activities Anthony Agrella – Athletic Director aagrella@natomas.k12.ca.us Jenna Boller – Activities Director jboller@natomas.k12.ca.us Administrative Assistants Yudelka Morales-School Site Coordinator ymorales@natomas.k12.ca.us Pam Rothwell – Counseling Secretary Ext. 3050 prothwell@natomas.k12.ca.us Adia Gipson – Assistant Principal Secretary Ext. 3025 agipson@natomas.k12.ca.us Shirley Lacey – Principal Secretary Ext. 3010 slacey@natomas.k12.ca.us – Front Office Secretary Ext. 3000 @natomas.k12.ca.us Student Services Support Staff Nena Cortez – Attendance Clerk Ext. 3030 ncortez@natomas.k12.ca.us Brenda Meyer-Noe – Bookkeeper/Billing Ext. 3040 bmeyer-noe@natomas.k12.ca.us Donna Milwee-Registrar Ext. 3070 dmilwee@natomas.k12.ca.us – Career Center Tech Ext. 3095 @natomas.k12.ca.us Lou Matthias – Health Assistant Ext. 3045 lmatthias@natomas.k12.ca.us Tina Paoli – Library Media Center Tech Ext. 4000 tpaoli@natomas.k12.ca.us Officer – School Resource Officer (SRO) Ext. 3000 3 Welcome to the beginning of another great year at Natomas High School! Principal and Assistant Principals Principal: Mark Beebe Assistant Principal: Shea Borges, serving students with the last name S-Z Assistant Principal: Jessica Martin, serving students with the last name A-G students Assistant Principal: Jill Thom, serving students with the last name H-R Counseling Office Head Counselor: Sherri Sandoval, serving students with the last name H-R Counselor: Brenda Borge, serving students with the last name A-G Counselor: Celina Adams, serving students with the last name S-Z Class Assignments and Changes Schedule changes will only be approved if the request meets one of the following criteria: The student has two classes scheduled for the same period The student has not met the prerequisites for the class The student is repeating a class that was successfully passed The student is missing a core class or class needed for graduation Students have five (5) days into each semester to request a schedule change ONLY because of the above criteria. All schedule changes made after the 5th day of instruction in any given semester can only be approved by an Administrator. Any dropped class after the 5th day of instruction will result in a withdrawal “F”. Graduation Requirements Natomas Unified School District requires high school students to complete 220 credits to graduate. For more details, consult a Counselor or review Natomas High School Course Catalog 2012-2013. Subject Credits English 40 Math (including Algebra 1) 20 Physical Science 10 Life Science 10 Health 5 American Government 5 Economics 5 World Geography 5 Semesters 8 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 Subject World History U.S. History Physical Education World Language VAPA Computer Applications Electives Credits 10 10 20 10 10 10 50 Semesters 2 2 4 2 2 2 10 Total Credits to Graduate=220 Graduation Ceremony Eligibility All students MUST meet all state and district eligibility requirements. These requirements include successfully passing the California High School Exit Exam, and earning all credits within each given curricular area. NO STUDENT shall take part in the graduation ceremony that cannot be certified as meeting ALL stated graduation requirements. Intervention Counseling Natomas High School offers several options for intervention counseling. Mission Possible – Services include general mental health counseling for individuals and families 4 Strategies for Change – services include drug and alcohol abuse intervention; anger management counseling Student Success Team (SST) - The SST meeting is a school-based, problem-solving group including all of the students’ teachers, the counselor, administrator, and parent/guardian. Requests for a SST meeting can be made through the Counseling Secretary. School Psychologist The primary function of the School Psychologist is to provide assessment, consultation, counseling, and referral service to students, school staff and parents. The aim is to improve student learning and adjustment. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER (LMC) The LMC is for quiet study, research, reading, and whole class instruction and is available before school, during lunch, and after school. Technology – Acceptable Use Policy In order for students to have access to computers during the school year, the parent/guardian must read the following District Policy (AR6162-7). The Natomas Unified School District will make its computing and network resources available to its students and staff solely for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the District. All other uses of District computing and network resources are strictly prohibited. For the complete Natomas Unified School District Acceptable Use Board Policy please visit the NUSD website or visit the NUSD district office. Williams Act Please visit the Natomas High School website for information regarding the Williams Act ATTENDANCE Students who do not maintain 90% attendance (unexcused or unverified absences) may not be able to take part in traditional high school activities such as dances, proms, sports, drama performances, field trips, etc. Clearing Absences Parents / guardians must clear all absences in advance of the absence or within 3 days by calling the attendance office (Nena Cortez) at 641-4960 ext. 3030, or by writing a note including the following information: Student's full legal name (please print name clearly) The day(s) and date(s) of absence(s) Reason for the absence Parents/Guardian name and the relationship to the student Home and work phone numbers All absences not cleared within 3 days will be considered truancies and will be counted in assigning Attendance Codes. Students will be given make-up work for excused absences. Students are required to turn in all make-up work within 48 hours after each day of an excused absence. Excusable Absences The Education Code lists the following as the only legal excuses for absences from school: Personal Illness: The school may require certification from a doctor if it is deemed advisable. (After 5 or more days of absence due to illness, a note from a doctor is required.) 5 Quarantine in the Home: An absence arising from this condition is limited to the length of quarantine as fixed by county or city health officer. Death of a Relative: For the purpose of attending the funeral services of a member of the immediate family. One day for in state, and three days for out of state. Medical Appointment: Services rendered include medical, dental, optometry or chiropractic. Any student absence due to a doctor or dental appointment must be cleared with written proof of the appointment from the doctor or dental office. School Activity In School Suspension Jury Duty/Court Appearance Short Term Independent Study Make-up Work after an Unexcused Absence Students can request make-up work for unexcused absences from their individual teachers. Teachers, at their discretion, may or may not grant these requests. The following is a sample list of unexcused absences: Vacations Family need (other than personal illness or bereavement) Truant to classes/Tardy to class Juvenile Hall Home Suspension SART Student Attendance Review Team (SART) reviews student attendance and disruptive behavior at the site level. Students who are considered a habitual truant by the Natomas High School will be referred to SART. The SART will meet with the parent and student to review student attendance record and sign an Attendance Contract. Students who do not comply with the contract agreement, and misses one more period of school for anything other than a documented, excusable reason, the student’s name and record will be forwarded to the Natomas Unified School District School Attendance Review Board (SARB) and the student and guardian will be required to attend a hearing regarding the student’s habitual truancy. This may lead to a referral to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution pursuant to Penal Code 272 and Education Code 48290. SARB School Attendance Review Board (SARB) reviews student attendance and disruptive behavior at the district level. Students may be referred to SARB for habitual truancy, irregular attendance, habitual insubordination, or disorderly conduct at school. SARB may direct that a student take part in community services. SARB may involve the district attorney or the county probation department in a student’s case. SARB may transfer the student to another school or to an alternate education program Late Arrival to School Students who arrive 30 minutes past the beginning of the school day need to check in at the attendance office for a pass to class. Students who arrive late to school shall have a written note explaining the reason for their tardy. Tardy Policy Students who are not at their designated places (review individual teacher policy) when the final tardy bell rings to signal the start of the class period, shall be marked tardy. Students who are habitually tardy will be required to make up time missed through various disciplinary actions. Early Dismissal 6 Appointments: To leave the school during class time or between classes, a student should bring a note from the parent/guardian, prior to the beginning of the school day, stating the reason for leaving and the time to be dismissed from school (school staff must be able to reach the parent/guardian by phone in order to secure permission to leave school). The note needs to be submitted to the Attendance Office. Illness at School: Receive permission from a teacher to go the nurses office, the Health Assistant will call home to obtain permission for the student to leave. Students who leave campus without obtaining clearance as described above will receive a “cut” for each period missed. Closed Campus Natomas High School is a closed campus, which means that students are not permitted to leave school once the school day has started. Students who leave campus without permission will receive truancies for the periods missed and will be required to make up the time missed through various disciplinary actions. Students who are habitually truant may receive a home suspension for a period of 1 to 5 days, depending upon the severity of the offense. Hall Passes All students MUST have a written pass from an administrator, counselor, or teacher to be away from their class during class time. Teachers will not issue restroom passes during the first and last fifteen (15) minutes of each class period. Campus Information Student Deliveries Due to the importance of instructional time, student deliveries will not be made during class time. Students may pick up deliveries at the front office during student lunch time. Food deliveries that compete with Natomas High School’s hot lunch program are against federal law. If a parent/care giver wishes to deliver food to a student, the parent/caregiver must bring the food to the front office during the lunch hour and have the student paged to the office. Deliveries of birthday or other celebration items (like balloons, flowers, etc,) will not be delivered. If a student is found to have these items, they may be confiscated by school personnel and held until the end of the school day. Baked goods, such as cakes, cupcakes, brownies, etc., are NOT allowed on campus. Any such items WILL BE CONFISICATED. Visitors on Campus To ensure campus safety, no person may be on school grounds unless they are an employee of the NUSD or a registered NHS student. Students MAY NOT bring visitors to campus without prior consent from NHS Administration. Parents/Guardians are always welcome to visit the Natomas campus and may visit classrooms; however, we ask that each visit be pre-arranged 24 hours ahead of time with the teacher to ensure the least amount of disruption. All visitors must check in at the main office and obtain a visitor’s badge. Student Billing Students who owe money to Natomas High School due to lost books, uniforms; ID Cards, etc. are required to clear all bills as soon as possible. Students who owe money to Natomas High School may not be eligible for extracurricular activities such as dances, athletics, prom, gradation ceremony, senior trip, etc. Payment plans can be arranged on a case-by-case basis through the bookkeeper or an administrator. All billing shall be cleared via cash or money order, CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 7 If a student does not return school items or has accumulated unpaid debt, the California Education Code provides that Natomas High School has the right to withhold official transcripts and/or report cards from the student until all items have been paid for or returned [Section 48904(b)]. If you have any questions about student billing, please contact Brenda Meyer-Noe at extension 3040. School Accountability Report Card (SARC) Natomas High School’s School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is available on the Natomas High School website. The SARC is a state mandated report that describes Natomas High School to the community. For those who do not have web access, you can request a copy of Natomas High School’s SARC report via any school secretary at our front desk. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS It is important that our parents and students understand that certain school-wide events and activities are privileges – not rights. All students must meet stated eligibility (see below) to participate in activities considered privileges, such as: dances, sports teams, drama performances and the graduation ceremony. Eligibility Eligibility for extracurricular activities, athletics, field trips, modified schedule, work experience, teachers’ and office aides is: Above a 2.00 G.P.A. , Teacher Assistant or Office Aides must have about a 2.50 GPA. No more than 1 “F” No less than 90% attendance (unexcused/unverified absences) per semester. Students must be in attendance at school at least four (4) periods on the day of a performance, athletic event, or extra/co-curricular activity. BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE POLICIES We encourage students to focus on positive behaviors that will help them focus in class, and as a result, perform more successfully; be positive contributing members to the Natomas High School community; and the Natomas community as a whole. Below are behaviors and topics that will pertain to the students attending Natomas High School; please read each of the sections carefully and contact our administration office if there are any questions or concerns. Prohibited items on the NHS campus or school sanctioned events include, not limited to: Aerosol Sprays Permanent Markers Baked Goods Lighters Dangerous Objects Laser devices Gambling Devices Hair clippers Cell Phones and Electronic Devices Students must adhere to individual classroom and teacher policies regarding electronic devices. Students may receive an after-school detention for inappropriate use of electronic devices in class. Teachers also reserve the right to confiscate electronic devices after students’ failure to comply with classroom policies. Upon confiscation, the student’s parent/guardian may be required to meet with administration and receive the confiscated item. Repeated issues with electronic devices will result in further disciplinary action. 8 It is important to understand that while technology is ingrained in daily life, it is an unfortunate fact that electronic devices can be and are stolen on campus. Also, phones and other camera devices have been used to incite fights through the use of text messages, and recording features on the phone. Students identified as using cell phones/electronic devices for the purpose of bullying, harassing, intimidating, threatening, arranging the sale/exchange of controlled substances or inciting conflict on campus will be suspended from school. Natomas High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Code of Academic Integrity Students attending Natomas High School are expected to conduct themselves honorably while in pursuit of their education. Cheating, plagiarism, and fraud violate ethical rules of conduct and will not to be tolerated at Natomas High School. Students who continuously violate the NHS code of Academic Integrity may be subject to administrative discipline. Students will refer to individual teacher syllabi regarding classroom policies on academic integrity. Natomas High School Academic Integrity Policy As an individual student, I will take advantage of the opportunity to learn and take pride in my work. Having academic integrity means: I do my own work and expect others to do theirs. I may ask for assistance but never ask to copy an assignment. I keep my eyes on my own test and protect it from the views of others. I wait until all classes have taken a test before I discuss the content. I do my share of the work for a group project. I give credit when paraphrasing or quoting others. I stay out of teacher and staff areas unless I have permission. I report incidences of academic dishonesty. Confiscated Items Board policy dictates that district employees who confiscate electronic signaling devices or electronic listening/recording devices will take reasonable efforts to ensure that the confiscated devices are kept in a secure place until they are returned to the student or their parent/guardian. However, if reasonable efforts have been made, the District will not be financially responsible for replacement or repair if a device in the District's custody is lost, stolen, or broken prior to its return to the student. When an item is confiscated from a student, that student will receive a “Notice of Confiscation.” This notice will include: Date of confiscation Student Name Description of confiscated item(s) Item to be released to whom? Where and between what hours? Item must be picked up or it will be discarded at the end of the semester. Employee releasing it Date released Dangerous Objects at School Students in possession of “objects of no reasonable use” to the student at school (i.e. fire crackers, stink bombs, screw drivers, water guns, water balloons, etc.) shall be considered in possession of a Dangerous Object which will result in an immediate one (1) to five (5) day home suspension. Imitation fire arms, air soft guns, pellet guns, knives, brass knuckles and all other weapons will result in a recommendation for expulsion. 9 Disruption of the Educational Process At Natomas High School, students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach. No student has the right to disrupt the educational process at Natomas High School. Students who are asked to complete a task by a school employee must complete the task. Students who are given a referral or asked to leave a room must take the referral and leave the room without disruption to the education process. There are times when students believe they are being treated unfairly; however, even during these times, students do not have the right to disrupt the educational process by becoming argumentative, abusive, or provocative in their actions. Students are advised to complete what they are asked to do without additional disruption. Students will be given the opportunity to have their complaints addressed at the appropriate time. Dress Code Students need to dress appropriately for school. At Natomas High School, it is essential to learn and model etiquette and appropriate attire in preparation for the outside working environment. Clothing and hairdo is individual and personal; however, at Natomas High School a concern arises when styles are extreme, detract from or disrupt learning, or contribute to unsafe conditions. The specifics of the dress code are as follows: Students may not wear halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti strapped tops (less than two finger-widths across), or strapless sun dresses. Student may not wear clothing that exposes their midriffs. Suitable clothing for Natomas High School does include shorts of moderate lengths (Shorts, skirts and dresses must reach below fingertips when standing with hands down at student’s side). Most commercial lettering on shirts is permissible; however, printing or pictures depicting drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or messages that are sexually suggestive, and/or profane are not permissible. Clothing, jewelry, or devices associated with weapons, violence, group intimidation or gang/cult affiliation are not acceptable. Chains of any length that are attached to wallets, belts or clothing are not acceptable. Head Gear (Hats, Beanies, Etc.) o All hats and beanies, other than Natomas Nighthawks gear, must NOT contain any logos or lettering. o RED HATS, RED BEANIES, and/or RED HEAD COVERS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITTED. o All inappropriate hats or beanies seen on campus will be confiscated. Students must serve an after-school detention in order to retrieve their confiscated item. Repeated confiscation may result in a mandatory parent meeting. o Students must adhere to individual teachers and classroom policies regarding the wearing of approved hats or beanies while inside the classroom, gym, library, and/or administrative offices (unless a student is wearing religious garb or have a documented medical condition). o Bandanas and “do-rags” are not permitted on the NHS campus. No “sagging” of pants is allowed on the Natomas High School campus. No more than 5% of the student’s clothing may be red. No more than one article of clothing may have red detail in it. A student may NOT wear full red articles of clothing. No wearing of gang related garb. No PJs Students must wear footwear at all times. Bedroom slippers are not allowed at school. This list is not all-inclusive. Administrators will use their own discretion in deciding what is disruptive to the educational environment. Freedom of Speech/Expression Distribution of Printed Materials and Petitions by Students 10 The Board of Trustees believes that free inquiry and exchange of ideas are essential parts of a democratic education. They respect student’s rights to express ideas and opinions, take stands on issues and support causes even when such speech is controversial or unpopular. On-Campus Expression Students shall have the right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press including, but not limited to, the use of bulletin boards, the distribution of printed materials or petitions; the wearing of badges and other insignia; and the right of expression in official publications. (Education Code 48907) Student expression on district or school Internet web sites and on-line media shall generally be afforded the same protections as printed media. Student’s freedom of expression shall be limited only as allowed by law in order to maintain an orderly school environment and to protect the rights, health and safety of all members of the school community. Students are prohibited from making any expressions or distributing or posting any materials that are obscene, libelous or slanderous. Students also are prohibited from making any expressions that so incite students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, the violation of school rules or substantial disruption of the school’s orderly operation. (Education Code 48907) The use of “fighting words” or epithets is prohibited if the speech is abusive and insulting rather than a communication of ideas and the speech is used in an abusive manner in a situation that presents an actual danger that causes a breach of the peace. School officials shall not engage in prior restraint of material prepared for official school publications except insofar as the content of the material violates the law. (Education Code 48907) The Superintendent or designee shall not discipline any high school student solely on the basis of speech or other communication that would be constitutionally protected when engaged in outside of school, but may impose discipline for harassment, threats or intimidation unless constitutionally protected. (Education code 48950) Gambling Gambling is a violation of California Penal Code section 330, therefore is not permitted on the NHS campus. Gang Activity Natomas High School has zero tolerance of any group activity that results in harm and/or intimidation to any Natomas student or group of students. Students will not be allowed to wear articles of clothing that identify them as members of a group (gang) known for acts of intimidation and/or violence. Any gang-related tagging, words or drawings on class work or other visible surfaces at Natomas High School may result in an out-of-school suspension. Any group assault and battery will result in the participants being immediately suspended for a period of five (5) days and may result in a recommendation for expulsion. Participants in such activity will also be reported to the Sacramento Police Department. Good Neighbor Policy Natomas High School Students are to exhibit pride in themselves and their school as they interact with our neighbors and other community members. Before and after school hours: Do not loiter on residence property (lawns, walkways etc.). Do not enter residence property unless you are a resident of that property or you are specifically visiting a tenant. Obey all “Visitor Policies” for that Residence. If you are not a resident or “Visitor,” do not trespass at any time. 11 While Natomas High School students have every right to patronize appropriate businesses in the vicinity of the campus during non-school hours, please do not jeopardize that right through inappropriate behavior. Do not loiter inside or outside of businesses. Respect the posted rules of those businesses (shopping center) Do not block entrances. Be respectful of those working in these businesses. Do not exhibit loud, profane, or boisterous actions or activities. Participants in such activity may be reported to the Sacramento Police Department. Harassment The Board of Trustees is committed to maintaining an educational environment that is free from harassment. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of students by other students, employees or other persons, at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against persons who complain, testify, assist or otherwise participate in the complaint process established pursuant to this policy and the administrative regulation. BP 5145.7(a) Types of conduct which are prohibited in the district and may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: 1. Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations or propositions 2. Sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments or sexually degrading descriptions. 3. Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, or overly personal conversation. 4. Sexual jokes, notes, stories, drawings, pictures or gestures. 5. Spreading sexual rumors. 6. Teasing or sexual remarks about students enrolled in a predominantly single-gender class. 7. Massaging, grabbing, fondling, stroking or brushing the body. 8. Touching an individual’s body or clothes in a sexual way. 9. Purposefully cornering or blocking normal movements. 10. Displaying sexually suggestive objects. Natomas High School seeks to maintain a learning environment that is free of any kind of harassment. Name calling, ethnic, racial, and religious and/ or gender, life-style, and/or sexual slurs will not be tolerated. Violations of the Natomas High School and Natomas Unified School District Harassment Policy will result in disciplinary action and in some cases a recommendation for expulsion will occur. Any student who feels that he/she is being or has been subjected to sexual harassment, shall immediately contact his/her teacher or any other employee. A school employee to whom a complaint is made shall, within 24 hours of receiving the complaint, report it to the principal or designee. Non-Discrimination The Board of Trustees prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of district employees, parents/guardians and students on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, and ethnic group identification, religious creed, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, gender or perceived sexual orientation, at any district site and/or activity. The Board also prohibits any retaliation against any district employee, parent or student who complains, testifies or in any way participates in the district’s complaint procedures instituted pursuant to this policy. The Board of Trustees shall ensure equal opportunities for all students in admission and access to the educational program, guidance and counseling programs, athletic programs, testing procedures and other activities. Ability to try out for choral and cheerleading groups shall be determined solely on the basis of objective competencies. School staff and volunteers shall carefully guard against segregation, bias and stereotyping in instruction, guidance and supervision. Other Remedies Any student who feels that he/she is being harassed should immediately contact either the nondiscrimination coordinator or the principal or designee. If a situation involving harassment is not promptly remedied by the nondiscrimination coordinator, principal or designee, a complaint may be filed with the Superintendent or 12 designee who shall determine which complaint procedure is appropriate. An employee, parent/guardian or student may, in addition to filing a discrimination complaint with the district, file a complaint with either the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The time limits for filing such discrimination complaints are as follows: 1. To file a valid complaint with EEOC, the employee must file his/her complaint within 30 days of the alleged discriminatory act(s) (42 USC 2005) 2. To file a valid complaint with DFEH, the employee must file his/her complaint within one year of the alleged discriminatory act(s) (Government Code 12960) Loitering Loitering is the act of moving slowly, aimlessly and without a purpose. Students who are found loitering on campus will be issued after-school detention. Continued loitering will result in further discipline. Mutual Combat (Fighting) Mutual combat—students striking, pushing, or shoving each other—will not be tolerated. Mutual combat includes two or more students engaging in a verbal argument, physically preparing themselves for a fight, or becoming provocative toward one another. Self-defense A student who engages in self-defense is one who has tried EVERYTHING in his/her power to remove himself/herself from a situation that may result in physical blows. This includes refusing to engage in verbal threats or confrontations, walking away from the situation, and seeking assistance from school personnel. Students who are intimidated or harassed by another student should report the problem to a teacher or administrator. Teachers must report these incidents to an administrator immediately. Consequences for Mutual Combat (Fighting) Natomas High School has a zero tolerance policy for fights at school! Students who engage in Mutual Combat (fighting) will be immediately suspended from school in accordance with California Education Code, the Natomas Unified School District Discipline Matrix, and Board Policy. All Mutual Combat (fighting) will be reported to the Sacramento Police Department because these acts constitute the violation of California Penal Code. Students who engage in Mutual Combat (fighting) twice in one school year may be recommended for expulsion as a continuing danger where other forms of intervention have not been successful. Instigating Mutual Combat (Fighting) Students who instigate fights but are not actively involved (that is, students who carry rumors, put others up to fighting, carry information back and forth between other individuals who subsequently fight, watch, record and/or encourage a fight) submit themselves to the same penalties as those who are involved in the fight. Students who encourage Mutual Combat (fighting) by gathering around, recording, joining in the fight, yelling encouragement, and/or hindering and disregarding school officials, may also be subject to immediate suspension and/or expulsion from school. Possession of Drugs/Alcohol with Intent to Sell Students who arrange the sale/distribution of alcohol or drugs will receive a five (5) day out of school suspension and will be recommended for expulsion from Natomas High School. DRUG DEALERS RECEIVE ZERO TOLERANCE (Education Code 48915). Senior Contracts All seniors will be required to sign a senior contract agreeing to maintain academic, attendance and behavior expectations. Failure to adhere to the senior contract will ultimately determine your eligibility to participate in the fun and rewarding “Senior Class Activities” which include: Prom, Senior Trip, Senior Week Activities, and the Graduation Ceremony. 13 Tobacco The term “tobacco products” includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, “Swishers” and snuff. The possession and/or use of tobacco products by students are prohibited by State Law (Section 48900) and Natomas Unified School District policy. All students are prohibited possession and/or use of tobacco products during the student day. The student day begins when the student leaves home for school, during lunch, after school, and at school activities. Public Displays of Affection (PDA) Public Displays of affection will not be tolerated at Natomas High School. Natomas is focused on the education of students. Students who engage in public displays of affection will be counseled and disciplined if they do not change their behavior. Sacramento Police It is the belief of the administration at Natomas High School that the responsibility for dealing with student discipline rests with us. Thus, we will make every effort to handle such problems in-house according to the policies and procedures established by the district and the school. However, when violations of state law or municipal ordinances occur, or when the security of persons or property appears in jeopardy, the Sacramento Police Department will be notified to assist site administrators in the investigation of each reported case. Student Searches A student’s attire, personal property, vehicle, or school property including books, desks, and school lockers may be searched by a principal/principal designee when there is reason to suspect a student possesses illegal items or illegally obtained items. A student’s entrance into an unauthorized area constitutes reasonable suspicion. Student Photo Identification Cards All students are to have their ID card with them daily while at school. Students MUST also have ID cards in their possession while attending any school function. Students may be asked to show ID cards to any staff member. Students will be issued one ID card free of charge. ID cards that are lost, stolen, or destroyed become the responsibility of the student and will be replaced at a cost of $5.00. If a student is unable to pay when the replacement is issued, the student’s account will be billed for the amount due. Transportation Students transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of and be responsible directly to the driver of the bus. While on a bus, students are expected to act in such a manner that the driver is able to operate the bus under the safest conditions at all times. Students are reminded that school rules and policies are in effect at bus stops, as well as on the bus. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a student to be denied transportation in accordance with the regulations of the governing board of the district. Disciplinary Actions Tardy Policy Matrix Students who are habitually tardy will receive progressive disciplinary action listed below: 3rdh tardy = 1 after-school detention and parent contact 6th tardy = 2 after-school detentions and parent contact 9th tardy = 3 after-school detentions, parent conference, and sign Attendance Contract 14 12th tardy = 4 Hour ADA Recovery School, Parent Meeting 15th tardy = 4 Hour ADA Recovery School, Parent Meeting 18th tardy = Parent/Student/Administrator Conference, Behavior/Discipline Contract, Recommendation to District Level SARB, “No Go” List for School Activities, 1 Day Home Suspension. Cut Policy Matrix Students who do not excuse absences will receive progressive disciplinary action listed below: 1st Cut = 1 after-school detention and parent contact 2nd Cut = 2 after-school detentions and parent contact 3rd Cut = 3 after-school detentions, parent conference, and sign Attendance Contract 4th Cut = 4 hour ADA Recovery School, parent contact 5th Cut = 4 hour ADA Recovery School, parent contact 6th Cut = 1 day home suspension, parent conference, No Go List, recommendation to SARB Class Suspension Policy Matrix Students who earn referrals from classroom teachers will receive progressive disciplinary action listed below: 1st class suspension = 1 after-school detention and parent contact 2nd class suspension= 2 after-school detentions and parent contact 3rd class suspension = 3 after-school detentions, parent conference, and sign Behavior Contract 4th class suspension = 4 hour ADA Recovery School, parent contact 5th class suspension = 4 hour ADA Recovery School, parent contact 6th class suspension = 1 day home suspension, parent conference, No Go List, recommendation to SARB Classroom Suspension Before referring a student to either a counselor or administrator for any behavior that does not constitute an immediate threat to self or others, it is the responsibility of the teacher to initiate disciplinary actions, including the following steps: 1. Communicating expectations to the students verbally, through an opening letter to parents, teaching and assessing the students on school and classroom rules, and/or posting classroom and school rules. 2. Conferring with students privately to clarify problem areas. 3. Initiating a strategy to change the student’s behavior such as assigning special assignments, seating changes, etc. 4. Telephoning and/or meeting with parents in person. Initiating a formal student conference with parent, student, and counselor. Documenting contact on referral form. 5. Seeking feedback from a counselor or administrator. 6. Referral to an administrator. 7. Class suspension (day of occurrence plus one additional day; teacher must contact parent and refer to an administrator). Teachers have the right to class suspend a student for unsatisfactory behavior after the student was given a documented intervention (see above). The suspension can be for a single period or a maximum of two periods. The Education Code provides that any teacher who suspends a student from his/her class MUST make contact with the parents of the student the day of the suspension and set up a parent conference (Section 48910). After-School Detention In accordance with California Education Code and Board Policy, Natomas High School will be holding After-school Detention throughout the school year for various disciplinary infractions. Students who are assigned After-school Detention and fail to attend may incur a higher degree of discipline. After-school Detention will be held Monday – Thursday, 3:00 to 3:45pm. ADA Recovery Detention (Late School) 15 In accordance with California Education Code and Board Policy, Natomas High School will be holding a weekly 4 hour detention throughout the school year for various disciplinary infractions. Students who are assigned ADA Recovery Detention and fail to attend may incur a higher degree of discipline. ADA Recovery Detention will be held once a week from 3:00 to 7:00pm. Out-of-School Suspension Upon being informed of an alleged violation of Ed Code 48900, school officials will complete the following steps. School administration will thoroughly investigate the allegation. Students will be required to make a written statement regarding the incident. Upon determining that the infraction occurred, the school administration will discuss the results of the investigation with the student. [Section 48911(b)]. Consequences are determined based on the individual facts of the case. (Section 48900.5). After it is determined by the school administrator that suspension is appropriate, reasonable attempts are made to contact the parent/guardian immediately. [Section 48911(d)]. Before re-entry to school (the end of the suspension), the parent/guardian and student will be required to attend a meeting with an administrator in order to discuss the student’s successful re-entry to school, possible interventions, and potential consequences for further behavior issues. All Natomas parents have the right to: Meet with the suspending administrator as soon as is reasonably possible to review the results of the investigation. [Section 48911(c)]. Know that students may only be suspended from school for infractions of Ed Code 48900. California Education Code requires mandatory suspension for the following infractions: Fighting and/or instigating a fight Possession/Use of Illegal Drugs/Alcohol Verbal or physical threats or harassment, including cyber bullying Repeated violation of the Natomas High School rules and policies *Students with 2nd offenses of mandatory suspension incidents will be recommended for expulsion. Severity of Offense Home suspensions cannot exceed five school days, Ed Code 48911(a) (unless the suspension is extended awaiting expulsion). Natomas High School discipline procedures are based upon previous student behavior and the severity of the offense. Should a student be suspended for a total of twenty (20) or more days during the school year, that student will be recommended for expulsion from the Natomas Unified School District. The number of suspended days imposed by an administrator depends on the severity of the incident, the number of times the student has committed a similar type of violation, and the numbers of times the student has been disciplined by an administrator for any incident. Repeated violations result in increased disciplinary action. Expulsion The student is informed that he/she is recommended for expulsion by the school principal or his/her designee. The student and parent are also informed regarding the due process procedure. The principal or designee will notify the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian by telephone or in writing that the student is being recommended for expulsion. After a hearing, an Administrative Hearing Panel will send their recommendations to the Governing Board. The Governing Board is the only entity that can expel a student. During the expulsion procedure, the parent(s) or legal guardian will receive instructions from NUSD Student Services and Safety regarding the expulsion process. 16 REGISTRAR’S OFFICE Residency Throughout the year all students are subject to address verification. At any time, if the school or district becomes aware that a student does not live within district boundaries, and he/she does not have an inter-district agreement, the student will have five (5) school days to apply for an inter-district transfer. If the application is approved, the student will remain at Natomas High School. If the application is denied the student will be disenrolled from Natomas High School and be asked to return to their school of residency. Parents/caregivers are the only individuals who may check out a student who is required to leave Natomas High School. Inter-District Transfer Agreements Students on Inter-District Transfer Agreements (IDT’s) are obligated to meet several criteria to maintain their IDT. Behavior, Grades, and Attendance expectations are included in the agreement. If the agreement is violated in any of the three areas, the student and parent/guardian will be notified that their student is in jeopardy of having their IDT revoked. They will be given an opportunity to improve upon any of the three expectations that are not being met, and a determination will be made as to their agreement at the next available grading period. Revocation of an IDT is immediate if the student commits a crime involving violence, drugs, or alcohol. Student Checkout from Natomas High School Parents/caregivers must check students out in person. A student who plans to transfer to another school shall notify the Registrar's Office at least one week in advance. It will be necessary for the parent/caregiver to verify the transfer by coming in person to the Registrar’s Office, which is located in the Front Administrative Office of the school. Students should notify teachers in advance so that any assignments and grades can be collected prior to the transfer. Students will take a final check out sheet to all teachers, coaches, librarian (Tina Paoli at extension 2000), bookkeeper (Brenda Meyer-Noe extension 1040), attendance, and counselors for signatures for final grades, verification that books and equipment issued have been returned in good condition, and any outstanding debts have been cleared. Students are responsible to complete all assignments required in a given course prior to receiving a final semester grade. Students who leave prior to the end of the semester will receive a grade in progress. Students will not be issued an official transcript until the final check out is completed, all money owed to the school has been paid, and the new school of attendance requests the student’s records. Unofficial transcripts will be given to students when all paper work is completed and turned in to the registrar. If you have any questions regarding the checkout process please contact School Registrar at extension 1070. STUDENT HEALTH CONCERNS/REQUIREMENTS Emergency Cards Each student must have an annual, signed and completed emergency card on file in the health office. In order to ensure the safety of students at school and in case of an emergency, parents must notify the school of any phone and emergency contact changes. These changes must be made in person and can not be completed over the phone. To complete the changes please contact the Administration Office. Students with Medications School District Policy does not permit students to bring either prescription or non-prescription medication to school and carry it around on their person. Students may not take prescription or non-prescription medication during school hours without written parental/Doctor consent. Parents may come to school and administer the medication to their children themselves. School personnel may administer the medication provided that the following permission slip “Physicians Authorization for Medication in School” has been completed by the 17 parent/guardian and the doctor. This is necessary for both prescription, non-prescription drugs, and over the counter medications. The permission slip may be obtained from the Administration Office. Prescription medication information must be on the label, i.e., student’s name, doctor’s name, name of medication, dosage, time medication is to be given, and date medication was prescribed. Non-prescription medication (like aspirin, Tylenol, etc. and decongestants) must be in their original containers and clearly labeled. Medication should be picked up by parents/guardians at the end of the school year or it will be discarded. Medication will not be sent home with students. The permission slip must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. 18