High-voltage circuit breaker testing and performance analysis In this lecture, an overview will be given of the latest technology of high-voltage circuit breaker testing and methods of performance analysis for thermal interruption. Subjects to be discussed and illustrated with videos from test-experience: Testing: Faults in power systems Effects of short-circuit currents on substation equipment (electro-dynamical, thermal) Circuit breakers (SF6 and vacuum) Testing of circuit breakers Direct and synthetic test methods Testing of ultra-high-voltage circuit breakers Full-pole testing of metal-enclosed circuit breakers Performance analysis Short-line fault, thermal interruption interval Current zero phenomena Arc-circuit interaction in thermal interval Current zero measurement and analysis Arc conductivity, post-arc current Nozzle degradation assessment Arc modelling Speaker René Peter Paul Smeets received the M.Sc. degree in physics from the Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, the Netherlands in 1981. He obtained a PhD. degree for research work on vacuum switchgear. Until 1995, he was an assistant professor at Eindhoven University, dealing with switching phenomena in power engineering. During 1991 he worked with Toshiba Corporation in Japan in the development of vacuum interrupters. In 1995, he joined KEMA, the Netherlands. At present, he is with DNV GL KEMA Laboratories, product development and innovation. From 2001 he was part-time professor at Eindhoven University, the Netherlands. In 2013 he became adjunct professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He is convener of CIGRE WG A3.27 (high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers), IEC MT32 (Inductive Load Switching) and IEC 17A/MT40 (Electrical Endurance Testing) of IEC 17A, and secretary of CIGRE A3.34 (DC switching). In 2008 he was elected Fellow of IEEE. He is chairmain of the “Current Zero Club” and received six international awards. He authored more than 200 international papers on many aspects of power switching technology, and presented many training courses all over the world. In 2014 he published the book “Switching in Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems” (ISBN 978-1-118-38135-9) with John Wiley, UK.