Bampton Medical Practice Patients Participation Group (PPG) Meeting Thursday 20 Aug 2015 14:00 – 15.30 Present: Tony Symes, Kathy Clarke (KC), Lynne Borrett, Ray Borrett, Jane Roberts (JR), Mary Price, Terry Rogers, John Mouat, John Ryman, John Ordish, Mathew Perry, Beth Maher, John Greatrex, and Robert Weir (RW). Apologises: Yasmin Hudson, Malcolm Hudson, Peter Bushell, Dorothy Donald. Introduction 1. Welcome and introductions and apologies – Thanks to all present for attending this Patient Participation Meeting, to those PPG members present at the last PPG meeting I do apologise as the agenda has changed due to the urgency of this matter. PMCF may be discussed at the end, meeting scheduled to end at 15.00 but may continue. PPG Brief – This meeting is about looking after the care needs of Bampton Patients with respect of the District Nursing Services (DNS) that are currently located at Bampton Surgery. Please do not confuse the DNS with the Practice Nurses who undertake routine clinics at the Bampton Surgery. OXFORD HEALTH Plan to redesign the DN services for Burford/Carterton and Bampton by co-location the team at Broadshires (Carterton). This is for the following reasons. a. b. c. d. Finances and Staffing Training issues – New IT system Implementation if a new HUB based in Witney To Balance Experience in the teams. Bampton Surgery, have excellent communications with the DNS team based in the surgery, this reduces acute hospital admissions, improves patient care, DNS staff based at Bampton do not want to move to Broadshires. The DNS move would see routine visits remain the same but any urgent requirement for DNS will be directed to the DNS Hub, the DN on duty that day will have to deal with the urgent request. The current urgent DNS requests go direct to the DNS team based at Bampton and they usually know the patient and can resolve the problem very quickly. Discussion Points 2. KC attended this meeting as a patient of the surgery but also is a DNS local development clinical lead manager with responsibilities with this project. She was able to give the PPG an outline of the need to restructure the DNS for the locality. Two teams were merged in Witney, this resulted in staff being 150% happier in their role. DNS value the importance of working alongside the GP surgeries and wish to improve patient care across the locality. There is a national shortage of DNS staff, however it was stressed that current West Oxfordshire DNS do not employ locum staff, this does provide continuity of care, this is an important area for DNS to achieve and they will aim to continue to drive for this under the proposed DNS move to Broadshires. Patients do not attend the surgery for treatment under DNS staff unless this is for a specific treatment that practice nurses are unable to undertake. 3. JR representing the 28 residents of Rosebank Care Home (RCH) stated that in the last 7 years the RCH had received the best possible quality of life in terms of clinical support for residents. The care for residents many of whom have very complexed clinical requirements is excellent, this is mainly due to the low hospital admissions. Great communications between GP/DNS at the surgery, this picks up on the little items that make a difference to quality of care. Dorset DNS have taken this route, this has resulted in very poor service, DNS staff leaving and not in a position to recruit new staff. This project is now being reversed and DNS staff are being located back to surgeries to re-establish the service. It is felt that should the DNS move from Bampton the fantastic service that is currently in place will be diluted. 4. Should this move commence DNS will spend more time travelling across a wider area to see patients when they should be seeing patients. Keeping DNS at Bampton Surgery will ensure that the GP can pop upstairs and have that 2 minutes conversation with the DNS, this saves the problem being referred elsewhere to wait and be dealt with 2 days later. 5. Current DNS based at Bampton know the patients they are treating and are aware of the other social and family issues surrounding the patient, this is where excellent care is provided, should DNS visit who do not know the patient more time will be needed on site for a complete assessment to take place. Current DNS staff based at Bampton do not wish to travel about seeing patients they do not know, this proposed move will result in DNS staff from the Bampton team look for employment elsewhere. 6. The Current DNS based at Bampton is proved to reduce hospital admissions, should this move occur then this will directly conflict with the closure of the 30 Bed ward at Witney Community Hospital and will place extra pressure on the Oxford University Hospital Trust in dealing with admissions. 7. Oxford City DNS services have undertaken a similar project where they located the teams together, this resulted in a reduction of service, increased complaints from patients, high turnover of DNS staff and recruitment concerns. 8. Should this move go ahead Bampton patients will miss out on the quality of DNS due to the interaction with Bampton Medical Practice staff. It was felt that consultation with Bampton patients be sought before a decision was made. PPG Action Plan 9. Concern over whether this is a ‘done deal’, PPG were informed that this project was still in the consultation phase. However it was felt by the vast majority of those attending the PPG meeting that something needed to be done. Agreed action is as follows. a. Letter to be sent from Bampton PPG be submitted to Key persons involved in NHS Changes (Local MP / Oxford Clinical Commissioning Group /Oxford Health/ Care Quality Commission). This must include more support for DNS services, and to protect areas that already have excellent DNS services working in Practices such as the set up at Bampton Medical Practice. b. Contact Witney Gazette to highlight this issue and attempt to gain more public support. c. Start up a petition to keep the DNS based at Bampton, send the petition to key personnel who receive the letter from Bampton PPG. d. Advertise via the Bampton Beam again to highlight public opinion. e. PPG members encouraged to tell their friends & neighbours about this planned move and encourage them to sign the petition. f. Use of posters at both Bampton and Carteron surgeries to inform patients of this proposed move. g. Any updates from a result of the above actions to be distributed to Bampton PPG. 8. Look forward to the next PPG meeting Date of Next meeting is 13.00 on the 16 Sep 2015. Robert Weir Practice Manager Bampton Medical Practice {Original Signed}