Mrs. Bolen Name: 8th Grade Reading Period:______ Date:______

Mrs. Bolen
8th Grade Reading
Period:_______ Date:_______
Unit Test Study Guide
The Outsiders
Story Elements
Context clues
Story Elements
1. Theme: the main idea of a literary work
- Usually the theme is not directly stated
2. Setting: the time and place of action. Frequently the setting is important to the plot.
3. Characters: the people in the story
a. Main characters
b. Minor characters
c. Protagonist: main character in the story
d. Antagonist: another character in conflict with the main character
4. Plot: the sequence of events in a story
- exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action (denoument), resolution
a. Conflict: a problem or struggle between 2 opposing forces
1. 3 Types of Conflict:
 Character vs. Character
 Character vs. Self
 Character vs. World (nature and/or society)
b. Exposition: sets the stage for the story
o Introduces characters, setting, and conflict
c. Rising Action: this is where the plot thickens
o The characters attempt to resolve the conflict(s)
o Events leading up to the climax
d. Climax: the turning point of the story
o the point of greatest interest
o usually results in a resolution of conflict
e. Falling Actions/Denoument: final actions of the story that close the conflict
f. Resolution: the conclusion, outcome of the conflict
Context Clues
Review your context clue notes and worksheets and quiz yourself
1. It is better to allow someone to make up their own mind about something, than to feel the need to coerce, or force,
them over to your side.
Using the synonym clue, the word coerce in this sentence means
2. Using certain body language is illicit in some countries, but allowed in others.
Using the antonym clue, the word illicit in this sentence means
Review your inference notes and worksheets and quiz yourself!
Anne Bradstreet was America's first woman poet. Anne Bradstreet's brother-in-law, John Woodbridge, copied Anne's
poetry without letting her know what he was doing. In 1650 he left America for England and published her poetry there! It
was the only book of Anne's poetry to be published while she was alive. It had a long and difficult title, but it sold fairly
well. Even so, Anne was embarrassed.
3-. Why did Woodbridge take Anne's poetry to a publisher without asking first?
He wanted to embarrass her.
He assumed that she would say no if asked.
He knew she would become famous as the first female poet.
He thought he could make a lot of money for it.
4. Which one of these is not a reason that Bradstreet might have been embarrassed?
It was published in England instead of the American colonies.
She was shy and didn't enjoy the attention.
The poetry was personal and private.
She didn't think it was good enough.
Vocabulary: you should have the definitions in your notes from homework and class.
Use if you need to.
1. Unfathomable
2. Sagely
3. Incredulous
4. Nonchalant
5. Aloof
6. Ember
Answers to Context Clues and Inference:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A