AP Biology Exam Review T2 - Nyland-2013-14

AP Biology Exam Review T2
Know and understand:
Cell Communication Chapter 11
Signal transduction pathways
Paracrine vs Synaptic Chemical Signaling in Animals
The 3 stages of signal transduction
Explain Ligand
Describe the 3 major types of membrane receptors
o G protein linked receptor
o Receptor tyrosine kinase
o Ion channel receptor
Function of the transcription factors
The role of protein kinase and protein phosphatases in transduction
Difference between first and secondary messengers and examples
Cell signaling response in nucleus? Cytoplasm?
Different cellular responses to a single signaling molecule
Scaffolding proteins
Cell apoptosis
The Cell Cycle Chapter 12
Role of cell division
Chromosomes structure
Mitosis vs cytokinesis
Cell Cycle Phases and events of each Phase
Phases of Mitosis and events
Plant vs Animal Cytokinesis
Role of cyclins on the cell cycle
Activity of cyclin dependent kinases (CDks)
Role of MPF (maturation promoting factor)
Growth factors role of PDGF (platelet derived growth factor)
Relationship of density-dependent inhibition and anchorage dependence
and cancer cells
 Tumor types
 Transformation and metastasis
Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles Chapter 13
 Basic vocab
o Gene
o Loci
o Gamete
o Somatic cells
o Karyotype
o Diploid
o Haploid
o Homologous chromosomes
o Zygote
 Purpose of meiosis
 Events and chromosome numbers of meiosis
Including vocab
Crossing over
replicated chromosomes
sister chromatids
Mendel and the Gene Idea Chapter 14
 Mendel’s studies
o P, F1, F2
o Dominant and recessive
o Hetero/homo-zygous
o Alleles
o Punnett squares
o Mono/di-hybrid
o Law of segregation and Independent Assortment
o Use of probability
 Co-dominance
 Incomplete Dominance
 Multiple Alleles/Blood Type
 Polygenetic traits
The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance-Chapter 15
Chromosome theory of inheritance
Sex linked
Barr Body
Linked genes
Linkage Map Units
How do Deletion, duplication, inversion and translocation effect
 Mitochondrial Inheritance
The Molecular Basis of Inheritance-Chapter 16
 Structure of the DNA molecule
o Nucleotides
o Bases
o Bonds
o Backbone
o Purines
o Pyrimidines
o Double helix
o Antiparallel
o Chargaff’s rules
 DNA Replication
o Origins of replication
o Leading lagging strands
o RNA primer
o Helicase
o Topoisomerase
o DNA polymerase
o DNA ligase
o Semi-conservative
o Telomeres/telomerase
 DNA Structure
o Chromatin
o Chromosome
o Histones charges and reason tightly binds to DNA
o Nucleosomes
o Looped domains
o 30 nm fiber
o Double helix
o Hetero/eu-chromatin
From Gene to Protein-Chapter 17
 Central Dogma
 RNA vs DNA
 Explain transcription
o Tata box, Promoter, RNA polymerase, transcription unit, RNA
o Initiation, elongation, termenation
 Explain RNA processing
o End caps
o Introns/exons
o Spliceosomes/snurps
 Ribozyme
 Alternative splicing
 Explain translation
o Codon/anticodon
o Charged/uncharged tRNA
o initiation, elongation, termination
o APE sites of ribosome
o Wobble
o Polyribosome
 Post-translation modifications
 Mutations
o Point
o Framshift
o Nonsense
o Missense
o Silent
o Causes
 Differences between bacterial and eukaryotic gene expression
Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 18
 Operons
o Negative inhibition/positive
o Promoter
o Repressor
o Operator
o Gene
o Regulatory gene
o Inducible/repressible
o Inducer
o Trp vs lac operons
 CAP (catabolic Activator Protein)/cAMP, glucose relationship
 Differential gene expression
 Role of histone modification/DNA methylation on eukaryotic gene
 Explain how enhancers and activator interact with transcription factors to
affect gene expression
 Describe how proteins can be activated, processed and degraded.
 Describe the proteasomes action and role in gene expression
 Describe microRNA/siRNA and their role in gene expression
 3 processes that lead to transformation of a zygote to an organism
 Cell differentiation cause
 Differential gene expression results from different activitors-cyctoplasmic
determinants and inductive signals
 Homeotic genes
 Oncogenes and proto-oncogenes
 Oncogenes /tumor suppressor genes
Viruses-Chapter 19
Characteristics of viruses
Structure of viruses
Obligate parasites
Lytic cycle
Lysogenic cycle
 Types of genetic material
o RNA retrovirus, reverse transcripase
 Restriction enzymes
 How do virus cause illness/prevention
 How do viruses emerge
 Horizontal /vertical transmission
 Plant viral spread
 Virod
 Prion