SCHEDULE – I Common application for consent under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and authorization under the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules; 2008, No…………………….. Explanatory note for filling in application for Consent/Authorisation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Any applicant knowingly giving incorrect information or suppressing any information pertaining to any of the items of the application shall be liable for punishment as per the provisions under the relevant Act. The application for shall be submitted in the Office of the Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee, Madhya Marg, Ground Floor, Sector 19-B, Chandigarh. The application shall be accompanied by the consent fee in the form of Demand Draft in favour of the Member Secretary, Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee. Fee paid is not refundable. For the items marked strike out which is not relevant. If any of the items is not relevant to the activity of the applicant, please state ‘Not Applicable’. If the space for reply provided for any items is inadequate, use additional sheets, duly referenced. Item I: Give the name of the person who is authorized by the applicant to transact their business. Item 2: Also state the concerned institutions under whose administrative area the unit falls. The form shall be accompanied by the relevant documents specified on the last page of the application form. Capital Investment – Consent fee is to be paid based on gross fixed capital investment of the unit without depreciation till the date of application. The gross capital investment shall include cost of land, building, plant and machinery without depreciation. CHANDIGARH POLLUTION CONTROL COMMITTEE Application form for Consent/Authorization From _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ To The Member Secretary, Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee, Chandigarh. Sir, I/We hereby apply for * i) ii) iii) consent to establish/operate/renewal of consent under Section 25 and 26 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, as amended. consent to establish/operate/renewal of consent under Section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended. Authorization/renewal of authorization under rule 5 of the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008, in connection with my/our existing/Proposed/ altered/additional manufacturing/processing activity from the premises as per the details given below: Part A: General 1. Name, designation, office address with : telephone fax number, e-mail of the applicant/occupier/industry/institution/ local body. 2. a) Name and location of the industrial : unit/ premises for which the application is made. (Give revenue, Survey Number/plot number, name of Taulka and District, also telephone and fax number. b) Details of the planning permission : obtained from the local body/Town and Country planning authority/metropolitan Development authority/ designated authority. c) Name of the local body under whose : jurisdiction the unit is located and name of the license issuing authority. 3. Names, addresses with telephone and : fax number of Managing Director/ Managing Partner and officer responsible for matters Connected with pollution control and / or Hazardous waste disposal. 4. a) Are you registered as a small-scale : industrial unit? b) If yes, give the number and date of : registration. 5. Gross capital investment of the unit : without depreciation till the date of application (cost of building, land, plant and machinery). 6. If the site is located near sea-shore/river : bank/other water bodies; indicate the distance and the name of the water body, if any. 7. Does the location satisfy the : requirements under relevant Central/ State Govt. Notifications such as Coastal Regulation Zone, notification on Ecologically Fragile Area, Industrial location policy, etc. If so, Give details. 8. If the site is situated in notified industrial estate, a)Whether effluent collection, treatment and disposal system has been provided by the authority b) will the applicant utilize the system, if provided: c) if not provided, details of proposed arrangement: 9. : : : : Total plot area, built-up area and area : available for the use of treated sewage/trade effluent. 10. Month and year of commissioning of the unit: proposed : 11. Number of workers and office staff: : 12. a) Do you have a residential colony : within the premises in respect of which the present application is made? b) If yes, please state population staying : c) Indicate its location and distance with : reference to plant site. 13. List of products and by-products : manufactured in tons/month, kl/month or number/month (Give figure corresponding to maximum installed production capacity) 14. List of raw materials and process : chemicals with annual consumption Corresponding to above stated production Figures, in tons/month or kl/month or Numbers/month. 15. Description of process of manufacture : of each of the product showing input, output, quality and quantity of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes, if any from each unit process. (To be supported by flow sheet and/or material balance and water balances sheet) Part B Waste water aspects 16. Water consumption for different uses : (m3/day) (i) Industrial cooling, spraying in mine pits or boiler feeds. (ii) Domestic purpose (iii) Processing whereby water gets polluted and the pollutants are easily bio-degradable. (iv) Processing whereby water gets polluted and the pollutants are not easily bio-degradable and are toxic. (v) Others such as agriculture, gardening etc. (specify) Total……… 17. Source of water supply. : Name of authority granting permission if applicable and quantity permitted. 18. Quantity of waste water (effluent generated (m3/day) i) Domestic : ii) Industrial : iii) Process : iv) Washings : : 19. Water budget calculations accounting : for difference between water consumption and effluent generated. 20. Present treatment of sewage/canteen : effluent (Give sizes/capacities of treatment units): 21. Present treatment of trade effluent (Give : size/ capacities of treatment units). (A schematic diagram of the treatment scheme with inlet/outlet characteristics of each unit operation/process is to be provided. Include details of residue management system (ETP sludges): 22. (a) Are sewage and trade effluent mixed : together? (b) If yes, state at which stage-whether before, intermittently or after treatment. 23. Capacity of treated effluent sump, : Guard Pond, if any: 24. Mode of disposal of treated effluents, : with respective quantity, m3/day i) into stream/river (name of river) ii) into creek/estuary) iii)Into sea iv) Into drain/sewer (owner of sewer) v) on land for irrigation on owned land/lease land. Specify cropped area. (To be supported by Relevant documents) vi) Quantity of treated effluent reused/recycled, m3/day vii) Provide a location map of disposal arrangement indicating the outlet (s) for sampling v) Boiler Blowdown : vi) Cooling water : blowdown vii) DM Plant/Softening: plant washings : 25. (a) Quality of untreated/treated effluent : (Specify pH and concentration of SS, BOD, COD and specific pollutants relevant to the industry. TDS to be reported for disposal on land or into stream/river. (b) Enclose a copy of the latest report of analysis from the laboratory approved by State Board/ Committee/ Central Board/ Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests. For proposed Unit furnish expected characteristics of the untreated/treated effluent. Part C: Air emission aspects 26. Fuel consumption: Coal LSHS Furnace Natural Oil gas Others (specify) a) Fuel consumption (TPD/KLD) b) Caloric value c) Ash content % d) Sulphur content % e) Other (specify) 27 (a) Details of stack (Process & fuel stacks) a) Stack number (s) b) Attach to c) Capacity d) Fuel type e) Fuel quantity (TPD/KLD) f) Material of construction g) Shape (round/rectangular) h) Height, m(above ground level) i) Diameter/ size in meters j) Gas quantity, nm3/hr k) Gas temperature, o C l) Exit gas velocity, m/sec. m) Control equipment preceding the stack (Attach specification including reside management systems of each of the control equipment indicating inlet/outlet concentrations of relevant pollutants). 27 (b) . Whether any release of odoriferous compounds such as mercaptans, phorate etc. are coming out. 1 2 3 4 : 28. Do you have adequate facility for : collection of samples of emissions in the form of port holes, platfor, ladder etc. as per the Central Board publication “Emission Regulations Part-III” (December 1985) 29 Quality of treated flue gas emissions : and process emissions. (Specify concentration of criteria pollutants and industry/ processspecific pollutants stack-wise. Enclose a copy of the latest report of analysis from the approved laboratory by the State Board/Central Board/ Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests. For proposed units, furnish the expected characteristic of the emission. Part D: Hazardous waste aspects 30 (a) Whether the unit is generating : hazardous waste as defined in the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Trans boundary Movement ) Rules, 2008, (b) If so, the category No. 31. Authorization required for i) Collection ii) Reception iii)Treatment iv)Transport v) Storage vi)Disposal of the Hazardous Waste 32 Quantity of hazardous waste generated (kg/day) or (mt/month) : : 33. Characteristics of the hazardous waste : (s) Specify concentration of relevant pollutants. Enclose a copy of the latest report of analysis from the laboratory approved by the State Board/Central Board/Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests. For proposed units furnish expected characteristics. 34. Mode of storage (intermediate or : final) (describe area, location and methodology) 35. Present treatment of hazardous waste, : if any (give type and capacity of treatment units). 36. Quantity of hazardous waste disposed : i) Within the factory ii) Outside the factory (Specify location and enclose copies of agreement) iii)Through sale (Enclose documentary Proof and copies of agreement) iv) Outside State/Union Territory, if yes Particulars of (i) & (iii) above v) Other (specify) Part E: Additional information 37 (a) Do you have any proposal to upgrade the present system for treatment and disposal of effluent/emissions and/or hazardous waste. (b) If yes, give the details with timeschedule for the implementation and approximate expenditure to be incurred on it. 38. Capital and recurring (O and M) expenditure on various aspects of environment protection such as effluent, emission, hazardous waste, solid waste, tree plantation, monitoring, data acquisition etc. (give figures separately) for items implemented / to be implemented. 39. To which of the pollution control equipment separate meters for recording consumption of electric energy are installed? 40. Which of the pollution control items are connected to D.G. Set (captive powers source) to ensure their running in the event of normal power failure? : : : : : 41. Nature, quantity and method of disposal of non-hazardous solid waste generated separately from the process of manufacture and waste treatment (Give details of area/ capacity available in applicant’s land) 42. Hazardous Chemicals – Give details of chemicals and quantities handled and stored. (i) Is the unit a Major Accident Hazard unit as per MSIHC Rules? (ii) Is the unit an isolated storage as defined under the MSIHC Rules. (iii) Indicate status of compliance of Rules 5,7,10,11,12, 13 and 18 of the MSIHC Rules. (iv) Has approval of site been obtained from the concerned authority? (v) Has the unit prepared on Off-site Emergency Plan? Is it updated? (vi) Has information on imports of chemicals been provided to the concerned authority? (vii) Does the unit possess a policy under the PLI Act. 43. Brief details of tree plantation/green belt development within applicant’s premises (in hectares). 44. Information of schemes for waste minimization, resource recovery and recycling – implemented and to be implemented, separately. 45. (a) The applicant shall indicate whether industry comes under Public Hearing, if so, the relevant documents such as EIA, EMP, Risk Analysis etc. shall be submitted, if so, the relevant documents enclosed shall be indicated accordingly. (b) Any other additional information that the applicant desires to give. : : : : : 46. I/We further declare that the information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my/our knowledge. 47. I/We hereby submit that in case of any change from what is stated in this application in respect of raw materials, products, process of manufacture and treatment and/or disposal of effluent, emissions, hazardous wastes etc. in quality and quantity; a fresh application for consent/authorization shall be made and until the grant of fresh consent/ authorization no change shall be made. 48. I/We undertake to furnish any other information within one month of its being called by the Board/Committee. 49. I/We agree to submit to the Committee an application for renewal of consent/authorization in two months in advance before the date of expiry of the consent/authorization validity period. 50. I/We enclose herewith a Demand Draft for Rs……………………………….. (Rupees ……………………………………………………………………….…………..) Drawn in favour of Member Secretary, Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee as the fee for consent/authorization for a period upto……………. Yours faithfully Signature………….. Name……………… Designation……….. Documents enclosed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Demand Draft towards consent fee/authorization. Undertaking or affidavit or statement from Annual Report or certificate from the Chartered Accountants in support of gross fixed capital investment. Site plan/location map. (Compulsory for all new applications and for expansions) Declaration regarding the distance of the unit from the bank of the main river or hightide mark of creek/estuary (declared under the Act) and in respect of stone crusher, for distance from highways and habitations. Layout plan showing the location of stacks (Chimneys), effluent treatment plant, effluent disposal areas, pollution control devices, hazardous waste treatment and disposal areas. Manufacturing process flow sheet, with descriptive note on the manufacturing process for each product. Copies of latest consent/authorization/Environment Impact Assessment Clearance. Copy of Small Scale Industries registration certificate, if applicable. Copies of letter of Intent/industrial license, clearances from the Department or any other relevant document (please state) Copies of planning permission certificate issued by the local bodies/District Town and Country Planning/Metropolitan Development Authorities. Note : The documents at Sr. No.2 to 10 are necessary for first application. For application for renewal only document at Sr. No.7 is necessary. In addition to the above, following documents are also required to be submitted:1. Affidavit of sole proprietorship for proprietorship firm. 2. Partnership deed in case of partnership firm plus authority letter from other partners. 3. Memorandum and article of association of a Private Limited or Limited company plus specific resolution of the Board of Directors in form of the Authorized Signatory. 4. Feasibility report of the proposed pollution control equipments to be installed like Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Air Pollution Control Device (APCD) etc. 5. Water Balance diagram showing consumption of water in the various process for each unit of production. 6. Copy of electricity and water supply bills for the past six months ( in case of renewal of consent). 7. Details of Chemical reaction. SCHEDULE – II Fee in Rupees/Year FEE STRUCTURE FOR “CONSENT TO OPERATE” S.No. Category Red Orange Green Gross Capital Investment 1 Upto Rs.10 lakhs 1200 900 750 2 Above Rs.10 lacs to Rs.25 lacs 1800 1500 1200 3 4 5 6 Above Rs.25 lacs to Rs.50 lacs Above Rs.50 lacs to Rs.1 crore Above Rs.1 crore to Rs.5 crore Above Rs.5 crore to Rs.10 crore Above Rs.10 crore to Rs.25 crore Above Rs.25 crore to Rs.50 crore Above Rs.50 crore to Rs.100 crore Above Rs.100 crore to Rs.200 crore Above Rs.200 crore 3000 6000 12000 24000 2400 4700 9000 14400 1800 3500 7000 11200 48000 28800 22400 72000 47000 35000 88000 70000 60000 180000 120000 88000 235000 180000 120000 7 8 9 10 11 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FEE STRUCTURE FOR “CONSENT TO ESTABLISH” Category Red Orange Gross Capital Investment Green Upto Rs.10 lakhs Above Rs.10 lacs to Rs.25 lacs 1200 1800 900 1500 750 1200 Above Rs.25 lacs to Rs.50 lacs 3000 2400 1800 6000 12000 18000 41000 60000 88000 180000 235000 4700 9000 15000 26000 47000 70000 120000 180000 3500 7000 12000 24000 35000 60000 88000 120000 Above Rs.50 lacs to Rs.1 crore Above Rs.1 crore to Rs.5 crore Above Rs.5 crore to Rs.10 crore Above Rs.10 crore to Rs.25 crore Above Rs.25 crore to Rs.50 crore Above Rs.50 crore to Rs.100 crore Above Rs.100 crore to Rs.200 crore Above Rs.200 crore FEE FOR DIESEL GENERATOR SET (DG SET) IN THE SHOPS/SCO’S/SCF’S/BOOTHS ETC. Size of Diesel Generator set based on rated capacity <200 KVA 200-500 KVA >500 KVA Consent to Establish (in Rs./year) 400 500 600 Consent to Operate (in Rs./year) 500 600 700 [FORM – 1] [See rules 5(3) and (7)] Application for Obtaining Authorization for Collection /Reception/Treatment/ Transports/Storage/Disposal of Hazardous Waste* From: ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… To The Member Secretary, Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee, Paryavaran Bhawan, Madhya Marg, Ground Floor, Sector 19-B, Chandigarh. Sir, I / We hereby apply for authorization/renewal of authorization under subrule (3) of 5 of the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008 for collection/ reception/ treatment/ transport/ storage/ disposal of hazardous wastes. For Office Use Only 1. Code No. : 2. Whether the unit is situated in a critically polluted area as identified by Ministry of Environment and Forests; To be filled in by Applicant 3. (a) (b) (c) Part – A: General Name and address of the unit and location of activity Authorization required for (Please tick mark appropriate activity/ Activities: (i) collection (ii) reception (iii) treatment (iv) transport (v) storage (vi) disposal In case of renewal of authorization previous authorization number and date: 4. 5. (a) (b) Whether the unit is generating hazardous waste as defined in these Rules: If so the type and quantity of wastes(in Tonnes/KL): (a) (b) Total capital invested on the project (in Rupees): Year of commencement of production: (c) Whether the industry works general/ 2 shifts/ round the clock: 6. (a) (b) List and quantum of products and by-products (in Tonnes/KL): List and quantum of raw material used (in Tonnes/KL): 7. Furnish a flow diagram of manufacturing process showing input and output in terms of products, waste generated including for captive power generation and demineralised water. 8. Part – B : Hazardous Waste Hazardous Wastes: (a) (b) (c) (d) 9. Type of hazardous wastes generated as defined under these Rules: Quantum of hazardous waste generated: Sources and waste characteristics (Also indicate wastes amenable to recycling, re-processing and reuse) : Mode of storage within the plant, method of disposal and capacity (provide details): Hazardous Wastes generated as per these Rules from storage of hazardous chemicals as defined under the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989. Part – C : Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility 10. Detailed proposal of the facility (to be attached) to include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) Place : Date : Location of site (provide map) Name of waste processing technology Details of processing technology Type and Quantity of waste to be processed per day Site clearance (from local authority, if any) Utilization programme for waste processed (Product Utilization) Method of disposal (details in brief be given) Quantity of waste to be disposed per day Nature and composition of waste Methodology and operational details of landfilling/ incineration Measures to be taken for prevention and control of environmental pollution including treatment of leachates Investment on Project and expected returns Measures to be taken for safety of workers working in the plant Signature : …………… Designation : …………… Explanatory note for filling up application for obtaining Consent to Establish/Operate under Water Act/Air Act & Authorization under Hazardous Waste Rules Point wise additional points to be mentioned in the explanatory note in addition to the explanatory note provided earlier Part-A General: Point No. 1. Give the name of the person who is authorized by the applicant to transact their business. In case of proprietorship firm an affidavit to be submitted by the proprietor and in case of partnership firm deed of partnership and authority letter from other partners. In case of private limited company or limited company application has to be accompanied with a copy of Memorandum & Article of Association. Further, if the application has been signed by any person other than Managing Director, specific resolution of the Board Directors authorizing the person to sign and submit the documents should be attached. Any applicant knowingly giving incorrect information or suppressing any information pertaining to any of the items of the application shall be liable for punishment as per the provisions under the relevant Act. Point No.2(b) State the concerned institutions under whose administration the unit falls like Estate Office, CITCO, Municipal Corporation. Point No. 2(c) Municipal Corporation U.T. Chandigarh is the local body and issue licenses for water supply connection, sewerage connection and Fire & safety. Point No. 5 The application shall be accompanied by the consent fee in the form of Demand Draft in favor of the Member Secretary, Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee. Fee paid is not refundable. Consent fee is to be paid based on gross fixed capital investment of the unit without depreciation till the date of application. The gross capital investment shall include cost of land, building, plant and machinery without depreciation. Incase building is on rent or lease then rent deed/lease deed should be attached. Point No. 8 Industrial Area Phase I & II have been notified as an industrial estate along with IT Park for IT industries. Point No. 9 The application should be accompanied with drawings, clearly marked total build up area, area available with the unit & the area available for the usage of treated effluent/sewage treatment along with plumbing details and sampling locations. Point No. 10 For units applying for consent to establish tentative date for the start of the unit should be clearly mentioned. For unit already in operation the year since which it is functional shall be mentioned. Point No. 13 Kindly mention maximum installed production capacity in nos., units etc. Point No. 14 Process chemicals are the chemical consumed during the manufacturing of the particular products. This should include raw materials consumption with quantity for each unit of production and average monthly consumption. Part B: Waste Water Aspects Point No. 16. Water may be consumed for being fed into DM Plant/Softner/for cooling of machinery or for the generation of steam in the boilers. Sewage is wastewater that is generated from toilets, for hand washings etc. Trade Effluent is wastewater generated from the industrial processes like electroplating, pickling, service station etc. Point No. 17. Water supply source like MC Supply, ground water or tanker etc. should be clearly specified along with permission from concerned authority if required. Pont No. 19. Water budget calculations means usage of fresh water in various aspects like manufacturing, utilities like boiler, DM plant, Softners, gardening, domestic and generation of waste water/effluent and stream which needs to be treated .it also includes proposal for reuse/recycle of treated waste water into the process clearly mentioned on the water balance diagram. Point No.20&21. Details of sewage/effluent treatment plant along with specifications of each treatment unit should be submitted. Details of chemical reaction, water balance sheet & flow sheet for the manufacturing of each product are to be submitted. Part C: Air Emission Aspects Point No. 26: The type and quality of fuel used in Tons/Month should be clearly mentioned along with characteristics of the fuel like sulphur in case of furnace oil and ash content in case of wood, coal etc. Point No. 27: Fuel stacks are the one which are attached to area where fuel is burnt like wood, High speed Diesel, LDO, Furnace Oil etc. Process Stacks sre the one which are attached to the process source like electroplating operations where fumes are to be contained, powder coating etc. The type of Air Pollution Control Equipment installed like wet scrubber, cyclone, electrostatic precipitator, bag filter etc. and its details should be clearly mentioned. Part D: Hazardous waste Aspects. Point no 30 : Kindly refer to the Annexure for the list of process which generate Hazardous Waste and the list of category of hazardous waste generated available on the following website. _rules08.pdf Point no 34 : The hazardous waste generated is to be stored as per guidelines of hazardous waste storage issued by Central Pollution Control Board e.g. ETP sludge is to be stored in properly lined pucca storage area. Part E: Additional Information Point No 42. MSIHC Rules (Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules ) are to be provided. Kindly refer to annexure for the list of hazardous chemicals as per MSIHC Rules available on the following website PLI is the Public Liability Insurance Act. Point No. 44. Waste minimization steps taken for reducing the quantity of waste generated and lesser consumption of chemicals including proposed steps to be taken. General Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The application for shall be submitted in the Office of the Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee, Paryavaran Bhawan, Madhya Marg, Ground Floor, Sector 19 B, Chandigarh. For the items marked* strike out which is not relevant. If any of the items is not relevant to the activity of the applicant, please state ‘Not Applicable’. Don’t leave any item blank. If the space for reply provided for any items is inadequate, use additional sheets, duly referenced. The form shall be accompanied by the relevant documents specified on the last page of the application form.