8th Grade English Language Arts Jeri Ruble 2013-2014 Room number: 30 Phone: 864-260-4888, ext. 131 Web page address: http://www.anderson5.net/domain/222 E-mail address: jeriruble@anderson5.net Course Description: The eighth grade English/Language Arts curriculum will closely follow the Common Core State Standards for Literacy. These standards are based on four areas of study - Reading (fiction and informational), Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. To be ready for college, workforce training, and life in a global society, students need the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, and report on information and ideas, to conduct original research in order to answer questions or solve problems, and to analyze both print and non-print texts in media forms old and new. Organization: Students will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. They will also write and read routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. Students will have individualized instruction through the use of Compass Odyssey and our Mirrors and Windows textbooks. Course Objectives/Common Core Standards: Reading: Literature Key Ideas and Details: 1. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. 3. Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. Craft and Structure: 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 5. Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style. 6. Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such effects as suspense or humor. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: 7. Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.\ N/A 8. N/A 9. Analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, or religious works such as the Bible, including describing how the material is rendered new. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: 10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Reading: Informational Text Key Ideas and Details: 1. Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text. 3. Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). Craft and Structure: 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 5. Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept. 6. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: 7. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea. 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; recognize when irrelevant evidence is introduced. 9. Analyze a case in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation. Rang of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: 10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 6–8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Writing: Text Types and Purposes: 1. Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. a. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. d. Establish and maintain a formal style. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts. d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. e. Establish and maintain a formal style. f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. a. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. b. Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another. c. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to convey experiences and events. d. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and wellstructured event sequences. a. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, and reflection, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. c. Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence, signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another, and show the relationships among experiences and events. d. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events. e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences or events. Production and Distribution of Writing: 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.) 5. With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources. Research to Build and Present Knowledge: 7. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. 8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. 9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. a. Apply grade 8 Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, or religious works such as the Bible, including describing how the material is rendered new”). b. Apply grade 8 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; recognize when irrelevant evidence is introduced”). Range of Writing: 10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration: 1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. c. Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’ questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas. d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views in light of the evidence 2. Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the motives (e.g., social, commercial, political) behind its presentation. 3. Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and relevance and sufficiency of the evidence and identifying when irrelevant evidence is introduced. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas: 4. Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. 5. Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest. 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. Language: Conventions of Standard English: 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Explain the function of verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives) in general and their function in particular sentences. b. Form and use verbs in the active and passive voice. c. Form and use verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive mood. d. Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. b. Use an ellipsis to indicate an omission. c. Spell correctly. Knowledge of Language: 3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. a. Use verbs in the active and passive voice and in the conditional and subjunctive mood to achieve particular effects (e.g., emphasizing the actor or the action; expressing uncertainty or describing a state contrary to fact). Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 7 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede, and secede). c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech. d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary). 5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. a. Interpret figures of speech (e.g. verbal irony, puns) in context. b. Use the relationship between particular words to better understand each of the words. c. Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., bullheaded, willful, firm, persistent, resolute). 6. Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Course Topics: Reading will include: Short stories: Includes the subgenres of adventure stories, historical fiction, mysteries, myths, science fiction, realistic fiction, allegories, parodies, satire, and graphic novels. Drama: Includes one-act and multi-act plays, both in written form and on film. Poetry: Includes the subgenres of narrative poems, lyrical poems, free verse poems, sonnets, odes, ballads, and epics. Literary Nonfiction: Includes the subgenres of exposition, argument, and functional text in the form of personal essays, speeches, opinion pieces, essays about art or literature, biographies, memoirs, journalism, and historical, scientific, technical, or economic accounts (including digital sources) written for a broad audience. Writing: students will take task, purpose, and audience into careful consideration, choosing words, information, structures, and formats deliberately. They will learn how to combine elements of different kinds of writing—for example, to use narrative strategies within argument and explanation within narrative— to produce complex and nuanced writing. They will use technology strategically when creating, refining, and collaborating on writing. They will become adept at gathering information, evaluating sources, and citing material accurately, reporting findings from their research and analysis of sources in a clear and cogent manner. They will learn flexibility, concentration, and fluency to produce highquality first draft text under a tight deadline as well as the capacity to revisit and make improvements to a piece of writing over multiple drafts when circumstances encourage or require it. Speaking and Listening: students will have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations—as part of a whole class, in small groups, and with a partner—built around important content in various domains. They must be able to contribute appropriately to these conversations, to make comparisons and contrasts, and to analyze and synthesize a multitude of ideas in accordance with the standards of evidence appropriate to a particular discipline. Language: students will be able to choose words, syntax, and punctuation to express themselves and achieve particular functions and rhetorical effects. Students will build extensive vocabularies, built through reading and study, enabling them to comprehend complex texts and engage in purposeful writing about and conversations around content. They will become skilled in determining or clarifying the meaning of words and phrases they encounter, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies to aid them. Text and Required Supplies: Instructional materials will include the use of a literature anthology, supplementary materials, current reliable sources, and media. Grading Plan: Warm Ups is an assignment we do at the start of class. They will be collected and are due the same day. 15% Daily Work/Homework is an assignment that we start one day and is due the next. 25% Projects/Papers are assignments that require an extended amount of time. These assignments are usually worth more points than daily work/homework. 40% Tests are given regularly on concepts that we are learning about in class. Ample time is given for students to study. 20% Grading Scale A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 77-84 D = 70-76 Classroom Rules and Procedures: Rules in my classroom are few. I believe that as all children are different, and all actions and reactions very personal in nature, effective discipline involves a few overriding tenets rather than a long list of specific rules. Situations are dealt with as they arise with the focus on enabling the child to grow and learn from his or her actions. Guidelines for student behavior: You may engage in any behavior that does not create a problem for you or anyone else in the school. If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for anyone else in the school. You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or leaning of yourself or others. Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated. In ensuring that the above guidelines are adhered to, I will operate with the following principles as my guide: I will react without anger or haste to problem situations. I will provide consequences that are not punitive but which allow the child to experience the results of a poor choice, enabling him or her to make better choices in the future. I will proceed in all situations with the best interest of the child foremost in my mind---academic, social, and emotional well-being will be fostered. I will guide students toward personal responsibility and the decision-making skills they will need in order to function in the real world. I will arrange consequences for problem situations in such a way that the child will not be humiliated or demeaned. Equal is not always fair. Consequences will be designed to fit the problems of individual students, and they may be different even when the problems appear to be the same. I will make every effort to ensure that, in each situation, the students involved understand why they are involved in consequences. All rules and expectations in the ACAS handbook will be followed. Emergency Procedures: Emergency fire, tornado, and earthquake drills will be carried out regularly to ensure the maximum safety of the students and staff. It is crucial for all parties involved to cooperate and comply with directions to achieve maximum safety for all. A first aid kit is available and located on top of the file cabinet below the television. State Testing Requirements: Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) includes tests in five subject areas: writing, English language arts (reading and research), mathematics, science, and social studies. For spring 2014, all students in grades 3 through 8 will take the writing test, English language Arts (ELA), and mathematics tests. March writing assessment: The PASS writing test includes one extended-response item (Day 1) and multiple-choice items (Day 2). The extended-response item requires the student to write a composition on a given topic. Most of the multiple-choice items on the writing test are linked to editing passages. May reading and research (ELA) assessment: The multiple-choice items on the ELA test are linked to reading passages. Communication: Communication is extremely important to me. I believe the best approach is a direct approach, and I welcome any communication from students or parents. My planning period is from 8:22 AM to 9:22 AM daily, and I will return your telephone call as soon as I am able to respond. I will also answer your emails as quickly as possible. I tend to be quicker with responding to email than telephone, but as I said, I welcome any form of communication. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number The student will demonstrate knowledge by determining the meaning of synonyms from grade Students will expand Vocabulary Skills and apply knowledge of Synonyms grade level appropriate vocabulary. level appropriate vocabulary, by R8002 correctly choosing a given word or phrase that means the same thing, in reading activities that incorporate explicit instruction and application. Activity Title Activity Description Learn the definition of synonym and Synonyms: Interactive apply knowledge of synonyms to Guided Instruction new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of synonyms in a scored passage with vocabulary R8003 Synonyms: Quiz 1 R8004 Synonyms: Let Me Practice from Synonyms: Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Learn the definition of synonym and apply knowledge of synonyms to new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of synonyms in a scored passage with vocabulary R8005 Antonyms The student will demonstrate knowledge by determining the meaning of antonyms from grade level appropriate vocabulary, by R8007 correctly choosing a given word or phrase that means the opposite, in reading activities that incorporate explicit instruction and application. Synonyms: Quiz 2 Antonyms: Interactive Guided Instruction from Synonyms: Let Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of a new word. Learn the definition of antonym and apply knowledge of antonyms to new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of antonyms in a scored passage with vocabulary R8008 Antonyms: Quiz 1 from Antonyms: Let Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description R8009 Antonyms: Let Me Practice Learn the definition of antonym and apply knowledge of antonyms to new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of antonyms in a scored passage with vocabulary R8010 Prefixes The student will be able to analyze and determine the correct meaning of a word, based on the prefix of R8012 the root word or how the prefix is used in the context of a passage. Prefixes: Interactive Guided Instruction R8013 Prefixes: Quiz 1 R8014 Prefixes: Let Me Practice R8015 Suffixes Antonyms: Quiz 2 The student will be able to analyze and determine the correct meaning of a word, based on the suffix of R8017 the root word or how the suffix is used in the context of a passage. from Antonyms: Let Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Learn the definition of prefix and apply knowledge of prefixes to create new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of prefixes in a scored passage with vocabulary from Prefixes: Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Learn the definition of prefix and apply knowledge of prefixes to new vocabulary words. Prefixes: Quiz 2 Quiz: Apply knowledge of prefixes in a scored passage with vocabulary from Prefixes: Let Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Suffixes: Interactive Guided Instruction Learn the definition of suffix and apply knowledge of suffixes to create new vocabulary words. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description The student will be able to identify and select the appropriate homophone or word that sounds Homophones the same, based on the context of a passage which fits the best meaning of the given word or phrase. Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description Quiz: Apply knowledge of suffixes in a scored passage with vocabulary from Suffixes: Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Learn the definition of suffix and apply knowledge of suffixes to create new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of suffixes in a scored passage with vocabulary from Suffixes: Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. R8018 Suffixes: Quiz 1 R8019 Suffixes: Let Me Practice R8020 Suffixes: Quiz 2 R8022 Homophones: Interactive Guided Instruction Learn the definition of homophone and apply knowledge of homophones to create new vocabulary words. R8023 Homophones: Quiz 1 Quiz: Apply knowledge of homophones in a scored passage with vocabulary from Homophones: Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. R8024 Homophones: Let Me Practice R8025 Homophones: Quiz 2 Learn the definition of homophone and apply knowledge of homophone to create new vocabulary words. Quiz: Apply knowledge of homophones in a scored passage with vocabulary from Homophones: Let Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Idioms The student will be able to identify and analyze the author's use of idioms, based on the context of a passage and how these expressions are used in literal and interpretative information. The student will be able to identify and determine the meaning of Latin and unknown words, based on the Greek Roots understanding of Latin and Greek Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description R8027 Idioms: Interactive Guided Instruction Learn the definition of idioms and apply knowledge of idioms to create new vocabulary words or phrases. R8028 Idioms: Quiz 1 Quiz: Apply knowledge of idioms in a scored passage with vocabulary from Idioms: Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. R8029 Learn the definition of idioms and Idioms: Let Me Practice apply knowledge of idioms to create new vocabulary words or phrases. R8030 Idioms: Quiz 2 Quiz: Apply knowledge of idioms in a scored passage with vocabulary from Idioms: Let Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. R8032 Greek and Latin Root Words: Interactive Guided Instruction Learn about Greek and Latin root words and apply knowledge of them to create new vocabulary words or phrases. roots. In this Odyssey Writer, students will practice identifying Greek and Latin OWR8032 R8033 Odyssey Writer: Greek root words and their meanings. and Latin Roots (Act, They will look at words that share the same root and use the root to Port, Onym, Soph) determine meaning of the new vocabulary. Roots act, port, oynm, and soph are used. Quiz: Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin Root words in a scored passage with vocabulary from Greek and Latin Root Greek and Latin Root Words: Words: Quiz 1 Interactive Guided Instruction. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number R8034 R8035 Process Skills: Think Alouds Students will apply comprehension strategies to literary and Think Aloud expository texts using think aloud prompts and scaffolded support. Level 1 Activity Description Learn about Greek and Latin root Greek and Latin Root words and apply knowledge of them Words: Let Me Practice to create new vocabulary words or phrases. Quiz: Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin Root words in a scored passage with vocabulary from Greek and Latin Root Greek and Latin Root Words: Let Words: Quiz 2 Me Practice. Bonus words are included to show alternative forms of new words. While reading a fiction excerpt from Far North, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with extensive Use the reading comprehension process skills of summarizing, predicting, visualizing, questioning, and clarifying with extensive scaffolding and support, through think aloud prompts. Activity Title scaffolding and support though think- R8107 Think Aloud - Level 1 - aloud prompts. The Level 1 Think Aloud narrates and tracks the Part 1 (fiction) passage text for the student. A test based on the poem is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. While reading the non-fiction excerpt from Fly High!: The Story of Bessie Coleman, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with extensive scaffolding and support though think- R8108 Think Aloud - Level 1 - aloud prompts. The Level 1 Think Part 2 (nonfiction) Aloud narrates and tracks the passage text for the student. A test based on the passage is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description While reading the poem, Harriet Tubman, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with extensive scaffolding and support though think- R8109 Think Aloud - Level 1 - aloud prompts. The Level 1 Think Aloud narrates and tracks the Part 3 (poetry) passage text for the student. A test based on the poem is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. While reading the fiction passage, Shadows on the Sea, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with extensive scaffolding and support though think- R8110 Use the reading comprehension process skills of summarizing, Think Aloud Level 2 predicting, visualizing, questioning, R8111 and clarifying with scaffolding and support, through think aloud prompts. Think Aloud - Level 1 - aloud prompts. The Level 1 Think Aloud narrates and tracks the Part 4 (fiction) passage text for the student. A test based on the story is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. While reading the fiction excerpt, Hush, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with scaffolding and support Think Aloud - Level 2 - though think-aloud prompts. A test Part 1 (fiction) based on the story is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description While reading the nonfiction passage, Rosa, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with scaffolding R8112 Think Aloud - Level 2 - and support though think-aloud prompts. A test based on the story Part 2 (nonfiction) is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. While reading the fiction passage, Shadows on the Sea, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify with scaffolding R8113 Use the reading comprehension process skills of summarizing, Think Aloud Level 3 predicting, visualizing, questioning, R8114 and clarifying to independently read and comprehend texts with minimal think aloud support. Think Aloud - Level 2 - and support though think-aloud prompts. A test based on the Part 3 (fiction) passage is presented following the Think Aloud portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. While independently reading the nonfiction article, Where Do I Go With Physical Education?, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify. The Level 3 Think Alouds feature Think Aloud - Level 3 - 'Atomic Thought Bubbles' in which Part 1 (nonfiction) the student can take notes while reading A test based on the story is presented following the independent reading portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description While independently reading the passage, Cat-Bird Land, the student will summarize, predict, visualize, question, and clarify. The Level 3 Think Alouds feature 'Atomic R8115 Think Aloud - Level 3 - Thought Bubbles' in which the student can take notes while Part 2 (narrative) reading A test based on the story is presented following the independent reading portion of the activity. The student has the opportunity to reread the passage before beginning the test. Comprehension Students will apply Make a summary, paraphrase, or comprehension strategies to literary and Summarizing synthesize information from two or R8041 more literary or expository texts. expository texts. OWR8041 Summarizing: Interactive Guided Instruction Odyssey Writer: Summarizing (Surviving the Applewhites) Learn the skill of summarizing and practice summarization in gradeappropriate passages with context clues. In this writing activity, students will read an excerpt from a novel, "Surviving the Applewhites," to analyze how specific story elements interact to provide key information about a character. Students will take notes to help them determine the theme of a chapter as it relates to a character. Then students will write a summary that specifically addresses a character's development throughout a chapter, including interactions with other characters. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of summarizing and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8042 Summarizing: Quiz 1 scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of summarizing and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8043 Summarizing: Quiz 2 scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Plot Analyze and explain the impact of characters and settings within the plot of literary text(s), and how these relationships affect the central conflict leading to the climax and resolution. R8104 R8105 Identify the meaning of plot and Plot: Interactive Guided understand how plot affects the Instruction story in grade-level appropriate passages. Plot: Quiz 1 Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of plot and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number R8106 Plot, Character and Setting Identify the ways major and minor conflicts affect character's actions by comparing and contrasting R8098 actions, setting(s), symbolism, and plot from various literary texts. R8099 R8100 Main Idea & Identify, summarize, or explain the Supporting Details - Non- main idea(s) using the supporting R8045 details in an expository text. Fiction Activity Title Plot: Quiz 2 Plot, Character and Setting: Interactive Guided Instruction Activity Description Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of plot and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Identify the ways major and minor conflicts effect characters and their actions by comparing and contrasting actions, setting(s), and plot (s) from various literary texts that lead to a resolution. Plot, Character and Setting: Quiz 1 Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of the plot, characters, and setting presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Plot, Character and Setting: Quiz 2 Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of the plot, characters, and setting presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Main Idea/Supporting Details-Non-Fiction: Interactive Guided Instruction Identify main idea and supporting details in nonfiction grade-level appropriate passages. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description Students will read the article "Genetically Modified Plants: Poisonous Killers or Environmental OWR8045 R8046 R8047 Identify, summarize, or explain the Main Idea main idea(s) or theme(s) using the and Theme R8049 supporting details and symbolism Fiction in a literary text. Odyssey Writer: Supporting a Claim (Genetically Modified Plants) Main Idea/Supporting Details-Non-Fiction: Quiz 1 Main Idea/Supporting Details-Non-Fiction: Quiz 2 Theme & Main IdeaFiction: Interactive Guided Instruction Saviors" and write a multi-paragraph opinion article explaining which side of the genetifcally modified plants they debate support. Students are asked to underline key details in the text that support their claim and accurately quote those details to help argue their position. Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of main idea and supporting details for nonfiction with context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of main idea and supporting details for nonfiction with context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Identify theme and main idea in fiction grade-level appropriate passages. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number R8050 Activity Title Theme & Main IdeaFiction: Quiz 1 Activity Description Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of theme and main idea for fiction with context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in gradeappropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. R8051 Theme & Main IdeaFiction: Quiz 2 Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of theme and main idea for fiction with context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in gradeappropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Sequential Order Charts and Graphs Identify literary or expository text that is organized in sequential/chronological order using words (first, next, last, then, finally, etc.) or phrases (to begin with, in addition to, etc.) to signal sequence or chronology. Read, interpret and make predictions using charts, graphs, diagrams, maps or other graphic OWR8076 Students will read the web site How to Become the US President: A Step by-Step Guide and put the Odyssey Writer: Road notecards in the correct sequential to Presidency order. Students will then write the process into paragraph form using transitional words. R8092 Interpreting Charts & Graphs: Interactive Guided Instruction Identify and interpret information located in charts and graphs in grade-level appropriate passages. Interpreting Charts & Graphs: Quiz 1 Quiz 1: Apply and interpret information on charts and graphs and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. representations. R8093 Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Cause and Effect Identify cause and effect relationships that involve characters and events, and distinguishing cause from effect in literary and expository texts. Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description R8094 Interpreting Charts & Graphs: Quiz 2 Quiz 2: Apply and interpret information on charts and graphs and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. R8095 Cause and Effect: Interactive Guided Instruction Distinguish between cause and effect in grade-level appropriate text. Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of cause and effect and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8096 Cause and Effect: Quiz scored quiz passages. Remediation 1 is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of cause and effect and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8097 Cause and Effect: Quiz scored quiz passages. Remediation 2 is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Author's Purpose Activity Number Identify and use knowledge of the author's purpose by analyzing how the literary techniques of mood and tone affects author's perspective R8053 and contributes to the comprehension of a literary or expository text. Activity Title Activity Description Author's Purpose: Interactive Guided Instruction Identify author's purpose in gradelevel appropriate passages. Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of author's purpose and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8054 Author's Purpose: Quiz scored quiz passages. Remediation 1 is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of author's purpose and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8055 Use knowledge, information, and ideas from literary texts, expository Making texts, or from multiple sources to Inferences make inferences about the text(s) R8037 and Drawing (e.g., make inferences, draw Conclusions conclusions, make generalizations, infer sequence of events, and infer a character's feelings.) Author's Purpose: Quiz scored quiz passages. Remediation 2 is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Inferencing: Interactive Identify and make inferences in Guided Instruction grade-level appropriate passages. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description Quiz 1A: Apply knowledge of inferencing and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8038 Inferencing: Quiz 1A scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Quiz 2A: Apply knowledge of inferencing and context clues presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, R8039 Inferencing: Quiz 2A scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Compare and contrast information and ideas within a text or between Compare and two or more texts (literary or Contrast expository), including metaphors and point of view. Compare and contrast characters, Compare and Contrast: settings, ideas, information and/or R8080 Interactive Guided Instruction plot within a text or between two or more genre sources (literary or expository), that includes figurative language such as metaphors Quiz 1: Apply knowledge of compare and contrast with characters, settings, ideas, information and/or plot within a text or between two or more genre sources (literary or expository), that Compare and Contrast: includes figurative language such as R8081 Quiz 1 similes as presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description Quiz 2: Apply knowledge of compare and contrast with characters, settings, ideas, information and/or plot within a text or between two or more genre sources (literary or expository), that Compare and Contrast: includes figurative language such as R8082 State Simulation Assessments Students will apply comprehension skills to State literary and expository Simulation texts that simulate high Test stakes assessments. Quiz 2 similes as presented in the Interactive Guided Instruction in grade-appropriate, scored quiz passages. Remediation is provided in the form of specific hints and strategies. Following remediation, opportunities are provided to retake the quiz. Students will demonstrate knowledge of comprehension skills on grade level appropriate literary and expository passages, with questions that simulate a highstakes assessment. R8116 R8117 R8118 State Simulation Test 1 Take state simulated grade-level (reading tests independently to assess comprehension skills) reading comprehension. State Simulation Test 2 (reading comprehension skills) State Simulation Test 3 (reading comprehension skills) Take state simulated grade-level tests independently to assess reading comprehension. Take state simulated grade-level tests independently to assess reading comprehension. 16 Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Surviving the Applewhites - ILA Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description The student will engage in a series of integrated exploratory and assessment activities that target vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, prewriting, literary response and analysis, and writing application. The anchor literature piece is an excerpt from the realistic fiction novel Teacher Materials Surviving the Applewhites. The comprehension activities focus on characterization and mood, and the writing application focuses on writing a persuasive composition that states a clear position in support of a proposal as it relates to a college application essay. Through an exploratory activity, the student will acquire background information that will set the stage for the anchor piece, an excerpt from the realistic fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of a literaturebased glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. The student will also respond to a prewriting prompt. Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description Teacher Materials include chapter information, a synopsis of Surviving the Applewhites, Odyssey Writer prompts, and classroom activities in 8267 Quest for Success: Surviving the Applewhites one printable packet. The following reading comprehension objectives are defined with examples and suggestions for practice: make inferences, draw conclusions, recognize sequence of events, comprehend characterization, use supporting details, interpret cause and effect, identify point of view, use compare and contrast, utilize summarization, and determine impact of setting on character. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Before Reading Through an exploratory activity, the student will acquire background information that will set the stage for the anchor piece, an excerpt from the realistic fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of a literaturebased glossary and an interactive Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description The student will acquire background 8268 assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. The student will also respond to a prewriting prompt. 8269 8270 information that will set the stage for what is to come in the excerpt from the fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites. The activity introduces students to the characters in a very Background (Surviving graphical and interactive way and the Applewhites) covers such topics as homeschooling, the variety of butterflies, goats, North Carolina, the pursuit of one's individual interests, ballet, music, functional art, and how one can be judged by his or her appearance. Being Different/Farm Life (writing) The student will write a response to one of two prewriting prompts that focus on how they express themselves and what makes them different from others, or what would they do with their time if they lived on a farm without TV or computer games. Vocabulary (Surviving the Applewhites) The student will develop vocabulary through the use of the literaturebased glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description During Reading The student will achieve comprehension by reading an excerpt from the realistic fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites with emphasis on vocabulary and fluency. The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the literature selection by Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description 8271 The student will read a summary of what has happened in the story so far and then read the first part of the excerpt from the fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites, Literature: Surviving developing fluency and vocabulary the Applewhites Part 1 and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. 8272 The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the first part of the excerpt of the fiction novel Comprehension Check Surviving the Applewhites, by 1: Surviving the answering five questions about Applewhites making inferences, drawing conclusions, sequencing, characterization, and recalling details. answering questions about making inferences, drawing conclusions, sequence, characterization, recalling details, cause and effect, point of view, compare/contrast, summarizing, and the impact of setting on character. The student will read a summary of the first part of the story excerpt and then read the last part of the excerpt from the fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites, developing fluency and 8273 Literature: Surviving the Applewhites Part 2 vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8274 After Reading The student will use a variety of strategies to comprehend reading selections and be assessed on vocabulary contained in the literature selection. The student will analyze and evaluate the literature piece by responding to literary response and analysis prompts. Through a comprehension activity that incorporates direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment Activity Description The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the last part of the excerpt of the fiction novel Comprehension Check Surviving the Applewhites, by 2: Surviving the answering five questions about Applewhites cause and effect, point of view, compare and contrast, summarizing, and the impact of setting on character. The student will be assessed on the Vocabulary Check: 8275 component, the student will focus Surviving the Applewhites on how dialogue is used to develop characters and mood in the selection. A reteach component provides a different instructional modality for students who need additional direct instruction on the characterization and mood objective. 8276 Character's Actions (writing) vocabulary contained in the excerpt from the fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites, through an activity that uses a graphic organizer to match a word with its definition. Some key vocabulary words students will be assessed on are: lumbered, curriculum, blaring, wary, and carnivore. The student will analyze and evaluate the excerpt from the fiction novel Surviving the Applewhites by responding to literary response and analysis prompts that focus on if the student were Jake, how he or she would react to being at the Applewhite's farm, or which two characters from the story are the most memorable. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Through a comprehension activity that incorporates direct instruction, a 8277 8278 Through a series of writing activities that incorporate direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on writing a Writing Application persuasive composition that states a clear position in support of a proposal as it relates to a college application essay. The student will respond to prompts to write a college application essay of his or her own. 8279 Comprehension: practice, and an assessment Surviving the component, the student will focus Applewhites (dialogue on how dialogue is used to develop and characters) characters and mood in the selection. In this Reteach activity, the student will receive additional direct Comprehension: instruction, using a different Surviving the instructional modality than in the Applewhites (dialogue parent activity, on how dialogue is & characters) used to develop characters and mood, as it relates to the literature selection. Writing Application Instruction (college application essay) Through direct instruction and practice, the student will focus on persuasive compositions that state a clear position in support of a proposal as it relates to a college application essay. The student will respond to one of two prompts by writing a persuasive essay to convince a college 8280 Writing Application Assessment (college application essay) admissions team that he or she is a well-rounded candidate for their school, or to convince his or her parents of their desire and abilities to become an excellent candidate for college. A persuasive rubric for authentic assessment is used. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number Activity Title Activity Description The student will respond to one of two prompts by writing a persuasive essay to convince a college admissions team that he or she is a 8281 The student will engage in a series of integrated exploratory and assessment activities that target vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, prewriting, literary response and analysis, and writing application. The anchor literature Ruthie's Journal Teacher piece is the short story Materials ILA Ruthie's Journal. The comprehension activities focus on sequence of events, and the writing application focuses on writing an informational report that develops a topic with simple facts, details, examples and explanations. The Teacher Materials section contains an extensive offline packet that includes a chapter overview, a synopsis of the literature selection, a list of vocabulary words from the story, as well as an author biography. Lesson plans will be provided on how to implement the Odyssey Writer prompts and the comprehension check activities, including what objectives are covered and a suggested list of online activities that cover each objective. Offline vocabulary activities that can be done before students complete the online vocabulary activity are also provided. Writing application objectives are listed, as well as additional literature titles. To view and download the materials, click the Teacher Materials link to the left. 8282 Persuasive College Essay (writing) Quest for Success: Ruthie's Journal well-rounded candidate for their school, or to convince his or her parents of their desire and abilities to become an excellent candidate for college. A persuasive rubric for authentic assessment is used. Teacher Materials include chapter information, a synopsis of Ruthie's Journal, Odyssey Writer prompts, and classroom activities in one printable packet. The following reading comprehension objectives are defined with examples and suggestions for practice: interpret author's purpose, determine mood, utilize summarization, recognize main idea, recall details, use supporting details, recognize theme, comprehend characterization, identify point of view, and interpret cause and effect. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description The student will acquire background Before Reading Through an exploratory activity, the student will acquire background information that will set the stage for the anchor piece, the short story Ruthie’s Journal. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of a literature-based glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. The student will also respond to a prewriting prompt. Ruthie's Journal, writing, Odyssey Writer, Odyssey Writer prompts, Integrated Language Arts Unit, Integrated Language Arts 8283 8284 During Reading answering questions about author’s purpose, mood, summarizing, recognizing main idea, recalling details, supporting details, theme, characterization, point of view, and cause and effect. Itinerary/Journal Entries (writing) The student will write a response to one of two prewriting prompts that focus on a trip the student has been on and what they saw, or a historical site the student has been to and what they thought about it. 8285 The student will achieve comprehension by reading the short story Ruthie's Journal with emphasis on vocabulary and fluency. The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the literature selection by Background (Ruthie's Journal) information that will set the stage for what is to come in the short story Ruthie's Journal. The activity introduces students to the characters in a very graphical and interactive way and covers such topics as traveling in Boston, New York - Washington D.C., Freedom Trail, traveling with disabilities, train schedule, NYSE New York Stock Exchange, ferry to Ellis Island, Smithsonian Institution, Plymoth Plantation. 8286 Vocabulary (Ruthie's Journal) The student will develop vocabulary through the use of the literaturebased glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on the correct usage of words within the context of a sentence. Literature: Ruthie's Journal Part 1 The student will read a summary of what has happened in the story so far and then read the first part of the short story Ruthie's Journal, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8287 Activity Description The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the first part of the short story Ruthie's Journal, Comprehension Check by answering five questions about 1: Ruthie's Journal interpreting author's purpose, mood, summarization, and main idea and details. 8288 Literature: Ruthie's Journal Part 2 The student will read a summary of the first part of the story excerpt and then read the last part of the short story Ruthie's Journal, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. 8289 The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the last part of the short story Ruthie's Journal, by answering five questions about Comprehension Check using supporting details, 2: Ruthie's Journal recognizing theme, comprehending characterization, identifying point of view, and interpreting cause and effect. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description After Reading Activity Activity Title Number The student will use a variety of strategies to comprehend reading selections and be assessed on vocabulary contained in the literature selection. The student will analyze and evaluate the literature piece by responding to literary response and analysis prompts. Through a comprehension activity that incorporates direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment Activity Description The student will be assessed on the Vocabulary Check: 8290 Ruthie's Journal component, the student will focus on identifying text that uses vocabulary contained in the excerpt from the short story Ruthie's Journal, through an activity that covers adjectives, word meanings, and synonyms. Some key vocabulary words students will be assessed on are: subdued, rotunda, sequencing or other types of logical brochures, abyss, and seeping. order in the selection. A reteach component provides a different instructional modality for students who need additional direct instruction on the sequence of events objective. The student will analyze and evaluate the short story, Ruthie's Journal by responding to literary 8291 Problems While Traveling (writing) response and analysis prompts that focus on why Ruthie and her friends keep getting separated from the rest of the class, or if the student has ever been separated from their family and what emotions they felt. Through a comprehension activity that incorporates direct instruction, a 8292 Comprehension: Ruthie's Journal (sequencing) practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying text that uses sequencing or other types of logical order in the selection. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Comprehension: Ruthie's Journal (sequencing) In this Reteach activity, the student will receive additional direct instruction, using a different instructional modality than in the parent activity, on identifying text that uses sequencing or other types of logical order, as it relates to the literature selection. Writing Application Instruction Through direct instruction and practice, the student will focus on (informational report) writing an informational report. 8295 Writing Application Assessment (informational report) 8296 Travel Article (writing) The student will be assessed on their understanding of how to write an informational report on travel. The student will write an informational article for a school newspaper about the best place to travel on a limited budget. 8293 Through a series of writing activities that incorporate direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on writing an Writing Application informational report that develops a topic with simple facts, details, examples and explanations as it relates to a travel article. The student will respond to a prompt to write a travel article of his or her own. Activity Description 8294 Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Shipwreck - ILA The student will engage in a series of integrated exploratory and assessment activities that target vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, prewriting, literary response and analysis, and writing application. The anchor literature piece is an excerpt from Teacher the true story Shipwreck Materials at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance. The comprehension activities focus on summarization, and the writing application focuses on writing a cover letter. Before Reading The Teacher Materials section contains an extensive offline packet that includes a chapter overview, a synopsis of the literature selection, a list of vocabulary words from the story, as well as an author biography. Lesson plans will be provided on how to implement the Odyssey Writer prompts and the comprehension check activities, including what objectives are covered and a suggested list of online activities that cover each objective. Offline vocabulary activities that can be done before students complete the online vocabulary activity are also provided. Writing application objectives are listed, as well as additional literature titles. To view and download the materials, click the Teacher Materials link to the left. Through an exploratory activity, the student will acquire background information that will set the stage for the anchor piece, an excerpt from Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of a literature-based glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. The student will also respond to a prewriting prompt. Activity Activity Title Number 8312 Quest for Success: Shipwreck at the Bottom of the Word Activity Description Teacher Materials include chapter information, a synopsis of Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance, Odyssey Writer prompts, and classroom activities in one printable packet. The following reading comprehension objectives are defined with examples and suggestions for practice: make inferences, identify personification, recognize sequence of events, determine impact of plot on characters, interpret cause and effect, determine them, analyze mood, use supporting details, draw conclusions, and utilize analogy. The student will acquire background 8313 Background (Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World) Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence information that will set the stage for what is to come in the excerpt from Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World. The activity introduces students to the characters in a very graphical and interactive way and covers such topics as Antarctica, ice packs, Sir Ernest Shackleton, the Endurance, Elephant Island, seals, penguins, sled dogs, and ships in the twentieth century. Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8314 8315 During Reading The student will achieve comprehension by reading an excerpt from the true story Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance with emphasis on vocabulary and fluency. The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the literature selection by answering questions about making inferences, personification, sequence, impact of plot on characters, cause and effect, theme, mood, supporting details, drawing conclusions, and utilizing analogy. 8316 Survival and Leadership (writing) Activity Description The student will write a response to one of two prewriting prompts that focus on the similarities found in survival stories, or how leadership qualities can affect the outcome of a situation. The student will develop vocabulary Vocabulary (Shipwreck through the use of the literaturebased glossary and an interactive at the Bottom of the assessment activity that focuses on World) correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. Literature: Shipwreck Part 1 The student will read a summary of what has happened in the story so far and then read the first part of the excerpt from the true story Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the first part of the excerpt of Shipwreck at the 8317 Comprehension Check Bottom of the World, by answering five questions about making 1: Shipwreck at the inferences, identifying Bottom of the World personification, recognizing sequence of events, determining impact of plot on characters, and interpreting cause and effect. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description The student will read a summary of the first part of the story excerpt and then read the last part of the excerpt from the true story Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. 8318 Literature: Shipwreck Part 2 8319 The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the last part Comprehension Check of the excerpt of Shipwreck at the 2: Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World, by answering Bottom of the World five questions about determining theme, analyzing mood, using details, Inference, and analogy. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number The student will use a variety of strategies to comprehend reading selections and be assessed on vocabulary contained in the literature selection. The student will analyze and evaluate the literature piece by responding to literary response and analysis prompts. Through a comprehension activity After Reading that incorporates direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying and summarizing main and supporting ideas in the selection. A reteach component provides a different instructional modality for students who need additional direct instruction on the summarization objective. Activity Description The student will be assessed on the Vocabulary Check: 8320 8321 Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Day in the Life/Feelings (writing) vocabulary contained in the excerpt from Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World, through an activity where the student will fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word. Some key vocabulary words students will be assessed on are: coincided, retrieve, manning, embattled, and evacuation. The student will analyze and evaluate the excerpt from Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World by responding to literary response and analysis prompts that focus on what it might be like to be one of Shackleton's crewmembers, or what thoughts and feelings would be going through the student's mind if he or she had to evacuate the ship and watch it sink. Through a comprehension activity that incorporates direct instruction, a 8322 Comprehension: Shipwreck (summarizing) practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying and summarizing main and supporting ideas in the selection. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Writing Application Through a series of writing activities that incorporate direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on writing a cover letter and will respond to a prompt where they will write his or her own. Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description 8323 Comprehension: Shipwreck (summarizing) In this Reteach activity, the student will receive additional direct instruction, using a different instructional modality than in the parent activity, on identifying and summarizing main and supporting ideas, as it relates to the literature selection. 8324 Writing Application Instruction (resume cover letter) Through direct instruction and practice, the student will focus on writing a cover letter that presents information purposefully and succinctly. 8324 Writing Application Instruction (resume cover letter) Through direct instruction and practice, the student will focus on writing a cover letter that presents information purposefully and succinctly. 8325 Writing Application Assessment (resume cover letter) The student will be assessed on how to write a cover letter. Cover Letter (writing) The student will respond to the prompt by writing a cover letter to convince the school principal to hire him or her for an after school job. The letter-writing rubric for authentic assessment is used. 8326 Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description 19 Varieties of Gazelle - ILA The student will engage in a series of integrated exploratory and assessment activities that target vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, prewriting, literary response and analysis, and writing application. Teacher The anchor literature Materials piece is a series of poems from the book 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East. The comprehension activities focus on theme, and the writing application focuses on writing free verse poetry. Before Reading The Teacher Materials section contains an extensive offline packet that includes a chapter overview, a synopsis of the literature selection, a list of vocabulary words from the story, as well as an author biography. Lesson plans will be provided on how to implement the Odyssey Writer prompts and the comprehension check activities, including what objectives are covered and a suggested list of online activities that cover the different objectives. Offline vocabulary activities that can be done before students complete the online vocabulary activity will be given. Writing application objectives are listed, as well as additional literature titles. To view and download the materials, click the Teacher Materials link to the left. Through an exploratory activity, the student will acquire background information that will set the stage for the anchor piece, a series of poems from the book 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of a literature-based glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. The student will also respond to a prewriting prompt. Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Teacher Materials include chapter information, a synopsis of 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East, Odyssey Writer prompts, and classroom activities in 8297 one printable packet. The following reading comprehension objectives Quest for Success: 19 are defined with examples and Varieties of Gazelle suggestions for practice: recognize main idea, interpret cause and effect, comprehend symbolism, make inferences, determine mood, understand tone, identify point of view, comprehend literary technique, and comprehend symbolism. The student will acquire background 8298 Background (19 Varieties of Gazelle) information that will set the stage for the poems they will read from 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East. The activity introduces students to the Arabic language, the Middle East, the importance of olives and figs in Middle Eastern culture, being Arab American, some famous Arab Americans, Israel, gazelles, and free verse poetry. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description During Reading The student will achieve comprehension by reading poems from 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East with emphasis on vocabulary and fluency. The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the literature selection by answering questions about main idea, cause and effect, symbolism, making inferences, mood, tone, point of view, and literary technique. Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description The student will write a response to one of two prewriting prompts that focus on how one would feel if they had to move away from a favorite family member or describe how eating a favorite dessert makes them feel. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of the literaturebased glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. 8299 Narrative/Descriptive Words (writing) 8300 Vocabulary (19 Varieties of Gazelle) 8301 The student will read a brief description of free verse poetry and Literature: 19 Varieties then read five poems from 19 of Gazelle Part 1 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the five 8302 Comprehension Check poems in the first part of the excerpt 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of 1: 19 Varieties of the Middle East, by answering five Gazelle questions about main idea, cause and effect, symbolizing, making inferences, and mood. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8303 The student will read a summary of the five poems they read in the first part of the literature excerpt and then read four more poems from 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Literature: 19 Varieties Middle East, developing fluency and of Gazelle Part 2 vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. 8304 The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the four poems in the second part of the Comprehension Check excerpt 19 Varieties of Gazelle: 2: 19 Varieties of Poems of the Middle East, by Gazelle answering five questions about tone, point of view, literary technique, symbolism, and making inferences. The student will use a variety of strategies to comprehend reading selections and be assessed on vocabulary contained in the literature selection. The student will analyze and evaluate the literature piece by responding to literary response and analysis prompts. After Reading Through a comprehension activity that incorporates direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying and analyzing themes in the selection. A reteach component provides a different instructional modality for students who need additional direct instruction on theme. Activity Description The student will be assessed on the vocabulary contained in the poems from 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East, through an activity where the student will match 8305 Vocabulary Check: 19 a vocabulary word with its definition. Varieties of Gazelle Some key vocabulary words students will be assessed on are: tokens, din, bravado, pita, banter, unsung, thesis, and Ahlan Wa Shalan. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description The student will analyze and evaluate the poems from 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East by responding to literary 8306 Poetry Inspiration/Feeling (writing) response and analysis prompts that focus on if the poet's ancestors were from another part of the world, other than the Middle East, what effect that would have on her poems, or a poem that moved the student the most and the feelings it evoked in the student. Through a comprehension activity Writing Application Through a series of writing activities that incorporate direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on free verse poetry. The student will respond to prompts to write a free verse poem of his or her own. that incorporates direct instruction, a 8307 Comprehension: 19 Varieties of Gazelle (theme) 8308 Comprehension: 19 Varieties of Gazelle (theme) 8309 Writing Application Instruction (poetry) Through direct instruction and practice, the student will focus on free verse poetry. 8310 Writing Application Assessment (poetry) The student will be assessed on their understanding of how to write free verse poetry. practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying and analyzing themes in the selection. In this Reteach activity, the student will receive additional direct instruction, using a different instructional modality than in the parent activity, on identifying and analyzing themes, as it relates to the literature selection. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8311 True North - ILA The student will engage in a series of integrated exploratory and assessment activities that target vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, prewriting, literary response and analysis, and writing application. The anchor literature piece is an excerpt from the historical fiction Teacher novel True North: A Materials Novel of the Underground Railroad. The comprehension activities focus on compare and contrast, and the writing application focuses on writing a biographical or autobiographical narrative or short story that relates a clear, coherent incident, event or situation by using well-chosen details. The Teacher Materials section contains an extensive offline packet that includes a chapter overview, a synopsis of the literature selection, a list of vocabulary words from the story, as well as an author biography. Lesson plans will be provided on how to implement the Odyssey Writer prompts and the comprehension check activities, including what objectives are covered and a suggested list of online activities that cover each objective. Offline vocabulary activities that can be done before students complete the online vocabulary activity are also provided. Writing application objectives are listed, as well as additional literature titles. To view and download the materials, click the Teacher Materials link to the left. 8327 Activity Description Free Verse Poem (writing) The student will respond to one of two prompts by writing a free verse poem of his or her own. A descriptive rubric for authentic assessment is used. Quest for Success: True North Teacher Materials include chapter information, a synopsis of True North, Odyssey Writer prompts, and classroom activities in one printable packet. The following reading comprehension objectives are defined with examples and suggestions for practice: determine impact of setting, draw conclusions, comprehend characterization, make inferences, interpret cause and effect, use supporting details, interpret author's purpose, recognize main idea, identify point of view, and determine impact of setting on character. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Before Reading Through an exploratory activity, the student will acquire background information that will set the stage for the anchor piece, an excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North. The student will develop vocabulary through the use of a literature-based glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. The student will also respond to a prewriting prompt. Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description The student will acquire background 8328 Background ( True North) information that will set the stage for what is to come in the excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North. The activity introduces students to the characters in a very graphical and interactive way and covers such topics as slavery, the Underground Railroad, abolitionists, Underground stations, maps and transportation timetables, Boston, and the North Star. 8329 8330 Freedom and Slavery (writing) The student will write a response to one of two prewriting prompts that focus on freedoms the student has that a slave would not, or if slavery was still practiced if the student would help the slaves or be afraid to break the law. Vocabulary (True North) The student will develop vocabulary through the use of the literaturebased glossary and an interactive assessment activity that focuses on correctly identifying a vocabulary word with its definition. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description During Reading The student will achieve comprehension by reading an excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North: A Novel of the Underground Railroad with emphasis on vocabulary and fluency. The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the literature selection by answering questions about the impact of setting, drawing conclusions, characterization, making inferences, cause and effect, supporting details, author’s purpose, recognizing main idea, point of view, and impact of setting on character. Activity Activity Title Number 8331 Literature: True North Part 1 Activity Description The student will read a summary of what has happened in the story so far and then read the first part of the excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North: A Novel of the Underground Railroad, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. 8332 The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the first part of the excerpt of the historical fiction novel True North, by answering five Comprehension Check questions about determining the 1: True North impact of setting, drawing conclusions, comprehending characterization, making inferences, and interpreting cause and effect. 8333 Literature: True North Part 2 The student will read a summary of the first part of the story excerpt and then read the last part of the excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North: A Novel of the Underground Railroad, developing fluency and vocabulary and recognizing words in context. The literature selection includes targeted vocabulary words, with a glossary. Optional audio support is available to model fluency. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8334 The student will use a variety of strategies to comprehend reading selections and be assessed on vocabulary contained in the literature selection. The student will analyze and evaluate the literature piece by responding to literary response and analysis prompts. Through a comprehension activity After Reading that incorporates direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying and analyzing text that uses compare and contrast in the selection. A reteach component provides a different instructional modality for students who need additional direct instruction on the compare and contrast objective. Activity Description The student will be assessed on their comprehension of the last part of the excerpt of the historical fiction novel True North, by answering five Comprehension Check questions about using supporting 2: True North details, interpreting author's purpose, recognizing main idea, identifying point of view, and determining the impact of setting on character. The student will be assessed on the Vocabulary Check: 8335 True North vocabulary contained in the excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North, through an activity where the student completes the sentence by choosing the correct vocabulary word. Some key vocabulary words students will be assessed on are: hawser, dwindle, barring, nocturnal, and swells. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number 8336 Facing Fears (writing) Activity Description The student will analyze and evaluate the excerpt from the historical fiction novel True North by responding to literary response and analysis prompts that focus on a time the student had to face their fears and how it changed them, or what the student would do if they were caught helping a slave escape, and how they would defend their actions. Through a comprehension activity Writing Application Through a series of writing activities that incorporate direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on writing a biographical or autobiographical narrative or short story that relates a clear, coherent incident, event or situation by using well-chosen details. The student will respond to a prompt to write a biography of his or her own. 8337 Comprehension: True North (compare and contrast) 8338 Comprehension: True North (compare and contrast) that incorporates direct instruction, a practice, and an assessment component, the student will focus on identifying and analyzing text that uses compare and contrast 8339 Writing Application Instruction (biographical/ autobiographical) Through direct instruction and practice, the student will focus on writing a biographical or autobiographical narrative or short story that relates a clear, coherent incident, event or situation by using well-chosen details. 8340 Writing Application Assessment (biographical/ autobiographical) The student will be assessed on how to write a biography, one type of narrative that relates a clear, coherent incident, event or situation by using well-chosen details. Language Arts 8: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Number 8341 Activity Title Activity Description Biography (writing) The student will respond to the prompt by writing a biography about an average person in their community whose actions have created change and had a positive impact on the lives of others. The narrative writing rubric for authentic assessment is used. LA Extensions 6: Scope and Sequence Chapter Title Grammar Extension Chapter Description Lesson Title The learner will use appropriate grammatical and mechanical Sentence Structure conventions of language in written compositions. Lesson Description Demonstrate that sentences are composed of a subject and a predicate, and identify sentence fragments and run-on sentences. Activity Activity Title Number 6427 Sentence School (fragments and run-ons) Activity Description Learn the parts of a sentence and how to identify a fragment and a run-on. Two short multiple choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Sentence Structure Punctuation Review and correctly punctuate the four types of sentences as declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. 6428 Types of Sentences Review and practice differentiating among the four types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory). Two multiple choice practice exercises and an overall writing task are included. Review and practice differentiating among the four 6475 Four Kinds of Sentences types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory). Short writing exercises and an overall multiple choice practice exercise are included. Lesson Quiz: Punctuation Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Pronouns Identify pronouns, demonstrate agreement between pronouns and antecedents, and write with increasing accuracy when using pronoun objective and subjective cases, such as, ''He and they joined me.'' Activity Activity Title Number 6430 6477 Activity Description Me, Myself, and I (pronouns) Learn form and function of objective and subjective pronouns. Use correct pronouns in practice, multiple choice exercises and a printable worksheet. Reviewing Pronouns (antecedents) Use objective and subjective pronouns correctly and distinguish between pronouns and antecedents. Explanation and short, multiple-choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Pronouns Learn the form and function of action verbs and helping Identify and correctly use action and Verbs helping verbs. Identify irregular spelling of forms of ''to be, to do,'' and ''to have.'' 6431 6478 Discriminate between transitive and intransitive verbs and direct and Action and Helping Verbs verbs with explanation and examples, practice exercises, and a printable worksheet. Learn the form and function of action verbs and helping Reviewing Action and verbs with explanation, Helping Verbs examples, and practice exercises. Lesson Quiz: Verbs Discriminate between transitive and intransitive Transitive & Intransitive Verb indirect objects. Recognize and use correctly such troublesome verbs as ''sit/set; rise/raise; lie/lay.'' Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description 6432 verbs and direct and indirect Transitive and Intransitive objects in short practice exercises, including a printable worksheet. Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Discriminate between 6479 Adjectives & Adverbs Identify and use descriptive adjectives and adverbs to enhance writing. 6434 6481 Reviewing Transitive and transitive and intransitive verbs and direct and indirect Intransitive Verbs objects in short, multiplechoice exercises. Lesson Quiz: Transitive & Intransitive Verb Learn the function of adjectives and adverbs and Adjectives and Adverbs practice using descriptive words in a printable writing exercise. Learn the function of adjectives and adverbs through explanation and Descriptive Writing examples, and identify (adjectives and adverbs) adjectives and adverbs in short, multiple-choice practice exercises. Lesson Quiz: Adjectives & Adverbs Identify interjections, conjunctions, Important Small Words and prepositions in grade-level written composition. Use prepositional phrases to elaborate ideas. 6435 6482 Ifs, Ands, and Buts of Writing (conjunctions) Interjections, Conjunctions, and Prepositions Lesson Quiz: Important Learn the form and function of interjections, conjunctions, and prepositions with explanation and practice exercises. Learn the form and function of interjections, conjunctions, and prepositions with explanation and practice exercises. Small Words Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Learn how to identify and Dependent/Independen Identify and correctly punctuate t Clause dependent and independent clauses. 6436 6483 Composition Writing Use Standard English in grade level appropriate composition. Correctly use the following: ''good/well; who/whom between/among; which/that/who.'' Clauses (independent and punctuate independent and dependent clauses with dependent) examples and practice exercises. Learn and practice how to Reviewing Dependent and identify and punctuate independent and dependent Independent Clauses clauses with examples and multiple choice exercises. Lesson Quiz: Dependent/Independent Clause 6437 Learn and practice when and how to use the following Using the Right Word words: between and among, (Standard English Usage) good and well, which and who, and who and whom. 6484 Learn and practice when and Which Word Is the Right how to use the following Word? (Standard English words: between and among, usage) good and well, which and who, and who and whom. Lesson Quiz: Composition Writing Chapter Title Chapter Description Verb Tenses Use verb tenses correctly, including present, past, future, and perfect forms, and demonstrate parallel structure (consistent tense) in sentences. Lesson Title Lesson Description 6438 Verb Tenses Activity Activity Title Number Learn and practice how to identify the perfect forms of past, present, and future verbs. Activity Description Learn how to identify the perfect forms of past, 6485 present, and future verbs, Linking Verbs and Tenses and learn the function of (verb usage) linking verbs, predicate nominatives, and predicate adjectives. Short practice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Verb Tenses Proper Comma Use Use commas in dates, city and states, and lists. Use commas in appositives and after introductory words and phrases, as well as with names in direct address. 6440 Commas 6487 Using Commas Learn and apply understanding of comma usage in dates, items in a series, appositives, direct addresses, and letters in practice exercises and a writing activity. Learn and practice use of commas in dates, places, direct addresses, items in a series, appositives, and letters. Lesson Quiz: Proper Comma Use Capitalization Capitalize names of organizations, nationalities, races, languages, and religions, as well as titles of books, stories, poems, songs, and articles. 6441 6488 Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Mechanics of Writing (capitalization) Learn and apply rules of capitalization in titles, organizations, nationalities, races, languages, religions, and written works in practice exercises and writing activities. Learn and apply rules of capitalization in titles, It's Capital! (capitalization) organizations, nationalities, races, languages, religions, and written works in practice exercises. Activity Activity Title Number Lesson Quiz: Capitalization Activity Description Learn and practice use of quotation marks in dialog and Quotation Marks Use quotation marks in dialogue and titles, using grade-level vocabulary. 6442 Quotation Sensation! (quotation marks) 6489 Punctuation Practice (quotation marks) titles and with other punctuation marks. A printable worksheet is included. Learn and practice use of quotation marks in dialog and titles and with other punctuation marks. Lesson Quiz: Quotation Marks Identify and correctly use linking verbs with predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives. 6433 The learner will read silently and aloud with Letter Combinations fluency and accuracy. Correctly identify the different pronunciations of the letter combination ''ough'', as in; ''rough, dough, plough, borough, cough,'' and ''hiccough''. 6502 Chapter Description Lesson Description Linking Verbs Reading Accurately Extension Chapter Title Lesson Title Learn, identify, and use linking verbs, predicate Grammar Practice (linking nominatives, and predicate verbs) adjectives with practice exercises and a writing activity. Lesson Quiz: Linking Verbs Chapter Test: Grammar Extension Learn and chart five pronunciations of the letter combination ough, as in The Sounds of ''Ough'' rough, dough, plough, cough, and hiccough. A culminating multiple choice exercise is included. Activity Activity Title Number 6509 The Sounds of ''Ough'' Activity Description Learn and practice five pronunciations of the letter combination ough, as in rough, dough, plough, cough, and hiccough. A culminating multiple choice exercise is included. Lesson Quiz: Letter Combinations Correctly identify which syllable of a multisyllabic word needs to be stressed, and demonstrate Learn about various types of homographs, including multiple meaning words that Pronunciation understanding that the stress of a syllable affects pronunciation and can affect meaning. Identify multiple meanings of words, and understand how they can affect pronunciation. 6504 6510 Words with Multiple Meanings (homographs) Multiple Meanings (homographs) sound alike, sound different, and have different stressed syllables Two short practice exercises are included. Learn about various types of homographs, including multiple meaning words that sound alike, sound different, and have different stressed syllables A short, multiple choice exercise is included. Lesson Quiz: Pronunciation Affixes Chapter Title Reading & Vocabulary Skills Extension Chapter Description Lesson Title The learner will apply reading strategies and Figures of Speech develop vocabularybuilding skills. Correctly identify prefixes and suffixes, and demonstrate an understanding of their meanings. Lesson Description Identify the use of figures of speech in written text, including analogies, idioms, similes, metaphors, and hyperbole. 6506 Affixes Learn and apply definition of common prefixes and suffixes in practice exercises and two printable worksheets. 6512 All about Affixes Learn and apply definition of common prefixes and suffixes in practice exercises. Activity Activity Title Number Lesson Quiz: Affixes Chapter Test: Reading Accurately - Extension Activity Description Learn and practice identifying similes, metaphors, hyperboles, analogies, and idioms. Practice exercises and a printable worksheet are included. 6513 Figures of Speech 6530 Learn through explanation and example the meaning of Comparisons, Sayings, simile, metaphor, analogy, and Exaggeration (figures idiom, and hyperbole. of speech) Practice identifying each in two short multiple choice exercises. Lesson Quiz: Figures of Speech Comprehension Skills Demonstrate comprehension skills, such as distinguishing between fact and opinion, cause and effect, and Getting to the Bottom of 6514 fantasy and reality. 6531 What You Read (strategies) Learn and demonstrate how to distinguish between fact and opinion, cause and effect, and fantasy and reality. Short, multiple choice exercises are included. Learn and demonstrate how to distinguish between fact Believe It or Not (fact and and opinion, cause and opinion) effect, and fantasy and reality. Short, multiple choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Comprehension Skills Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Identifying the Main Idea Lesson Description Correctly identify the main idea and supporting details of an entire text. Paraphrase and summarize text to aid in comprehension. Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Identify main idea and supporting details of an expository text. Practice summarizing and paraphrasing. Three printable worksheets are included. 6515 Main Idea 6532 Identify main idea and supporting details and Getting to the Point (main differentiate between Idea, details, summary, summarizing and paraphrase) paraphrasing. A sample text with a short multiple choice exercise is included. Lesson Quiz: Identifying the Main Idea Learn and apply purposes for Demonstrate the use of a variety of reading styles and speed to fit Different Reading Styles different types of text, including poetry, novels, textbooks, instruction manuals, and newspapers. 6517 6534 Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Social Studies Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 1: Words from social studies, including continent, population, economics, migration, culture, suffrage, international, province, citadel, ethnic . Obey the Speed Limit! (to reading and writing: to inform, to entertain, to inform, persuade, persuade. Practice exercise entertain) and a writing task are included. Learn and identify three purposes for reading: to inform, to entertain, to Purpose for Reading persuade. Explanation for each purpose and a short, multiple choice exercise is included. Lesson Quiz: Different Reading Styles Activity Activity Title Number 6520 Vocabulary Enrichment (social studies) Activity Description Learn and apply meaning of words from social studies in practice exercises and activities. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Social Studies Vocabulary Foreign Words Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 2: Foreign words commonly used in English, including touché, bona fide, status quo, incommunicado, faux, smörgasbord, al fresco, gesundheit, bon voyage, à la carte . 6521 Vocabulary Enrichment (foreign words) Learn and apply meaning of foreign words commonly used in English in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Foreign Words Vocabulary Mathematics Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 3: Words from mathematics, including variable, equation, inequalities, proportions, integer, volume, capacity, perpendicular, parallel, 6522 Vocabulary Enrichment (Math) Learn and apply meaning of words from math in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. statistics . Lesson Quiz: Mathematics Vocabulary Science Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 4: Words from science, including conductor, soluble, energy, force, system, minerals, natural resources, hypothesis, vertebrate, invertebrate . 6523 Vocabulary Enrichment (science) Learn and apply meaning of words from science in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Science Vocabulary Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Art Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 5: Words from the arts, including instrumental, vocal, scale, chord, melody, texture, value, form, balance, variety. Activity Activity Title Number 6524 Vocabulary Enrichment (The Arts) Activity Description Learn and apply meaning of words used in the arts (instrumental, vocal, scale, chord, melody, texture, value, form, balance, variety) in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Art Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 6: Words from technology, including Technology Vocabulary word processor, software, hardware, 6525 Vocabulary Enrichment (computer technology) font, icon, prompt, database, prototype, disk, virtual reality . Learn and apply meaning of words from computer technology (word processor, software, hardware, font, icon, prompt, database, prototype, disk, virtual reality) in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Technology Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 7: Learn and apply meaning of words from language arts (expository, figurative, thesis, Language Arts Vocabulary Words from language arts, including expository, figurative, thesis, prose, metaphor, irony, dialect, personification, theme, alliteration . 6526 Vocabulary Enrichment (language arts) prose, metaphor, irony, dialect, personification, theme, alliteration) in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Language Arts Vocabulary Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Interesting Origin Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 8: Words with interesting origins, including boycott, broccoli, vaccine, eureka, dandelion, chauvinism, macaroni, magenta, honeymoon, assassination . Activity Activity Title Number 6527 Vocabulary Enrichment (word origins) Activity Description Learn and apply meaning of ten words with interesting origins (boycott, broccoli, vaccine, eureka, dandelion, chauvinism, macaroni, magenta, honeymoon, assassination) in practice exercises. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Interesting Origin Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 9: Words with Latin parts, including Latin Parts Vocabulary ''omnis'' (omniscient, omnipotent), ''annus'' (annual, anniversary), ''vita'' (vitality, vitamin), ''dict'' (dictation, dictionary), ''magnus'' (magnify, magnificent). 6528 Vocabulary Enrichment (Latin prefixes) Learn and apply meaning of common Latin word parts (dict, omni, magnus, vita, and annus) with practice exercises. Lesson Quiz: Latin Parts Vocabulary Demonstrate increased vocabulary and enhanced language use. Unit 10: Acronyms Vocabulary Acronyms, including ''sonar, scuba, RAM, laser, radar, NATO, CARE, VISTA, NASA, UNICEF''. 6529 Vocabulary Enrichment (acronyms) Learn and apply meaning of common acronyms (sonar, RAM, radar, VISTA, UNICEF, scuba, laser, NATO, NASA, CARE) with practice exercises and a writing activity. Activity requires access to a dictionary. Lesson Quiz: Acronyms Vocabulary Chapter Test: Reading & Vocabulary Skills Extension Chapter Title Literature Extension Chapter Description Lesson Title The learner will identify and understand the structural features of literature. Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Learn and practice differentiating between first person narration and third Correctly identify an author's voice or point of view in a written selection, and determine if the selection was Point of View written in the first or the third person. Identify monologue and dialogue within a written selection. Activity Description 6541 6551 The Author's Voice (point person narration and between dialogue and of view) monologue. A brief writing task and two short multiple choice exercises are included. Learn and practice differentiating between first person narration and third The Voice of Writing (point person narration and of view) between dialogue and monologue. Two short multiple choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Point of View Chapter Title Chapter Description Elements of Mood & Tone Explain how an author's use of formal or informal language (including the use of slang), as well as denotative and connotative meanings, can help to set the mood or tone of a selection. Lesson Title Lesson Description 6543 Formal and Informal Language (mood and tone) Activity Activity Title Number Learn how word choice influences mood and tone. Topics covered include definition of mood and tone, denotative and connotative meanings of words, and formal and informal language and writing situations. Two short, multiple choice exercises are included. Activity Description 6553 Formal and Informal (mood and tone) Learn how word choice influences mood and tone. Topics covered include definition of mood and tone, denotative and connotative meanings of words, and formal and informal language and writing situations. Two short, multiple choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Elements of Mood & Tone Techniques of Writing Demonstrate understanding of an author's use of flashbacks and foreshadowing. 6545 Flashbacks and Foreshadowing 6555 Reading Past and Future (flashback and foreshadowing) Learn and identify use of flashbacks and foreshadowing with examples and practice exercise. Learn and identify use of flashbacks and foreshadowing with explanation, examples, and a short multiple choice practice exercise. Lesson Quiz: Techniques of Writing Elements of Style Differentiate between an author's use of literal or figurative language, including imagery, metaphor and simile, symbol, and personification. Afternoon Movie 66950 (alliteration and personification) 6556 Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Figuratively Speaking (figurative language) Activity Activity Title Number Define alliteration, conflict, personification, and hero with short practice exercises. Learn and identify personification in a Robert Frost poem and differentiate among imagery, metaphor, simile, and symbol in two multiple-choice exercises. Activity Description Learn and identify personification, imagery, 6546 Literal and Figurative Language metaphor, simile, and symbol in excerpts from poets Wylie, Rosetti, Pound, Poe, and Dickinson. Lesson Quiz: Elements of Style Propaganda Identify common propaganda techniques used in the media. Point out examples of false advertising in television ads for toys, and emotional versus logical arguments found in editorials and opinion pages. Determine whether they contain strong or weak arguments. 6547 6557 Propaganda Techniques Learn the purpose and terminology of propaganda and propaganda techniques with emphasis on product advertising. Propaganda Learn the purpose and terminology of propaganda and propaganda techniques with emphasis on product advertising. Activity includes explanation with definitions and examples, a writing prompt, and a short, multiple choice exercise. Lesson Quiz: Propaganda Chapter Test: Literature Extension Chapter Title Genres of Literature Extension Chapter Description Lesson Title The learner will develop an appreciation for the different genres of literature and will Reading Strategies recognize that a literary text may elicit a variety of Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Read a selected grade-appropriate novel, and demonstrate the use of the following reading strategies: 'prereading skills,' such as scanning bold headings and graphics and predicting story events; reading skills , such as making inferences, drawing conclusions, making generalizations; and 'rereading' for better understanding. Relate aspects of the Reading a Novel (The 6560 Secret Garden and Hatchet) Activity Description Use reading strategies to read either The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett or Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. The activity provides specific reading guidance for each novel, including prereading and during reading strategies, vocabulary, comprehension valid responses. questions, and writing task extensions. text to your experiences. 6573 A Novel Idea (making inferences) Learn strategies for reading, including prereading techniques, understanding context clues, making inferences, and rereading. A short multiple choice exercise is included. Lesson Quiz: Reading Strategies Chapter Title Chapter Description Reading Genres Determine the reading level of a selection, and choose books that are at your level. Briefly describe these genres of literature: fiction, nonfiction, biography, and poetry. Select 25 books to read during the course of the year, with 4 of the books from the same genre. Lesson Title Lesson Description 6561 The Love of Reading (literary genres) Activity Activity Title Number 6574 Genres Learn about the main literary genres, including fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, science fiction, biography, poetry, magazine, newspaper, and mystery. Activity Description Learn about the main literary genres, including fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, science fiction, biography, poetry, magazine/newspaper, and mystery. A printable list of two books for each genre and a printable generic reading log are included. Lesson Quiz: Reading Genres Learn the elements of a good Characteristics of a Speech Determine the defining characteristics of a speech, and read ''Are Women Persons?'' by Susan B. Anthony. 6563 Susan B. Anthony Speaks speech through explanation Up (elements of a speech) and a guided reading of a speech given by Susan B. Anthony. Learn the elements of a good 6576 Elements of a Speech speech through explanation and a guided reading of a speech given by Susan B. Anthony. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of a Speech Chapter Title Chapter Description Characteristics of Fiction Determine the defining characteristics of fiction, including fantasy, mystery, science fiction, realistic fiction, and suspense. Lesson Title Lesson Description 6564 Elements of Fiction Activity Activity Title Number 6577 Fiction Learn the defining elements of fiction, including plot, setting, characterization, point-of-view, and theme. Identify elements of fiction in excerpts of a story, The Neighborhood Champs. Activity Description Learn the defining elements of fiction, including plot, setting, characterization, point-of-view, and theme. A short, multiple-choice exercise is included. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of Fiction Characteristics of a Biography Determine the defining characteristics of a biography, and read a biography of Marie Curie. 6565 6578 Marie Curie (biography) Learn the characteristics of a biography and be guided through a reading of Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radium by Ann E. Steinke with character trait summaries and open-ended questions. Reading a Biography Learn the characteristics of a biography and be supported through a reading of Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radium with open-ended questions and a multiple choice exercise. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of a Biography Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Characteristics of an Essay Lesson Description Determine the defining characteristics of an essay, and read ''Advice to Youth'' by Mark Twain. Activity Activity Title Number 6566 6579 Activity Description Advice to Youth (essay) Learn the characteristics of an essay, including purpose, topic sentences, supporting paragraphs, tone, anecdote, thesis statement, and conclusion, and read Mark Twain's "Advice to Youth" to identify essay characteristics. Open-ended questions requiring written responses are included.. Mark Twain's Advice to Youth (essay) Learn the characteristics of an essay, including purpose, topic sentences, supporting paragraphs, tone, anecdote, thesis statement, and conclusion, and read Mark Twain's "Advice to Youth" to identify essay characteristics. Two short multiple-choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of an Essay Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Characteristics of a Newspaper Lesson Description Determine the defining characteristics of newspapers. Determine that an author's purpose is to entertain, inform, or persuade, and relate an author's purpose to specific details Activity Activity Title Number 6567 Newspapers Activity Description Learn function and format of a newspaper with emphasis on journalism terms (headline, lead, body, bias) and author's purpose. within selected articles of the newspaper. Compare editorials to the use of political cartoons in persuasive journalism. Identify bias. Activity includes explanation, suggested activities, and a short multiple-choice exercise. 6580 Extra! Extra! (newspaper elements) Learn function and format of a newspaper with emphasis on journalism terms (headline, lead, body, bias) and author's purpose. Activity includes explanation, suggested activities, and a short multiple-choice exercise. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of a Newspaper Characteristics of Folklore Determine the defining characteristics of folklore. Compare folklore from the ancient cultures of the Israelites, Muslims, Japanese, and Chinese. Read to compare your culture to the cultures of others. 6568 6581 Folk Tales Learn the characteristics and types of folk tales with explanation and a sample folk tale, Hofus the StoneCutter. Exploring Folk Tales Learn the characteristics and types of folk tales with explanation and a sample folk tale, How Indian Corn Came into the World. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of Folklore Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Universal Themes of Cinderella Lesson Description Explore universal themes in storytelling by comparing several versions of the Cinderella story, pointing out similarities and differences in the versions. Activity Activity Title Number 6569 Cinderella around the World (Guide for 3 Cinderella Stories) Activity Description Read about three different Cinderella stories (The Golden Sandal, Yeh-Shen , and The Rough-Face Girl ) and become aware of how they are similar and different. A short, multiple choice question exercise and a 6582 Cinderella's Many Faces (fairy tale versions) writing task about the full-text versions of the stories are included. Read about three different Cinderella stories (The Golden Sandal, Yeh-Shen , and The Rough-Face Girl ) and become aware of how they are similar and different. A short, multiple choice question exercise and a writing task about the full-text versions of the stories are included. Lesson Quiz: Universal Themes of Cinderella Chapter Title Chapter Description Characteristics of Poetry Determine the defining characteristics of poetry, including stanza, meter, iamb, line length, punctuation, rhythm. Use patterned poetry, rhyming poetry, couplets, free verse, concrete poetry, song lyrics, and/or sonnets. Lesson Title Lesson Description 6570 Reading Poems (Poetry Overview and Terminology) Activity Activity Title Number 6583 Reading Poetry Learn the elements of poetry and strategies for reading and understanding poems. Poems by Walt Whitman (Song of Myself) and D.H. Lawrence (The White Horse) are included with open-ended questions. Activity Description Learn the elements of poetry and the terminology associated with poetry. Hints for reading and understanding poetry as well as a short, multiple choice practice exercise are included. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of Poetry Characteristics of a Play Determine the defining characteristics of a play, and read a version of Shakespeare's ''Julius Caesar''. Describe the ways sentence structure 6571 Learn the elements of drama and be guided through a reading of William A Julius Caesar Reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Guide (elements of drama) with scene summaries, multiple choice reading comprehension questions, and a writing task. and patterns have changed over time. 6584 Chapter Title The Writing Process Extension Chapter Description Lesson Title The learner will write in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content Paragraphs and form for different audiences and purposes. Lesson Description Use the steps of the writing process (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share) to create paragraphs and multiple-paragraph essays. Choose a Learn the elements of drama and be guided through a reading of William Shakespeare and Caesar Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with scene (drama) summaries and multiple choice reading comprehension questions. Lesson Quiz: Characteristics of a Play Chapter Test: Genres of Literature - Extension Activity Activity Title Number 6586 On the Write Track! (essay writing) topic and then choose to write to persuade, entertain, or inform. Activity Description Learn the steps of the writing process and write a paragraph and an essay. Essay topics and printable planning and revising checklists are included. 6593 Author! Author! (persuasive essay) Use the steps of the writing process to write a persuasive essay. Essay topics, a printable prewriting checklist, and two short multiple choice exercises are included. Lesson Quiz: Paragraphs Fictional Stories Use the steps of the writing process (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share) to create a fictional short 6476 Write a Short Story Use the writing process to create a short story. Story starter ideas, drafting hints, and revision strategies are story that includes dialogue. 6587 Writing a Short Story included. Use the writing process to create a short story. Story starter ideas, drafting hints, and revision strategies are included. Lesson Quiz: Fictional Stories Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Lean ways to respond to a story by reading and responding to Anton Use the steps of the writing process Response to Literature (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share) to create a response to literature. Activity Description 6501 Response to Literature 6588 Responding to Literature Chekhov's short story, The Lottery Ticket. Full text story, question prompts throughout the story, and a culminating writing task Lean ways to respond to a story by reading and responding to Anton Chekhov's short story, The Lottery Ticket . Full text story, question prompts throughout the story, and a culminating writing task Lesson Quiz: Response to Literature Autobiography Use the steps of the writing process (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share), and use multimedia to create an autobiographical story (e.g., the day you were born, before you started school, a typical day, your family, your friends, what you most enjoy and what you do best). 6429 Your Side of the Story (autobiographical) Use the steps of the writing process to create an autobiographical story. 6589 Writing an Autobiographical Story Use the steps of the writing process to create an autobiographical story. Lesson Quiz: Autobiography Chapter Title Chapter Description Poetry Use the steps of the writing process (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share) to write a poem. Lesson Title Lesson Description 6439 Writing Poetry Activity Activity Title Number 6590 Writing a Poem Use the writing process and specific ideas for writing, revising, and editing to write an original poem. Activity Description Use the writing process and specific ideas for writing, revising, and editing to write an original poem. Lesson Quiz: Poetry Letter Writing Use the steps of the writing process (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share) to write letters for various situations, including business letters, e-mail messages, and envelopes. Use the steps of the writing process (plan, draft, write, revise, edit, print, and share) to write letters for various situations, including business letters, e-mail messages, and envelopes. 6490 6594 Write a Letter (business letter) Learn the function, format, and types of business letters. Use the writing process to write a business letter. Letters (personal and business) Learn the parts of personal and business letters, including heading, salutation, body, closing, signature, and inside address (business only). Use the writing process to write both a personal and a business letter. Lesson Quiz: Letter Writing Plays Use the steps of the writing process (plan—including forming questions for investigation—draft, write, revise, proofread, edit, print, and share) to create a one-act play, correctly using theatrical vocabulary, such as stage, set, act, scene, cast, props , and sound effects 6486 Writing Plays Write a one-act play by learning the elements of a play and following the guided instruction that mirrors the writing process. Write a one-act play by learning the elements of a 6597 Writing a One-Act Play play and following the guided instruction that mirrors the writing process. Lesson Quiz: Plays Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Chapter Test: The Writing Process - Extension The learner will demonstrate Speaking & competence in Listening Skills - speaking and Brainstorming Extension listening in a variety of situations. Understand and correctly use the skills of note making, including the use of graphic organizers such as webbing, clustering, and outlining. Write and present an expository speech or persuasive argument (with supporting evidence), making use of technology to enhance presentation. 6601 Create a persuasive speech A Guide to Speech Writing by being guided through the (creating a persuasive steps of researching, writing, speech) revising, and presenting a speech. 6608 Create a persuasive speech by being guided through the steps of researching, writing, revising, and presenting a speech. Preparing to Give a Speech (creating a persuasive speech) Lesson Quiz: Brainstorming Be a more effective listener by learning the purposes for listening: to gain information, Determine the purposes for listening, Purposes of Listening including to gain information, to solve problems, to enjoy, and to appreciate. 6603 6609 Listening for a Purpose (rationale and techniques) to solve problems, to enjoy, and to appreciate. A culminating writing task is included. Listen Up! Be a more effective listener by learning the purposes for listening: to gain information, to solve problems, to enjoy, and to appreciate. A listening activity and a short, multiple choice exercise are included. Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Listening to Learn Listen to learn by taking notes, organizing, summarizing, paraphrasing spoken ideas, and asking questions. Activity Activity Title Activity Description Number Lesson Quiz: Purposes of Listening 6604 Listen to Learn (note taking) Learn and practice active listening and note-taking techniques. Learn and practice active 6610 Writing & Following Directions Write sequenced, concise, multistep instructions. Follow verbal multistep instructions. 6605 6611 Active Listening and Note listening and note-taking techniques. Practice Taking exercises require access to specified web sites. Lesson Quiz: Listening to Learn Instructions (following written instructions) Learn and practice how to write and follow multi-step instructions. Writing prompt asks student to write and then follow his or her own instructions, and a printable exercise challenges students to read and follow directions carefully. Giving and Following Instructions Learn and practice how to write and follow multi-step instructions. Writing prompt asks student to write and then follow his or her own instructions, and a printable exercise challenges students to read and follow directions carefully. Lesson Quiz: Writing & Following Directions Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Activity Activity Title Number Activity Description Chapter Test: Speaking & Listening Skills - Extension The learner will explore career opportunities in the field of Careers in Language Arts - language arts Careers in Language and learn about Arts Extension famous people in this field from his or her own state. Research and report on careers in the field of language arts, to include journalism, library science, publishing, advertising, and theater (television, movies, video, and video-game creation). 6620 Learn about careers in the field of language arts, including jobs in journalism Careers in Language Arts and academia. A research activity prompts students to interview a contributor in the field of language arts. Lesson Quiz: Careers in Language Arts Chapter Test: Careers in Language Arts - Extension The learner will use appropriate conventions Conventions of when spelling and Other Languages Spelling proofreading Spelling Extension words with regular and variant spelling patterns. Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 1: Demonstrate the influence of other languages and cultures on the spelling of English words (etymology), including words from ancient Rome (Latin), 30 words, including infinity, hospital, peace, romance, bona fide, status quo, verbatim, library, asthma, sincere . Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with Latin 6444 6445 Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Spelling Practice (Latin origins) Spelling Practice (Latin origins) Activity Activity Title Number 6446 Spelling Practice (Latin roots) origin. Activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet are included. Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with Latin origin. Activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet are included. Activity Description Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with Latin origin. Activities, quizzes, and printable worksheets are included. Lesson Quiz: Other Languages Spelling Confused Word Pairs Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 2: Frequently confused word pairs, 30 words, including accept, except, affect, effect, principle, principal, course, coarse, flair, flare . 6447 Spelling Practice (homophones) 6448 Spelling Practice (homophones) 6449 Spelling Practice (homonyms) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell and use commonly confused word pairs. Activities, quizzes, and two printable worksheets are included. Build spelling skills and learn how to spell and use commonly confused word pairs. Activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet are included. Build spelling skills and learn how to spell and use commonly confused word pairs. Lesson Quiz: Confused Word Pairs Consistently apply rules of spelling. Schwa + r Word Endings Chapter Title Chapter Description Unit 3: Schwa + ''r'' word endings: calendar, terror, popular, liar, character, similar, warrior, calculator, behavior, vinegar . Lesson Title Lesson Description Schwa + l or n Word Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 4: Schwa + ''n'' or ''l'' word endings, 30 words, including: gargle, 6450 Spelling Practice (schwa + Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end r) with schwa + r. 6451 Spelling Practice (schwa + Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end r) with schwa + r. 6452 Spelling Practice (schwa + Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end r ending) with schwa + r. Activity Activity Title Number Lesson Quiz: Schwa + r Word Endings 6453 Activity Description Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end Spelling Practice (schwa + with schwa + l. Activities, Endings l) warble, towel, guttural, ritual, damsel, bristle, perpetual, tussle, jostle . 6454 quizzes, and two printable worksheets are included. Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end Spelling Practice (schwa + with schwa + n. Activities, n) quizzes, and two printable worksheets are included. 6455 Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end Spelling Practice (schwa + with schwa + l. Activities, l) quizzes, and two printable worksheets are included. Lesson Quiz: Schwa + l or n Word Endings Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 5: words containing ''ie'' or ''ei''. Words Containing ie or 30 words, including: receive, ceiling, ei deceive, achievement, chief, wield, weird, sleigh, reins, beige. 6456 6457 Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Spelling Practice (vowels ie and ei) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with ie and ei with hints, activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Spelling Practice (vowels ie and ei) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with ie and ei with hints, activities, quizzes, and two printable worksheets. Activity Activity Title Number 6458 Spelling Practice (exceptions to i before e) Activity Description Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that do not comply with the i before e spelling rule. Hints, activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet are included. Lesson Quiz: Words Containing ie or ei Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 6: words with the endings: ''-ant'' Build spelling skills and learn or ''-ent;'' and ''-able'' or ''-ible''. 30 Word Endings words, including: tolerant, independent, brilliant, ignorant, efficient, believable, visible, edible, responsible, measurable. 6459 how to spell words that end Spelling Practice (words ending with -ant and -ent) with ant and ent with activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end 6460 6461 Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 7: words containing variant Variant Spellings of sh spellings of the ''sh'' sound, 30 words, including: session, patient, nutrition, Sound solution, politician, ferocious, fashion, social, especially, partial. Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description 6462 Spelling Practice (/sh/ sound) Activity Activity Title Number 6463 6464 Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 8: use of mnemonic devices to Spelling Practice (words ending with -ant and -ent) with ant and ent with activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words that end Spelling Practice (words ending with -able and -ible) with able and ible with activities, quizzes, and two printable worksheets. Lesson Quiz: Word Endings Spelling Practice (variant spellings /sh/) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with variant spellings of /sh/ with activities, quizzes, and two printable worksheets. Activity Description Build spelling skills and learn how to spell words with variant spellings of /sh/ with activities, quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Build spelling skills and learn Spelling Practice (different how to spell words with variant spellings of /sh/ with spellings /sh/) activities, quizzes, and two printable worksheets. Lesson Quiz: Variant Spellings of sh Sound Using Mnemonic Devices spell words that are commonly misspelled, 30 words, including all right, satellite, separate, soldier, business, mayonnaise, playwright, conscience, unanimous, a lot, definitely, giraffe, handkerchief, jeopardy, laboratory, coupon, opportunity, prejudice, privilege, vacuum. 6465 6466 6467 Chapter Title Chapter Description Lesson Title Lesson Description Irregular Plurals Consistently apply rules of spelling. Unit 9: words containing irregular plurals, 30 words, including: analyses, data, axes, diagnoses, oases, hypotheses, curricula, phenomena, stamens, strata. Spelling Practice (commonly misspelled words) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell commonly misspelled words with mnemonic devices, practice exercises and quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Spelling Practice (commonly misspelled words) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell commonly misspelled words with mnemonic devices, practice exercises and quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Spelling Practice (commonly misspelled words) Build spelling skills and learn how to spell commonly misspelled words with mnemonic devices, practice exercises and quizzes, and a printable worksheet. Activity Activity Title Number Lesson Quiz: Using Mnemonic Devices 6468 Activity Description Build spelling skills and learn Spelling Practice (irregular how to spell irregular plural plurals) words with quizzes, activities, and a printable worksheet. Build spelling skills and learn 6469 6470 Spelling Practice (irregular how to spell irregular plural words with practice quizzes, plurals) helpful hints, and a printable worksheet. Build spelling skills and learn Spelling Practice (irregular how to spell irregular plural plurals) words with practice quizzes, activities, and a printable worksheet. Lesson Quiz: Irregular Plurals Spelling Sight Words Recognize grade-level sight words; 30 words, including: abbreviate, accent, narrate, quotient, psychology, knowledge, irritate, psychic, gnaw, excel . 6471 Spelling Practice (double and silent letters) 6472 Spelling Practice (silent letters) 6473 Build spelling skills with practice quizzes, printable worksheets, and helpful hints. Build spelling skills with practice quizzes, activities, and a printable worksheet. Build spelling skills with Spelling Practice (letter Q practice quizzes, printable and silent letters) worksheets, and helpful hints. Lesson Quiz: Spelling Sight Words Chapter Test: Conventions of Spelling - Extension