Chapter 13~17 - KIS Digges English

Chapter 13
While talking to Ryan , James, Luis, Leo joined in.
“Look, it was a mistake how everything happened with Danny, and Philip.” I
“You call killing a mistake? Are you crazy!” James screamed.
“…The point is that I regret what I had done…As in telling Mr. Kang what you
guys were doing, so I want to make it up for you guys. I promise I will be so much
help, and I’m sure I would be as good as Danny, and Philip.”
“You’re from a rich family with a mom that is the best woman pro-golfer, and
she is the owner of this camp. We don’t have anything to boast about. A rich family
like yours probably uses a cleaner, and I’m, sure you don’t even know how to pick
up trash without freaking out. You wouldn’t even know how to wet a cloth! We’re
not a teacher, we don’t want to waste time teaching you how to do everything.”
“I won’t be distracting, I’ll learn quickly…Please I need to make it up for you
“Your hands will be dirty, and hurt. Practicing golf is enough for our hands to
get ache, but cleaning will hurt your back, and your hands. Trust me, you don’t want
to clean up, it’s pretty dirty out there. The worst job you could have is cleaning the
golf balls out in the outdoor practice range in the rain. Just go to your favorite
buddy, Mr. Kang. He will definitely want you back if we take you.” Ryan explained.
“Maybe she could prove that she could clean. She could go instead of me to
the clean up after the competition. After that, if she’s still willing to help clean up,
she could.” James suggested. Everyone agreed, and we all went out.
After the game I had to clean up. It was such a long course, about 3km. I had
to walk that much, and walk more since I had to clean up the trash the gallery had
left behind, since they follow the golfers and watch them play. It was so hard,
because I had to run around. They instructed me to clean up everything in an hour
and a half, because that was what Mr. Kang had instructed to them. Everyone knows
it is hard to walk 3km, but cleaning up and running without rest is horrible. Not only
was it tiring, but it was also disgusting to clean up every single piece of trash.
However, with every strength, I had left after the practice, I cleaned up in time. The
guys were cheering for me when I got back to them. However, I saw Mr. Kang
stomping through the crowd.
Chapter 14
“What are you wearing? Where are your golf clothes! What is this baggy
training clothes! Why were you cleaning up?” He said confused.
“I…I… I will help out the campers when they are cleaning up. I won’t be just a
daughter of the camp owner. I will be part of the campers.” I stated.
“Ha ha very funny. Get back to your golf clothes right now. You are different
from these people. Your mother wouldn’t accept this decision of yours.”
“She would if she thinks it is good for my being a pro-golfer.” I explained.
“And how will this “cleaning up” help you become a pro-golfer?” He asked.
“This is just another experience in the camp. I will get to know the green
better, and the ball better, since I will be touching and walking through it everyday
while I clean up.”
“This is ridiculous… Very well then, you will be sleeping in the same room
with the campers, and your V.I.P dorm room will be emptied right now. Go.” He said
coldly, but I still didn’t regret making this choice. Everyone cheered for me, so I was
able to clean out happily.
Cleaning up was hard. I couldn’t focus on my swings, and I was too tired from
practice, and since I couldn’t sleep as much, my scores were decreasing day by day.
My hands, and my back hurt really bad. Everywhere ached like expected.
Then one day, the campers were talking together, and (foely) brought out an
interesting topic. He was telling me that Mr. Kang only inspected our cleaning up
when I came along. Everyone agreed that I was the cause of his actions, and that he
was waiting for me to make a mistake so he can use it against her. He was setting a
back up for himself.
A few days later, Mr. Kang called for me and asked for me to find a golf ball he
lost a few weeks ago. He told me that was somewhere in the rough, and he said I had
to find it before practice ended. Therefore, I was excused out of the practice, and
looked for the golf ball in the rough. It was hard since it wasn’t the fairway where
there aren’t a lot of trees, and leaves. I went through the trees, dug through the
leaves, and even went into the lake. Fortunately, I found the golf ball he was looking
for in the lake between the rocks. I ran back as quickly as I could so I could get there
in time. After I handed the golf ball back to him proudly, he slapped me across the
face, “You’re five minutes late! I have been waiting for you, this was a complete
waste of time.” He said disgusted and walked back to his dorm room. I called back
after him. “You are so disgustingly mean man, you coward! I can’t wait till the camp
is over, because I think I’ll have to call the police, and sue you before then!” He
stormed back at me, nearly hitting me again, but he took control of himself, and
walked off with a pale face.
That day, I couldn’t get to sleep because the window shook so much. One of
the guys told me that he saw on the news that there would be a hurricane. However,
he told me that he eavesdropped Mr. Kang talking to Mr. Yun, and Mr. Lee that he
didn’t want to cancel the game, or the clean up which was our campus this time.
Chapter 15
After a few days, a hurricane swept through the campus. The buses flipped
over, and the green was ruined. No one was particularly hurt, because we were
inside, and were still a little far from the hurricane. However, it was still chaotic.
After the hurricane passed through, it rained heavily, and there was a lot of
wind. No one went out, because it was still too dangerous, so we had to clean up
after a while. However, in this chaotic situation, Mr. Kang forced me to go out and
retrieve all the golf balls that were everywhere in the outdoor practice golf course. It
had 4 stories for us to practice, and see how far we get before we go to the outdoor
golf course. I collected all the balls, but the fierce wind kept on blowing,
and my long hair was getting in the way, so I cut it with my knife, and put
it safely back to my pocket. However, as I was cleaning the edge of the
stories, where the floor ended, I slipped because of the water. The next
thing I knew, the golf balls were falling to the ground, and my knife fell out
of my pocket. The most terrifying thing was that I was dangling at the
edge of the fourth floor. I screamed for help, and Danny came to the
rescue, and helped me back on a chair.
I rested there for a while, and we all went back so we could clean
the place up. However, while I was cleaning, I saw Mr. Lee and he was
dead on the floor, with a knife stabbed in his back. To my surprise, in his
fist, was my handkerchief, and the knife in his back was the knife Danny
had give me.
We were all shocked, but didn’t speak of his death, and buried him
in the yard. Then, we all went back to rest in our dormitory.
Chapter 16
I woke up from sleeping after some hours. Then, I remembered…Danny! How
come Danny had come to the rescue when he was supposed to be in the hospital?
This didn’t make sense. There is strong security in this camp, and only campus buses
are allowed in the campus.
I went out, and looked for the campers, and I saw Ryan, and John. They didn’t
have their normal expressions. They kind of signaled me that something went
“Something happened while I was asleep right?” I asked.
They didn’t answer, and a few moments later they muttered, “Mr. Kang told
us that after Mr. Yun was buried in the front yard, that the person who killed him
was you…”
“What? And you believe that? Everyone of you guys?” I asked frustrated.
“Well, you could have done it for Danny’s revenge…”
The statement coming out of his mouth shocked me. Then, to my surprise,
Mr. Kang walked over to me fiercely and talked to Mr. Lee. “Mr. Lee, I want this girl
out of here, and into the detention room!” He shouted, and stomped off.
While I was in the dark room, with no light, I saw a figure coming towards
me. It looked like Danny. “Is that you, Danny?”
I saw him a little clearer as my eyes were getting adjusted to the darkness.
“It’s you! Elizabeth! It’s me, Danny!”
Chapter 17
“Danny! I thought you were in the hospital! How did you get in?” I cried
“Well, it wasn’t me that went into the ambulance. It was some bunches of
sheets under the white sheet that was supposed to be over me. I just slipped into
this place, and I stayed here until now. Mr. Lee brought me food and water everyday.
Didn’t’ anyone tell you that I was here?”
“No, I’ve never heard anything like this.” I explained.
“Do you want some food?” He asked.
“I’d love too, but I’m in this cage…”I said miserably. Then, Danny got the locks
out for me. “I’ve been in this camp every single summer. I know the place well.” He
While we were eating, I told him about what happened to Mr. Yun, and he
didn’t know anything about it.
“And everyone thinks I did it, since it was the knife that you had given me.” I
“Does everyone know where you put the knife?”
“Anthony saw me with the knife, and I told Mr. Kang that I had a knife, but I
told him I got it from someone else, and not you… When you came out to save me,
did anyone see you?”
“Well, I talked a little with Mr. Lee, and Ryan.”
Unexpectedly, the more, and more I talked, the more convinced I thought that
Danny had killed Mr. Yun. Mr. Kang, and Anthony knew that I had the knife under
my blanket. However, Danny knew, too. Also, it was possible that he was trying to
scare Mr. Kang. On the other hand, it was possible that it was one of the campers,
We just ate in silence, and when we heard footsteps, Danny locked me back
in the cage, and vanish into the dark. The footsteps belonged to Mr. Kang.
“Miss Parker, and murder… You know you could be expelled from here, and
sentenced to death, or life in prison. Well, but I thought I should give you another
chance. The campers will be your judge, because it’s unfair if I am the judge.”
Then, he unlocked me from the cage. “Your trial will start after a few