2015 GPA Application

Global Proclamation Academy
2015 Application Form
June 7-27, 2015
Fully completed applications must be received by November 15, 2014 and completed entirely in English.
Please note that only one pastor may represent a country each year.
Before you begin the application process, please note the following requirements in order to be considered
for the program. You must be:
 Recommended by an approved referee.
 A male who is currently serving in a lead pastoral role of a congregation.
 In your mid-thirties (under 38 years of age at the time of GPA).
 Fluent and proficient in English.
 One who possesses a vision for pastoral multiplication and demonstrates involvement in training
 One who has 10 pastoral connections of any age, anywhere.
 One who agrees to raise half of his round-trip airfare.
 One who agrees to the doctrinal statement as indicated on the application.
I. Basic Information
a. Have you been nominated by an approved GPA referee?
If yes,
Title and full name of nominator:
Email of nominator:
Telephone number of nominator:
What is your relationship to that referee?
b. Have you attended a National GPA?
c. What is your country of birth?
d. What is your country of citizenship (from which country do you hold a passport)?
e. What city and country do you reside and minister in?
f. What is your date of birth?: Birth Year:
g. Do you currently serve in a lead pastoral role of a congregation?
h. Your primary ministry is in which language?
i. My speaking/reading proficiency in English is: (please check one)
j. Please email a written manuscript of a recent sermon, and if in another language, your own
translation into English to amanda@rreach.org.
k. Please email a high resolution photo of yourself (headshot preferred) taken within the last year to
amanda@rreach.org with the submission of your completed application.
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II. Personal Information:
Surname (Family name):
Given Name (First name):
Middle name:
Preferred name on name badge:
Marital status:
Ever divorced
Married more than once
If married, please confirm that your marriage is not currently in crisis, danger or a state of neglect:
I agree. My marriage is NOT currently in crisis, danger or a state of neglect.
I do NOT agree. My marriage IS currently in crisis, danger or a state of neglect.
Not applicable. I am not married.
Spouse’s name:
Do you have any immediate or extended family living in the United States?
If yes, please list name(s) and city/state:
III. Contact Data:
Primary mailing address (include country):
Primary telephone: Country code:
Secondary telephone: Country code:
City code:
City code:
Telephone number:
Telephone number:
Best time (your time) to contact you via telephone:
Skype Contact:
GPA Communication – Internet Access (Please check one):
I have internet access at work or home
I must travel to a special location to access the internet and email (such as an internet café)
I do not have a good internet connection, but can receive emails
Phone is the best way to reach me
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IV. Ministry/Personal History:
Ministry / Church / Denomination where you currently serve:
Title of your position:
Other employer:
Do you have 10 lead (senior, main) pastors in your friendship network?
(Please note: if you are selected for GPA, a list of connections with contact data will be required).
Are you willing to train pastors across denominations and regions in your country?
Please write a statement of your personal ministry vision and mission:
Please list schools attended, dates attended, and graduation date (if applicable):
Degrees, certificates, or diplomas awarded. Please specify years awarded:
How has your influence increased in your church and how do you assess that?
List ministry experience relevant to your application. Please include dates:
Please describe how you feel God has gifted you and used your gifts in the ministry:
List any other special activities we should know about:
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V. Travel:
Do you currently have a passport which will be valid through December 31, 2015?
If yes, please scan and email a copy of key pages and send with your completed application.
Name (as it appears on your passport):
Passport Number:
Date of issue:
Date of expiration: Year:
Place of issue:
Do you have a current Visa to the U.S. valid through December 31, 2015?
Have you previously applied for a visa to the United States?
If yes, please describe the outcome of that application. Was it granted or rejected?
Do you have a U.S. Embassy in your city?
If no, what is the closest city that has a U.S. Embassy? How far is this embassy (in hours) from you?
Previous travel to other countries:
Purpose of Visit:
What is the nearest airport to your location that you would be using to fly to Dallas, Texas (United States) by
June 5, 2015 if you were accepted to attend the GPA?
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Travel Policy:
It is the policy of RREACH that all delegates attending the GPA program agree to not schedule any non-GPA
related travel before, during or after the GPA for governmental and administrative purposes. Because of this
policy, your travel will be limited to traveling from your home country to Dallas, TX and back to your home
country with no other travel permitted. By signing the GPA application form you hereby agree to this policy
and will not schedule or seek to participate in any other travel. We will only entertain exceptions for already
planned ministry related travel immediately before the GPA and it must be pre-approved by GPA staff. Should
an exception to the policy be granted, RREACH is not responsible for any additional costs or scheduling
associated with travel (including flight, visa, lodging etc.). Should an exception be granted and your visa is not
sufficient for the pre-GPA travel, RREACH will not write another invitation letter for the purpose of obtaining a
second visa.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statement and will adhere to the travel policy.
VI. Medical History:
Have you recently been hospitalized?
If yes, please indicate for which condition and when:
Please list any medical conditions/health concerns that we should be aware of:
Do you have any allergies (food, medication, plants, animals) or special dietary restrictions (list below food
items you cannot or do not eat)? If yes, please specify below.
VII. Finances
If accepted into the GPA, you will be responsible for the following:
1. Raising 50% of your airfare expenses.
2. Paying for your travel from your home to the most convenient US consulate and back and all other
fees related to obtaining a visa.
3. Paying all costs involved in application process including medical exam.
4. Paying for your personal purchases made in the United States or in transit to and from the United
Are you willing to commit to raising the funds necessary to attend the GPA?
If yes, please summarize your plan as to how you might raise these funds:
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1. I believe that the Bible, consisting of Old and New Testaments only, is verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit,
is inerrant in the original manuscripts, and is the infallible and authoritative Word of God.
2. I believe that the one triune God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. I believe that Jesus Christ is God, was born of a virgin, died vicariously, shed His blood as man’s
substitutionary sacrifice, rose bodily, and ascended to heaven, where He is presently exalted at the
Father’s right hand, and that His return is imminent, visible and personal.
4. I believe that salvation consists of the remission of sins, the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, and the
gift of eternal life received by faith alone, in Jesus alone, apart from works. Because of Adam’s sin, all
men have guilt imputed, are totally depraved, and need to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit for
5. I believe that the church, the body of Christ, consists only of those who are born again, who are inducted
by the Holy Spirit to Christ at the time of regeneration, for whom He now makes intercession in heaven
and for whom He will come again.
6. I believe that the saved will be raised to everlasting life and blessedness in heaven, and that the unsaved
will be raised to everlasting and conscious punishment in hell.
7. I believe that Christ commanded the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every
person, baptizing and teaching those who believe.
Check One:
I have read and agree to the above doctrinal statement without reservation.
OR in lieu of agreeing to the above,
I have read and agree to the Lausanne Covenant and the World Evangelical Alliance statement of faith
without reservation. (These two documents can be found at the following:
http://www.lausanne.org/lausanne-1974/lausanne-covenant.html and
http://www.worldevangelicals.org/wea/statement.htm ).
I agree to the above doctrinal statement with exceptions, as noted below:
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I declare that:
 I completed the entire application myself.
 The information contained in this application form and any other application materials is true.
 I will be responsible for observing satisfactory academic and professional standards, for maintaining
a proper standard of personal conduct, and will be personally liable for all debts and obligations
personally incurred.
 I will abide by all laws of the United States and the State of Texas.
By signing below, I affirm my agreement with each statement above.
Your application will be reviewed only when all requested documents have been received.
Have you completed and answered all questions in the GPA application in detail?
Have you read, agreed, and signed to the GPA doctrinal statement (or the Lausanne Covenant/WEA
Statement of Faith)?
Have you read and signed the GPA Travel Policy?
Have you signed in all the appropriate places?
Have you attached or enclosed a written manuscript of a recent sermon, and if in another language, your
own translation into English?
Have you included a scanned copy of a valid passport?
Have you included a high resolution photo of yourself?
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