Scholarship Application Form 2016 Winter

American University of Mongolia
English Language Institute
Winter 2016 Scholarship Application Form
AUM is offering a limited number of scholarships to study in its English Language Institute in
the Winter term of 2016. Selection will depend on the quality of the application and how well the
applicant demonstrates a commitment to his/her personal English development.
A 50% scholarship is offered for this term. The scholarship is for only one course at ELI.
*Deadline: January 4, 2016. Classes start January 11, 2016.
Please scan and email your application to or bring your
application to AUM at:
4th Floor, DHL Building, Peace Avenue 10/5
Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar 14210, Mongolia
Tel: +976 11 313184
If you submit your application and essay electronically, please make sure that you send just one
email with all the relevant files attached.
Personal Details
Last Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Telephone Number:
Place of Work:
Details on Enrollment
What course are you planning to take at ELI? Circle the suitable one for you.
Everyday English
Business English
Advanced writing for professionals or Dynamic Presenter skills
Academic Skills/TOEFL Preparation course
English for Engineers
English for Lawyers
Are you able to take the course that you are interested in if the class will be open this term?
Have you ever taken placement test at ELI? If yes, when and what was the result?
Have you taken any courses at ELI? If yes, when and what course did you take?
What was your final grade?
Have you been awarded as AUM scholarship before, and did you use the scholarship within the
past 12 months at ELI?
Will your employer be paying any of your tuition fee? If yes, what percentage will they pay?
Do you have up to five hours per week to devote to homework in addition to class time?
Have you read ELI’s Scholarship policy attached to this application?
Motivation Essay
In 500 words or less, please answer the following questions clearly. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Why are you motivated to study English at the American University of Mongolia?
2. How will study at English Institute of American University of Mongolia contribute to your
future goals?
3. American University of Mongolia English programs are very demanding. How will you
manage your time so that you can complete all your work and attend class regularly?
American University of Mongolia
English Language Institute
Scholarships Policies
1.1.Anyone who has not been awarded an ELI scholarship in the past 12 months may apply
for one.
• “Awarded” is defined as receiving and using a scholarship. If you were awarded a
scholarship in the past, but for any reason did not use it, you may apply again at any
• You may only be awarded one scholarship each 12 months.
1.2. The minimum age for receiving a scholarship at the AUM ELI is 18 years.
You may not apply if your employer will be paying either all or part of your tuition.
2. Application process
2.1.Determine if there is a course being offered at your placement level, during a time that
you can attend class. The course schedules are posted here:
2.2.Schedule and take your placement test to determine your level. To schedule a placement
test, call 313184.
2.3.Complete the application neatly and with care answering all the questions.
2.4.Your essay is the most important part of the application. It is important that you take the
time required to write it in a manner and style that demonstrates your commitment to
studying English at AUM.
2.5.Your essay is not a test of your English ability. You may write it either in Mongolian or
2.6.All scholarship applications must be filled out completely and honestly according to all
instructions. Failure to do so may result in an award not being offered.
2.7.You may either email or hand deliver your application. All electronic submissions must
be sent to
2.8.Applications submitted after the posted deadline will not be accepted.
3. Review Process and Notification
3.1.Scholarship applications are selected by a committee of three ELI instructors. Committee
members are asked to judge an applicant’s demonstrated motivation, availability and
seriousness with regard to their English language study.
• Committee members are not allowed to read applications by their friends, colleagues,
family or acquaintances. In such cases, a separate third reader is selected to judge the
3.2.The committee judges applications based on the following criteria:
• Application form is complete and accurate
• Motivation and desire to improve his/her English
• Demonstration of a clear and logical plan for organizing his/her time for study
3.3. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status, either way, within five days of the
submission deadline.
4. Awardes are responsible for and have right to
4.1.Awardes will have 72 hours in which to accept the terms of the scholarship.
4.2.An award may only be used for the term in which you apply; awards may not voluntarily
be deferred to a later term.
4.3.In the event that your course is canceled, you may retain your award for use in the
subsequent term.
To retain your award, you must pay your portion of the tuition due, for the
next term, on the first day of the class.
If an applicant is not able to continue his/her study at own will, the tuition will
not be refunded.
If your course is canceled, you will have the opportunity to enroll in a
different course or receive a refund.
4.4.Your award may not be deferred a second time.