1 2 3 MAPPING FLOODPLAIN VEGETATION TYPES ACROSS THE MURRAY-DARLING BASIN USING REMOTE SENSING 4 5 6 Shaun Cunningham, Matt White, Peter Griffioen, Graeme Newell and Ralph Mac Nally 7 8 9 10 A Milestone Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority as part of Contract MD2245. 11 12 Shaun C. Cunningham* and Ralph Mac Nally 13 School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, VIC 3800 14 15 Matt White and Graeme Newell 16 Arthur Rylah Institute, 17 Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Heidelberg, VIC 3084 18 19 Peter Griffioen 20 Ecoinformatics Pty. Ltd., Heidelberg, VIC 3084 21 22 23 * Corresponding author: Tel.: +61 3 9902 0142: Fax: +61 3 9905 5613 E-mail address: shaun.cunningham@monash.edu 24 25 This report should be cited as: Cunningham SC, White M, Griffioen P, Newell G and Mac Nally R, 26 (2013) Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types across the Murray-Darling Basin Using Remote Sensing. 27 Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Canberra. 28 29 Cover image: The overall map of floodplain vegetation types across the Murray-Darling Basin 30 showing the extent of the floodplain In grey and the various vegetation types in different colours. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 1 31 Published by the Murray‒Darling Basin Authority 32 33 34 35 36 Postal Address: GPO Box 1801, Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone: (02) 6279 0100 international + 61 2 6279 0100 Facsimile: (02) 6248 8053 international + 61 2 6248 8053 Email: engagement@mdba.gov.au Internet: http://www.mdba.gov.au 37 38 All material and work produced by the Murray‒Darling Basin Authority constitutes Commonwealth copyright. MDBA reserves the right to set out the terms and conditions for the use of such material. 39 40 41 42 With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, photographs, the Murray‒Darling Basin Authority logo or other logos and emblems, any material protected by a trade mark, any content provided by third parties, and where otherwise noted, all material presented in this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. 43 44 45 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au © Commonwealth of Australia (Murray‒Darling Basin Authority) 2013. 46 47 The Murray‒Darling Basin Authority’s preference is that you attribute this publication (and any Murray‒ Darling Basin Authority material sourced from it) using the following wording within your work: 48 49 50 Title: MAPPING FLOODPLAIN VEGETATION TYPES ACROSS THE MURRAY-DARLING BASIN USING REMOTE SENSING 51 52 Source: Licensed from the Murray‒Darling Basin Authority under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence 53 54 55 As far as practicable, material for which the copyright is owned by a third party will be clearly labelled. The Murray‒Darling Basin Authority has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that this material has been reproduced in this publication with the full consent of the copyright owners. 56 57 Inquiries regarding the licence and any use of this publication are welcome by contacting the Murray‒Darling Basin Authority. 58 59 Cover image: The overall map of floodplain vegetation types across the Murray-Darling Basin showing the extent of the floodplain In grey and the various vegetation types in different colours. 60 61 62 63 64 Disclaimer To the extent permitted by law, the Murray‒Darling Basin Authority and the Commonwealth excludes all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other compensation, arising directly or indirectly from using this report (in part or in whole) and any information or material contained within it. 65 66 Accessibility Australian Government Departments and Agencies are required by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 67 (Cth) to ensure that information and services can be accessed by people with disabilities. If you encounter Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 2 68 accessibility difficulties or the information you require is in a format that you cannot access, please contact 69 us.Executive Summary 70 71 Here, we report on an effort to use remote sensing to predict characteristics of broad vegetation 72 types of the floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin. This is the first stage in a project that aims to a) 73 map the extent of the floodplain vegetation types and b) map stand condition of the dominant 74 forest and woodland types across the Murray-Darling Basin. These tools will inform the efficient 75 allocation of environmental water to the floodplains as part of the Basin Plan. 76 77 The target vegetation types included species-dominated forest, woodlands and shrublands, and the 78 broader types of grasslands and wetlands. The distributions of the forests and woodlands will be 79 used to inform the subsequent modelling of stand condition across the Basin. The distribution of 80 these vegetation types was predicted using historical vegetation surveys and a range of satellite- 81 derived reflectance, structural and elevation variables. 82 83 A series of models were built successfully to predict the distribution of vegetation from a range of 84 reflectance, structural and elevation variables derived from satellite data sets. We were able to 85 accurately separate (96%) the distribution of native vegetation from non-native vegetation and 86 water. Models of the distribution of the target species across the Basin were built, which provided 87 useful variables (build R2 > 0.6) for the subsequent cover models. A multi-objective cover model was 88 built using satellite-derived variables, including the above distribution models, that provided 89 accurate predictions of cover for the majority of target and non-target vegetation types. The 90 distribution of the target floodplain vegetation types was determined from the extent of native 91 vegetation and the predicted cover values from the multi-objective model using a classification tree. 92 This modelling approach produced a map that: 93 94 1. accurately predicted the distribution of forests and woodlands of river red gum (84%), black box (77%) and coolabah (89%). 95 2. rarely predicted river cooba woodlands or river oak forests. 96 3. provided weak predictions (62%) of the distribution of lignum shrublands, which included 97 98 99 areas of chenopod shrublands and sparse floodplain. 4. predicted graminoid wetlands on lower areas of the floodplain but also on higher parts of the floodplain that are dominated by native grasslands Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 3 100 101 Our map provides the first consistent classification and mapping of river red gum, black box and 102 coolabah woodlands across the Murray-Darling Basin. It demonstrates that satellite-derived data 103 can be used to predict floodplain vegetation types across vast areas. The inability to predict the 104 rarer tree types and to consistently distinguish shrublands, grasslands and wetlands revealed 105 limitations of the current modeling. These limitations suggest improvements for future modeling of 106 these floodplains that include: 107 1. Compiling a more comprehensive quadrat data set. 108 2. Targeted surveys of species and areas of interest. 109 3. Increasing the number of structural types modeled. 110 4. Increasing the number of both floodplain and non-floodplain vegetation types modeled. 111 5. Including remote sensing data sets that better inform the prediction of structural types and 112 flooding regimes (e.g. LiDAR). Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 4 113 Table of Contents 114 115 Executive Summary 1 Introduction 4 Methods 6 116 117 118 119 120 Target floodplain vegetation types 6 121 Study area 7 122 Satellite-derived data sets 7 123 Ground survey data sets 11 124 Modelling 15 125 Native vegetation extent model 15 126 Target taxa distribution models 18 127 Multi-objective cover model 19 128 Mapping of target floodplain vegetation types 23 129 130 Results 26 131 Modelling 26 132 Map accuracy 27 133 Map characteristics 27 134 135 Discussion 67 136 Conclusion 71 Acknowledgements 73 References 73 137 138 139 140 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 5 141 Introduction 142 143 The condition of floodplain vegetation across many areas of the Murray-Darling Basin has been 144 decreasing over the past three decades. Substantial dieback of river red gum and black woodlands 145 has occurred across the Murray River floodplain (Margules & Partners, 1990; Cunningham et al, 146 2009a). These decreases in vegetation condition have been associated with dramatic reductions in 147 the frequency of flooding. Over the last two decades, the Murray River floodplain has experienced 148 two extended periods of below average rainfall (1991-1995, 2001-2009) with record low inflows (Cai 149 & Cowan 2008). During the Millennium drought (1997-2009), floodplain ecosystems throughout the 150 Murray-Darling Basin were pushed close to collapse. 151 152 In response to the decreasing condition of many floodplains across the Basin, State Governments 153 and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority has carried out a program of environmental watering of 154 ecologically significant floodplains. This includes The Living Murray initiative and Water for Rivers 155 program. The goal of environmental watering is to protect and restore the resilience of the Basin's 156 ecosystems including rivers, lakes, wetlands and floodplains, including the plants and animals that 157 depend on them. The Basin Plan under The Water Act 2007 increases the allocation of water to the 158 environment from the 823 GL yr-1 recovered by 2009 to a total of 2,750 GL yr-1. This dramatically 159 increases the amount of water availability and should lead to substantial improvements in the 160 condition of the vegetation on many floodplains of the Basin. 161 162 The efficient use of the environmental water resource will require an accurate method for assessing 163 vegetation condition and its response to flooding across the Basin. A consistent vegetation map of 164 the floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin is an essential tool for allocating environmental water 165 and assessing the response of vegetation to this water. Currently, there is a range of vegetation 166 maps produced by different government departments that cover sections of the Basin. Each State 167 Government uses distinct classification systems making it difficult to produce a consistent map of 168 floodplain vegetation across the Basin. The spatial and taxonomic resolution of these vegetation 169 maps differs widely across the Basin. In particular, there is limited vegetation mapping of the 170 floodplains of the Darling, Warrego and Paroo Rivers. Therefore, to effectively execute the Basin 171 Plan a consistent map of floodplain vegetation needs to be developed across the whole Basin. 172 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 6 173 Knowing where vegetation is on the floodplains of the Basin is essential information for deciding on 174 environmental water allocations under the Basin Plan. To ensure this water is allocated efficiently, 175 accurate measures of vegetation response are required. A method for measuring vegetation 176 condition across the Basin is needed to assess a) which floodplains are in poor condition and require 177 additional water, b) whether vegetation of these floodplains responds to the additional water and c) 178 over the longer term how much water is enough to keep the vegetation of these floodplains in good 179 condition. 180 181 We have developed a method for accurately predicting stand condition of the forest and woodlands 182 across the whole Murray River floodplain (Cunningham et al, 2009b). It involves a combination of 183 ground surveys, remote sensing and modelling using machine learning. The maps produced using 184 this approach showed that forest dieback was extensive (79% of the area) on the Murray River 185 floodplain across the river system. This approach was able to detect improvements in stand 186 condition across areas receiving environmental water during the recent extended drought. 187 188 The Murray River floodplain includes areas of river red gum forests and woodlands, and black box 189 woodlands. We created a continuous map of these vegetation types from existing vegetation maps 190 produced by the three State governments across the Murray River floodplain. This map was used to 191 build probability distribution models for these forest type based on Landsat reflectance variables. 192 These distribution models proved to be useful in improving the predictions of stand condition across 193 the floodplain. 194 195 The current project aims to use a similar approach to predict the extent and condition of floodplain 196 vegetation types across the Murray-Darling Basin. In particular, we aim to: 197 1. Map the extent of the broad vegetation types of the floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin. 198 2. Map the stand condition of the dominant forest and woodland types across the Murray- 199 Darling Basin. 200 201 Here, we report on our effort to predict the distribution of broad vegetation types across the 202 floodplains of the Basin. The target vegetation types included species-dominated forest, woodlands 203 and shrublands, and the broader types of grasslands and wetlands. The distributions of the forests 204 and woodlands will be used to inform the subsequent modelling of stand condition across the Basin. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 7 205 The distribution of these vegetation types was predicted using historical vegetation surveys and a 206 range of satellite-derived reflectance, structural and elevation variables. The following four-staged 207 approach was used to model the vegetation of the Murray-Darling Basin. 208 1. Predict the distribution of native and non-native vegetation from satellite-derived variables. 209 2. Predict the distribution of the target species from satellite-derived variables. 210 3. Predict the cover of the target floodplain vegetation types and adjacent vegetation types 211 from satellite-derived variables and predicted distributions from the previous modelling. 212 213 4. Use a classification tree to determine the most probable vegetation type from the various predicted values of cover. 214 215 Methods 216 217 Producing accurate maps of the distribution of native floodplain vegetation types involved a ten step 218 process. 219 1. Determine the extent of floodplains across the Basin (area of interest). 220 2. Compile a data set of accurate locations of native species across the Basin. 221 3. Determine attributes for all the native species on these floodplains. 222 4. Create a set of satellite-derived variables to predict vegetation across the Basin. 223 5. Predict the extent of native vegetation across the Basin. 224 6. Build species distribution models for the target species. 225 7. Build an ensemble model that predicted cover of the target floodplain vegetation types. 226 8. Create cover maps for target and non-target vegetation types. 227 9. Predict the extent of the native floodplain of the Murray-Darling Basin. 228 10. Predict the extent of the floodplain vegetation types across the native floodplain. 229 230 Target floodplain vegetation types 231 The floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin contain a diverse range of plant communities. Many of 232 which would be difficult to distinguish using the reflected or emitted radiation detected by satellites. 233 Here, we focused on predicting the distribution of forest, woodland and shrubland types dominated 234 by single species, as well as a generic grassland and wetland type across the native floodplains of the 235 Basin (Table 1). 236 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 8 237 Table 1 Dominant taxa that defined the target floodplain vegetation types. Floodplain vegetation type Dominant taxa River red gum forest and woodlands Eucalyptus camaldulensis Black box woodlands Eucalyptus largiflorens Coolabah woodlands Eucalyptus coolabah River Cooba woodlands Acacia stenophylla River Oak Forest Casaurina cunninghamia Lignum shrublands Muehlenbeckia florulenta & Muehlenbeckia horrida Grasslands Poaceae Wetlands Species tolerant of > 6 months inundation 238 239 Study area 240 A spatial mask of the study area was created to include the floodplains of the Basin and 241 neighbouring dryland vegetation. The buffer of dryland vegetation was included to ensure an 242 adequate sample of dryland species, so that the modelling could distinguish native floodplain 243 vegetation from other local types. The study area was first confined to the Murray-Darling Basin and 244 then to areas below 500 m of elevation using the GEODATA 9 Second DEM Version 3 (Fenner School 245 of Environment and Society & Geoscience Australia, 2008). A ‘height above river’ data set was 246 created from the nine second DEM and the nine second DEM stream network (Stein, 2006) for 247 Australia. The study area was determined as areas that are « 5 m above river across the low 248 elevation (< 500 m) Basin. 249 250 Satellite-derived data sets 251 A range of satellite-derived variables with coverage across the floodplains of the Basin were used in 252 the modeling. These included reflectance bands and derived indices from the Landsat satellite, 253 synthetic aperture radar from the ALOS satellite and digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from 254 ground surveys and airborne LiDAR. 255 256 An historical Landsat composite was produced by Geosciences Australia, which included images over 257 the period January 1st 2000 to December 31st 2010. This extended period of satellite imagery was 258 required because of the dynamic nature of floodplain vegetation. For example, wetlands or the 259 understorey of floodplain forests are quite visually distinct between wet and dry years. Therefore, it Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 9 260 is not possible to create a floodplain vegetation map based on a single year of imagery that will 261 predict well in subsequent years. 262 263 The historical composite included median, quartile, minimum and maximum values for six spectral 264 bands (Table 2) and five indices calculated from ratios of these bands (Table 3). Minima and maxima 265 tend to be corrupted by errors in the data stream (random high and low values), outages (generally 266 zero values or interpolated value from adjacent pixels) and clouds (generally high values). Median 267 and quartile values are less susceptible to these errors, particular given the large number of images 268 included. It was decided there was sufficient data in the median values alone and only these were 269 used in the modelling. 270 271 Native and non-native vegetation types of the floodplain are characterised by differences in their 272 plant cover during different seasons of the year. For example, native grasslands, exotic dryland 273 pastures and irrigated pastures can be distinguished by their growing seasons. Median values were 274 calculated for four contrasting periods of the year for all bands and indices from the historical 275 Landsat composite. These were named by the closest season: summer (December 1 to March 31), 276 autumn (March 1 to June 30), winter (June 30 to September 30) and spring (September 1 to 277 December 31). 278 279 ALOS-PALSAR data was included because it detects microwaves in the L-band, which provides 280 structural information beneath the canopy on the biomass of a forest. This information would be 281 useful in distinguishing among different structural types (grassland, woodland and forests) and 282 within them (river red gum versus black box woodland). The PALSAR 50 m Orthorectified Mosaic for 283 Australia created by ALOS Kyoto and Carbon Initiative Project was used 284 (http://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ALOS/en/kc_mosaic/kc_50_australia.htm). This is a mosaic of images from 285 June to September 2009 and included dual polarisations of HH and HV. 286 287 The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)-derived 1 Second Digital Elevation Models Version 288 1.0 (Gallant et al., 2011) was resampled at a 325 m cell size using bilinear interpolation. This DEM 289 was used to help distinguish between lowland and montane forest types. The height above river 290 data set, describe in the previous section, was used to distinguish the floodplain vegetation types 291 from surrounding dryland vegetation. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 10 292 Table 2 Median seasonal band values derived from the Landsat composite (2000-2010) used in all 293 the models. 294 Variable Explanation Period SummerB1 Reflectance in the blue spectrum (0.45-0.52 µm) Dec 1 to Mar 31 SummerB2 Reflectance in the green spectrum (0.52-0.60 µm) Dec 1 to Mar 31 SummerB3 Reflectance in the red spectrum (0.63-0.69 µm) Dec 1 to Mar 31 SummerB4 Reflectance in the near infrared (0.76-0.90 µm) Dec 1 to Mar 31 SummerB5 Reflectance in the middle infrared (1.55-1.75 µm) Dec 1 to Mar 31 SummerB7 Reflectance in the far infrared (2.08-2.35 µm) Dec 1 to Mar 31 AutumnB1 Reflectance in the blue spectrum (0.45-0.52 µm) Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnB2 Reflectance in the green spectrum (0.52-0.60 µm) Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnB3 Reflectance in the red spectrum (0.63-0.69 µm) Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnB4 Reflectance in the near infrared (0.76-0.90 µm) Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnB5 Reflectance in the middle infrared (1.55-1.75 µm) Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnB7 Reflectance in the far infrared (2.08-2.35 µm) Mar 1 to Jun 30 WinterB1 Reflectance in the blue spectrum (0.45-0.52 µm) Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterB2 Reflectance in the green spectrum (0.52-0.60 µm) Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterB3 Reflectance in the red spectrum (0.63-0.69 µm) Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterB4 Reflectance in the near infrared (0.76-0.90 µm) Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterB5 Reflectance in the middle infrared (1.55-1.75 µm) Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterB7 Reflectance in the far infrared (2.08-2.35 µm) Jun 30 - Sept 30 SpringB1 Reflectance in the blue spectrum (0.45-0.52 µm) Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringB2 Reflectance in the green spectrum (0.52-0.60 µm) Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringB3 Reflectance in the red spectrum (0.63-0.69 µm) Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringB4 Reflectance in the near infrared (0.76-0.90 µm) Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringB5 Reflectance in the middle infrared (1.55-1.75 µm) Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringB7 Reflectance in the far infrared (2.08-2.35 µm) Sept 1 to Dec 31 295 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 11 296 Table 3 Median seasonal indices derived from the Landsat composite used in all models. Variable Explanation Period SummerNDVI Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Dec 1 to Mar 31 = (B4 – B3) / (B3 + B4) SummerEVI Enhanced Vegetation Index Dec 1 to Mar 31 = (B4 – B3) / (B4 + 6*B3 – 7.5*B1 + 1) SummerSATVI Soil Adjusted Total Vegetation Index Dec 1 to Mar 31 = [ [ (B5-B3) / (B5-B3+0.5) ] * 1.5] - (B7/2) SummerSLAVI Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index Dec 1 to Mar 31 = B4 / (B3 + B5) SummerNDMI Normalised Difference Moisture Index Dec 1 to Mar 31 = (B4 – B5) / (B4 + B5) SummerNDSI Normalised Difference Soil Index Dec 1 to Mar 31 = (B3 – B5) / (B3 + B5) 297 AutumnNDVI Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnEVI Enhanced Vegetation Index Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnSATVI Soil Adjusted Total Vegetation Index Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnSLAVI Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnNDMI Normalised Difference Moisture Index Mar 1 to Jun 30 AutumnNDSI Normalised Difference Soil Index Mar 1 to Jun 30 WinterNDVI Normalised Difference Vegetation Index Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterEVI Enhanced Vegetation Index Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterSATVI Soil Adjusted Total Vegetation Index Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterSLAVI Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterNDMI Normalised Difference Moisture Index Jun 30 - Sept 30 WinterNDSI Normalised Difference Soil Index Jun 30 - Sept 30 SpringEVI Enhanced Vegetation Index Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringSATVI Soil Adjusted Total Vegetation Index Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringSLAVI Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringNDMI Normalised Difference Moisture Index Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringNDSI Normalised Difference Soil Index Sept 1 to Dec 31 SpringEVI Enhanced Vegetation Index Sept 1 to Dec 31 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 12 298 Ground survey data 299 To successfully map native floodplain vegetation types across the Murray-Darling Basin, we needed a 300 spatially accurate data set of native floodplain and dryland species across the study area. Vegetation 301 survey data sets covering the Basin were obtained by the MDBA from the four State Governments 302 across the Basin (Table 4). These data sets included quadrats records (presence and cover 303 abundance) and species records (presence only). The study area mask was used to determine which 304 species records would be used in the modelling. Records with low spatial accuracy (apparently > 150 305 m) were excluded from any analyses. 306 307 The important data for determining the extent of floodplain vegetation types are quadrat records, 308 which provide a measure of abundance and, therefore, dominance of individual species. The data 309 set assemble included 11,752 quadrat records, with 65% of these from New South Wales (Table 5). 310 This is consistent with the majority of the Murray-Darling Basin being in New South Wales. A 311 substantial portion of the Basin is within Queensland but only 208 quadrats on floodplains were 312 obtained. The distribution of quadrats across the floodplains of the Basin shows limited sampling on 313 the floodplains of the Warrego, Paroo and Nebine Rivers, and on the Interesecting Rivers away from 314 the Darling River (Figure 1). 315 316 An understanding of the attributes of the component species within a quadrat would improve the 317 prediction of the floodplain types. In particular, knowing the inundation tolerance of the species 318 present at a site was a potential discriminator among types (e.g. wetlands, lignum, black box 319 woodland and river red gum woodland). For each species, a total of 14 attributes were determined 320 from the literature (Table 6), ranging from life form to inundation tolerance. Many of the species 321 found across the Basin were already attributed in the DSE database but ca 800 new species had to 322 be attributed. 323 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 13 324 Table 4 Vegetation survey data sets used in the modelling. State Data sets used Custodian Queensland Qld Herbarium CORVEG Primary (cover), Queensland Herbarium Secondary and Tertiary (presence only). New South Wales NSW Vegetation Information System Office of Environment and Heritage Victoria Victorian Biodiversity Atlas Dept. Environment and Primary Industries South Australia NatureMaps Dept. Environment, Water and Natural Resources 325 326 327 328 329 Figure 1 Distribution of quadrat data for floodplain vegetation across the Murray Darling Basin. Darker areas indicate places where a large number of quadrats were obtained. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 14 330 Table 5 Number of quadrats obtained for the Murray-Darling Basin Water Resource Plan Areas. 331 Water resource plan area Number of quadrats Australian Capital Territory 76 Victorian Murray 899 Northern Victoria 928 Wimmera-Mallee 1232 South Australian Murray Region 310 South Australian River Murray 403 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges 55 NSW Murray and Lower Darling 1604 Murrumbidgee 2356 Lachlan 448 Macquarie-Castlereagh 1395 Barwon-Darling Watercourse 58 Intersecting Streams 591 Namoi 473 Gwydir 414 NSW Border Rivers 302 Queensland Border Rivers 34 Moonie 21 Condamine-Balonne 113 Warrego-Paroo-Nebine 40 Total 11752 332 333 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 15 334 Table 6 Species attributes determined for all the native species included in the modelling. 335 Species Attribute Definition Aquat Aquatic species WL_0 Does not experience water logging WL_<1 Tolerates less than a month of water logging WL_1-6 Tolerates one to six months of water logging WL_>6 Tolerates more than six months of water logging Inun_0 Does not experience inundation Inun_<1 Tolerates less than a month of inundation Inun_1-6 Tolerates one to six months of inundation Inun_>6 Tolerates more than six months of inundation Inun_perm Tolerates permanent inundation Woody Trees and shrubs Graminoid Grasses (Poaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and rushes Juncaceae) Chenopod Chenopodioideae Samphire Tecticornia species 336 337 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 16 338 Modelling 339 Random forests were used to build all the models because these select relevant environmental 340 variables and can model interactions among variables. Random forests overcome the inherent 341 inaccuracies in seeking a single parsimonious model by constructing an ensemble of models. 342 Bootstrap aggregating (or bagging), which is similar to model averaging, is used to improve the 343 accuracy of predictions. Models of multiple bootstrap samples were fitted (individual trees) to 344 create an ensemble tree (forest) that predicted the variable of interest. Individual trees relate 345 values of a response (leaves) to its predictors through a series of binary decisions or branches 346 (Friedman, 2001). We used a particular type of regression tree known as predictive clustering trees 347 (Kocev et al., 2007) in the program Clus. While most decision tree learners induce classification of 348 regression trees, predictive clustering trees generalizes this approach by learning trees that are 349 interpreted as cluster hierarchies. 350 351 Random forests are well suited to modelling large sets of independent variables, many of which may 352 be highly correlated. This modelling technique creates a forest of regression trees. At each branch 353 of the tree, the algorithm randomly selects a small number of independent variables from all of 354 those available and creates the node on the basis of which variable minimises the model error. 355 While over-fitting is often seen as a problem in statistical modelling, predictions of regression trees 356 for independent data sets are not compromised by using a large number of variables and are 357 generally superior to other methods (e.g. GLM, GAM and MARS, Elith et al., 2006). In contrast, the 358 neural network models used in our previous study (Cunningham et al., 2009a) must consider all 359 independent variables supplied simultaneously. Without an order of magnitude more exemplars 360 than predictor variables, neural networks may produce overly complex models, which are less robust 361 and validate poorly compared with models produced using a carefully selected subset of 362 independent variables. 363 364 Native vegetation extent model 365 A model was built to determine the extent of native vegetation within the study area. This was used 366 to a) define the native floodplain, b) determine the native species within the floodplain and c) select 367 a spatially accurate data set of native vegetation records. The data set Land Use of Australia, 368 Version 4, 2005/2006 (ABARES, 2010) was used to classify the land uses across the Basin. This map 369 was reclassified into the following land-use categories: native grassland, native forest, urban, Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 17 370 irrigated cropping, dryland cropping, pasture and water (Table 7). These land-use categories were 371 then grouped into three land-use types: native vegetation, non-native vegetation and water. 372 373 A total of 37793 exemplars were sampled across this floodplain area, with 19,695 samples within 374 native vegetation, 16,098 samples within non-native vegetation and 2000 samples within water. 375 Sampling was stratified across the floodplain within hexagonal regions (200 km x 200 km) to ensure 376 representative spatial coverage. Within each hexagon, samples were taken evenly across the 377 following land-use categories: native vegetation, dryland cropping, irrigated cropping, pasture, 378 urban and water. 379 380 A random forest was used to predict the target land-use types (native vegetation, non-native 381 vegetation and water) from 48 satellite-derived variables from the historical composite (Tables 2 & 382 3). The random forest was built from 50 bootstrapped trees using the program Clus. The data set 383 was divided into a training data set (89%) and test data set (11%) to independently validate the 384 performance of the model. The accuracy of the native vegetation extent model was tested using 385 confusion matrices of observed and predicted land-use types for exemplars used in the build (N = 386 63891) and the validation (N = 6841). A sensitivity analysis was done to determine which variables 387 were important for predicting the land-use types. For each variable, the number of trees, the 388 number of branches and the percentage of branches across the forest that used the variable were 389 calculated. 390 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 18 391 Table 7 Classification of the land-use types from the ‘Land Use of Australia’ layer into native 392 vegetation, non-native vegetation and water. Land-use type Land-use category Native vegetation LU_DESC2 Grazing natural vegetation Managed resource protection Marsh / wetland Nature conservation Production forestry Other minimal use Non-native vegetation Dryland cropping Cropping Irrigated cropping Intensive horticulture Irrigated cropping Irrigated modified pastures Irrigated plantation forestry Irrigated perennial horticulture Irrigated seasonal horticulture Perennial horticulture Seasonal horticulture Pasture Grazing modified pastures Urban Residential Manufacturing and industrial Services Water Water Estuary / coastal waters Lake River Reservoir / dam 393 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 19 394 Target taxa distribution models 395 The ground survey data obtained included far more presence only than cover abundance records. 396 Cover abundance records were necessary to determine the dominance of a species within a quadrat 397 and, therefore, determining floodplain vegetation types. The spatial coverage of the quadrat data 398 was limited and in many areas we had no vegetation records. The lack of spatial coverage was not 399 necessarily a problem when modeling floodplain vegetation from satellite data, as the types were 400 likely to have similar reflectance characteristics across the study area. The main issue was the 401 limited number of quadrat records for the target species. We created species distribution models 402 for the six mono-dominant vegetation types (Table 8) to capitalize on the large amount of presence 403 data and to increase our understanding of their distribution across the Basin. Distribution models 404 were built for the broad vegetation types of woody, dryland and wetland species to help predict the 405 floodplain types and to differentiate wetlands and grasslands from the species-dominated types. 406 These taxa distribution models were then used as inputs to the final model that predicted the cover 407 of the target floodplain vegetation types. 408 409 Random forests were used to build the taxa distribution models. To improve the accuracy of 410 predictions, 150 870 random absences were selected randomly across the study area. A suite of 411 satellite-derived data sets were used to predicted species presence. The 48 reflectance variables 412 derived from the historical Landsat composite were included as potential predictors (Tables 2 and 3). 413 Synthetic aperture radar, elevation data and the three outputs from the Native Vegetation Model 414 were used as potential predictors (Table 9). Random forests had a total of 55 potential predictor 415 variables to predict taxa distributions. Random forests were built from 20 bootstrapped trees using 416 the program Clus. The data set was divided into a training data set (89%) and test data set (11%), 417 which was used to independently validate the performance of the model. The strength of the 418 forests were determined from a) the model fits (R2) and b) the proportion of presence observation 419 within different predicted probability classes. A sensitivity analysis based on forest statistics was 420 done to determine which variables were important for predicting the distribution of the taxa. 421 422 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 20 423 Multi-objective cover model 424 As the target floodplain vegetation types were defined by the dominance of particular taxa, an 425 appropriate approach was to model the cover of important taxa in the study area. A multi-objective 426 regression tree was used to predict the cover of a) the target vegetation types, b) other vegetation 427 types present in the study area and c) functional types that could be useful in distinguishing among 428 the types (Table 10). 429 430 A random forest was used to predict the various cover types from the 48 reflectance variables 431 derived from the historical Landsat composite (Tables 1 and 2) and 16 satellite-derived variables 432 used in or produced by the Native Vegetation Extent and the Taxa Distribution Models (Table 11). 433 The random forest was built from 50 bootstrapped trees using Clus. A total of 1176 samples (11%) 434 were left out of the build to independently validate the fit of the forest. The strength of the forests 435 was determined from the model fits (R2). The accuracy of predictions for the vegetation types from 436 the cover type model was tested using a confusion matrix of observed and predicted land-use types 437 for exemplars used in the build (N = 11752). A sensitivity analysis based on forest statistics was done 438 to determine which variables were important for predicting the distribution of the taxa. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 21 439 Table 8 Details of the taxa distribution models created. 440 Model Taxa included Records Woody Trees and shrub species 75043 Wetland Species tolerant of > 6 months inundation 48323 Dryland Species intolerant of flooding 70823 River red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis 4562 Black box Eucalyptus largiflorens 2197 Coolabah Eucalyptus coolabah 748 River cooba Acacia stenophylla 868 River oak Casaurina cunninghamia, Casaurina cunninghamia subsp. 247 cunninghamia Lignum Muehlenbeckia florulenta, Muehlenbeckia horrida, 1918 Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. horrida 441 442 443 444 445 Table 9 Satellite-derived variables used, in addition to those from the historical Landsat composite, 446 to predict taxa distributions across the study area. 447 Variable Explanation Pr(Water) Probability of water body Pr(Native) Probability of native vegetation Pr(Non-Native) Probability of non-native vegetation and cleared areas PALSAR LL_HH Horizontal-horizontal polarisation of L-band PALSAR LL_HV Horizontal-vertical polarisation of L-band DEM Elevation above sea level (< 10 m accuracy) HAR Height above river (< 10 m accuracy) 448 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 22 449 Table 10 Cover types predicted by the multi-objective model and the taxa that defined them. Cover type Taxa used to calculate cover within quadrat Total Plant Cover All vascular plants Red Gum Cover Eucalyptus camaldulensis Black Box Cover Eucalyptus largiflorens Coolabah Cover Eucalyptus coolabah Lignum Cover Muehlenbeckia florulenta, Muehlenbeckia horrida, Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. horrida River Cooba Cover Acacia stenophylla River Oak Cover Casaurina cunninghamia, Casaurina cunninghamia subsp. cunninghamia Woody Cover All trees and shrubs Grass Cover Cyperaceae, Juncaceae and Poaceae Wetland Cover Total cover of species tolerant of at least a month of inundation, including aquatic species Dryland Cover Species that never experience inundation Chenopod Cover Chenopodioideae Samphire Cover Tecticoma species Mallee Cover Mallee tree Wet 0 Cover Species that do not experience water logging Wet <1 Cover Species that tolerate less than a month of water logging Wet 1-6 Cover Species that tolerate one to six months of water logging Wet >6 Cover Species that tolerates more than six months of water logging Inun 0 Cover Species that do not experience inundation Inun <1 Cover Species that tolerate less than a month of inundation Inun 1-6 Cover Species that tolerate one to six months of inundation Inun >6 Cover Species that tolerate more than six months of inundation Inun perm Cover Species that tolerate permanent inundation 450 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 23 451 Table 11 Satellite-derived variables used, in addition to those from the historical Landsat composite, 452 to predict cover types across the study area. 453 Variable Explanation Pr(Water) Probability of water body Pr(Native) Probability of native vegetation Pr(Non-Native) Probability of non-native vegetation and cleared areas PALSAR LL_HH Horizontal-horizontal polarisation of L-band PALSAR LL_HV Horizontal-vertical polarisation of L-band DEM Elevation above sea level (< 10 m accuracy) HAR Height above river (< 10 m accuracy) Distribution models Pr(Woody) Probability of woody species Pr(Wetland) Probability of wetland species Pr(Dryland) Probability of dryland species Pr(RRG) Probability of river red gum Pr(BB) Probability of black box Pr(Cool) Probability of coolabah Pr(Cooba) Probability of river cooba Pr(Oak) Probability of river oak Pr(Lignum) Probability of lignum 454 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 24 455 Mapping distribution of the target floodplain vegetation types 456 A map of the current distribution of the target floodplain types was created from models of a) the 457 distribution of native vegetation, b) the cover of floodplain vegetation and c) the cover of the target 458 floodplain vegetation types using the following classification tree (Figure 2). Initially, the logical 459 hierarchical structure for the tree was conceived. This process informed the list of regression models 460 that were created. For example, some of the species to be modelled such as river red gum and black 461 box are not confined to floodplains across most of their distribution in south-eastern Australia. 462 Consequently, we needed to model vegetation attributes relevant to inundation in addition to 463 species predominance. Threshold values for the various models at each decision node were 464 determined by sequentially adjusting the ‘test’ value until the boundaries of the daughter classes 465 substantially matched their geographic distribution at familiar locations across the study area. The 466 following sequence of decisions provided a satisfactory representation of the floodplain vegetation 467 types across the Basin. The use of a classification tree to produce the final map means the decision 468 structure and threshold values may be altered to potentially provide a more accurate map of the 469 target floodplain types. Conversely, a more complex tree could be constructed to elicit a locally 470 nuanced solution. 471 472 The distribution of the target floodplain types was determined using the following sequence of 473 decisions. 474 1. IF Pr(Non-native) > 50% THEN ‘Non-native’. 475 2. Determined by highest probability of ‘Water’ and ‘Native’. 476 3. Determined by highest proportional cover of ‘Dryland Cover’ and ‘Wetland Cover’. 477 4. Within ‘Floodplain’, IF (Total Plant Cover – Total Plant Cover SD) « 20% THEN ‘Sparse 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 floodplain’ ELSE ‘Lush floodplain’. 5. Within ‘Dryland’, IF (Total Plant Cover – Total Plant Cover SD) « 20% THEN ‘Sparse plain’ ELSE ‘Lush plain’. 6. Within ‘Lush floodplain’, IF (Woody Cover – Woody Cover SD) « 10% THEN ‘graminoid wetland’ ELSE ‘woody wetland’. 7. Within ‘Lush plain’, IF (Woody Cover – Woody Cover SD) « 10% THEN ‘Grassland / herbland’ ELSE ‘Dry woodland’. 8. Determined by highest value of Chenopod Cover, Samphire Cover and (Woody Cover – (Chenopod Cover + Samphire Cover). Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 25 487 488 489 9. IF Red gum cover > (Lignum Cover + Coolabah Cover + Black Box Cover + River Oak Cover + River Cooba Cover) THEN ‘River red gum 10. Determined by maximum cover value among the remaining woody target types. 490 491 The accuracy of the Floodplain Vegetation Type map was tested using a confusion matrix of 492 observed and predicted types for the quadrat data (N = 11752). These quadrats were used to build 493 to the Cover Type models. Each quadrat was classified using the classification tree (Figure 2) based 494 on the actual recorded values of cover for the various vegetation types. The first two decisions are 495 based on the native vegetation extent model that was based on the ‘Land Use of Australia’ layer, so 496 these values had to be estimated from this layer for each quadrat. 497 498 The extent of the floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin was determined as areas where Wetland 499 Cover was predicted to be a higher proportion of the Total Plant Cover than Dryland Cover. The area 500 was further refined by removing wetland cover that was not contiguous with the larger floodplain. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 26 501 502 503 Figure 2 Classification tree used to classify the study area into the various vegetation types. 504 Decisions indicated by numbered diamonds are explained in the text. Pale green boxes indicate 505 types included on the map. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 27 506 Results 507 508 Modelling 509 The native vegetation extent model produced very strong predictions (accuracy > 96.0%) for native 510 vegetation, non-native vegetation and water bodies (Tables 12 & 13). Important predictors for 511 distinguishing among these land-use types were reflectance in the blue, green and near infrared 512 spectra during winter, and reflectance in the blue and green spectra during spring (Table 14). 513 514 Strong distribution models (Build R > 0.6) were built for all the target taxa (Table 15). There was a 515 strong relationship between the number of records included in a distribution model and the strength 516 of the validation test (Figure 3). There was steep increase in the model strength up to 5000 records. 517 The broad species groups (woody, wetland and dryland) showed the strongest validation with the 518 separate test data sets (Test R > 0.6), which reflects the order of magnitude higher number of 519 records than the individual species models. The individual species models produced much weaker 520 validation tests (Test R < 0.5). River oak had the least samples (247 records) and consequently its 521 distribution model validated poorly (Test R = 0.1). All taxa distribution models, except the model for 522 river cooba, provided useful variables for the subsequent modelling of cover for the target 523 vegetation types. That is, the predicted probabilities were related strongly to the observed presence 524 of the taxa (Figures 4 & 5). Important predictors of taxa distribution were elevation, height-above- 525 river, reflectance in the blue spectrum, horizontal-horizontal polarisation of the L-band and 526 probability of native vegetation (Table 16). 527 528 The multi-objective model produced accurate predictions (Test R > 0.5) of cover for the majority of 529 the 23 cover types (Table 17). The cover models for river cooba, samphire and permanently- 530 inundated vegetation did not validated successfully with the test data sets (Test R < 0.5). Therefore, 531 we had useful cover models to predict the distribution of all the target floodplain types except for 532 River Cooba. The cover models, although not providing absolute estimates of cover (observed ≈ 533 predicted), showed strong relationships between observed and predicted cover (Figures 6 & 7). 534 Important predictors of the cover types included the probability of the broad taxa groups woody, 535 wetland and dryland, and reflectance in blue and green spectra during winter (Table 18). 536 537 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 28 538 Map accuracy 539 The floodplain vegetation type map had an overall accuracy of 64.8% (7620 of 11752 quadrats were 540 correctly classified). Half of the predicted types had a higher accuracy: river red gum woodlands and 541 forests (83.7%), black box woodlands (77.2%), coolabah woodlands (89.1%), dry woodlands (75.0%), 542 grasslands/herblands (74.4%) and water (88.9%, Table 16). Lignum scrublands were not as well 543 resolved (62.2%) and were most often confused with black box woodlands (16.6%). River cooba 544 shrublands, river oak forests, chenopod shrublands, samphire shrublands, graminoid wetlands and 545 sparse plains were poorly resolved (< 33%). Graminoid wetlands were mainly confused (28.5%) with 546 grasslands/herblands. 547 548 Looking at the accuracy of the map on a state-by-state basis, river red gum woodlands and forests, 549 black box woodlands, coolabah woodlands, dry woodlands, grasslands/herblands and water were 550 accurately predicted (> 65%, Tables 20-23). The exception being grassland/herbland in Victoria, with 551 an accuracy of 51.0%. Predictions for lignum in South Australia were highly accurate (90.6%). In 552 Queensland, the predictions for black box woodland had no accuracy (0%) but this is a result of a 553 single quadrat being available in this state. 554 555 Map characteristics 556 The multi-objective model and subsequent classification tree provided a map of the floodplain 557 vegetation across the Murray-Darling Basin (Figure 8). Black box woodland was predicted accurately 558 as occurring across most of these floodplains. The map of river red gum forests and woodlands 559 showed a more extensive distribution in the southern Basin than the north. In contrast, coolabah 560 woodlands were restricted predominantly to the northern Basin. At a finer scale, there are scattered 561 pixels of coolabah woodland in the southern Basin into Victoria. This suggests the model was unable 562 to distinguish coolabah woodland from some areas of river red gum or black box woodland. 563 564 To explore the strengths and limitations of the predicted map we have presented maps of a number 565 of significant floodplains across the Basin (Figures 9-24). The map of Chowilla shows a floodplain 566 dominated by black box woodlands and lignum shrublands (Figure 9). River red gum is restricted to 567 the Murray River channel and scattered patches along the anabranch creeks. A large area of 568 samphire shrubland is predicted on Lake Limbra. The modelling did not predict many of the sparse 569 and poor condition river red gum woodlands along anabranchs such as Punkah Creek. Many of the Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 29 570 areas predicted to be lignum shrublands are dominated by chenopods or have sparse vegetation 571 cover. 572 573 Hattah Lakes is predicted to have river red gum along the Murray Channel, Chalka Creek and fringing 574 the various lakes (Figure 10). Black box woodland is predicted higher up on the floodplain while 575 lignum shrublands are predicted within most of the lakes. The distribution of river red gum and 576 black box is representative of this floodplain. They are generally not lignum shrublands on the lakes. 577 The distribution of river red gum and black box are predicted well for the Gunbower-Koondrook- 578 Perricoota Forests (Figure 11). However, the cover model was unable to distinguish between the 579 black box and grey box woodlands of southern Gunbower Forest. In surrounding areas outside the 580 forest, the cover model predicted areas of native grasslands to be graminoid wetlands. 581 582 The river red gum forests and woodlands of Barmah-Millewa Forest were predicted well by the 583 cover model (Figure 12). The grassy wetlands of Moira and Barmah Lake are clearly shown by the 584 map. The large cleared area in southern Gulpa Island was predicted by the model. The cleared 585 property in central Barmah and the grasslands surrounding the forest are misrepresented as grassy 586 wetlands. The maps shows similar predictions for the Lower Ovens River (Figure 13), with river red 587 gum forests predicted well while surrounding native grasslands are shown as grassy wetlands. 588 589 The map of Yanga National Park shows a floodplain dominated by river red gum forests and 590 woodlands with substantial areas of grassy wetlands (Figure 10). The model successfully predicted 591 the large areas of dry woodland. Areas of lignum shrubland were predicted on the eastern side of 592 the floodplain. 593 594 The Great Cumbungi Swamp is represented well with large areas of graminoid wetland (Figure 15). 595 Surrounding the wetlands are large areas of lignum, which are fringed by river red gum and further 596 out on the floodplain by black box woodland. 597 598 The map of Mennindee Lakes shows lakes fringed predominantly by black box woodlands with 599 scatter river red gum woodland (Figure 16). Along the Darling River, there is river red forest with 600 black box woodland found higher up on the floodplain. Predictions for the inside of the lakes 601 differed, with Lakes Cawndilla and Menindee having mix of lignum, chenopods and samphire Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 30 602 shrublands, Pamamaroo and Tadure Lakes filled with water, and Tandou Lake is shown with little 603 native vegetation, which reflects its agricultural use. 604 605 At Toorale National Park, river red gum was predicted predominantly along the main channel of the 606 Darling River (Figure 17). In contrast, coolabah woodlands were predicted along the Warrego River 607 channel, as well as on the higher ground of both rivers. Black box woodlands were predicted further 608 away from the river channel beyond the coolabah woodlands. 609 610 The map of Macquarie Marshes shows a floodplain containing large areas of river red gum forest, 611 graminoid wetlands, coolabah woodlands and black box woodlands (Figure 18). There is a large 612 central expanse of river red gum forest while large areas of graminoid wetlands are distinguished 613 from these forests. Beyond these areas coolabah and black box woodlands are predicted. 614 615 The floodplains of the Namoi River east of Wee Wea are predicted to have a distinct separation of 616 forest types (Figure 19). River red gum is found along the river channel and tributaries from the 617 south. Beyond the river red gum there are dry woodlands south of the river while large areas of 618 coolabah woodlands are predicted north of the river. 619 620 Gwydir Wetlands were mapped as having river red gum along the channel of the Gwydir River and 621 over an extensive area of the central wetland (Figure 20). Coolabah woodlands were predicted 622 surround these areas of river red gum. Many treeless areas were predicted as graminoid wetlands. 623 The Macintyre River east of Goondiwindi was predicted to have river red gum along the channel, 624 with coolabah woodlands further away from the river (Figure 21). 625 626 Large areas of lignum shrubland were predicted by the model in Narran Lakes (Figure 22). Coolabah 627 woodlands were mapped along creeks and the Narran River. Coolabah woodland was also predicted 628 to occur within Lake Narran and Clear Lake. 629 630 Yantabulla Swamp is predicted to have extensive areas of lignum and chenopod shrublands (Figure 631 23). The map shows a large area of coolabah woodland fanning out from Cuttaburra Creek as it 632 enters the swamp from the east. Moving westward across the swamp there is a loose transition 633 westward from coolabah woodland to lignum shrubland and then to chenopod shrubland. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 31 634 635 Nocoleche Nature Reserve on the Paroo River is predicted to have coolabah woodlands close to the 636 river, defining water courses and fringing lakes (Figure 24). Black box woodlands are mapped 637 scattered beyond the coolabah channels. 638 639 640 641 Table 12 Confusion matrix of the vegetation classes predicted by native vegetation extent model by 642 the samples used to build the model (N = 63891). 643 Native vegetation Non-native vegetation Water Accuracy Native vegetation Non-native vegetation Water 38033 13 13 242 23046 7 2 0 2535 99.4% 99.9% 99.2% 644 645 646 647 Table 13 Confusion matrix of the vegetation classes predicted by native vegetation extent model by 648 the samples used to validate the model (N = 6841). 649 Native vegetation Non-native vegetation Water Native vegetation 4181 114 10 Non-native vegetation 156 2390 0 Water 13 2 233 96.4% 99.4% 99.9% Accuracy 650 651 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 32 652 Table 14 Sensitivity analysis for variables used in the native vegetation extent model. Sensitivity for 653 random forests was assessed by the proportion of branches in a forest that used a variable. 654 Variable No. Trees No. branches % of branches WinterB1 50 2612 2.91 WinterB4 50 2423 2.7 SpringB4 50 2395 2.67 SpringB1 50 2378 2.65 WinterB2 50 2361 2.63 WinterB7 50 2232 2.48 SummerB1 50 2174 2.42 WinterB3 50 2145 2.39 WinterB5 50 2096 2.33 SpringNDMI 50 2058 2.29 SpringEVI 50 2008 2.23 WinterEVI 50 1993 2.22 SummerB4 50 1957 2.18 AutumnB1 50 1939 2.16 SpringB2 50 1926 2.14 SpringSLAVI 50 1924 2.14 SpringB5 50 1904 2.12 SpringB3 50 1878 2.09 WinterNDMI 50 1853 2.06 AutumnEVI 50 1824 2.03 WinterNDSI 50 1788 1.99 SummerB2 50 1773 1.97 SpringB7 50 1762 1.96 SummerEVI 50 1759 1.96 655 656 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 33 657 Table 14(cont.) Sensitivity analysis for variables used in the native vegetation extent model. 658 Sensitivity for random forests was assessed by the proportion of branches in a forest that used a 659 variable. 660 Variable No. Trees No. branches % of branches PALSAR LL_HV 50 1750 1.95 SpringNDVI 50 1733 1.93 WinterNDVI 50 1728 1.92 AutumnSLAVI 50 1726 1.92 AutumnB4 50 1717 1.91 SummerB7 50 1704 1.9 AutumnB7 PALSAR LL_HH 50 1708 1.9 50 1699 1.89 AutumnNDMI 50 1687 1.88 SummerB5 50 1684 1.87 SummerB3 50 1670 1.86 AutumnB2 50 1613 1.79 WinterSATVI 50 1584 1.76 AutumnNDVI 50 1586 1.76 WinterSLAVI 50 1573 1.75 AutumnB5 50 1544 1.72 SummerNDVI 50 1518 1.69 SpringNDSI 50 1497 1.67 SpringSATVI 50 1483 1.65 AutumnB3 50 1467 1.63 SummerNDMI 50 1464 1.63 SummerSLAVI 50 1409 1.57 SummerNDSI 50 1358 1.51 AutumnNDSI 50 1312 1.46 AutumnSATVI 50 1271 1.41 SummerSATVI 50 1216 1.35 661 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 34 662 Table 15 Correlations (R) between observed and predicted values for the taxa distribution models. 663 Model Build R Test R Woody 0.800 0.721 Wetland 0.723 0.604 Dryland 0.789 0.705 River red gum 0.704 0.476 Black box 0.614 0.413 Coolabah 0.723 0.354 River cooba 0.646 0.275 River oak 0.809 0.107 Lignum 0.631 0.338 664 665 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 35 (R2 = 0.91) 666 667 668 669 Figure 3 Relationship between the strength (Test R) of the taxa distribution models and the number of records used to build them. A power function was fitted to illustrate the trend. 670 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 36 671 672 673 Figure 4 Relationship between the proportion of presences among observations and the probability of presence predicted by the taxa distribution models and for the broad taxa groups. 674 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 37 675 676 677 Figure 5 Relationship between the probability of presence predicted by the taxa distribution models and the proportion of records that were presences for the individual species. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 38 678 Table 16 Sensitivity analysis for variables used in the taxa distribution model. Sensitivity for random 679 forests was assessed by the proportion of branches in a forest that used a variable. 680 Variable No. Trees No. branches % of branches DEM 20 5406 6.56 WinterB1 20 4870 5.91 HAR 20 4344 5.27 PALSAR LL_HH 20 3271 3.97 Pr(Native) 20 3244 3.94 PALSAR LL_HV 20 3168 3.84 SpringB1 20 2691 3.27 WinterB2 20 2574 3.12 WinterB4 20 2385 2.89 WinterB3 20 2245 2.72 SummerB1 20 2197 2.67 WinterB7 20 2086 2.53 WinterB5 20 2015 2.44 SpringB4 20 1924 2.33 AutumnB1 20 1807 2.19 SpringB2 20 1728 2.10 SpringB5 20 1729 2.10 SummerB4 20 1594 1.93 SpringB3 20 1574 1.91 SpringB7 20 1519 1.84 SummerB5 20 1426 1.73 AutumnB4 20 1390 1.69 SummerB7 20 1375 1.67 SummerB3 20 1318 1.60 AutumnB7 20 1319 1.60 SummerB2 20 1304 1.58 AutumnB5 20 1246 1.51 681 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 39 682 Table 16(cont.) Sensitivity analysis for variables used in taxa distribution model. Sensitivity for 683 random forests was assessed by the proportion branches in a forest that used a variable. 684 Variable No. Trees No. branches % of branches AutumnB3 20 1217 1.48 AutumnB2 20 1132 1.37 Pr(Water) 20 1122 1.36 WinterNDMI 20 1025 1.24 WinterSLAVI 20 986 1.20 WinterNDSI 20 940 1.14 WinterNDVI 20 921 1.12 SummerNDMI 20 860 1.04 SpringNDMI 20 809 0.98 WinterEVI 20 786 0.95 SpringEVI 20 765 0.93 SpringNDSI 20 752 0.91 AutumnNDMI 20 754 0.91 SpringNDVI 20 742 0.90 SpringSLAVI 20 722 0.88 SummerNDSI 20 674 0.82 AutumnNDSI 20 666 0.81 AutumnSLAVI 20 659 0.80 SummerSLAVI 20 654 0.79 AutumnNDVI 20 647 0.79 SummerEVI 20 604 0.73 AutumnEVI 20 551 0.67 SummerNDVI 20 548 0.66 Pr(Non-Native) 20 520 0.63 WinterSATVI 20 458 0.56 SpringSATVI 20 406 0.49 SummerSATVI 20 385 0.47 AutumnSATVI 20 363 0.44 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 40 685 Table 17 Correlations (R) between observed and predicted values for the cover types predicted by 686 the multi-objective model. 687 Cover type Build R Test R Total Plant Cover 0.798 0.564 Red gum Cover 0.862 0.601 Black box Cover 0.867 0.498 Coolabah Cover 0.905 0.513 Lignum Cover 0.872 0.686 River Cooba Cover 0.868 0.243 River Oak Cover 0.897 0.653 Woody Cover 0.843 0.611 Grass Cover 0.826 0.597 Wetland Cover 0.894 0.729 Dryland Cover 0.904 0.721 Chenopod Cover 0.843 0.618 Samphire Cover 0.877 0.433 Mallee Cover 0.885 0.524 Wet 0 Cover 0.903 0.72 Wet <1 Cover 0.870 0.632 Wet 1-6 Cover 0.859 0.657 Wet >6 Cover 0.86 0.622 Inun 0 Cover 0.904 0.721 Inun <1 Cover 0.879 0.664 Inun 1-6 Cover 0.886 0.713 Inun >6 Cover 0.863 0.629 Inun perm Cover 0.851 0.249 688 689 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 41 690 691 692 Figure 6 Relationship between cover predicted by the cover type model and observed cover for the target vegetation types. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 42 693 694 695 Figure 7a-h Relationship between cover predicted by the cover type model and observed cover for additional cover types. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 43 696 697 698 Figure 7i-o Relationship between cover predicted by the cover type model and observed cover for additional cover types. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 44 699 Table 18 Sensitivity analysis for variables used in cover type model. Sensitivity for random forests 700 was assessed by the proportion of branches in a forest that used a variable. 701 Variable No. Trees No. branches % of branches Pr(Wetland) 50 2723 2.91 Pr(Woody) 50 2640 2.82 Pr(Dryland) 50 2590 2.77 WinterB1 50 2527 2.70 WinterB2 50 2342 2.50 WinterB4 50 2331 2.49 SpringB1 50 2231 2.38 WinterB3 50 2188 2.34 WinterB5 50 2172 2.32 SummerB1 50 2105 2.25 WinterB7 50 2099 2.24 Pr(Native) 50 1991 2.13 SpringB4 50 1972 2.11 SpringB2 50 1961 2.10 SpringB3 50 1951 2.09 SpringB5 50 1935 2.07 SpringB7 50 1907 2.04 Pr(RRG) 50 1901 2.03 Pr(Non-Native) 50 1878 2.01 SummerB4 50 1851 1.98 PALSAR LL_HH 50 1856 1.98 AutumnB1 50 1818 1.94 SummerB2 50 1805 1.93 PALSAR LL_HV 50 1720 1.84 SummerB3 50 1698 1.82 SummerB5 50 1682 1.80 Pr(Lignum) 50 1669 1.78 AutumnB4 50 1649 1.76 Pr(BB) 50 1627 1.74 SummerB7 50 1628 1.74 AutumnB2 50 1520 1.62 702 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 45 703 Table 18(cont.) Sensitivity analysis for variables used in cover type model. Sensitivity for random 704 forests was assessed by the proportion of branches in a forest that used a variable. 705 Variable No. Trees No. branches % of branches AutumnB3 50 1489 1.59 AutumnB5 50 1483 1.59 AutumnB7 50 1447 1.55 WinterNDMI 50 1388 1.48 WinterSLAVI 50 1337 1.43 WinterNDVI 50 1311 1.40 WinterEVI 50 1280 1.37 SpringNDMI 50 1163 1.24 WinterNDSI 50 1134 1.21 SpringNDVI 50 1106 1.18 SpringSLAVI 50 1108 1.18 SpringEVI 50 1050 1.12 SummerNDMI 50 1043 1.11 Pr(Cooba) 50 1031 1.10 SpringNDSI 50 1014 1.08 SummerSLAVI 50 1014 1.08 SummerNDVI 50 997 1.07 SummerEVI 50 973 1.04 SummerNDSI 50 976 1.04 AutumnNDMI 50 964 1.03 AutumnNDVI 50 959 1.03 WinterSATVI 50 953 1.02 AutumnSLAVI 50 940 1.00 AutumnNDSI 50 900 0.96 SpringSATVI 50 866 0.93 AutumnEVI 50 833 0.89 SummerSATVI 50 708 0.76 Pr(Cool) 50 703 0.75 AutumnSATVI 50 625 0.67 Pr(Water) 50 547 0.58 Pr(Oak) 50 235 0.25 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 46 706 707 Table 19 Confusion matrix for the floodplain vegetation types across the Murray-Darling Basin predicted by the classification tree (Figure 2) for the quadrats (N= 11752) used to build the model. Grassland/herbland Graminoid wetland Sparse plain Water 119 283 8 20 1 151 44 9 9 Black box 83 312 8 31 51 375 65 105 18 82 28 14 Coolabah 10 8 180 21 13 77 8 31 1 21 20 6 River cooba 1 Samphire 16 Chenopod Dry woodland 3 Lignum River oak 27 River cooba Black box 1049 Coolabah River red gum Observed class Predicted class River red gum 29 River oak 2 47 16 2 6 1 Dry woodland 36 31 6 4 154 3685 10 96 7 165 24 130 Lignum 23 15 2 18 51 50 244 25 29 25 19 2 Chenopod 1 4 3 2 37 111 25 360 8 47 34 6 1 Samphire Grassland/herbland 42 7 101 26 297 32 468 1 Graminoid wetland 19 Sparse plain water Accuracy 708 1 2 1551 86 14 37 22 7 38 28 9 83.7% 72 77.2% 89.1% 24.0% 8.2% 75.0% 62.2% 32.5% 28.6% 74.4% 12.3% 12.0% 88.9% Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 47 709 710 Table 20 Confusion matrix for the floodplain vegetation types predicted by the classification tree (Figure 2) for the South Australian quadrats (N = 781) used to build the model. Chenopod 5 12 2 1 Black box 1 47 5 6 44 8 8 6 7 1 1 2 1 9 21 5 1 Coolabah River cooba 4 Dry woodland 1 1 216 11 33 17 Lignum 7 125 3 Samphire 1 1 3 1 12 12 4 20 1 1 1 Chenopod Grassland/herbland 6 2 2 3 1 55 water Accuracy Water Lignum 2 Sparse plain River oak 2 Graminoid wetland River cooba 6 Grassland/herbland Black box Predicted class River red gum Samphire River red gum Dry woodland Observed class 34 75.0% 83.9% 8.7% 0% 73.2% 90.6% 20.0% 40.0% 65.5% 0% 0% 97.1% 711 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 48 River cooba Water 173 2 7 1 89 18 4 6 13 128 26 34 10 40 5 5 2 3 1 2 1 37 10 71 886 1 11 1 69 4 32 8 13 35 7 3 5 4 2 Chenopod 1 7 1 13 7 4 Samphire 1 Dry woodland 15 4 Lignum 9 3 Grassland/herbland 20 2 5 11 2 6 51 3 5 Graminoid wetland Sparse plain Water Accuracy 714 Graminoid wetland 81 3 River oak Grassland/herbland Sparse plain 1 Samphire 6 Chenopod 86 Lignum 22 River cooba 15 Dry woodland Coolabah 507 River oak Predicted class River red gum Black box Black box Table 21 Confusion matrix for the floodplain vegetation types predicted by the classification tree (Figure 2) for the Victorian quadrats (N = 3034) used to build the model. Observed class River red gum 712 713 13 1 244 15 10 13 13 5 8 21 4 87.7% 27 76.1% 27.3% 16.4% 68.9% 51.5% 16.7% 21.4% 51.0% 20.0% 29.2% 81.8% Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 49 715 716 Table 22 Confusion matrix for the floodplain vegetation types predicted by the classification tree (Figure 2) for the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales quadrats (N = 7731) used to build the model. 12 Black box 60 179 8 20 32 201 31 63 Coolabah 8 7 165 20 8 68 8 29 Water 4 Sparse plain 97 Graminoid wetland 33 Grassland/herbland 12 Samphire 3 Chenopod Dry woodland 10 Lignum River oak 524 River cooba Black box River red gum Coolabah River red gum Observed class 56 25 5 2 35 22 8 16 20 6 4 1 Predicted class River cooba 19 River oak 2 10 6 Dry woodland 21 27 5 3 80 2456 9 83 5 90 18 Lignum 14 5 2 5 10 20 82 9 5 8 11 Chenopod 1 4 3 2 36 101 24 342 43 34 6 Grassland/herbland 20 2 86 240 26 463 1239 68 30 4 22 9 2 Graminoid wetland 1 Sparse plain Water Accuracy 717 2 6 5 80.2% 85 7 0 76.5% 88.7% 23.5% 3.4% 76.9% 44.6% 34.1% 0% 82.4% 11 9.9% 4.8% 84.6% Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 50 Table 23 Confusion matrix for the floodplain vegetation types predicted by the classification tree (Figure 2) for the Queensland quadrats (N = 215) used to build the model. Predicted class River red gum 12 2 Sparse plain 1 2 Coolabah 1 River cooba 1 1 15 1 3 6 1 3 Dry woodland 1 2 1 2 127 Lignum 3 1 13 3 1 2 1 2 4 Graminoid wetland Accuracy Graminoid wetland Grassland/herbland Chenopod 1 Black box Grassland/herbland Lignum Dry woodland River oak River cooba Coolabah Black box Observed class River red gum 718 719 2 80.0% 0% 93.8% 50.0% 0% 90.7% 100.0% 0% 68.4% 28.6% 0% Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 51 720 721 722 723 724 Figure 8 Distribution of a) floodplain vegetation, b) black box woodlands, c) river red gum forests 725 and woodlands and d) coolabah woodlands across the Murray-Darling Basin predicted by the 726 combination of the multi-objective model and the classification tree (Figure 2). 727 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 52 river red gum black box Punkah Creek lignum grassland chenopod samphire water Murray River 2 km 728 729 Figure 9 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at the Chowilla Floodplain on the lower Murray River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 53 river red gum black box lignum wetland grassland chenopod samphire Murray River water Lake Mournpall 5 km Chalka Creek South 730 . Figure 10 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Hattah Lakes on the lower Murray River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 54 river red gum black box lignum Thule Creek wetland grassland chenopod water Murray River Gunbower Creek 5 km 731 Figure 11 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Forests on the middle Murray River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 55 Tuppal Creek river red gum black box wetland grassland chenopod water Moira Lake Murray River Barmah Lake 5 km 732 Figure 12 Extent of floodplain vegetation types Barmah-Millewa Forests on the middle Murray River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 56 Murray River Lake Mulwala river red gum Ovens River wetland grassland water 5 km 733 Figure 13 Extent of floodplain vegetation types on the Lower Ovens River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 57 Macommon Lake Piggery Lake river red gum black box lignum wetland grassland chenopod water Murrumbidgee River 5 km Tala Lake 734 Figure 14 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Yanga National Park on the Lower Murrumbidgee River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 58 Lachlan River river red gum black box lignum wetland grassland chenopod water 735 Figure 15 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at the Great Cumbung Swamp on the Lachlan River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 59 Pamamaroo Lake Tadure Lake Lake Menindee river red gum black box lignum Lake Cawndilla grassland chenopod samphire Lake Tandou water Darling River 10 km 736 Figure 16 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Meenidee Lakes on the lower Darling River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 60 river red gum Warrego River black box coolabah lignum wetland grassland chenopod samphire water Ross Billabong Darling River 2 km 737 Figure 17 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Toorale National Park at the junction of the Darling and Warrego Rivers. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 61 river red gum black box coolabah lignum wetland grassland chenopod water Macquarie River 5 km 738 Figure 18 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at the northern section of the Macquarie Marshes on the Macquarie River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 62 river red gum black box Wee Wea coolabah lignum wetland grassland chenopod dry woodland water Namoi River 739 Figure 19 Extent of floodplain vegetation types on the Namoi River between Pilliga and Wee Wea. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 63 river red gum black box coolabah Gwydir River River lignum wetland chenopod dry woodland water 2 km Mehi River 740 Figure 20 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Gwydir Wetlands, west of Moree on the Gwydir River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 64 river red gum black box Callandoon Branch coolabah lignum wetland grassland chenopod Goondiwindi dry woodland water 2 km Mcintyre River 741 Figure 21 Extent of floodplain vegetation types on the Macintyre River west of Goondiwindi. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 65 river red gum Narran River black box coolabah Clear Lake lignum wetland grassland chenopod water Narran Lake 2 km 742 Figure 22 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Narran Lake Nature Reserve at the end of the Narran River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 66 river red gum black box coolabah lignum grassland chenopod water 5 km 743 Figure 23 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Yantabulla Swamp on the Cuttaburra Creek. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 67 river red gum black box coolabah Caibocaro Billabong wetland dry woodland chenopod Paroo River water 2 km 744 745 Figure 24 Extent of floodplain vegetation types at Nocoleche Nature Reserve on the Paroo River. Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 68 746 Discussion 747 748 The combination of remote sensing and machine learning (i.e. random forests) was successful in 749 predicting the distribution of floodplain vegetation and some of the component vegetation types on 750 the floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin. The multi-objective cover model and classification tree 751 were used to successfully map the extent of forest and woodlands dominated by river red gum, 752 black box and coolabah (Table 19). The multi-objective cover model was unable to consistently 753 distinguish among grass-dominated and shrub-dominated vegetation types. The floodplain 754 vegetation type map presented here attempted to provide a consistent vegetation classification 755 across the whole Murray-Darling Basin. The maps of tree-dominated vegetation types will provide a 756 useful tool for managing and monitoring the responses of these ecosystems to changes in water 757 availability. The limitations of the current map suggest that predictions of the distribution of 758 floodplain vegetation types could be improved by expanding what vegetation types were modelled, 759 and improving both the ground survey and remote sensing data sets used. 760 761 The modelling approach was most successful in predicting the distribution of the most common 762 tree-dominated vegetation types of the Basin's floodplains. The predictions for river red gum 763 woodlands and forests (84%), black box woodlands (77%) and coolabah woodlands (89%) were 764 highly accurate (Table 19). The distribution of river red gum was clearly mapped along the channels 765 of rivers of the Basin (Figures 10 & 19). Large expanses of river red gum, such as the Barmah- 766 Millewa Forest, Yanga National Park and Macquarie Marshes, were well predicted (Figures 12, 14 & 767 18). The transition from river red gum to black box or coolabah woodlands away from rivers was 768 shown clearly on the map (Figure 17). At the scale of individual pixels, there were misclassifications 769 among these types, with scattered areas of coolabah being in the southern Basin. This minor 770 limitation of the modelling could be corrected by including a latitudinal rule to the classification tree. 771 It would be useful to reduce the pixel resolution from 25 m to 100 m using some type of local 772 averaging to produce more consistent predictions of the vegetation types across a particular 773 floodplain. The successfully prediction of the distribution of majority of forests and woodlands 774 demonstrates the usefulness of the modelling approach in providing a consistent classification 775 across the vast expanse of the floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin. 776 777 Strong models were not built for the distribution or cover of river oak forests and river cooba 778 woodlands (R2 < 0.3, Table 15 & 17). The lack of success with river oak was due to a limited available 779 data set (278 records). The failure to predict river cooba well was not a result of having few records Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 69 780 but a reflection of the ecology of the species. River cooba is found predominantly as a subdominant 781 tree in association with other floodplain dominants, such river red gum and black box. Therefore, 782 without a good sample of the mono-dominant woodlands of this species it was unlikely that this 783 type could be predicted. Given the restricted nature of river cooba woodlands, we do not think this 784 is a major limitation of the modelling and map. River oak was rarely predicted across the map and 785 certainly not in the eastern headwaters of the Murray-Darling floodplain. It appears that stands of 786 river oak have been confused with other riparian trees. River oak may have been better predicted 787 by building cover models for associated forest types found at higher elevation in the Basin. 788 789 Although the distinction between woody and non-woody vegetation was robust, the modelling 790 approach was not particularly successful in distinguishing among the tree-less vegetation types. 791 Graminoid (grass, sedge or rush dominated) wetlands were confused with native grasslands in many 792 catchments of the Basin. This issue was common in the eastern Basin and not apparent in the arid 793 floodplains of the Warrego, Paroo, Lower Darling and Lower Murray Rivers. The ground survey data 794 set used to build the model included few vegetation surveys of more permanent wetlands. 795 Therefore, the majority of samples from graminoid wetlands would have had similar floristic and 796 reflectance characteristics to a lot of the samples from native grasslands. Prediction of graminoid 797 wetlands would be improved by a larger sample of surveys from within wetlands. 798 799 The modelling predicted large areas of lignum outside of the woodlands, which included areas 800 dominated by chenopods and samphire or with sparse vegetation cover. A moderate sample of 801 lignum records was available (1918 records), so predictions could be improved by more records for 802 this taxa. Improvements are likely to be gained by obtaining more records of the types (chenopods, 803 samphire and bare ground) that were confused with lignum shrublands. The failure to predict 804 lignum shrublands accurately is a reflection of the ecology of these communities. First, lignum 805 shrublands are often interspersed with areas of bare ground or low shrubs and, therefore, are poorly 806 resolved at the scale of the imagery (25 m pixels). Second, the appearance of lignum varies 807 substantially from thick and green following flood to dying back to dead aerial stems during periods 808 of drought. We were largely attempting to predict the fine scale distribution of this species based on 809 a long-term reflectance composite. The 2000-2010 Landsat composite may not have been a long 810 enough chronosequence of images to distinguish the distribution of this variable species. That is, 811 over this period the signal from lignum was probably noisy due different locations having sufficient 812 inundation, temporarily benefitting from inundation or not being inundated. The combination of Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 70 813 imagery from individual years following floods and drought may be useful in predicting this and 814 other floodplain vegetation types. 815 816 The above shows that the major limitations of the floodplain vegetation type map of the Basin and 817 associated modelling were an inability a) to predict less common tree-dominated communities and 818 b) to distinguish among types of shrublands (lignum, chenopod, samphire) or grasslands (native 819 grasslands, graminoid wetlands). Both these limitations could be improved in future modelling and 820 mapping by increasing the amount and breadth of samples for these vegetation types, using 821 additional remote sensing data sets and refining the modelling approach. The target floodplain 822 types were a mixture of structural types (e.g. grasslands), species-dominated types (e.g. river red 823 gum) and inundation types (e.g. wetlands). This classification needs to be refined and rendered 824 consistent to enable clear separation of types and ensure certain floodplain types do not fall outside 825 of the classification. A hierarchical classification in the order: broad landscape types (e.g. native 826 vegetation), inundation types (wetland/dryland), structural types (e.g. woodlands) and finally 827 species-dominated types (e.g. river red gum) is likely to improve the separation of floodplain 828 vegetation types. 829 830 Given the short time frame for this project, the most easily obtained (e.g. databased) vegetation 831 data sets were included. A more extensive search for vegetation data sets, including contacting 832 various regional government offices, consultants and universities may provide a more 833 comprehensive data set of the Basin's floodplain vegetation. Even such an increased data set is 834 likely to be limited both in species records and spatial representation (few records in the arid west of 835 the Basin). If certain vegetation types or regions require more accurate mapping, then targeted 836 ground surveys will be needed to improve their prediction. There was strong relationship between 837 the number of records included in a taxa distribution and the strength of its validation (Fig. 3). There 838 was a steep improvement in the strength of the taxa distribution models up to 5000 records 839 suggesting that increasing the number of records for a given taxa towards this number will provide 840 substantial improvements in predicting its extent. 841 842 The mapping approach taken here was implemented in four stages. We modelled the extent of 843 native vegetation, non-native vegetation and water across the Basin. The distribution of the target 844 taxa were modelled across the Murray-Darling Basin to utilise the presence data set, which was 845 much larger than the quadrat data set, and provide additional information on the extent of the Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 71 846 vegetation types. These two data sets were then used as inputs to help predict the cover of the 847 target vegetation types in the multi-objective cover model. The multi-objective model predicted the 848 cover of the target taxa (e.g. river red gum), as well as some structural types (e.g. woody 849 vegetation), inundation types and non-target taxa (e.g. chenopods). The extent of the floodplain 850 vegetation types was then determined using a classification tree informed by a) the extent of native 851 vegetation and b) the cover models from the multi-objective model. This approach was partially 852 successful but would be improved by predicting a more comprehensive range of structural types, 853 floodplain vegetation types and adjacent non-floodplain vegetation types. To improve the 854 prediction and mapping of floodplain vegetation types, we suggest the modelling approach takes the 855 following hierarchical approach. 856 1. Predict the extent of native vegetation, non-native vegetation, bare ground/ephemeral and 857 water. 858 2. Predict the extent of floodplain and dryland vegetation. 859 3. Predict the extent of structural types: forest, woodland, tall shrublands, low shrublands and 860 861 grassland. 4. Within each structural types, predict a representative range of vegetation types on the 862 floodplain and from the adjacent dryland communities. 863 864 This differs from the approach taken here by including bare ground implicitly, modelling the full 865 range of structural types, and including more target and non-target vegetation types. Including 866 more structural types is likely to improve the separation of lignum from other communities on the 867 floodplain such as chenopods and samphire. Modelling the extent of non-floodplain forests and 868 woodlands should help delimit the edge of the floodplain and the extent of the associated tree 869 types. 870 871 The prediction of the structural types would be improved by including remote sensing data sets 872 known to provide information beneath the canopy unlike reflectance data such as that provided by 873 Landsat. Synthetic aperture radar data (e.g. ALOS PALSAR) provides structural data across the Basin. 874 Here, the use of PALSAR imagery with a resolution of 50 m was an important predictor of the 875 distribution of the target taxa. Imagery of a finer resolution may be more appropriate for detecting 876 the changes from woodland to low shrubland found over short distances from the rivers in the arid 877 parts of the Basin. LiDAR is the best data for providing structural information about vegetation. 878 Although current LiDAR coverage of the floodplains of the Basin is patchy, it could be incorporated Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 72 879 into future modelling. Ideally, you would have LiDAR coverage across the whole floodplain. We 880 strongly suggest that there is future investment in obtaining such a valuable data set to improve the 881 prediction of the floodplain vegetation and other important information such as flow patterns. 882 883 Some useful non-floodplain tree types to include in future modelling would be the surrounding box 884 woodlands [Eucalyptus microcarpa (grey box), Eucalyptus populnea (bimble box) and Eucalyptus 885 conica (fuzzy box)], open forests [Eucalyptus viminalis (manna gum), Eucalytpus obliqua (messmate) 886 and Eucalyptus radiata (narrow-leaved peppermint)], mallee woodlands (Eucalyptus incrassata, 887 yellow mallee) and buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii). It would be helpful to model additional 888 floodplain tree types such as yapunyah (Eucalyptus ochrophloia), which is common in the north-west 889 of the Basin. The success of modelling these additional vegetation types would depend on the 890 availability of adequate quadrat data. 891 892 Conclusion 893 A series of vegetation models were built successfully from a range of reflectance, structural and 894 elevation variables derived from satellite data sets. We were able to accurately predict the 895 distribution of native vegetation and produce useful models of the distribution of the target species 896 across the Basin. A multi-objective cover model, which was informed by the above satellite-derived 897 variables, provided strong models of cover for the majority of target and non-target vegetation 898 types. The distributions of the target floodplain vegetation types were determined from the extent 899 of native vegetation and the predicted cover values from the multi-objective model using a 900 classification tree. This modelling approach produced a map that: 901 902 1. successfully predicted the distribution of forests and woodlands of river red gum, black box and coolabah. 903 2. rarely predicted river cooba woodlands or river oak forests 904 3. predicted the distribution of lignum shrublands to include areas of chenopod shrublands and 905 906 907 sparse floodplain. 4. predicted graminoid wetlands on lower areas of the floodplain but also on higher parts of the floodplain that are dominated by native grasslands 908 909 Our map provides the first consistent classification and mapping of river red gum, black box and 910 coolabah woodlands across the Murray-Darling Basin (Table 24). It demonstrates that satellite- 911 derived data can be used to predict floodplain vegetation types across vast areas. The inability to 912 predict the rarer tree types and to consistently distinguish shrublands, grasslands and wetlands Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 73 913 revealed limitations of the current modeling. These limitations suggest improvements for future 914 modeling of these floodplains that include: 915 1. Compiling a more comprehensive quadrat data set. 916 2. Targeted surveys of species and areas of interest. 917 3. Increasing the number of structural types modeled. 918 4. Increasing the number of both floodplain and non-floodplain vegetation types modeled. 919 5. Including remote sensing data sets that better inform the prediction of structural types and 920 flooding regimes (e.g. LiDAR). 921 922 923 924 925 Table 24 Summary of the success of mapping the target floodplain vegetation types. 926 Floodplain vegetation Accuracy Strength of predictions type River red gum forest and 83.7% Predicted known distribution well woodlands Black box woodlands 77.2% Predicted known distribution well Coolabah woodlands 89.1% Predicted well across known distribution but in scatter pixels outside of this area across the southern Basin River Cooba woodlands 24.0% Predict in limited areas River Oak Forest 8.2% Not predicted across known distribution Lignum shrublands 62.2% Confused with other shrublands and sparse floodplain Grasslands/herblands 74.4% Often predicted as graminoid wetlands Graminoid wetlands 12.3% Predicted well on lower floodplain but confused with native grasslands higher up on the floodplain 927 928 929 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 74 930 Acknowledgments 931 This research was funded by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MD2245). We thank our 932 collaborators at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (Michael Wilson, Paul Carlile, Ashraf Hanna, 933 Anastasia Stramarcos and Lex Cogle) and Geosciences Australia (Leo Lymburner, Rachel Melrose, Jeff 934 Kingwell and Medhavy Thankappan). We thank Geosciences Australia for their efforts in creating a 935 consistent historical Landsat composite across the Basin. We thank the Queensland Herbarium, New 936 South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, Victorian Department of Environment and Primary 937 Industries, and the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources for 938 providing vegetation survey data sets across the Basin. Without this combination of data sets, it 939 would not have been possible to distinguish and map the floodplain vegetation types as successfully. 940 Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 75 941 References 942 943 944 945 946 ABARES (2010) User Guide and Caveats: Land Use of Australia, Version 4, 2005-06. 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Mapping Floodplain Vegetation Types of the Basin 77