2322-Chemistry Long Answer Question Bank

Chemistry Long Answer Question Bank
Useful Products from Rocks – Question Paper ....................................................... 2
Useful Products from Rocks – Mark Scheme and Model Answer ........................... 3
Useful Products from Rocks – Sample Answer....................................................... 3
Useful Products from Rocks – Writing Frame ......................................................... 5
Recycling Plastic Bags – Question Paper ............................................................... 6
Recycling Plastic Bags – Mark Scheme and Model Answer ................................... 6
Recycling Plastic Bags – Sample Answer ............................................................... 8
Recycling Plastic Bags – Writing Frame ............................................................... 10
Changes to the Atmosphere – Question Paper..................................................... 11
Changes to the Atmosphere – Mark Scheme and Model Answer ......................... 12
Changes to the Atmosphere – Sample Answer .................................................... 12
Changes to the Atmosphere – Writing Frame ....................................................... 14
Carbon Cycle – Question Paper ........................................................................... 15
Carbon Cycle – Mark Scheme and Model Answer ................................................ 16
Carbon Cycle – Sample Answer ........................................................................... 16
Carbon Cycle – Writing Frame .............................................................................. 18
Useful Products from Rocks – Question Paper
In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information
clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
Rock salt is a mixture containing salt (sodium chloride) that we get from the Earth’s
To get pure salt from rock salt we need to separate the pure salt from the other
substances in the mixture.
Describe how you would obtain pure salt from rock salt in the laboratory. You should
include in your answer the apparatus that you would use.
Useful Products from Rocks – Mark Scheme and Model Answer
0 marks
No relevant
Level 1
(1 – 2 marks)
There is a brief
description of the
laboratory procedure
for obtaining a
sample of pure salt
from rock salt. The
answer would not
necessarily allow the
procedure to be
successfully by
another person.
Level 2
(3 – 4 marks)
There is a description
of the laboratory
procedure for
obtaining a sample of
pure salt from rock
salt that could be
followed by another
person. The answer
must mention that the
rock salt is mixed
with water.
Level 3
(5 – 6 marks)
There is a clear,
detailed description
of the laboratory
procedure for
obtaining a sample of
pure salt from rock
salt that could easily
be followed by
another person. The
answer must mention
that the rock salt is
mixed with water.
Examples of the points made in the response
crush the rock salt
with a mortar and pestle
mix the crushed rock with water
in a beaker
stir and warm to dissolve the salt
filter the mixture to remove the undissolved solids
using filter paper and funnel
put the filtrate into an evaporating dish
warm using Bunsen burner, tripod and gauze
to evaporate to dryness
Model Answer:
Useful Products from Rocks – Sample Answer
In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information
clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
Rock salt is a mixture containing salt (sodium chloride) that we get from the Earth’s
To get pure salt from rock salt we need to separate the pure salt from the other
substances in the mixture.
Describe how you would obtain pure salt from rock salt in the laboratory. You should
include in your answer the apparatus that you would use.
Sample Answer:
To be able to get pure salt (sodium chloride) from the rock salt there are a number of
steps that you would need to do. To do this you will need a lot of science apparatus
and this will include:
safety goggles
a beaker
filtering stuff
Bunsen burner
First you must crush up the rock salt so that the particles are good and small. Now
you can filter it and the salt will go through the filter paper but the rock bits will be too
big to fit.
Next you will need to heat up what you have filtered so that you can the salt back.
All of the impurities will evaporate and you will be left with 100% pure salt.
This experiment can be very dangerous so you must do a risk assessment and wear
your safety goggles at all times.
Useful Products from Rocks – Writing Frame
In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information
clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
Rock salt is a mixture containing salt (sodium chloride) that we get from the Earth’s
To get pure salt from rock salt we need to separate the pure salt from the other
substances in the mixture.
Describe how you would obtain pure salt from rock salt in the laboratory. You should
include in your answer the apparatus that you would use.
Use the “What/Why” frame to state everything you will do/use and how it will help
you. Use the frame to help you structure your answer.
... To crush the rock salt
Add some water...
... To remove the solid waste
Use a Bunsen burner...
Final Answer:
Recycling Plastic Bags – Question Paper
In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information
clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
There are millions of plastic bags in use. After use most of these plastic bags are
buried in landfill sites. The amount sent to landfill could be reduced if the plastic
could be reused
could be recycled by melting and making them into new plastic products
could be burned to release energy.
Use the information above and your knowledge and understanding to give the
positive and negative environmental impacts of using these methods to reduce the
amount of plastic bags sent to landfill.
Recycling Plastic Bags – Mark Scheme and Model Answer
0 marks
No relevant
Level 1
(1 – 2 marks)
There is a brief
description of a
positive and a
environmental impact
involved with one or
more methods used
to reduce the amount
of plastic bags sent
to landfill.
Level 2
(3 – 4 marks)
There is some
description of both
positive and negative
impacts involved with
at least 2 methods
used to reduce the
amount of plastic
bags sent to landfill.
Level 3
(5 – 6 marks)
There is a clear,
balanced and
detailed description
of both a
positive and a
environmental impact
of using each of the 3
methods used to
reduce the amount of
plastic bags sent to
Examples of the points made in the response
Reuse means less bags
used so:
Positive environmental
 Saves raw materials/
 Saves energy
 Cuts down on CO2
 Less global warming
Negative environmental
 Could cause litter
 Could still be sent to
Bags can be recycled so:
Bags can be burned so:
Positive environmental
 Used to make new
 Saves raw materials /
 Saves energy
compared to producing
plastic bags from crude
 Cuts down on CO2
 Less global warming
Positive environmental
 Could provide energy
for heating buildings
 Could provide energy
for generating
Negative environmental
 Collection point sites
cause an eyesore /
litter problem
 Transportation to
recycling plant
releases carbon
dioxide / causes global
Negative environmental
 Increases CO2
 Increases global
 Could release toxic
 Does not conserve raw
materials / crude oil
Model Answer:
Recycling Plastic Bags – Sample Answer
In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information
clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
There are millions of plastic bags in use. After use most of these plastic bags are
buried in landfill sites. The amount sent to landfill could be reduced if the plastic
could be reused
could be recycled by melting and making them into new plastic products
could be burned to release energy.
Use the information above and your knowledge and understanding to give the
positive and negative environmental impacts of using these methods to reduce the
amount of plastic bags sent to landfill.
Sample Answer:
Plastic bags can be re-used, recycled and burnt. The good environmental impacts of
these methods are that they can either save energy because you are not making
new ones or that you can make energy from the heat released when you burn them.
The bad environmental impacts would be that there will still be litter and also that
when you burn plastic bags dangerous chemicals are released.
Recycling Plastic Bags – Writing Frame
In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information
clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
There are millions of plastic bags in use. After use most of these plastic bags are
buried in landfill sites. The amount sent to landfill could be reduced if the plastic
could be reused
could be recycled by melting and making them into new plastic products
could be burned to release energy.
Use the information above and your knowledge and understanding to give the
positive and negative environmental impacts of using these methods to reduce the
amount of plastic bags sent to landfill.
Use the sentence starters to help you structure your answer.
Re-using plastic bags means that more / less plastic bags need to be produced.
An advantage of this is _____________________________________________
A disadvantage of this is ____________________________________________
Hint – think about CO2 emissions, use of crude oil, litter and landfill.
Recycling plastic bags means that more / less plastic bags need to be produced.
An advantage of this is _____________________________________________
A disadvantage of this is ____________________________________________
Hint – think about CO2 emissions, use of crude oil, collection and transportation.
Burning plastic bags release heat ___________.
An advantage of this is _____________________________________________
A disadvantage of this is ____________________________________________
Hint – think about global warming, gases produces and uses of heat.
Changes to the Atmosphere – Question Paper
For the last 200 million years the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
remained almost the same.
Describe the natural processes which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English.
Put them into a sensible order and use the correct scientific words.
Changes to the Atmosphere – Mark Scheme and Model Answer
Quality of written communication
for any two ideas sensibly stated
Any three from:
plants take in (CO2)
accept photosynthesis uses (CO)
converted to glucose / starch / carbohydrates
ignore carbon compounds by itself
CO2 locked up in fossil fuels
accept coal / oil / gas / methane
CO2 reacts with / dissolves (sea)water
accept ocean removes CO2
producing hydrogencarbonates
accept carbonic acid
producing carbonates
accept named carbonates
marine animals use carbonates to make shells
do not accept bones
forms sedimentary rocks
accept limestone / chalk / marble
do not accept sediments alone
Model Answer:
Changes to the Atmosphere – Sample Answer
For the last 200 million years the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
remained almost the same.
Describe the natural processes which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English.
Put them into a sensible order and use the correct scientific words.
Sample Answer:
Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere every day by green plants. They
absorb the carbon dioxide from the air and use it for respiration which is a natural
Carbon dioxide + Water → Glucose + Oxygen
These plants then die which is another natural process and before they rot away
they can get buried underground and under gigantic heat and pressure they become
the fossil fuels which are coal, oil and gas.
Humans come along thousands of years later and burn these fossil fuels which then
makes the glucose they had made turn back into carbon dioxide which is why the
amount does not change for millions of years.
Changes to the Atmosphere – Writing Frame
For the last 200 million years the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
remained almost the same.
Describe the natural processes which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English.
Put them into a sensible order and use the correct scientific words.
The answer has been broken down into sub-sections for you. For each section use
the keywords to explain the natural process that remove carbon dioxide:
Keywords: Photosynthesis, Absorb, Convert, Glucose.
Keywords: Fossil, Locked, Hydrocarbon.
Keywords: Reacts, Dissolves, Water, Carbonates, Marine Animals, Shells,
Sedimentary rocks.
Carbon Cycle – Question Paper
Describe the process in which carbon is cycled through the air, plants, animals and
You may use a flow diagram to help in your answer.
Carbon Cycle – Mark Scheme and Model Answer
Some or all of these points may be shown in a diagram
CO2 in atmosphere to carbon in plants by photosynthesis
Carbon from plants into animals (feeding)
Carbon from plants and animals into atmosphere as CO2
microbes respire, releasing CO2 into atmosphere
by respiration or
Plants / animals die and are decayed by microbes (accept decomposers for
Deforestation or CO2 into atmosphere by burning trees or burning of fossil fuels
releases CO2 into atmosphere
Model Answer:
Carbon Cycle – Sample Answer
Describe the process in which carbon is cycled through the air, plants, animals and
You may use a flow diagram to help in your answer.
Sample Answer:
Plants take in CO2 for respiration.
They turn this into energy and release the CO2 back into the atmosphere when they
When animals eat plants, they get the CO2 that has been stored in the plant as
When plants are cut down for fuels like bioethanol the burning releases CO2 as well.
Carbon Cycle – Writing Frame
Describe the process in which carbon is cycled through the air, plants, animals and
You may use a flow diagram to help in your answer.
Convert the diagram into a written response:
Final Answer: