Annex 6 - Waste 1. Introduction 1.1.Purpose of this Document This document is an Annex to the “Guidance document on national nitrogen budgets” (UNECE 2013), which outlines how to construct a national nitrogen budget. In the guidance document, eight pools are identified which are: 1) Energy and fuels, 2) Material and products in industry, 3) Humans and settlements, 4) Agriculture, 5) Forest and semi-natural vegetation including soils, 6) Waste, 7) Atmosphere, and 8) Hydrosphere. This document specifically addresses the development of a Nitrogen budget for waste systems (household waste, sewage etc). The document will provide an overview of the ‘Waste’ pool and sub-pools within it, including the nitrogen species which are involved, their transformation or transport to other pools within the system. It will also provide information on how to find data and to construct the ‘Waste’ pool of a national nitrogen budget. 1.2. Amounts to be expected Although the absolute value of flows within each nitrogen budget will differ, the work of Leip et al. (ENA ref) can provide us with an indication of the potential relative importance of flows within the ‘Waste’ pool, which may be of help when starting to construct a national nitrogen budget. Leip et al. brought together national nitrogen budget data for a selection of European countries and also constructed a European level nitrogen budget, which although incomplete is a starting point for comparison when conducting national level nitrogen budgets. The pools within the Leip et al. budget which correspond to the ‘Waste’ pool (which is the subject of this annex), are the ‘Solid Waste’ and ‘Sewage’ pools. Looking at the inflows in relation to these pools in the Leip et al. budget, the largest overall contributor is the ‘Consumer’, from which 59% (3.1 MtN/yr) of the N flows are from ‘Sewage’ and 36% (1.9MtN/yr) are from ‘Solid Waste’ respectively, with the final roughly 5% (0.24 MtN/yr) from the Industrial sector in the form of ‘Sewage’. This makes a total inflow of N to the ‘Waste’ pool of 5.24mt N/yr, however, the outflows from the ‘Sewage’ and ‘Solid Waste’ system add up to only 2.67MtN/yr, which suggests an accumulation of N in the system of around 50% per year. It is possible that due to the lack of information available, the Leip et al. study underestimates the outflow from the ‘Waste’ pool, however it is to be expected that there is an increase in the total N which is stored in this pool (stock N), trapped in landfill, but little data exists on what this might be in either relative or absolute terms . Coming back to the Leip et al. study, in relative terms however, the main outflows are from wastewater to surface water, 68% (1.8MtN/yr), denitrification of sewage to N2 of 30% (0.8MtN/yr). Further flows are significantly smaller then, with around 1.7% (0.045MtN/yr) of the nitrogen being passed to the ‘Agriculture’ pool as sewage sludge for fertilising fields and finally the smallest fractions are the release of N2O to the atmosphere during sewage processing (0.3%, 0.0079MtN/yr), and roughly equal releases of N2O and NH3 from solid waste processing of 0.19% (0.005 MtN/yr) and 1.7% (0.0044 MtN/yr) respectively. 2. Definition 2.1. Activities and Flows encompassed by the pool The main in-flows come from both domestic and industrial situations, and although agriculture can be considered as a type of industry, as with the overall pools, agriculture is described separately here for clarity (e.g. flows of manure into the solid waste system which are N rich) and also flow back to the agricultural (and other systems) of treated sewage sludge (again N rich). The waste pool flows include N2O, NOx, NH3 and Nitrate and also ultimate de-nitrification to N2. There are close links between the pool ‘Waste’ and the ‘Human and settlements’ and ‘Materials and products in industry’, as this is the point at which products are discarded and therefore become waste. There is a close connection with the ‘Atmosphere’ pool also, through the emissions and denitrification from wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal processes and also the hydrosphere. Figure 1 outlines the major flows between ‘Waste’ and the further seven pools, there may also be export and import of waste products to the ‘rest of world’ i.e. outside the boundaries of the national budget. Energy and Fuels Agriculture Compost from digestion use on soils Solid agricultural waste, such as un-used slurries and manure, animal carcasses not for consumption** Humans and settlements Sewage Sludge use on soils Exported waste Atmosphere Wastewater treatment Wastewater /sewage Compost from digestion use on soils Forests and semi-natural vegetation Imported waste Waste to energy operations (biogas/anaerobic digestion, incineration), including from import Solid waste (including food)* Sewage Sludge use on nonagricultural soils *Industry and agricultural based food waste and human sewage also included here Solid waste treatment Solid Waste Untreated wastewater run-off and leachate from solid waste Wastewater and sewage Solid waste (NOT including food) Hydrosphere Waste recycling, e.g. Glass, plastics.*** Material and products in industry ** Not including food waste related to the farm workers on site ** *Recycling of glass etc from industrial sites, for use within industry, remains an internal cycle in industry pool Figure 1: Flows connecting the ‘Waste’ pool, with the other seven pools. 2.2. Overall approach and main sub-pools The main considerations with respect to waste and Nitrogen flows, is to consider where this material is generated (in which pools is material no longer needed and discarded as waste), what types of material these are and then how this is managed (collection and processing). This can then be linked to the N flows passed on, or emitted/transformed at each stage. There are also considerations regarding the boundaries of the ‘Waste’ pool in relation to the other pools, such as ‘Products and materials in industry’ and ‘agriculture’. Waste is generated at any sites where humans live or work, therefore at the following sites (this is an indicative not an exhaustive list): a) Households b) Offices c) Shops d) Markets e) Restaurants f) Public institutions g) Industrial installations h) Water works and sewage facilities i) Construction and demolition sites j) Agricultural activities There are two main ‘sub-pools’ considered within this annex, ‘solid waste’ (any item discarded at domestic or industrial sites) and ‘wastewater and sewage’ (domestic and industrial site drainage, including wastewater and sludge from industrial applications). The ‘Solid waste’ can be further divided by processing method: Solid waste disposal on land Biological and other treatments Incineration and open burning of waste There is one other pathway for an item which has been discarded, which is recycling. Firstly we should clarify that for the purposes of this annex (in line with IPCC guidance, ref), we refer to recycling ONLY as the re-use of materials such as glass, plastic etc, and NOT to waste-to-energy schemes (such as anaerobic digestion, leading to biogas generation). In the case of waste-to-energy schemes, the emissions related to this are ascribed to the ‘energy and fuels’ pool. In the case of recycling of materials, such as glass, plastics etc, this constitutes an outflow to the ‘materials and products from industry’ as these items will be re-used to make further goods for consumers. The emissions associated with recycling these products are therefore assigned to the ‘materials and products in industry’ pool. In flows to the ‘waste’ pool as a whole come from three main other pools ‘agriculture’, ‘materials and products in industry’ and ‘humans and settlements’ in the form of both ‘solid waste’ and ‘sewage and wastewater’ from each pool. The methods of processing and disposal then discern which pool the ‘outflow’ will enter. Solid waste disposal on land gives rise to certain emissions, depending on the method used and the pool itself should increase in size (i.e. there should be a positive stock change) in N in this sub-pool over time (unless there are significant landfill recovery schemes in operation, which would then release more of the stored N). Biological and other treatments, such as composting, will both emit nitrogen to the ‘Atmosphere’ pool, and pass N flows to possibly both ‘Agriculture’ and ‘Forests and semi-natural ecosystems’ in the form of compost or digestate, and in the case of biogas generation, the waste flow is accounted for in the ‘energy and fuels’ pool. Likewise in the case of incineration and burning of waste, if this is done to generate energy, then the flow passes to the ‘energy and fuels’ pool, the two products of incineration are the gases emitted and the ash left behind, which is sent to landfill. Most of the N stored in the waste is converted to gases and emitted to the ‘atmosphere’ pool. An overview of the sub-pools and processing methods can be seen in Figure 2, along with an indication (dotted line) of the boundary of the ‘waste’ pool and inflows and outflows in relation to it. It is also worth mentioning that in two cases, part or all of waste related materials are assumed to be re-used within other pools and therefore does not enter the ‘waste’ pool. This is in the case of part of the manure and slurry produced in the ‘agriculture’ pool, (see agricultural activities Figure 2), which is re-used at farm level – the emissions related to this are accounted for in the ‘agriculture’ pool. The second case is for materials from within the ‘materials and products in industry’ which are discarded (i.e. waste), but re-cycled and re-used to make further products. The suggestion is that these flows of N and emissions related to the re-cycling process are internal to ‘Materials and Products within Industry’. Manure and slurry Burni agri waste 28-7-14 Agricultural Activities sewage Solid waste disposal Solid Waste Handling Industrial and domestic waste (including food) Managed waste disposal sites [aerobic OR nonaerobic] 4A Industrial and domestic waste (including food), non food carcasses and manure and slurry 2 NO3- NOx N2O Sewage sludge Applying digestate to land sewage Recycled products (waste including food) [to fuel or industry] 4B Biological treatment of solid waste N2O NOx Biogas generation (anaerobic digestion) Waste to energy (from incineration) 4D Recycling Industrial activities Composting digestate NH3 sewage Uncategorised waste disposal sites 3 Sewage sludge non agricultural soils Domestic activities 1 Unmanaged waste disposal sites N2 Sewage and wastewater handling Domestic 4C 1 Incineration and open burning of waste Industrial 2 NOx N2O NH3 NO3- Ash NOx N2O Waste incineration and open burning of waste 1 Open burning of waste 2 Figure 2: Schematic of the waste pool. Note this is a work in progress and is more part of the development process than the final diagram for users. Also please assume that where NOx, NH3, N2O and N2 are shown, this implies an outflow to atmosphere and for nitrate a flow to the hydrosphere. Dotted lines indicate flow to another pool. 2.3. Nitrogen Species Several nitrogen species are transported and transformed within this pool. Nitrogen species N polymers Molecular Formula N content [% m/m] Aggregate state Occurrence See Table 14, Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found. (in HS). polymer of amino acids Proteins (nutrition) 16 NO3- Nitrate NH4+ Ammonium solid/liquid feed/food 23 78 Inflow Waste non-food products Wasted agricultural products/food products food/ private gardening/wast ewater dissolved (ionic) drinking water/food/ fertilizer NOx Nitrogen oxide1 Urea gaseous burning processes 47 dissolved (ionic) excrements 0.1-0.3 solid forest products 40 CH4N2O N in wood Ammonia NH3 gaseous Nitrous Oxide N2O Gaseous Denitrification N content calculated based on NO2:NO as a ratio of 1:1 Emissions to atmosphere , from storage and/or disposal Emissions to atmosphere , from storage and/or disposal To surface and groundwate rs, either post wastewater treatment OR leakage from solid waste disposal Emissions to atmosphere related to storage and/or disposal wastewater Volatilization from organic and synthetic fertilisers 1 Outflow non-food products - - residual materials Emissions to atmosphere from wastewater treatment and biological treatment of solid waste Emitted during the treatment and or disposal of wastewater and solid wastes 3. Internal Structure The ‘waste’ pool has two sub-pools which are linked to other pools, by outflows and inflows. Energy and Fuels Agriculture B D P P Imported waste O A Atmosphere C N Solid Waste Humans and settlements E R Q Wastewater and sewage F G L Hydrosphere H Forests and semi-natural vegetation M K I J Material and products in industry A Waste to energy operations (biogas/anaerobic digestion, incineration), including from import B Compost from digestion use on soils C Sewage Sludge use on soils D Solid agricultural waste, such as un-used slurries and manure, animal carcasses not for consumption** E Wastewater /sewage F Solid waste (including food)* G Compost from digestion use on soils H Sewage Sludge use on nonagricultural soils I Solid waste (NOT including food) M Wastewater treatment J Wastewater/ sewage K Waste recycling, e.g. Glass, plastics.*** L Untreated wastewater run-off N Solid waste treatment O Exported waste P Imported waste Q Leachate from landfill R household waste seperated from sewage Figure 3: Schematic of the relationship between the pools and sub-pools within the ‘waste’ pool. Note: The boxes are included at the moment just for information – needs tidying up/putting elsewhere. 3.1. Sub-pool Solid Waste Disposal 3.1.1. Solid waste disposal on land 3.1.2. Biological and other treatments 3.1.3. Incineration and open burning of waste 3.1.4. Stock and Stock Changes 3.2. Sub-Pool Wastewater and Sewage 4. Flows: Calculation Guidance I have various forms of information from IPCC and EEA which will inform this section (some of the notes are included below). Further literature research will then be needed on the nitrates story – outflow from landfill and wastewater processing. The IPCC National GHG Inventory Codes are included in the relevant places on Figure 3 and these will be used as data sources for these parts of the pool. Please note that the categories may have been updated since the original guidance document was written – current guidance lists the categories as ‘4’ rather than 6. Also there are many links to the human settlements pool – I need to make the links to the inflows to the waste pool, including using the correct terminology. I also need to set up that terminology for my flows. General Notes from other documents IPCC N2O Nitrous oxide is produced in most treatments addressed in the Waste volume. The importance of the N2O emissions varies much depending on the type of treatment and conditions during the treatment. IPCC Non-GHG Waste and wastewater treatment and discharge can also produce emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) as well as of ammonia (NH 3). However, specific methodologies for the estimation of emissions for these gases are not included in this Volume, and the readers are guided to refer to guidelines developed under the Convention of Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook, EEA, 2005) and EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors (U.S.EPA, 1995). EEA (2005). EMEP/CORINAIR. Emission Inventory Guidebook – 2005. European Environment Agency. URL: IPCC Indirect N2O Emissions The NOx and NH3 emissions from the Waste Sector can cause indirect N2O emissions. NOx is produced mainly in burning of waste, while NH3 in composting. Overall, the indirect N2O from the Waste Sector are likely to be insignificant. However, when estimates of NOx and NH3 emissions are available, it is good practice to estimate the indirect N2O emissions for complete reporting (see Chapter 7 of Volume 1). However, for the purposes of this annex, indirect N2O emissions should be within the ‘atmosphere’ pool as this is where the transformation occurs. Wastewater [from IPCC volumne 5, chapter 6] Nitrous oxide (N2O) is associated with the degradation of nitrogen components in the wastewater, e.g., urea, nitrate and protein. Domestic wastewater includes human sewage mixed with other household wastewater, which can include effluent from shower drains, sink drains, washing machines, etc. Centralized wastewater treatment systems may include a variety of processes, ranging from lagooning to advanced tertiary treatment technology for removing nitrogen compounds. After being processed, treated effluent is typically discharged to a receiving water environment (e.g., river, lake, estuary, etc.). Direct emissions of N2O may be generated during both nitrification and denitrification of the nitrogen present. Both processes can occur in the plant and in the water body that is receiving the effluent. Nitrification is an aerobic process converting ammonia and other nitrogen compounds into nitrate (NO3-), while denitrification occurs under anoxic conditions (without free oxygen), and involves the biological conversion of nitrate into dinitrogen gas (N2). Nitrous oxide can be an intermediate product of both processes, but is more often associated with denitrification. [from EMEP/EEA Guidebook] Biological treatment plants, minor importance to air – N2O most important here. NH3 is also possible, but contribution to total emissions is minor. In most cases an insignificant source of air pollutants. Items considered: biological treatment plants and latrines (dry toilets with underground storage tanks). Latrines are a minor source of NH3. In Poland however, the contribution to total ammonia emissions is reported to be 3%. The emission factor for latrines has been determined from the similarity between latrines and open storage of animal manure in lagoons or ponds (Guidebook, 2006). 1.6kg NH3 per person per year with a 95% confidence level from 08.-3.2 (guidebook 2006). Guidebook (2006). European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP)/Corinair Emission Inventory Guidebook, version 4 (2006 edition), published by the European Environmental Agency. Technical report No 11/2006. Available via Nitrates and wastewater Information on how much nitrate goes in – and what happens to sewage sludge. Further sections/information to include Underlying data: suggestions of data sources to be used (e.g., reference to other guidelines); Factors and models: detailed descriptions of calculation algorithms for quantitative flow (and stock change) information, labelling of flows that are determined as residual from closing balance equations; Uncertainties data quality issues and other items critically affecting results; indication of potentially missing flows; References bibliography, further reading; Document version, author contact information.