ANALYSIS OF DEFORESTATION HOT-SPOTS IN MEXICO OVER 2000-2010 USING TIME-SERIES MODIS VEGETATION CONTINUOUS FIELDS (VCF) DATA YanGAOa, J-F MASa, Jaime PANEQUE-GÁLVEZa, Margaret SKUTSCHa, Antonio NAVARRETE-PACHECOa, Adrián GHILARDIa a CIGA-UNAM, Morelia, Michoacán, email: , , , , , ABSTRACT This paper analyzes deforestation hotspots in Mexico using MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) data, which contains four science data sets. The first science data set is percent tree cover, which gives an estimate of the percentage of crown cover in each pixel; the remaining three science data sets can be used to assess the reliability of the percent tree cover values. VCF data were produced with a regression tree algorithm based on a 16-day surface reflectance composite including MODIS bands 1-7 and the brightness temperature band, with training data gathered from high spatial resolution satellite imagery. For this study, VCF time-series data from 2000 to 2010, as presented in seventy-seven tiles, were downloaded; for each year, seven image tiles were mosaicked to cover the entire Mexican territory. We first obtained 467 individual deforestation patches greater than 500 ha, including 155 in temperate forest, 246 in tropical forest and 66 patches each greater than 100 ha from tropical dry forest, from national land cover maps (2003 and 2007), and regional land cover maps (2005 – 2010). We then used VCF data to obtain the annual trend of forest cover change from 2000 to 2010 within the deforestation patches, by considering those three types of forest separately. We found some trends in percent tree cover showing decreasing during the study period, with evident fluctuations in most of the areas analyzed. Using the deforestation patches generated by INEGI data as a guide, we analyzed the PTC values at 2003 and 2007, in line with the dates of INEGI data. The analysis include 1) comparison of PTC values at those two dates to see the percentage of pixels with the same pattern as the know data source, 2) calculate the percentage of pixels whose PTC value in 2003 is above 10, in 2007 below 10, to derive the pixels indicating deforestation according to the FAO definition, 3) calculate the percentage of pixels whose PTC value in 2003 is above 30, in 2007 below 30, to derive the pixels indicating deforestation according to the UNFCCC definition, 4) calculate the percentage of pixels whose PTC values in 2003 and 2007 are both above 10, but 2003 higher than 2007, 5) calculate the percentage of pixels whose PTC values in 2003 and 2007 are both above 30, but 2003 higher than 2007. The latter two is to evaluate degradation. Results show that for those pixels represent temperate forest loss, 39.7% show a decrease in PTC values, and 52.3% for case of tropical forest loss. PTC values are better coincided with tropical forest than temperate forest. As for deforestation on FAO standard, only 4.8% represents for temperate forest loss and 5.3% for tropical forest; 6.2% and 8.2% in case of UNFCCC standard. PTC values show better result for degradation evaluation, showing 25.9% for temperate forest 38.7% for tropical forest on FAO standards, and 9.4% for temperate forest, 21.9% for tropical forest on UNFCCC standards. This work shows that PTC values and known land cover data did not show good correlation, more work need to be carried out before drawing the conclusion about if MOD44B data can be used for deforestation/forest degradation hotspots detection. Key words: Deforestation, MODIS, MOD44B 1 INTRODUCTION The objective is to assess whether deforestation/forest degradation hotspots in Mexico can be identified using percent tree cover (PTC) information from MODIS MOD44B, which gives the percentage of crown cover per pixel. If the PTC data accurately identifies areas known from other sources to be deforested, it would provide a useful tool in the future to observe the change in the coverage of forests and identify hotspots for deforestation. A main advantage of data from MODIS over other sources is its high frequency of coverage, which would allow rapid identification of new deforestation areas. MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) data contain four scientific data sets (sds). The first sds is PTC while the remaining three sds are quality, PTC standard deviation, and clouds, all of which indicate the reliability of PTC values (Townshend et al. 2011). MODIS VCF temporal coverage begins in 2000 (LPDAA 2012a) and currently 11 years of data are available. VCF data were delivered as a set of HDF-EOS files divided into the standard tiles in the Sinusoidal equal area projection. Each tile has 4800 samples *4800 rows (250 m spatial resolution). PTC is estimated using a supervised regression tree algorithm and data derived from MODIS visible bands contribute to discriminating tree cover. Hansen et al. (2003) showed that MODIS data yield greater spatial detail in the characterization of tree cover compared to AVHRR data (Hansen et al. 2003). The product should allow for using successive tree cover maps in change detection studies at the global scale (Defries et al. 1995). Initial validation efforts show a high correlation (R2 = 0.89) between the MODIS estimated PTC and that from validation sites (Hansen et al. 2003). Two data sets derived using field data and multi-resolution satellite imagery for Colorado (USA), and West Province (Zambia) have been used to test VCF data. The validation was for VCF values smaller than 10, between 11 to 40, from 40 to 60, and above 60, and the overall standard error of estimate values was 11.6% for Colorado, and 11.5% for Zambia (Hansen et al. 2003). However, some studies have found higher discrepancies between this MODIS product and others derived from conventional data sets. For instance, Liu et al. (2006) found low agreement between visually interpreted Landsat imagery and VCF data for estimating continuous tree distribution in China, with estimates of forest pixels from Landsat being up to four times higher for densely forested areas and four times lower for areas of sparse forest. This coincides with Griffin (2012), who observed a positive correlation between Landsat and VCF within each year; however, the tendency was weak with high variability across the range of forest cover. Harris et al. (2005) found that MODIS (MOD12Q1, global land cover imagery) identified 20% less forested area than Landsat ETM+ imagery for forest patches larger than 10 km2 (1000 ha), and had even lower agreement for smaller patches. 2 DATA AND METHODS 2.1 DATA The data used in this study are presented in table 1. Seven MODIS VCF tiles were needed to cover the entire Mexican territory and seventy-seven tiles were downloaded to construct annual time-series data over 2000 – 2010. These images were imported, re-projected individually using Marine geospatial ecology tools (, and, for each year, seven tiles were mosaicked; thus, an 11-year time-series of VCF images covering Mexico from 2000 to 2010 was produced for the analysis of deforestation. Table 1. Data sets used in the study. Data MODIS VCF Land cover maps Details MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields v. 5, downloaded from EarthExplorer ( 1.from INEGI, cover Mexican territory 2. Ayuquila area, Jalisco, derived by visual interpretation of aerial photographs (1995) and SPOT images (2004, 2010). GIS data Mexican country boundaries, state, and municipality maps from INEGI 2.2 METHODS Deforestation sites were generated by comparing two national land cover maps (2003 and 2007), which had been produced by interpretation of Landsat images. Deforestation areas in temperate forest and in tropical forest was considered separately and used to estimate trends of forest cover change. 2.2.1 Deforestation patches in temperate forest and tropical forest based on national land cover maps from 2003 and 2007 To derive deforestation patches of temperate forest, as the first step, the two land cover maps were reclassified into “temperate forest” and “nontemperate forest”. Temperate forest includes categories of pine, oak, and mixture of pine and oak. These two reclassified maps were compared and deforestation areas of temperate forest were obtained by GIS operations. False change patches were eliminated including the changes from temperate forest to tropical forest. Since there were shift in the boundaries of the two land cover maps, we eliminated false change patches with small areas and kept only patches with areas larger than 500 ha, and we obtained 155 such patches. In a similar way, we obtained deforestation patches for tropical forest, which includes tropical dry forests of various kinds as well as moist tropical forest. We kept only patches with areas more than 500 ha and we obtained 246 such polygons. Figure 2, deforestation patches in tropical forest, based on INEGI land cover maps 2003 and 2007. 2.2.2 Deforestation patches of tropical dry forest based on regional land cover maps from 2004 and 2010 Deforestation patches were also derived from land cover maps for the Ayuquila basin (Jalisco), where tropical dry forest predominates. These were created by visual interpretation of aerial photographs (1995) and SPOT images (2004, 2010) at the scale of 40,000. The three land cover maps were compared and deforestation areas over two time intervals were identified (1995 – 2004, 2004 – 2010) and used to verify the VCF data. Polygons of tropical dry forest deforestation with areas more than 100 ha were selected and 66 such patches were obtained. 2.2.3 Trends of time-series VCF data in deforestation patches The VCF time-series data at those 467 deforestation patches of temperate forest, tropical forest, and tropical dry forest were exported as ASCII files. An average PTC value in each deforestation patch was calculated in Excel for the time-series VCF data, and for each deforestation patch a trend of PTC values was obtained from 2000 to 2010. Figure 1, deforestation patches in temperate forest, based on INEGI land cover maps 2003 and 2007. The second part of the analysis is for PTC values. Using the deforestation patches generated by known data source as a guide, we analyzed the PTC values in two dates, 2003 and 2007, to coincide with the dates of INEGI land cover maps. The analysis include 1) comparison of PTC values at dates of 2003 and 2007, for those pixels within the detected deforestation patches; 2) percentage of pixels whose PTC value in 2003 is above 10, and PTC value in 2007 is below 10. Here the threshold 10 is selected according to the FAO definition for forest, which is above 10% of canopy cover; 3) percentage of pixels whose PTC value in 2003 is above 30, and PTC value in 2007 is below 30. Here the threshold 30 is selected according to the UNFCCC definition for forest, which is above 30% of canopy cover. 4) Percentage of pixels whose PTC values in 2003 and 2007 are both higher than 10, and the values in 2003 higher than 2007. 5) Percentage of pixels whose PTC values in 2003 and 2007 are both higher than 30, and the values in 2003 higher than 2007. forest, and 66 in tropical dry forest, we presented only some promising examples for the trends of PTC values in 11 years period (figure 3). 3.1.1 Trends of time series PTC values at patches of forest Figure 3 shows the trends of PTC changes at sites with temperate forest loss (a), tropical forest loss (b), and tropical dry forest loss (c). The PTC values show a trend of decreasing losses over time. a.Trends at patches temperate forest loss of c.Trends at patches tropical dry forest loss of b.Trends at patches tropical forest loss of 3 RESULTS 3.1 EVALUATION OF MOD44 DATA USING KNOWN DATA INCLUDING INEGI LAND COVER MAPS FROM 2003 AND 2007 AND REGIONAL LAND COVER MAPS From national land cover maps, we chose 155 sites with areas more than 500 ha for deforestation in temperate forest, 246 sites with areas more than 500 ha for deforestation in tropical forest; from regional land cover maps, we selected 66 sites for deforestation in tropical forest in regional maps. The choice for the number and size of the patches is in accordance with the scales of the maps and the scales of the patches of deforestation. There is more deforestation in tropical forest than in temperate forest. Based on the number and size of deforestation patches identified, deforestation took place mainly in the states of Yucatán, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco, Nayarit, Chihuahua, and Durango (figure1 and figure 2). We obtained trends of VCF time-series data for deforestation in temperate forest, tropical forest, and tropical dry forest, represented by curves of PTC values in function of time. Since we have 155 such curves for temperate forest, 246 in tropical Figure 3. The Y axis refers to PTC, and the X axis to time. The thirteen curves refer to thirteen specific polygons with temperate forest loss (four curves), tropical forest loss (five curves), during the period 2003 – 2007, and tropical dry forest loss (four curves) during the period of 2005 – 2010. In the legend, ave52 means the average PTC values for patch #52 and this applies to the legend of the rest of the curves. 3.2 ASSESSING MOD44 PTC DATA AT PIXELS OF KNOW DEFORESTATION PATCHES FOR THE YEAR 2003 AND 2007 1) PTC data at pixels of temperate forest deforestation. Only 39.7% of the pixels have PTC values at 2003 higher than 2007, only 4.8% pixels have PTC values in 2003 above 10, and in 2007 below 10, indicating deforestation according to FAO standard; and only 6.2% pixels have PTC values in 2003 above 30 and in 2007 below 30, indicating deforestation according to UNFCCC standard (table 2). 2) PTC data at pixels of tropical forest deforestation. 52.3% of the pixels have PTC values at 2003 higher than 2007, showing a decrease in PTC values; only 5.3% of the pixels have PTC values in 2003 above 10, and in 2007 below 10, indicating deforestation according to FAO standard; only 8.2% of the pixels whose PTC values in 2003 is above 30 and in 2007 below 30, indicating deforestation according to UNFCCC standard (table 2). Table 2. percentage of pixels showing the coincidence with the known deforestation data. Criteria No of PTC pixels at sites of temperate forest loss No of PTC pixels at sites of tropical forest loss PTC 2003 > PTC 2007 39.7 % 52.3% PTC 2003 > 10 and PTC 2007 < 10 4.8 % 5.3 % PTC 2003 > 30 and PTC 2007 < 30 6.2 % 8.2% PTC 2003 > 10, PTC 2007 > 10, and PTC 2003 > PTC 2007 25.9 % 38.7 % PTC 2003 > 30, PTC 2007 > 30, and PTC 2003 > PTC 2007 9.4% using 11 years of VCF data. Our results found some cases showing a decrease in PTC with fluctuations. By observing the PTC values at the same dates as the known deforestation data, we only found less than half of the pixels showing the same trend as the known data. PTC values seem to have better coincidence for sites with degradation than deforestation by showing higher percentage in pixels (table 2). This might indicate MOD44B PTC values are more suitable for measuring degradation than deforestation. However, further verification is needed before we can conclude if MOD44B data can be a reliable data source for deforestation hotspots detection. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work forms part of the project “Reinforcing REDD+ readiness in Mexico and enabling SouthSouth cooperation”, in which CIGA/CIECOUNAM is collaborating with CONAFOR. REFERENCES 21.9% 4 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS By analyzing the national land cover maps of 2003 and 2007 obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI,, we found more deforestation in tropical forest than in temperate forest, possibly because tropical forest is located in areas more suitable for agricultural development. While trees in temperature forest tend to be extracted for timber, non-timber products (medicinal herbs, pine resin, etc.) and fuel wood, etc. deforestation in temperature forest does not usually relate directly to agricultural expansion (Bray, 2010). 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