November 2015 - Earthians Care

November 2015
Published November 8, 2015 at 1:50 PM
Energy Hours: Sundays from 9pm-11pm
Use as little electrical energy as possible and email us to let us know how you
Recycling Woman
Quinn Gagos
It is not uncommon to see three disposal bins at an eatery: Compost, Recycle, Trash.
What is uncommon is being certain of what trash goes where.
We are going to be writing an article on clubs and organizations that collectively recycle.
For example, Oakdale, CA's Oakdale High School's French Club uses recycling as a
fundraiser by sorting the school's bottles and cans and taking them to the local recycling
plant. If you are involved in recycling for a group or know of a group that recycles,
please contact us at
Provided below is a link to the NASA Space Calender. Everything from
conferences to asteroid approaches are posted. Each event has an additional link
that provides more information. Check it out!
NASA Space Calender
How Can We Keep Sea Life and Our Oceans Safe?
Imagine yourself on a beautiful, sunny beach in Hawaii. You look up to see children splashing and
playing in the water as their parents throw a frisbee for their dog to catch. Now, imagine that you are on
the same beach in Hawaii, but when you look up you see thousands of pieces of trash on the shore, and
floating in the water. Which would you rather choose? I know I would want to be on the beautiful beach
with no trash. There are many ways that we can help to save our oceans, and also the life that lives in it.
Someone might be at the beach one day and think,”Hmm. I don’t think that leaving this piece of
trash here will affect anyone.” No. They’re wrong. There are many people that would be thinking that
same thing, so their trash on top of everyone else’s, piles up into millions of pieces of trash. In the article
“First of Its Kind Map Reveals Extents of Ocean Plastic” by Laura Parker it says,” ‘Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences’ did find millions of pieces of plastic debris floating in five large subtropical
gyres in the world’s oceans. But plastic production has quadrupled since the 1980’s”(Parker). If we can try
harder to keep our beaches clean, we can enjoy our time at the beach instead of sitting in piles of trash.
The millions of trash that takes over our oceans does not just affect the people around us, it also
affects the animals that live in the ocean. A program called Ocean Conservancy is working together with
other people to help save the lives of sea life. In the article “Fighting for Trash Free Seas” it states,”
Ocean Conservancy is taking bold action, working to stop the flow of trash at the source, before it has a
chance to reach the water to choke and entangle dolphins or endanger sea turtles, or ruin our beaches
and depress our local economies”(Ocean Conservancy). When people leave their trash at the beach,
they aren't intending to hurt or bother anyone, but this is the whole reason why informing people all
around the world is very important to help stop the problems we are facing.
Every big or little effort that we put into helping keep our beaches trash-free leaves a big impact
on the lives of people and animals. Even if your efforts are very little, just remember that a little goes a
long way. We all love to go to the alluring beaches with family and friends, so let’s try to keep our
beaches beautiful without harmful trash.
Megan Rivera
It is no secret that California is currently in a drought and has been for the past few
years. But what is bad about it is that people are not realizing how bad the drought is, it
is to an extreme. There is no one to blame for this drought, and in all honesty there is
not a lot that we can do. We get our water from rainfall and snowfall, and considering
we have been lacking in that, it has resulted in our drought. Even though we can’t really
do anything to bring all of our water back, there are little things that we can do.
Clicking on this link will bring you to a page where you can find 49 different ways to
save water, and that’s just indoors!
Doing little things like this will sadly not bring all the water we need to us, but it’s a start.
With California being the number one agricultural state in our nation, it is vital that we
have our water. Even though California agriculture uses more water than urban uses, it
is important that everyone cuts back. Everyone needs water, and California agriculture
is cutting back all that they can, and all that is asked is if we can do the same. If
everyone cuts back on water, then it can help in making a small difference. We cut back
and pray in hopes that this drought will end soon. So remember, with California’s
drought being as intense as it is, it is important that we all do our part and conserve all
the water we can.
Can you feel that?
That feeling the air?
Air so bright yet heavy?
Heavy as the winds?
Winds that carry leaves,
Leaves us in the middle,
Middle of a place called home,
Home to many like you?
Can you feel that,
That connection between,
Between us and them,
They who do not exist,
Exist only in your mind,
Mind of segregation,
Segregation between you and us,
We stand without weight,
Weight unknown to our shoulders,
Shoulders that lift with the wind,
Wind that is heavy to you?
Can you feel that,
That urge to belong,
Belong to one and all?
Altogether stop the fight,
Fight only internal?
Internal light can win,
Win the battle of choice.
Choice to begin,
Begin a new feeling,
Feeling in the air.
Air so bright and light,
Light enough to bring you here,
Here to find a home,
Home with us, at peace with you.