Fixby J & I School YEAR 1/2 CURRICULUM LONG TERM PLAN -CYCLE 2 AUTUMN 1 Marvellous Me! AUTUMN 2 Let’s Celebrate SPRING 1 The great outdoors SPRING 2 Media magic SUMMER 1 To infinity and beyond! SUMMER 2 Buzzing Brazil! INSPIRATION Invite Doctor/nurse Resources from PHRC Visit from Colgate Transform classroom into winter wonderland Walk around local area- Media museum Trip to media museum Hubble IMAX ASPIRATIONS Doctor Nurse Athlete Celebrating differences and similarities Pictures of chn at famous landmarks Journalist Astronaut Weather Compare and contrast towns and cities News around the world Topic day Underwater Amazon Carnival Pilot Footballer Scientist Looking at other cultures. FIXBY CURRICULUM THEME DIVERSITY and SMSC ENGLISH Genres Healthy Wolf Non-fiction posters/leaflets. Stories in familiar settings Labels, lists and posters Poems about animals Explorers Look at other countries winter Genres NATIONAL CURRICULUM MATHS Year 1 - Number and place value - Measurement - length and mass/weight - Addition and subtraction - Addition and subtraction and statistics - Shape - Number Comparing and Addition / Subtraction Year 2 - Number and place value Measures length and mass/ weight Addition/subtractio n Frozen Non- fiction The little polar bear and the snow cloud. Betty and the Yetty Stories involving fantasy Songs and repetitive poems information texts Year 1 - Sequencing and sorting - Fractions - Measurement – capacity and volume - Money - Time - Number Puzzles and Problems Year 2 - - Counting multiplication and sorting Statistics Fractions capacity and volume -money Time Genres The tiny seed Titch Jack and the Bean stalk Traditional tales from different cultures Playing with language Recounts Year 1 - Number, place value and measures - Measurement - mass - Counting and money - Multiplication – problem solving - Division – problem solving Year 2 Number and place value measures mass/ weight counting and money multiplication division Genres Newspaper Leaflets Poster The senses Stories involving fantasy Instructions Genres Beegu Man on the moon Fairy stories Information text: minibeasts Traditional poems A.A Milne Year1 -Measurement – length and height, mass/weight -Mental addition and subtraction facts in context of measurement - Fractions - Position and direction and time - Measurement – time Year1 -Number and place value - Addition and subtraction and statistics - Measurement – capacity/volume - Fractions - Position, direction and time - Shape Year 2 - Year 2 - - measures length and mass addition and subtraction fractions position and direction - number and place value and statistics addition and subtraction capacity and volume and temperature Amazon Tales Genres Poems Rainbow fish Poems on a theme: the sea Classic contemporar y fiction Letters Year 1 - Time - Multiplication and division - Subtraction – difference in context of measurement or statistics - Measurement - Sorting Year 2 -Time -Multiplication & division -Statistics including finding the difference - measurements -sorting -number puzzles - 2D/3D shape Number puzzles and problems GEOGRAPHY - Direction Name & locate world’s continents and oceans identify seasonal / daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas of the world HISTORY Marie Curie Flemming Penicillin -Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods -significant local people. ART & DESIGN Self portraits -Use drawing, painting and sculpture DT -Use range of tools & materials to complete practical tasks -St Nick -Titanic - history behind Christmas trees Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods -significant local people. Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space - time COMPUTING Sing songs - Play tuned & untuned instruments musically - Listen & understand live and recorded music - Make and combine sounds musically We are painters-illustrating an ebook -Communicate online safely and respectfully Sing songs - Play tuned & untuned instruments musically - Listen & understand live and recorded music - Make and combine sounds musically We are celebrating-creating a card electronically Understand use of algorithms fractions 2D and 3D shape identify seasonal / daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas of the world Name & locate world’s continents and oceans identify seasonal / daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas of the world Key Individuals - Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods Tim Berners-Lee Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space -Understand where food comes from MUSIC - Sing songs - Play tuned & untuned instruments musically - Listen & understand live and recorded music - Make and combine sounds musically We are story tellers Understand use of algorithms Sing songs - Play tuned & untuned instruments musically - Listen & understand live and recorded music - Make and combine sounds musically We are detectivescommunicating clues Understand use of algorithms Key Individuals - Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin 2D/3D space pictures -Use a range of materials - Use drawing, painting and sculpture - Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space -Design purposeful, functional & appealing products -Generate, model & communicate ideas - Use range of tools & materials to complete practical tasks -Evaluate existing products & own ideas Sing songs - Play tuned & untuned instruments musically - Listen & understand live and recorded music - Make and combine sounds musically We are astronautsprogramming on screen Recognise uses of IT outside of school Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space Understand where food comes from Sing songs - Play tuned & untuned instruments musically - Listen & understand live and recorded music - Make and combine sounds musically We are researchers -Recognise uses of IT outside of school programs Use logical reasoning to make predictions programs Use logical reasoning to make predictions programs Use logical reasoning to make predictions manipulate data retrieve & manipulate data & manipulate data and respectfully -Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data -Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data safely and respectfully safely and respectfully outside of school outside of school outside of school SCIENCE P.E. -Identify & name basic body parts -Basic needs of animals & offspring Indoors: Gymnastics working on basic skills/ floor work/Apparatus Outdoor: Striking and Fielding - R.E. 1.1 Special books and stories Learning for life Our happy school Indoors: Developing a range of Catching bouncing/Throwing Bowling ball skills. Outdoor: Agility 1.2 Belonging to Church and Mosque Out and about (new beginnings) (getting on and falling out) -Basic needs of animals & offspring Identify & compare common animals Indoors: Balance Looking forward Indoors: Health Related Exercise Outdoor: OAA/ team games focusing on team building skills. Climbing Roktogan 1.4 Celebrating special occasions My friends and family (Going for goals) (Relationships) Outdoor: Multi skills 1.3 Why do we care I know how I can help make my classroom a safe and happy place I know about stranger danger including meeting strangers online I know that you can choose to spend or save money I can welcome someone into my class I can work well in a group I can choose between my ideas and give reasons I have thought about how my behaviour can affect others I have thought about what I should do if I meet dangerous situations I have thought about the best way to use money. I know the stages of a life cycle I can identify some of the people who care for me I have thought about ways of keeping my teeth healthy Observe and name some light sources - Observe changes of day & season Indoors: Co-ordination Outdoor: Invasion Games (handball) -Differentiate living, dead and non-living -Identify & compare common animals Indoors: Dance Outdoor: Sports day skills Athletics 2.3 How do we make good choices Healthy bodies, healthy minds. 2.4 How can we look after our planet Ready steady go. I know why I should eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day I know what makes me feel relaxed and what makes me feel stressed I have thought about the importance of a balanced diet (Changes) I know how to cope with changes that can be exciting or worrying I can plan to overcome obstacles that might get in the way I have thought about how to make sensible choices