William Jewett Tucker Foundation 2015-2016 Application for Student Directors and Foundation Assistants Name: ___________________________ Class: Choose your class year. Student ID# __________ Application Process Timeline 1. Application Deadline: Open until filled Return application materials by email to Tucker.Foundation@dartmouth.edu. The subject line should be 2015-2016 Tucker Student Employment Application. Your application and resume (if sent) should be named "last name_tuckerapp.doc" and "last name_resume.doc." 2. Interviews: Interview offers and dates will be determined and communicated by supervisor/department. 3. Decisions: Job offers will be mailed out when approved by the Dean. Winter Spring Foundation Assistant for Building Management Hours per week Fall 2015-2016 Tucker Student Employee Positions Summer Currently Accepting Applications For: 8 X X X X We strongly encourage you to review the job descriptions on our website before applying. D-Plan Please indicate your D-plan and the terms you wish to be a Foundation Assistant (you must be in the Upper Valley, but you do not have to be taking classes): Current D-Plan: 15X Select On or Off. 15F Select On or Off. 16W Select On or Off. 16S Select On or Off. Is this flexible? ☐Yes ☐ No I want to work at Tucker: 15X Select On or Off. 15F Select On or Off. 16W Select On or Off. 16S Select On or Off. Previous Tucker Experience Describe your past level of involvement in the Tucker Foundation. Please list only your three most substantive experiences. Program Name Positions Held Terms Involved Extra-Curricular Organization and Activities Describe your involvement in other on-campus organizations, including on-campus jobs. Please list only your three most substantive experiences. Program Name Positions Held Terms Involved Other Professional, Volunteer, or Academic Experiences Describe any off-campus experiences, such as jobs, internships, leave-term experiences, etc. Please list only your three most substantive experiences. Program Name Positions Held Terms Involved You may also attach a resume of no more than two pages double spaced to supplement this section. References Please list two character or professional references. References cannot be from within the Tucker Foundation and at least one must be an on-campus reference. Reference Name Reference Contact Information Personal Response Please answer the following questions, limiting your response to two pages single-spaced. 1. What is your motivation for working at Tucker? What do you hope to gain from this position? 2. What skills have you gained from your above Tucker experiences, extra-curricular activities, and off-campus experiences that would be applicable to your role as a student leader at Tucker? 3. Please describe how you have demonstrated leadership or commitment to the organizations that you are involved in on campus. Give an example of an obstacle you had to overcome while serving in a leadership role. How does your leadership relate to the position for which you are applying? 4. Describe the strengths you hope to bring and the challenges you will have to overcome in the position. 5. Please list your other time commitments outside of classes. 6. Is there anything else we should take into consideration? Signature By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. Name (printed) Signature (electronic) Date Thank you! We want to thank you for completing this application and we look forward to considering your qualifications for the 2015-2016 Tucker Foundation Student Leadership team. Best of Luck!