Oct. 5-9 - Anderson School District One

Palmetto Elementary
Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2015
Tests This Week
Friday: Spelling, Nouns quiz
*Great YouTube videos to review addition properties
are: “Turn Around Addition”,” Identity Zero
Property”, “Arthmetic:Associative Property of
NOTE: Please encourage your child to read and study
as much as possible.
Fall Carnival
Needs Your Help!
The PES Fall Carnival will be held this year on Friday,
October 9. There are several ways you can help.
 Volunteer to run a game.
 Decorate a pumpkin for the auction.
 Send in bags of candy for prizes.
*If you are volunteering to run a game or decorate a
pumpkin, please notify me as soon as possible. Thank
from Mrs. Meares
This week we are completing our
Soil Study and we will begin our
Landforms Unit.
This Week’s Assignments
Reading-Read for 20 minutes
Math- Rounding Review, TEST Tuesday
Spelling- Study
S.C. History- Review notes about S.C. Regions
*Today my magnet was _________________
_______(Please initial)
Reading-Read for 20 minutes
Math- NONE
Spelling- Study
Grammar: Nouns sheet
S.C. History- Review notes about S.C. Regions
*Today my magnet was _________________
_______(Please initial)
Reading-Read for 20 minutes
Math – Properties of addtion sheet
Spelling- Study
Grammar: Color Nouns sheet
S.C. History- Review notes about S.C. Regions
*Today my magnet was _________________
_______(Please initial)
Reading- Read for 20 minutes
Math- Wb pgs. 65-66
Spelling- Study
Grammar: Halloween Nouns sheet
S.C. History- Review notes about S.C. Regions
*Today my magnet was _________________
_______(Please initial)
Friday: Fall Carnival tonight!
Have a terrific weekend! 
*Today my magnet was ________________
_______(Please initial)
*If you still need to pay fees for student’s iPads, you
may now do so online. Use the link below.
Mrs. Coleman’s Classroom Newsletter Page 2
Mighty Mustang for showing
Ralphael Hill
Cool Apps & Websites
Reading Apps: Raz-Kids, HMH Reader
Math Apps: Dreambox
Math website:
*If your iPad doesn’t come home with you,
you can still access Dreambox & Raz-Kids
from your home computer.
Our new Character Word for October is
Dear Parents,
In an effort to improve our school practices,
Anderson School District One is conducting a Parent
Survey. We value your opinion and ask that you take the
time to complete this survey. In order to complete the
survey, please go to:
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 9- Fall Carnival 5-7 p.m.
Please be assured that your responses to this survey will
be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. If
you prefer, a paper copy of this survey is also available
at the school.
Wednesday, Oct. 14- School Picture Day
Wednesday, Oct. 21- End of the first nine weeks
Friday, Oct. 30- No School. Teacher/Parent
Mrs. Cothran and Mr. Economou
Teacher Parent
I will begin Parent/Teacher conferences on Monday,
Oct. 19. I will be sending home information about
parent teacher conferences very soon. If you have
access to the internet and have given me your email
address, you will be able to sign up online using Sign up
Genius. Look for an email coming your way. If you did
not give me your email at the beginning of the school
year, or if your email has changed, please send me your
updated email address.
My email address is colemanmi@apps.anderson1.org
Important iPad Reminders
Please consider purchasing ear buds for your
child to use with their iPad at school. These can
be found at Dollar Tree, Fred’s, Dollar General,
or Walmart.
iPads should be fully charged and returned to
school daily.
Students should only download Apps from the
White List (white icon with Mustang).