Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!
The Landscape Festival “Russian National Award in Landscape Architecture”
will be held on November 17-21, 2014,
in the Central House of Architect, Moscow
We offer you to consider the sponsorship packages that give you a unique opportunity to
present your business and new products among the target audience, to raise efficiency of sales and
recognition of your trade mark. We, in our turn, are ready to discuss individual terms of mutual
The Festival is held by national Association of Landscape Architects of Russia («ALAROS») and
Union of Architects of Russia together with the Moscow society of landscape architects and the Union of
Moscow Architects. The schedule suggests press-conference, exhibition, lectures, open discussions,
Youth landscape forum and creative competition of Art installations under the topic "History of the
The Award is an annual competition and exhibition reflecting modern achievements of
Russia in the field of landscape architecture and construction. It is aimed to attract attention of
Government officials and general public to importance of landscapes, their increasing role in
social life, huge challenges and responsibilities concerning landscape policies. Professional
landscape architects, outstanding representatives of domestic and foreign schools of landscape
architecture, government officials of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia, townplanners, ecologists, specialists in cultural studies, housing and communal services managers,
teachers, students, representatives of mass media and other experts are invited to participate.
We offer you to choose between sponsorship packages:
General Sponsor / General Partner - €30000 (exclusive)
Strategic Partner - €10000 (non exclusive)
Profile Partner - €1500 (non exclusive)
Sponsor of the Catalogue - €6000 (exclusive)
Sponsor of the Gala Dinner - €4000 (exclusive)
General Sponsor / General Partner - €30000
We offer you:
To place the banner of the Sponsor on the following official web-sites:, for a one-year period;
To circulate the information about General Sponsor and his product in all publications, prepared by our
press-service (press/post-releases, professional editorials and mass-media), among participants and
delegates (brochures, booklets, leaflets, etc.);
Play of promo video record (up to 5 minutes) during the Festival's ceremonies of opening and closing;
To place the logo of the sponsor, showing the status, in all advertising and informational materials,
registration forms and badges of participants, printed material of the Festival;
To place flags/posters/banner or similar in a zone of registration of participants and in a conference-hall;
Participation of one representative of the company-sponsor at the press-conference;
Grant access to a database of participants and visitors.
Strategic Partner - €10000
We offer you:
To place the banner of the Sponsor on the following official web-sites:, for a oneyear period; for a half-year period;
To circulate the information about General Sponsor and his product in all publications, prepared by our
press-service (press/post-releases, professional editorials and mass-media), among participants and
delegates (brochures, booklets, leaflets, etc.);
Play of promo video record (up to 3 minutes) during the Festival's ceremonies of opening and closing;
To place the logo of the sponsor, showing the status, in all advertising and informational materials,
registration forms and badges of participants, printed material of the Festival;
To place flags/posters/banner or similar in a zone of registration of participants and in a conference-hall;
Participation of one representative of the company-sponsor at the press-conference.
Profile Partner - €1500
We offer you:
To place the banner of the Partner on the following official web-sites:, for a oneyear period; for a 3 month period;
To circulate the information about Official Partner and his product in all publications, prepared by our
press-service (press/post-releases, professional editorials and mass-media), among participants and
delegates (leaflets, etc.);
To place the logo of the partner, showing the status, in some advertising and informational materials,
printed material of the Festival.
Sponsor of the Catalogue - €6000
We offer you:
To place the banner of the Sponsor on the following official web-sites:, for a 3 month period;
To circulate the information about Sponsor and his product in all publications, prepared by our pressservice (press/post-releases, professional editorials and mass-media), among participants and delegates
(leaflets, etc.);
To place the logo of the sponsor, showing the status, in the cover of the Catalogue of the Festival;
greeting of the Head of the company-sponsor at the beginning oh the Catalogue.
Sponsor of the Gala Dinner - €4000
We offer you:
To place the banner of the Sponsor on the following official web-sites:, for a 3 month period;
To circulate the information about Sponsor and his product in all publications, prepared by our pressservice (press/post-releases, professional editorials and mass-media), among participants and delegates
(leaflets, etc.);
To place the logo of the sponsor, showing the status, in invitations to Gala Dinner.
All packages are negotiable. Please don't hesitate to contact Anton Poleshchuk, Executive Director of
the Association of Landscape Architects of Russia (ALAROS), on all questions concerning participation in
the Festival and cooperation with the Festival's Organizing Committee:, cell.: +7-910-442-42-55,
phone: +7 (495) 697 35 77, Fax: +7 (495) 737 68 82.