Professional Resume - Campbellsville University

131 Bayberry Road
Versailles, Kentucky 40383
(859) 873-6249
Cell (859) 230-8262
Debbie Schumacher
To prepare special educators at the undergraduate and graduate level
To prepare general educators for inclusion of students with diverse learning needs
University of Kentucky
Doctorate of Education, 2011. (Special Education- Learning and Behavior
Disorders, with concentration in personnel preparation, distance learning, and
Postmasters, 1979-84. Public Administration, College of Business and Economics.
(20 hours)
Master of Arts in Education, 1973 (Special Education)
Peabody College
(Lexington, Kentucky)
(Nashville, Tennessee)
Bachelor of Science, 1972
(Elementary Education; Interdisciplinary Major in
Human Behavior); Cum Laude; Who’s Who in American Schools
Vanderbilt University
(Nashville, Tennessee)
Arts and Sciences 1968-70; Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honorary
Lamar High School, Houston Texas 1968 (Magna Cum Laude, shared;
National Merit semi-finalist)
Graduate Certificate in Distance Education (University of Kentucky, January 2010)
Kentucky: Provisional Elementary Grades 1-8; Endorsement for Special Education
EMR grades 1-8 (1978 - Life)
Texas: Provisional Elementary General; Mentally Retarded (1974 - Life)
Atlanta Neighborhood Justice Center: Mediator
Current: Assistant Professor, School of Education
Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky (August 2011 - present)
Instructor – different courses in special education taught depending on semester
 SED 604 Assessment and Instruction
 SED 606 Introduction to Learning Disabilities
 SED 697 Learning Disabilities: Foundations, Assessment and Strategies
 SED 408 Prescriptive and Instructional Strategies
SED 409 Classroom Management
Student teacher supervision in LBD
Debbie Schumacher
Teacher educator on Kentucky Teacher Internship Program for LBD teacher intern
Committee member: NCATE Standard 2 Committee; Literacy Committee
Staff and Graduate Adjunct Faculty, Teacher Education
Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky (August 2006 – 2011)
LBD Program Co-Director; Administrative Assistant
Instructor – different courses taught depending on semester
 ECE 503 Educational Programming in LBD (3 hrs)
 ECE 504 Collaboration and Advocacy (2 hrs)
 ECE 575 Field Component I in LBD (6 hrs)
 ECE 575A Field Component I Part A (3 hrs)
 ECE 575B Field Component I Part B (3 hrs)
 ECE 576 Field Component II Final Clinical Practice (6 hrs)
Online and content development of current field courses (ECE 575A, 575B, 576)
Coordination of field placement and student teaching in LBD (200 students a
Individual student field observations
Training and support to field observers
Coordination with local school districts and special education cooperatives
Student advising (2007-2009)
Development of LBD Student and Mentor Teacher Handbooks
Certification processing for Temporary Provisional and graduation rank changes
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Division
Midway College, Midway, Kentucky (January 2004-May 2006)
Coordinator, LBD Program (undergraduate); advisor to all LBD candidates.
Online developer and instructor for:
 EDU 321 Characteristics of Students with LBD;
 EDU 332 Educational Evaluation Techniques;
 EDU 340 Classroom and Behavior Management in LBD;
 EDU 380 Educational Programming for Elementary Students with LBD;
 EDU 315 The Exceptional Child.
Supported the online course development of EDU 390 Exceptional Children in
Regular Education; EDU 350 Resources, Technology and Materials in LBD; EDU
329 Characteristics and Educational Programming for Secondary Students with
Prepared the Midway LBD folio for Education Standards Board 2004 approval prior
to implementation.
Face-to-face instructor for
 EDU 315 The Exceptional Child;
 EDU 316 Elementary Language Arts Methods;
 EDU 332 Educational Evaluation Techniques.
Debbie Schumacher
Campus Field Placement Coordinator (2004-2005).
Coordinator, Teacher Education database development and LiveText electronic
portfolio (2004-2005).
Prepared updated Student Handbook and Adjunct Faculty Handbook (2004-2005).
NCATE Standard 2 Team Leader. Prepared Continuous Assessment Plan (CAP)
and Standard 2 for Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board
Accreditation, 2005.
Developed organization and content for the initial Teacher Education web site.
Associate Commissioner, Office of Results Planning, Kentucky
Department of Education (2001-2003)
Coordinated internal agency work in strategic planning, research,
organizational development and cross-agency
Developed agency strategic plan, implementation (action) plan, and progress
Coordinated agency-wide staff development and cross-agency teams
Director, Division of Extended Learning (1998-2001)
 Detailed to the Commissioner’s Office for strategic planning and agency
development (2000-2001)
 Organized a new division to coordinate Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERAfunded) instructional programs and related resources
Preschool, primary, and K-12 extended school academic services
State and federal resources totaling over $90 million annually, in flow-through
and competitive local grants to schools, districts and higher education.
Coordinated cross-agency literacy initiatives and initial implementation of early
literacy programs
Kentucky Literacy Partnership, Collaborative Center for Literacy Development,
Kentucky Institute for Family Literacy
 State Early Reading and federal Reading Excellence programs.
Coordinated cross-office Consolidated Planning training design team for school
improvement plans and local resource coordination.
1993-98 Director, Division of Preschool Programs
 Facilitated initial local school/district Consolidated Planning process.
Cross-office department planning team (1996-2000)
 Training design team leader for local roll-out (1997-98)
Led the development of Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education certification,
including test development and regulations, in conjunction with the Education
Professional Standards Board
Initiated cross-agency early childhood certification and professional development
(university interdisciplinary early childhood faculty teams; state training networks)
Debbie Schumacher
Initiated cross-agency early childhood training projects (Kentucky Right From the
Start, PREVIEW, KEY, PRAISE, KISSED, Transition)
Director, Kentucky Head Start Collaboration Project
Established agreements between all local school districts and community-based
Head Start programs.
1991-92 Preschool Branch Manager
Established statewide implementation and evaluation of nationally recognized statefunded pre-kindergarten program
Initiated the Kentucky Head Start Collaboration Project
Director, Division of Early Childhood (Special Education)
Designed, prepared regulations and guidance for education reform pre-kindergarten
program for children at risk of educational failure
Designed an interagency, full inclusion preschool program for children with
disabilities, supported by interdisciplinary teacher certification
Federal project principal investigator-director for statewide training/technical
assistance project in severe disabilities/dual sensory impairments (Deaf-Blind
Intervention Program)
Instructor, Department of Special Education
 EDS 558 special topics in multiple-severe disabilities 1985, 19886, 1988
Designed and initiated state interagency training team and coursework for full
inclusion of young children with severe disabilities
 EDS 558 SHIPP Severe Handicaps: Integrated Preschool Programming, 198789
KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, Division of Exceptional Children
Branch Manager, Special Projects (1982-83)
Coordinator of Procedural Safeguards: administrative special education hearings
and appeals, trained hearing officers, investigated complaints (1980-83)
Consultant: coordinated Child Find, tracking and data systems, Child Service
Demonstration Center /learning disabilities (1978-80)
Validation Coordinator/Curriculum Writer: federal project in severe disabilities;
commercially published curriculum
Practicum Supervisor, Department of Special Education (1978)
Debbie Schumacher
Middle school resource teacher (special education)
Sponsor, Klein TARS (Teens Aid the Retarded)
Coach, Special Olympics
Intern, Tennessee Association for Retarded Citizens (1972-73)
Camp Supervisor, Center for the Retarded, Inc., Houston TX (1967-72)
Head Start Assistant Teacher, Protestant Charities, Houston TX (1966)
Schumacher, D. (2011). Dissertation. Special Education Teacher Preparation:
An Ecological Approach to Professional Knowledge of Special Education and
Teaching Practices.
Kentucky Teacher Internship Program Evaluator. Trained since 2007; active
2008 - present.
Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Member (1973-present): Current
membership: Division of Learning Disabilities; Council for Administrators in Special
Education; Teacher Education Division; TED Small Special Education Programs
Kentucky Teacher Education Division Secretary, 2010 - present.
Kappa Delta Pi, Member (2011-present). International Honor Society in
Schumacher, D. (2011). Presentation: PALS – Peer Assisted Learning
Strategies, Grades 2-6 Reading. 46th Annual Kentucky Exceptional Children’s
Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Schumacher, D. (2011). Presentation: PRAXIS II: Implications for Special
Education Teacher Preparation. Teacher Education Division Annual
Conference, Austin Texas.
Rice, M., & Schumacher, D. (2010). Presentation: Preparing Preservice
Teachers for Reading Instruction on Collaborative Classrooms. 45 th Annual
Kentucky Exceptional Children’s Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Rice, M., & Schumacher, D. (2009). Presentation: Cognitive Strategy
Instruction: A Co-Teaching Role for Special Educators. Southeast Regional
Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Louisville KY.
Rice, M. & Schumacher, D. (2009). Presentation: Content Area Reading: A
Co-Teaching Role for Special Educators, 44th Annual Kentucky Exceptional
Children’s Conference, Louisville KY.
Debbie Schumacher
Schumacher, D. (2009). Article for submission: Content Area Reading: An
Effective Co-teaching Role for Secondary Special Education?
Schumacher, D. (2009). Literature review: Science Content Reading for Older
Students with Learning Disabilities.
Schumacher, D. (2008). Literature review: Effective Instructional Strategies for
Comprehension of Informational Text by Secondary Students with Learning
Schumacher, D. (2008). Grant proposal: Improving Preparation of Alternate
Route Competent, Caring and Committed Teachers (IMPAC 3T). Submitted
under U. S. Department of Education, CFDA 84.325T, Special Education
Preservice Training Improvement Grants.
Schumacher, D. (2007). Literature review: Effective Teaching Practices for
Collaborative Teachers.
Proffitt, E. & Schumacher, D. (2006). Presentation. Preparing Caring and
Competent Educators via Online Programs. American Council on Rural
Special Education Annual Conference, Lexington KY.
KDE Content Area Committee, Elementary Reading (2006, 2007). Review of
Kentucky Core Content Test items.
KDE Exceptional Children/Special Education Cooperatives Literacy
Consultants: higher education representative (2006-2007) ; Middle School
Reading Summer Institutes Training Team (2005)
KDE Institutions of Higher Education Consortium (2004 – present): Training
Committee chairperson (2007)
Reading consultant/volunteer, Woodford County Middle School ESS Daytime
Reading Program (75+ hours, 2005-2006)
Grant writer (competitive), Kentucky Leadership Network: State Action Plan for
Educational Leadership, 2001-2003 ($250,000 awarded). Wallace Reader’s
Digest Foundation.
Grant writer (competitive), Kentucky Statewide Family Literacy Initiative, 19982000 ($150,000 awarded). United States Department of Education.
Grant writer (competitive), Kentucky Reading Excellence Grant, 1999-2002
($7.5 million awarded), United States Department of Education.
Grant writer (competitive), Kentucky Head Start-State Collaboration Project, 199093 ($125,000 awarded). United States Department of Health and Human
Grant writer (competitive), Personal Futures Planning, 1990-93. United States
Department of Education, for the University of Kentucky, awarded.
Debbie Schumacher
Agency Representative.
Kentucky Interagency Task Force for Family
Resource/Youth Services Centers (1994-1997).
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Kentucky Chapter (2010).
Kentucky Association for the Education of Young Children, Leadership Award,
Kentucky Head Start Association, Honorary Lifetime Member, 1991.
Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Member of the Year, 1990.
Kentucky Association for Children Under Six, Public Policy Recognition, 1990.
Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Early Childhood. President
(1989-91); President-Elect (1987-89); Newsletter editor (1988-90); Member (19852005).
Kentucky Exceptional Children Appeals Board, 1984-88. Kentucky Exceptional
Children Complaint Appeals, 2000-2002.
Kentucky Head Start State Advisory Council for the Handicapped, Chair, 1984-86.
Online Curriculum Development:
undergraduate and graduate instruction.
Policy Development: liaison/staff support to boards and advisory groups;
briefings, reports, presentations, consensus building.
Organizational Skills: project management, systems thinking, comprehensive
planning, administration, state government processes, accounts management and
budgeting, local grant program administration.
Leadership/Team Building (internal agency and external groups): consensus
building, conflict resolution, productive work group facilitation, group retreats and work
sessions, staff development, staff supervision and delegation.
Written and Oral Communications: regulations, reports, handbooks, briefings,
public marketing materials, grant writing, KET broadcasts, Kentucky TeleLink Network
(KTLN) presentations and meetings, informational presentations.
Husband of 24 years: Marvin. Medical technologist, Central Baptist Health
Care (1989 – present). U. S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Retired; active
duty 2003-2006.
Debbie Schumacher
Son age 20: Grant. University of Kentucky sophomore.
Church: St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Versailles KY.
Children’s Ministries Team Leader (2004-2009), Sunday School teacher
Read-Through-the-Bible study group.
Sunday evening small group.
Hobbies: gardening, hiking, reading.
The Rev. David Brannen, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Versailles, KY