AP Physics 1 - Campbellsport Public Schools

Campbellsport School District Understanding by Design (UbD) Template
Curriculum/Content Area: Science
Course Length: 1 Semester
Course Title: AP Physics 1
Date last reviewed:
Board approval date:
Desired Results:
Course description and purpose:
Enduring Understandings:
The internal structure of a system determines
many properties of the system.
Electric charge is a property of an object or
system that affects its interactions with other
objects or systems containing charge.
Objects and systems have properties of inertial
mass and gravitational mass that are
experimentally verified to be the same and that
satisfy conservation principles.
Materials have many macroscopic properties
that result from the arrangement and
interactions of the atoms and molecules that
make up the material.
A field associates a value of some physical
quantity with every point in space. Field
models are useful for describing interactions
that occur at a distance (long-range forces) as
well as a variety of other physical phenomena.
A gravitational field is caused by an object with
Essential Questions (EQs):
What is entailed in the study of physics?
How can kinematics be applied to real-world
motion problems?
What are the relationships--mathematically and
graphically--between position, velocity, and
How can one apply Newton's laws of motion to
problems involving forces and motion?
How does one find the range, max height, and
hang time of a projectile?
How do launch speed, launch angle, and mass
affect the above quantities?
How do velocities differ in different reference
frames, and how does one deal with problems
involving multiple frames of reference?
What is a free body diagram and how is it
useful in problem solving?
What types of everyday motion can be
classified as simple harmonic motion and why?
All forces share certain common characteristics
when considered by observers in inertial
How can the concepts of torque and center of
reference frames.
mass be used in problem solving?
Classically, the acceleration of an object
interacting with other objects can be predicted
by using 𝑎 = 𝑚
What do Keplers law of planetary motion
mean for our solar system?
How can one use the principle of conservation
At the macroscopic level, forces can be
categorized as either long-range (action-at-adistance) forces or contact forces.
of momentum to solve collision problems?
A force exerted on an object can change the
momentum of the object.
What parallels exist between the quantities
mass, momentum, velocity, and force and their
rotational analogs moment of inertia, angular
momentum, angular velocity, and torque?
A force exerted on an object can change the
kinetic energy of the object.
How can the above rotational quantities be
applied to static equilibrium problems?
A force exerted on an object can cause a
torque on that object.
What is the relationship between work,
potential energy, and kinetic energy?
Certain types of forces are considered
How are potential, current, and resistance
defined, and how are these quantities
computed in an electrical circuit?
The acceleration of the center of mass of a
system is related to the net force exerted on the How does one draw and simplify circuit
system, where 𝑎 = 𝑚
Interactions with other objects or systems can
change the total linear momentum of a system.
Interactions with other objects or systems can
change the total energy of a system.
A net torque exerted on a system by other
objects or systems will change the angular
momentum of the system.
Certain quantities are conserved, in the sense
that the changes of those quantities in a given
system are always equal to the transfer of that
quantity to or from the system by all possible
interactions with other systems.
The energy of a system is conserved.
The electric charge of a system is conserved.
The linear momentum of a system is
The angular momentum of a system is
A wave is a traveling disturbance that transfers
energy and momentum.
What is magnetism and what is responsible for
What is the relationship between magnetism
and electricity?
A periodic wave is one that repeats as a
function of both time and position and can be
described by its amplitude,
frequency, wavelength, speed, and energy.
Interference and superposition lead to standing
waves and beats.