Tutorial 3
1. a. Consider the scattering of particles 1 and 2 in the CM frame
1+2  3 + 4
Derive the following expression
[( p 1 p 2 ) 2  (m1 m2 c 2 )]1 / 2  ( E1  E 2 )  p / c
b. Obtain the corresponding formula for the lab frame (particle 2 at rest)
[Answer : ( p 1  p 2 ) 2  (m1 m2 c 2 ) 2  m2 p c ]
2. Consider the case of elastic scattering, A + B  A + B, in the lab frame (B
initially at rest), assuming the target B is so heavy ( mB c 2  E A ) that its recoil is
negligible. Show that the differential scattering cross section is given by
(d / d)  ( / 8m B c) 2 M
3. Consider the collision 1+2  3 + 4 in the lab frame (2 at rest), with particles 3
and 4 massless. Obtain the formula for the differential cross section.
[ Answer :
 ( )2
~ 3
m2 p ( E1  m2 c  p c cos
4. Analyze the problem of elastic scattering (m3  m1 , m4  m2 ) in the lab frame
(particle 2 at rest). Derive the formula for the differential cross section.
5. [The purpose of this problem is to demonstrate that particles described by the
Dirac equation carry “intrinsic” angular momentum ( S ) in addition to their orbital
angular momentum ( L) , neither of which is separately conserved, although their
sum is. It should be attempted only if you are reasonably familiar with quantum
a) Construct the Hamiltonian, H, for the Dirac equation. [Hint: Solve equation
(7.19) for p  / c Solution: H  c  (  p  mc) , where p  ( / i) is the
momentum operator.]
b) Find the commutator of H with the orbital angular momentum L  x x p .
[Solution: [ H , L]  ic ( x p)]
Since [ H , L] is nor zero, L by itself is not conserved. Evidently there is some
other form of angular momentum lurking here. Introduce the “spin angular
momentum,” S , defined by the equation S  ( / 2)  .
c) Find the commutator of H with the spin angular momentum, S  ( / 2)  .
[Solution: [ H , S ]  ic ( x p)]
It follows that the total angular momentum, J  L  S , is conserved.
d) Show that every bispinor is an eigenstate of S , with eigenvalue  2 s(s  1) ,
and find s. What, then, is the spin of a particle described by the Dirac
6. Construct the normalized spinors u(+) and u(-) representing an electron of
momentum p with helicity  1 . That is find the u’s that satisfy the Dirac
equation with positive energy p  , and are eigenspinors of the helicity operator
( p/ p ) with eigenvalues  1 .
W ()
u (  )  p   mc   p
() 
 p   mc W 
 3
p  p
W 
~ 
3  p 1  ip 2 
2 p( p  p )
Evaluate the amplitude M for electron-muon scattering in the CM system,
assuming the e- and  approach one another along the z axis, repel, and return
back along the z axis. Assume the initial and final particles all have helicity +1.
[ Answer : M  2 g e2 ]