Pilar Pride Campaign CREATIVE BRIEF

(ToC Narrative)
Pilar is an island municipality wherein majority of its people relies mainly
subsistence fishing for their source of livelihood. The increasing number
of fishers and the rampant use of illegal fishing practices are the
primary issues causing degradation in the coastal and marine habitats
in the area and putting so much pressure to the dwindling marine
resources. The establishment of the Pilar Municipal Marine Park is
viewed to reverse the trend of dwindling fishery resource in the island
through the strict enforcement of the law prohibiting intrusion and
fishing inside the no take zone. But, despite of the efforts of the Local
Government Unit to protect the MPA against intrusion and illegal
fishing, still it happens and became a great challenge to the MPA’s
sustainable management.
The Pilar Pride Campaign aims to increase the abundance of fish in the
Pilar Municipal Marine Park by the end of 2014. The decline in fish
abundance in this said marine protected area is mainly due to intrusion
and fishing inside the fish sanctuary and fish net fishing in the marine
reserve by the local fishers. The campaign aims to reduce/ stop
intrusion and illegal fishing throughout the designated areas of the
marine park by increasing the knowledge of the local fishers on the
rules and regulations prohibiting intrusion and fishing inside the fish
sanctuary and on the allowed and not allowed gears in the marine
reserve. If the level of knowledge of the fishers is increased, then they
will strongly agree to follow the marine park’s regulations and discuss
with their fellow fishers and their neighbors about the benefits of
abiding with the rules and eventually, many of them will decide to
follow. Once the local fishers follow the rules and regulations and
together they will join hands with the community in the management
and 24/7 guarding of the marine park, then the incidence of intrusion
and illegal fishing activities will be reduced/stopped and the increase
in fish abundance will be achieved.
( How can this promise
be made credible?)
Intrusion to the MPA and use of illegal gears contribute to reduction
in fish abundance .
 Reduction in fish abundance contributes to low fish catch and low
income for the fishers.
 Protecting the MPA will contribute to coastal rehabilitation and
eventually resulting to increase in fish abundance, increase fish
catch and increase in fishers’ income.
 Increase in fish abundance will contribute to food security and
make a family healthy and happy.
 Responsible fishers follow the rules of the MPA and help build a
strong fishing community.
LGU, NGAs and NGOs agree to back up fishers obeying the rules of the
MPA through the following programs and services:
Institutionalize fishers’ registry and the right to fish by fishers
following the rules of the MPA
Putting in place and strengthening MPA governance and
enforcement structures (infrastructure and organizational),
policies, funds, manpower, etc. to encourage compliance
and adherence to laws, rules and regulations of the MPA by
the fishers and the community as well
Link with government institutions and NGOs (i.e. office of the
Congressman) providing financial assistance for fishers’ seed
Strengthen fishers’ organization
Register fish buyers and provide guidelines for pricing and
prioritization of whose catch to buy
Establish linkage with training institutions and access
opportunities for alternative livelihood skills training
Maximize BFAR’s technical and livelihood assistance for fishers
Include outstanding fishers in Education Tours
Access emergency financial assistance from the Office of the
Municipal Welfare and Development for fishers or his family in
times of emergency medical cases
Institutionalize the incentive and disincentive system for those
fishers following and not following the laws of the MPA
Image of a champion or star fisher who leads in the
preservation of the marine resources and fish abundance
A father concerned of the future of his children and his family
It is easy and much fun to follow the rules of the MPA
Encourage others to do
I did it right! I fish with the right gear at the right place outside
the MPA. You too can!
Flagship species
Abundance of fish
Dance drama
Theatre/Pageant (Search for the next PMMP King & Queen)
Key Chains
Story books
Radio Spot
Image of a champion or star fisher & provider of the needs of
the family
Emphasis on following regulations and use of right gears in the
right place
Marine resources & fish abundance
Logo of the campaign, LGU, Rare and USAID
Campaign Slogan/tagline
Contact information
1) Pride of MPA (Pilar Municipal Marine Park) – “2009 Most
Outstanding MPA of the Philippines”
2) Pride of Place – The municipality of Pilar is a hall of fame for
the award on the Most Child Friendly Municipality of Region VII
3) Pride of Our People – 2010 Most Outstanding LGU Fishery
Technician of Cebu Province