ANNEXURE 3 MINUTES OF THE 17th MEETING OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT EVALUATION COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 3&4 NOVEMBER 2015 STARTED AT 14:00 IN THE PROTEA HOTEL, HILTON, KWA-ZULU NATAL Present Members: Others: Erasmus, Theuns (Prof) Fouché, Nico Jooste, Piet (Prof) Lok, Nigel Meissner, Heinz (Dr) Van Dijk, Chris (Dr) Teichmann, Nicolette CEO Programme Manager: R&D (Chairperson of the RPEC) Minuting Secretary Apology Member: 1. Kraamwinkel, Alwyn WELCOME The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, mentioning that Mr Kraamwinkel had apologized. 2. COMPETITION LAW COMPLIANCE The meeting noted that any aspect which could contravene the competition law, should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson. 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST The meeting noted that any interest that a member may have in any point of discussion, should be declared, unless previously declared to the RPEC. 4. FINALIZING THE AGENDA Item 15.5 was added: "Articles in the MPO Milk Bulletin". The agenda was then accepted. 1 5. PREVIOUS MINUTES 5.1 Fourteenth meeting: 19 May 2015 The minutes were adopted subject to the following amendments: Item 7.2.2: The correct spelling was Dr Carel Muller. Item 13.2, last sentence to read: “…programme would end…in 2016” 5.2 Fifteenth (special) meeting: 9 July 2015 The minutes were adopted with the following amendment: Item 5, par. 7: Point (i) to be removed. 5.3 Sixteenth (special) meeting: 9 October 2015 The minutes were adopted subject to the following amendments: Res. 4.2.3 to read: “…should also reflect benefits of the project…” Res. 5.2: “By” to be inserted after “owned”. 6. MATTERS EMANATING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES All matters emanating from the previous minutes were covered below. 7. FINANCES 7.1 Financial position and budget The CEO explained the budget for 2016 and 2017 as included in the agenda pack, saying that the 2016 figures had been adopted by the Board, except for the R766 000 which was R200 000 more than the approved amount. He said that an additional R200 000 had been recommended by Exco for approval by the Board, which was to be used for administrative assistance to the Programme Manager. He also pointed to the following: i. The amounts for National Disease Monitoring & Extension Systems included R100 000 per annum for the possible contribution to a screening test that was being developed by the CSIR. ii. The surplus funds (accrued from 2006 to 2009) would be fully utilized in 2016. 2 iii. The initial approved amount for the fasciola project run by UP (University of Pretoria) was R350 000 in 2016, which was amended to R700 000, on the RPEC’s approval. Regarding the financial position to date, the CEO mentioned that the budget was projected to be exceeded with approximately R108 000 due to the higher amount approved by the RPEC for the fasciola project managed by Dr Van Wyk of UP. The Programme Manager said that where applicable, the 2015 financial statements should reflect funds that were advanced to projects during 2015 in respect of 2016. 7.2 External funding Stands over. 8. FIVE-YEAR PLANNING The five-year plan, as well as the R&D Fields and subjects document as updated by the Programme Manager were noted. Regarding the latter document, it was decided that biosecurity forms an integral part of other R&D fields, and that the document be appropriately adjusted by the Programme Manager in liaison with Dr Van Dijk. 8.1 9. That biosecurity forms an integral part of other R&D fields, and that the document "R&D Fields and subjects" be appropriately adjusted by the Programme Manager in liaison with Dr Van Dijk and that a recommendation be made to the RPEC. Programme Manager & Dr Van Dijk PROJECTS - BOARD APPROVED & ONGOING 9.1 Liver fluke programme 9.1.1 Fasciola hepatica: Impact on Dairy Production and Sustainable Management on Selected Farms in South Africa Quarterly report The Quarterly report was noted and accepted. Project proposal: 2016 The proposal was included in the agenda pack and discussed in depth. The Programme Manager said that capacity was a problem, as Dr Van Wyk was not an appointee of UP and that continuity would be problematic if he did not receive funds in addition to the project funds. 3 The Programme Manager added that it was unacceptable that helminthology did not have the required capacity at UP (preferably at Onderstepoort and as a second prize, in the Animal Sciences department) and proposed that Milk SA and other animal industry organizations should submit a presentation in this regard to UP. For example, he said, the industry organizations could consider placing a post-doctoral associate as nucleus at UP, under the supervision of Dr Van Wyk. The meeting agreed and decided that the Programme Manager and Dr Van Dijk would first approach the Dean of Veterinary Sciences informally in this regard. Resolved: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Not to proceed with telemetry; That the objective of the project in terms of early warning should be ranked higher (linked to blood and liver analyses); That the latter objective be linked to the project "National Disease Monitoring and Extension Systems"; That climate should be highlighted as a key variable in liver fluke prevalence and diseases in general; That the project leader should hold a workshop with the participating milk producers to update them on the findings and further planning; That the training element of the project (to farm personnel) should receive formal status; That items 3.7 and 3.8 of the proposal be left out. (It was decided previously that proposals submitted on request of the RPEC should not be required to indicate how the projects would contribute to broaden the market and improve national competitiveness of the dairy industry); Under "Aim" in the proposal, the last part of the first sentence should be reworded to make it clear that it is about empowering management to assess the risk of snail infection on different parts of a farm, instead of "… appraisal of farms …" (as indicated in the CEO's letter of 13 October 2015; CEO & Programme Manager 4 ix ix. That the Programme Manager and Dr Van Dijk would approach the Dean of Veterinary Sciences at UP informally with a view to increasing capacity in helminthology in collaboration with other animal industry organizations - preferably at Onderstepoort and as a second prize, in the Animal Sciences department; and That the budget for 2016 be amended to exclude PCR activities and to be reduced to R700 000. 9.1.2 Proposal of UKZN (Dr Mark Laing) to address liver fluke through biocontrol (Amended proposal awaited): Programme Manager's information document The explanatory document of the Programme Manager was noted, titled "MSA: History of Bio-control of Fasciola and Nematodes: Document to assist CEO to make an informed decision - 2015.10.16". Resolved: That the UKZN be requested to resubmit the proposal to deal with liver fluke only, and that the Milk SA Board of Directors be requested to advance R300 000 - which was the total value of the liver fluke project within the UKZN's proposed programme that involves other parasites as well. 9.2 CEO Mastitis programme 9.2.1 Investigating alternative methods such as bacteriophages and bacteriocins to control mastitis organisms Quarterly report The report was noted and the meeting expressed concern at the slow progress in obtaining Staphylococcus aureus strains from the UP (Onderstepoort). The Programme Manager explained that the variety of samples provided by the Karkloof producers was too limited and that Onderstepoort (Dr Petzer) could assist in providing a greater variety from their pool. The meeting was not impressed with the statement that "Dr Petzer would also like assurance that our cooperation will result in outputs for which we both can claim credit, i.e. likely publications". The Programme Manager said that he would address the afore-mentioned and Intellectual Property aspects. 5 The importance of literature studies - as previously decided - was stressed. The Programme Manager said he would circulate the PhD thesis of Dr Iona Basdew (Post-doctoral assistant) among the members of the RPEC. Resolved: That the Programme Manager would address cooperation between UP Onderstepoort and UKZN as well as Intellectual Property aspects of the project "Investigating alternative methods such as bacteriophages and bacteriocins to control mastitis organisms". Programme Manager That the Programme Manager would circulate the PhD thesis of Dr Iona Basdew (Postdoctoral assistant to the project mentioned in Res among the members of the Research Project Evaluation Committee. Programme Manager That the UKZN should explain "the significance of analysing for milk fat content" under goal 8 of the proposal. Programme Manager Project proposal: 2016 Resolved: That the proposal for 2016 be accepted for the project "Investigating alternative methods such as bacteriophages and bacteriocins to control mastitis organisms". 9.2.2 Programme Manager Resistance to available antibiotics in lactating cows with mastitis Quarterly report The report was noted and accepted. Project proposal: 2016 The proposal was noted. Resolved: That the medium term goal under item 3.3 Programme namely "Evaluating the risk factors causing an Manager extraordinary, seasonal increase in bulk milk somatic cell count, in pasture based dairy herds in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa" not be accepted (pertaining to the 2016 proposal for the project "Resistance to available antibiotics in lactating cows with mastitis".) 6 That the R50 000 consulting fee for Dr Programme Lategan and Dr Hoek each - "in recognition for Manager their graduate work being done at own expense" be rejected. That the questionnaire be reviewed by Mr Lok, Dr Van Dijk and Dr Vincent Turner in collaboration with the project proposer (Dr Van der Leek) and that in the meantime, input from the members of RPEC be submitted to the Office of Milk SA. Dr Van Dijk Visit to Registrar to discuss the registration of antibiotics for mastitis (Minutes, 9 July 2015, Res 5.5) It was noted that Dr Van Dijk had had discussions with the Registrar in this regard. 9.3 National Disease Monitoring and Extension System 9.3.1 Quarterly report The meeting agreed that the quarterly reports thus far were not sufficiently comprehensive for the RPEC to reach a conclusion on whether the dairy industry was benefiting. In addition, the reports generated for the milk producers' information were not regarded as user-friendly. Resolved: That the quarterly report (Jun - Aug 2015) for the project "National Disease Monitoring and Extension System" be referred back to Dr Odendaal, as it was not sufficiently comprehensive for the RPEC to judge the benefits to the dairy industry. 9.3.2 CEO / Programme Manager Project proposal: 2016 (Awaited due to item 9.3.3) The proposal was noted and rejected. It was also noted that no mention was made of the possible introduction of the CSIR's initiative for field tests, as previously discussed. Furthermore, it was noted that Dr Odendaal had had discussions with SA Studbook with regard to cooperation between the "National Disease Monitoring and Extension System" project and Logix Milk of SA Studbook, without consultation with or approval by Milk SA. Resolved: To reject the project proposal by V-Net (Dr Odendaal) for CEO & 2016. Programme Manager 7 9.3.3 That the national disease reports generated for the milk CEO & producers' information were not regarded as user-friendly, Programme and to request the Project Manager (Dr Odendaal) to Manager collaborate with the Milk Producers' Organisation (MPO) with the objective to: Review the goals and required output of the project; Review the content and format of the project; and Await a revised project proposal during February 2016 from Dr Odendaal (V-Net). That the Board of Directors of Milk SA be informed of resolutions and, and requested to fund the project as currently structured until March 2016, with a view to introducing a new project format as from 1 April 2016. CEO & Programme Manager That Dr Odendaal's discussions with SA Studbook regarding cooperation between the "National Disease Monitoring and Extension System" project and Logix Milk of SA Studbook, without consultation with or approval by Milk SA, be addressed. CEO & Programme Manager Streamlining the reports to make them more producer-friendly (Minutes, 19 May 2015, Res Discussed under items 9.3.1 and 9.3.2. 9.4 The microbial quality of milk for human consumption in South Africa with special reference to coliform types and Escherichia coli strains Not discussed. 10. PROJECTS AND WORK ITEMS - PENDING & ENVISAGED 10.1 The prevalence of and reasons for milk flocculation after heat treatment in certain geographical areas1 10.1.1 Project proposal: The significance of proteolytic psychrotrophs as a cause of milk flocculation / protein instability (UFS - Prof Celia Hugo) The resubmitted project proposal was accepted. 1 - Study topic 1: The effect of nutrition in cows on milk flocculation: Outeniqua (Prof Robin Meeske) - Study topic 2: The significance of proteolytic psychrotrophs as a cause of milk flocculation / protein instability: TUT (Prof Piet Jooste) - Study topic 3: The impact of proteinases and chemicals on milk flocculation: UVS (Dr Koos Myburgh) 8 Resolved: To accept the project proposal for 2016 titled "The significance of proteolytic psychrotrophs as a cause of milk flocculation / protein instability" (UFS - Prof Celia Hugo). CEO & Programme Manager 10.1.2 Project proposal: Milk flocculation (UFS - Dr Koos Myburgh) The meeting agreed to accept the resubmitted proposal subject to certain amendments. Resolved: That the resubmitted "Milk flocculation" proposal of the UFS (Dr Koos Myburgh) be accepted subject to the following: i. That a post-doctoral student be made responsible for the management of the project; ii. That Prof Piet Jooste be appointed as mentor; and iii. That the terms and conditions in respect of the above be clarified by the Programme Manager in liaison with the post-doctoral student. CEO & Programme Manager 10.1.3 Pilot study: Outeniqua (Western Cape Dept of Agric - Prof Robin Meeske) It was noted that the Outeniqua Research farm was running a pilot study and that the results were being awaited. 10.1.4 Liaison with experts (Minutes, 19 May 2015, Res 6.2.1) Not discussed. 10.2 Biofilms Noted that a proposal was still in discussion phase. 10.3 Integrated dairy animal performance improvement programme (IDAPIP) 10.3.1 Proposal to TIA2 by the Livestock Genomics Consortium on behalf of the SA Dairy Industry The Programme Manager informed the meeting that TIA had approached the UP to compile a proposal for a dairy genomics programme, to be funded by TIA. He said a similar programme had already been already approved by TIA for the beef industry. 2 Technology Innovation Agency. 9 He referred to the document included in the agenda pack, saying that: i. ii. iii. iv. He had assisted Dr Esté van Marlé-Koster (UP) with the proposal; A Programme Committee was required which ideally should comprise the breeders associations, Milk SA, MPO, a person representing the programme's Technical Committee and other directly affected institutions; The Chairperson should be from the organized dairy industry; and The Programme Leader (to be funded by TIA) should be a geneticist who could become the successor to the present Programme Manager: R&D (Dr Meissner). Resolved: That the proposal to TIA by the Livestock Genomics Consortium on behalf of the SA Dairy Industry, as amended by the Programme Manager in liaison with Dr Esté van Marlé-Koster (UP), be supported, without any financial responsibilities for Milk SA. CEO & Programme Manager 10.3.2 Further development of the programme None. 10.4 Residual feed intake Stands over. 10.5 Probiotics in milk products Stands over. 11. INTERACTION WITH NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL STRUCTURES 11.1 SESCORD 11.1.1 Programme for 4 November 2015 Noted. 11.1.2 Frequency of meetings To be tested with SESCORD members. 10 11.2 Western Cape Department of Agriculture 11.2.1 Silage project No further developments to be reported. 11.2.2 Dr Carel Muller As previously noted, Dr Carel Muller (Specialist Scientist: Dairy cattle, Institute for Animal Production, Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Elsenburg) would retire in January 2016 and it was previously envisaged by the Programme Manager to involve him in the Residual Feed Intake (RFI) project which was approved by the RPEC in principle. 11.3 Eastern Cape DRDAR 11.3.1 Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) It was noted that the CEO had sent another draft MoA to the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform of the Eastern Cape, and was awaiting response. 11.3.2 Livestock Development: Milk SA Principles As previously reported, it was again noted that in November 2014, an ad hoc Committee of Milk SA had considered draft principles for successful dairy farming, which would be taken further in a follow-up meeting, which to date had not happened. The matter emanated from a request at SESCORD from the DRDAR, that Milk SA should assist with ideal farming models for emerging producers, following which the said ad hoc Committee had agreed to rather establish said draft principles. The CEO said he had reminded the Transformation Manager and the Work Group of the Internal Management Committee to attend to the matter, but to no avail. The CEO suggested that the matter be scrapped from the agenda due to lack of progress, but the meeting decided that it should remain until a response had been received. Resolved: That the matter concerning "Milk SA principles for successful dairy farming" to guide emerging dairy producers, remain on the agenda until a response had been received. CEO 11 11.4 KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs 11.4.1 Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) It was noted that another draft MoA would be considered on 4 November 2015 by the CEO and Programme Manager in liaison with the Department's officials. 11.4.2 Pasture cultivar selection and breeding (Minutes, 19 May 2015, Res The matter was to be discussed at SESCORD. 11.5 Agricultural Research Council It was noted that the MoA with the ARC would be revisited after clarity had been obtained regarding the Integrated Dairy Animal Performance Improvement programme (IDAPIP), including the possible genomics programme to be submitted to TIA. 12. NATIONAL R&D PRODUCERS' WORK GROUP 12.1 TMR Expert Group (Minutes, 9 July 2015, Res 6.1 & Minutes, 19 May 2015, Res 14.1.1) Dr Van Dijk said he needed additional time to give execution to the previous decision, namely that the MPO would consider the establishment of an expert TMR group. He added that the MPO was increasing its involvement in technological development. It was agreed that the item would be removed from the agenda. Resolved: 12.1.1 To remove "TMR expert group” from the agenda. 13. CEO PRACTICAL DIRECTION BY RPEC ON RURAL DEVELOPMENT, INCLUDING ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES & RESPONSIBILITIES (Minutes, 19 May 2015, Item 11) 13.1 Rural Development and Environmental Challenges and Responsibilities The following was noted from the agenda notes: Res 10.3 of 10 March 2015: "That the RPEC should provide practical direction for the Board's consideration regarding rural development, including environmental challenges and responsibilities (referring to the memorandum on page 111 of the agenda), and that an inventory of the initiatives by role-players should be a point of departure; and that a special RPEC meeting be held on this topic."; 12 Res 10.4 of 10 March 2015: "That a discussion between the Programme Manager and the RPO in respect of rural development, including environmental challenges and responsibilities (referring to the memorandum on page 111 of the agenda), be supported." Resolved: 13.1.1 That the topic "Rural Development and Environmental Challenges and Responsibilities" remain on the agenda. 14. CEO GENERAL GUIDELINES AND PRINCIPLES An updated document was included in the agenda pack for discussion. The document would be improved as decided in the meeting. Resolved: 14.1 That the "General Guidelines and Principles" document be adjusted as follows: 15. CEO Item 6 i: Amend in accordance with a more recent decision regarding invitations for proposals. Remove items 18 and 19, as they were duplications of items 13 and 14. ADDITIONAL ITEMS 15.1 Revision of the R&D fields and subjects (Minutes, 9 July 2015, Res 5.1) An updated document was included in the agenda pack. The matter was discussed under item 8 above. 15.2 Research requirements associated with black emerging milk producers and transformation in general Resolved: 15.2.1 To remove the standard item "Research requirements associated with black emerging milk producers and transformation in general" as the Transformation structures of Milk SA were aware that they could approach the Programme Manager: R&D or CEO for any special R&D requirements in terms of the emerging dairy sector. CEO 13 15.3 Administration of the R&D Programme of Milk SA (Minutes, 9 July 2015, Res 8.1 & 8.2) The CEO mentioned that R200 000 had been recommended by Exco for administrative assistance to the Programme Manager: R&D, the details of which still would have to be attended to. It was noted that the Board of Directors of Milk SA would have to take a decision in this regard on 25 November 2015. 15.4 External communication regarding projects Resolved: 15.4.1 That the Programme Manager and CEO be encouraged to supply information for publishing in the MPO Milk Bulletin, The Dairy Mail and Milk Essay. 15.4.2 15.5 That Project Managers be requested (preferably via the contracts) to submit half-yearly populistic summaries of projects that could be used for publication in the media mentioned above in resolution no. 15.4.1. Programme Manager & CEO Programme Manager & CEO Articles in the MPO Milk Bulletin Referring to certain articles in the MPO Milk Bulletin of 30 October 2015, the Programme Manager said he had been surprised to note the MPO's involvement in areas which could have implications for Milk SA, such as discussions with the DTI and liaison with the University of the Free State regarding research opportunities. It was agreed that transparency and effective communication between Milk SA and its members (SAMPRO and MPO) regarding their activities pertaining to issues of common concern to the SA dairy industry, were pivotal to sound relations and to a unified approach to serve the dairy industry best. Resolved: 15.5.1 That transparency and effective communication between Milk SA and its members (SAMPRO and MPO) regarding its activities pertaining to issues of common concern to the SA dairy industry, were pivotal to sustaining sound relations and a unified approach for optimal service to the dairy industry. 16. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETINGS The following dates as scheduled, were noted, but it was agreed that the February meetings should be postponed to possibly April 2016 and that the Milk SA Office would advise accordingly: 18-19 February 2016 (RPEC & SESCORD) 1-2 September 2016 (RPEC & SESCORD) 14 17. CLOSING The Chairman concluded the meeting at 09:45 on 4 November 2015, with a word of thanks to each member. NOTNAV086 15