Current CAS/CAP DP AfDB (Year and Indicative allocation) 2011-2015 AfDB CSP 2011-2015 ADF-12 allocations for 2011-2013 are about US$596 million. ADF-13 allocation for 2014-2016 are currently estimated at US$477 million. The Bank is using UA (units of account) which have been Key Priority Sectors/Areas Mainland Two pillars: (1) Infrastructure development (2) Governance, with a focus on the enabling institutional and business environment Zanzibar Two pillars: (1) Infrastructure development (2) Governance, with a focus on the enabling institutional and business environment Aid Modalities (percentage ) Projects, GBS, TA, SBS Beneficiaries of Project Support (GoT, CSOs, PS, etc.) GoT Future Priorities Continued focus on infrastructure development and governance under GBS Several upcoming regional lending activities and TA Analytical work to start in Q3 2014 to lay foundation for post-2015 agenda and new full country strategy 20162020 Comments The original country strategy paper for 2011-2015 has been updated through a midterm review in 2014. Overall, the strategic direction remains the same, with refinements. Major developments include the leadership role to support reforms in the energy sector and activities following the discovery of natural gas. converted into US$ using market exchange rates. The Bank will retain its strategic pillars (1) infrastructure development, focusing on transport and energy, and (2) governance, with focus on the enabling institutional and business environment. In addition to ADF resources, the Bank is also using ADB loans for its private sector operations as well as grants provided mainly through TFs. Belgium An area of growing importance is the provision of legal advisory functions. 2014-2015 Two priority sectors : Belgium Development Cooperation Program 2014-2015 1Water and Sanitation (WSDP basket fund and project funds) Total 20142015: 20 2 Sustainable agriculture and food security N/A W&S: WSDP basket fund: 4 M Euro Project: community based managemen t of water schemes in Kigoma Local Government (region, district); CSO; Private The Strategy is a transition towards the 11th EDF Joint Programming 2016-2020 & alignment with 2nd FYDP million USD Cross cutting sectors: gender, local government, and natural resources management (rural) region: 8 M Euro 15 mio €/year Canada Approx $75M per annum Denmark 2014-2018 Country Policy Denmark 1,950,000 DKK EU 2008-2013 95 m€ per annum+ several global budget lines Health, Basic Education, Sustainable Economic Growth Cross cutting themes: Environment, Gender, Governance. • N/A Sustainable agriculture and food security: Project in Kigoma region: 8 M Euro GBS, baskets, TA Inclusive and green growth • Equitable service delivery, especially in health • Good governance and human rights Sectors: PSD, Health, governance Health GBS (20%), basket fund, project funding, joint intervention s Transport, Trade, Regional Integration Gender, Governance GBS, SBS, projects GoT, CSOs Same About 60% through GOT – private sector development and governance/r ights more focused on non-state actors Phasing out of Environment and Transport sectors Programming of EDF 11 launched in 2013. Process ongoing. Finland 2013 – 2016 Governance, Total EUR 124,30 million Natural resources, Natural Resource Management GBS (approx.40% ), basket, projects Support to GoT, PS, NGOs Will be refined after 2016 0 Basket in Water, and projects GoT, NGOs Water and NRJ 20% GBS and Baskets ; GoT, NGOs Next bilateral government negotiations planned for 2015. Private sector 31 mio €/year France No CAS Water, NRJ, Education and civil society Germany 2013-2016 1) Water (45 million Euro) - 15 million Euro Basket + Seventowns-urban-upgradingProgramme (including delegated cooperation from EU to be implemented by KfW for this programme) + GIZ/Technical Cooperation Programme on central and utility level; 176 million Euro (137.5 million Euro Financial Cooperation implemented by KfW, 38.5 million Euro Technical Cooperation implemented by GIZ) 2) Health (42.5 million Euro) support to CCBRT Baobab Hospital + contribution to GAVI + GIZ/Technical Cooperation Programme on central, regional and hospital level 3) Energy (26 million Euro) Financial + Technical 80% Projects Funding mainly through grants-AFD Cooperation programme 4) Biodiversity (31.5 million Euro for programmes in Serengeti and Selous including GIZ/Technical Cooperation on central and district level) + General Budget Support (18 million Euro) PFMRP Basket (2 million Euro) + + National Audit Office 3.6 million Euro Local Government phasing out (5 million Euro last contribution to LGDG basket) Ireland 2011-2015 Ireland CSP Summary Tanzania Allocation for 2012-2015 are 156.5 Million Euro (Or 31.3 Million Euro per annum) Agriculture, Nutrition, Health GBS, Baskets, CSO projects GoT, CSOs Will be refined after 2016 Italy 2011-2016 Allocation for period 20112016 are 11.6 Million Euro Japan 2012 - 2017 Health, WASH, Rural Development/Natural Resource Management Health Projects, TA GoT, CSOs Priority Area I: Economic Growth towards Poverty Reduction N/A Projects, TA, GBS, Basket GoT, CSOs Projects, TA GoT, CSOs (While focus on Energy and Water) Will be refined in the course of 2016 (Agriculture, Industrial Development) Priority Area II: Infrastructure development (Transport, Energy and Electricity, Water) Priority Area III: Improvement of Public Service (Local Government, Public Financial Management, Health) Korea (KOICA) No CAS Education, Transport, Agriculture, Energy, Water, Health, Humanitarian Aid Agriculture No CAS has been developed, but yearly assistance plans are being prepared Korea (EDCF, Korea Eximbank) 2014-2016 (200mil USD) Infra Structure Development (Energy, Water, Transport, Education, Health) Infrastructure Development (Agriculture) Projects Netherlan ds 2012-2015 funding envelope decreasing as delegated program is being phased out by end of 2013 (Local) Governance and Accountability; Health and HIV/AIDS, PSD N/A Basket funds, projects, Norway Annual allocation for 2015 is approx. USD 57 mill. (NOK 436 mill.) Energy, Economic growth, Environment & Natural resource Management, Democratic Governance Energy, Economic growth, Environment & Natural resource management, Democratic Governance Projects, TA Sweden 2013-2019 Growth/job creation; Market development/entrepreneurship /value chains; Land security; Energy; Education and Vocational Training; Democratic accountability and transparency. Education; Energy; Democratic accountability and transparency GBS, baskets, projects, TA Sweden Results Strategy Tanzania Present annual Research is supported through a GoT With limited, non-delegated funds, NL Govt priorities: sustainable entrepreneurshi p & food security (incl horticulture); water; SRHR; energy. GoT, CSOs, private sector, universities Programs to stimulate EU investment in infrastructure, export to EU, and fellowshi ps remain available for Tanzania Main target groups: Women, youth and children Switzerlan d allocation 750-850 MSEK, separate funding window. 2015 - 2018 Employment & Income CHF 26 mio per annum Health Swiss Cooperation Strategy Tanzania UK 2011-2015 Approx. £ 150 m per annum Governance / Social accountability 2015-2019 USAID Tanzania Country Development Cooperation Strategy Approximatel GoT, CSOs, Citizens, Private Sector no change planned at the moment GBS, SBS (Education), basket funds (Water, Statistics, PFM, Transport planned), projects GoT, CSOs, private sector We will be developing our next Country Operational Plan towards the end of 2014 Project, TA GoT, Same as current priorities Transversal themes: Governance, Gender, HIV/AIDS Wealth Creation, Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Governance, Climate Change, BRN Will rise to £168m per annum by 2015. US Aid SBS Health, TA, Project contribution s Goal: Tanzania’s socio-economic transformation toward middle income status by 2025 advanced. Three development objectives: (i) Tanzania Women and Youth Empowered (ii) Inclusive Broad Based Economic Growth Sustained (iii) Effective Same as priority sectors/areas as Mainland CSOs, Private Sector, Citizens While the majority of aid will be funded through projects to NGOs and private sector, USAID places more emphasis on y USD $400 million per year Democratic Governance Improved. working to build and use strengthened Country Public Financial Management systems. The key sectors prioritized are: Health and Primary Education (about 75%), Economic Growth (about 24%) which include Agriculture, Energy and Natural Resource Management World Bank 2012 – 2015 About USD 650 million per year Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (1%) (i) Promote Inclusive, Sustainable, and Private SectorLed Growth (business environment, trade, agriculture, natural resource management, communication infrastructure) (i) Promote Inclusive, Sustainable, and Private Sector-Led Growth (business environment, communi cation infrastructure) (ii) Build Infrastructure and Deliver Services (transport, energy, water and sanitation, urban ) (ii) Build Infrastructure and Deliver Services (transport, energy, water and sanitation, urban) (iii) Strengthen Human Capital and Social Safety Nets (education, health, social protection) (iii) Strengthen Human Capital and Social Safety Nets (education, health, social protection) GBS (10%), Basket (26%) (Transport, agriculture, water, health, finance), Projects (64%) GoT, CSOs & Private Sector (iv) Promote Accountability and Governance (PFM) UN UNDAP 2011-2016 $829,352,852 in total FAO Agriculture, Economic Growth, Emergencies, Environment, Natural Resource Management, Refugees, Gender Agriculture, Economic Growth, Emergencies, Environment, Natural Resource Management, HIV/AIDS, Gender Project, TA Agriculture, Health & Nutrition, Environment, Human Resource Development, Science and Technology Agriculture Project, TA Economic Growth, Governance, , HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, Gender, Education, Regional Integration, PSD Project, TA $14,746,164 in total Economic Growth, Governance, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, Gender, Education, Regional Integration, PSD 2011-2016 Refugees, Social Protection Social Protection Project, TA 2011-2016 $15,216,789 in total IAEA 2011-2016 €2,776,099 ILO IOM 2011-2016 $15,293,622 in total GoT ITC 2011-2016 $5,757,602 in Economic Growth, PSD, Regional integration Economic Growth, PSD, Regional integration Project, TA Governance Governance Project, TA HIV/AIDS, Gender HIV/AIDS, Gender Project, TA Economic Growth, Governance, PSD Economic Growth, PSD Project, TA Economic Growth, PSD, Regional Integration Economic Growth, PSD, Regional Integration Project, TA Economic Growth, Emergencies, Environment, Governance, Gender, Refugees, Natural Resource Management, Energy and Minerals, Regional Integration, PSD, Social Protection Economic Growth, Emergencies, Environment, Governance, Gender, Refugees, Natural Resource Management, Energy and Minerals, Regional Integration, PSD, HIV/AIDS Project, TA total OHCHR 2011-2016 $420,000 in total UNAIDS 2011-2016 $3,530,731 in total UNCDF 2011-2016 $646,759 in total UNCTAD 2011-2016 $2,953,977 in total UNDP 2011-2016 $127,020,891 in total Economic Growth, Environment, Natural Resource Management Economic Growth, Natural Resource Management Project, TA Economic Growth, Education, Environment, Governance, HIV/AIDS, Gender, PSD, Natural Resources Management, Culture Economic Growth, Education, Environment, Governance, HIV/AIDS, Gender, PSD, Natural Resources Management, Culture Project, TA Economic Growth, Emergencies, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, Gender Project, TA $47,847,376 in total Economic Growth, Emergencies, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Refugees, Social Protection, Gender UNHABITA T 2011-2016 WASH WASH Project, TA UNHCR 2011-2016 UNEP 2011-2016 $4,331,467 in total UNESCO 2011-2016 $10,424,027 in total UNFPA 2011-2016 $6,192,339 in total Refugees Project, TA $95,268,485 in total UNIC 2011-2016 Project, TA $302,784 in total UNICEF 2011-2016 Education, Emergencies, Education, Emergencies, Project, TA UNIDO $170,511,240 in total Governance, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Refugees, Social Protection, WASH, Gender Governance, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, WASH, Gender 2011-2016 Economic Growth (PSD/Trade), Environment and Climate Change, Energy, Natural Resources Management Economic Growth (PSD/Trade), Environment and Climate Change, Energy, Natural Resources Management Project, TA Governance; HIV/AIDS; Social Protection; Environment. Governance; HIV/AIDS; Social Protection; Environment. Project, TA GoT Project, TA Private Sector $12,588,269 in total UNODC 2011-2016 $6,845,375 in total UNV 2011-2016 Economic Growth (PSD) $326,517 in total UN Women 2011-2016 WFP 2011-2016 $26,006,504 in total $201,009,132 in total Economic Growth, Environment, Governance, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, Gender, Energy and Minerals, Regional Integration, PSD, HIV/AIDS Governance, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, Gender, Energy and Minerals, Regional Integration, PSD, HIV/AIDS Project, TA Economic Growth, Agriculture, Education, Emergencies, Environment, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Refugees, Social Protection Economic Growth, Agriculture, Emergencies, Environment, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Project, TA Capacity to combat TOC. Social Protection WHO 2011-2016 $61,285,972 in total Emergencies, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, WASH, Gender Emergencies, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Social Protection, WASH, Gender Project, TA