Climate Change and Environmental Innovation at Imperial White City The current complex, generational challenges of climate change, energy, water and food and health security provide unprecedented opportunities for Imperial College London’s academic leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship. London features a rapidly evolving technology and entrepreneurship scene embedded in the UK’s pre-eminent status in finance, commerce and stable governance. Imperial is well-placed to provide leadership in the coordination, development and promotion of research, education and innovation related to climate change and environmental sustainability. Annual Green Economic growth of 11% with a current market value of $5 trillion further highlights this generation-changing opportunity. These developments can be maximised through a plan of integration for Imperial’s leading actors in climate change, low carbon energy and environmental sustainability including (but not limited to): The Centre for Environmental Policy – a Department undertaking research and teaching on environmental and energy sustainability, climate change and innovation The Grantham Institute – looking at the science and translation of climate change, climate innovation and enterprise creation The Energy Futures Lab – focused on the decarbonisation of our energy supply including through technology leadership Through these institutions and networks, Imperial has invested considerable resources in leadership of climate change and environmental sustainability research, education and innovation. Noting the world’s new “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” the newly-minted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (2030 SDGs) offer the blueprint for a low-carbon environmentally sustainable future driven in part by institutional and individual innovation and entrepreneurship. It is our collective ambition to engage and inspire key influencers and institutions in catalysing environmentally sustainable, low carbon innovation throughout society at home and around the globe. The Provost has asked us to develop this vision into a world-leading hub for understanding and translating the challenges of climate change, environmental sustainability and low carbon innovation for real world impact. The Five Point Vision Consistent with the 2030 SDGs and our College Strategy, Imperial’s vision is for a world-class facility to: Promote and enhance climate change, energy and environmentally sustainable research, education, innovation and entrepreneurship; Lead a forum and international network to engage and inspire current and future influencers and institutions in order to produce real world evolutionary impacts and innovations; Provide a safe haven for testing and integrating creative, blue skies knowledge and ideas into positive disruptive innovation for societal including commercial entrepreneurship and advancement; Catalyse leading academic science and technical research and education into business and other practical solutions consistent with Climate-KIC and other Imperial College partnerships and programmes; Act as a major national and international focal point for consensus building around the delivery of innovative science, technology, commercial and governance solutions in a 2030 SDG context. Why Co-Locate at Imperial White City? For Imperial, the co-location of climate, low carbon energy and environmentally sustainable innovation activities are a bold, logical next step in realising this vision. Our three respective institutions and network of colleagues across the College that share in and deliver The Vision have a track record of world-class innovation, excellent research, skills training, technical and commercial translation and engagement with a wide range of external stakeholders in these fields. Co-location will strengthen our respective capabilities in the coordinated delivery of The Vision thus stimulating and accelerating new relationships both within and beyond the College. The Vision and Co-location at Imperial White City are co-existential in their sustainable innovation and research mission. As well, the near-future transport hub for the UK at our immediate Old Oak Common neighbour, provides an unparalleled location for drawing national expertise into an international conversations right on our doorstep. As the College’s new campus for research translation, Imperial White City already has forerunners for advancing sustainable commercial innovation in climate change and energy techno-economic scenario analysis, environmentally-driven health management, environmental management of plastics, environmental security at Fukushima and entrepreneurship in the food security space. Together at Imperial White City we will deliver an integrated focus to these and further climate change and environmental innovation activities working side-by-side with key external players under one roof. The outcome for Imperial will feature an enhanced international reputation, placing us in the slipstream of 21st Century innovation for a sustainable, low carbon world. Martin Siegert, Richard Templer, Jo Haigh (Grantham Institute), Zen Makuch (Centre for Environmental Policy) Tim Green (Energy Futures Laboratory), 21 October 2015