Dreamtime page 27

Allan Ralph Andrews, born Long Beach, California, September
13th 1939:
In the book African Philosophy, it is discussed how the
ancestors and chiefs, belong, with the gods, in the Dreamtime.
If you do any kind of long term genealogy, you can see fact
disappear into legend and ordinary history gradually become
apart of ancient dreams. It takes a long time before the
genealogy of my grandmother begins to connect with the dukes
and then the kings and then the emperors and then the
legendary kings and emperors. There is a point at which
someone has traced her roots to ancient troy. There is a
genealogy that connects my grandmother with Aphrodite and
eventually with Zeus. I can choose another that connects her
with Odin, or with Eve. I can connect her with the rulers of
Egypt and China, with Rome and Persia, to the Prophets of
Islam and Judea. It is not clear just where fact slips into legend.
It does so slowly, but inevitably. The ancients were more aware
of this fact than we are. It made them more sane in someways.
The Finite Game, as Carse explains in Finite and Infinite Games,
is framed by the realm of the Infinite Game, which never ends,
goes on and on, there is not one correct explanation of the
infinite game, of the genealogy of the Dreamtime Zamani there
is no one true form. This is the right brain connection with the
subconscious and through the subconscious with the collective
unconscious, which is the roots through which our genealogical
and cultural information connect with the larger whole.
At a certain point in this regression, legend triumphs over fact,
theology triumphs over biology, the genetic yields to the
psychic and the psychic to the mystic. This realm of astrology
and reincarnation is a foggy area at the edge of the unknown.
Do soul complexes emerge out of the mathematics of the
possible, the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable
and allows the revulsion of the void to generate passion from
energy and mind from information systems, pleasure from
integration and pain from disintegration, does this interact with
the finite world through these mythological and genealogical
structures? Does the infinitesimal monad of the soul connect
its passion and pleasure with the energy and integration of the
objective world through this intermediate area that Ernest
Holmes associates with the psychic and with a strange entity he
terms “race thought.”
In a certain sense, it does not matter. The right hemisphere
loves long fishing lines and the rich images of astrology and
genealogy tap into its dream rich language. If there was a
world of ghostly shadows, would these shadows be any wiser in
death than in life, would they have access to any more
information than we have? If the right brain world of dreams
wiser and more accurate than the left.
Scientific evidence indicates that the symbol systems of the
right brain are better at meanings and relationships and the
factual systems of the left brain are better at accurate and
definitive descriptions. We can imagine these ghost and
astrological gods hunting for signs of things that they like, that
feel right. Does it matter if these ghosts and gods are real or
simply metaphors stored in hidden places in the right
hemisphere, either way they may hold clues to forgotten and
darker pieces of who and what we are. So, in this astrological
and genealogical world of legends, it is story and symbol,
meaning and richness of feeling that we are looking for, not
scientific fact or accurate history.
August 23rd 2012, Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA.
The problem is that left brain thinking is limited by the finite
limits of this world. But this world is not the unlimited source
in which all logical things are probable at some level. My
Heaven Trigram immortality is infinitely different from my Earth
Trigram mortality and my Wind Trigram set point is utterly
different from my Thunder Trigram local progression. There
are group souls and astral complexes to which I am locally
attached and they will continue their local development and
association. My ultimate being from within monad becomes all
things within the infinite and branches and reawakens in an
infinite complex of possibilities. At this level, my core is not
linear, but branches endlessly into and endless complex of
possible worlds, I become many things and an endless
immensity of places and combinations in ways I cannot fathom
in this limited and restricted here and now world.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA., August 23rd 2012
The simplest possible explanation of the world is the Chinese
notion of yin and yang, of mathematical potential as yin and
energy potential as yang. The possible qualities this yin and
yang combination can take are endlessly conserved and the
actual quantity in energy is endlessly conserved. All things
hidden and manifest are constructed from this interaction. The
visible is the result of the interaction of eldest daughter yin
mathematics and systems potential with middle daughter yin
quantum mechanics and particle and wave formation and
youngest daughter yin space time relativity stimulated by
eldest son yang energy flux to generate the Earth and Thunder
Trigrams of the I Ching, the emergence of the invisible into the
visible world. For me Earth Trigram symbolizes the visible and
Thunder symbolizes its emergence and evolution.
The simplest possible explanation of the polarity of the
subjective and the objective, is that the subjective is simply the
bending inward of the objective, generating passion from
energy and information from mathematical structure,
generating pleasure from integration and pain from
disintegration, generating phenomenology from concentration
and time and space associations from attachments and
distributed associations. Eldest son yang is the infinite flux that
extends into the integration of all things in the boundless that is
middle son and yang and the concentration into the
infinitesimal subjective now that is youngest son yang to
generate the Heaven Trigram that makes the improbable
probable to stimulate the emergence of the classical ideal in
the metaphysics of Wind Trigram. Flame Trigram is the
connection between this source and the emerging world in
Thunder Trigram and the resulting complexity in Lake Trigram.
Water Pit Trigram is the order emerging from Wind into Earth
and back through Mountain Trigram into Wind. So Heaven is
the subjective, the romantic temper, the Magical aspect of
existence. Wind Trigram is the ideal, the classical temper, the
Metaphysical aspect of existence. Earth Trigram is the realistic
temper it is Science. Thunder Trigram is the world of business,
the practical, the expressionist temper. Flame Trigram is the
cubist temper, the realm of Art. Mountain Trigram is the
impressionist temper, the realm of Philosophy. Water Pit
Abysm Trigram is the baroque temper, the realm of
Government. Lake Trigram is the realm of scripture, of
literature, of ideology, astrology and of the symbolist and postimpressionist temper. It is the opposite of Mountain Trigram,
the realm of the impressionist temper and empirical
In respect to the Process Philosophy of Alfred North
Whitehead, Heaven would be God and Wind would be Eternal
Objects, Earth would be actual occasions and Thunder would be
the Events that create them. Flame would be Contrasts and
Mountain would be Prehensions, Water Pit would be
Propositions and Lake would be Nexi. It is obvious then that,
Heaven is the Infinite of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and
Earth is the finite. Wind is the necessary and Thunder the
contingent. Flame is the free and Water Pit is the unfree.
Mountain is the simple and Lake is the complex. The simplest
explanation of the observed, then, is to extend the
complementary system of Quantum Mechanics from the
position and speed and wave and particle problems to the
duality between energy and information and relativity and
quantum mechanics, to the duality between the free and its
opposite, the necessary and the contingent, the subjective and
the objective, the simple idea and the complex synchronicity to
which it belongs. There is now no panpsychic problem, only a
complementary panpsychic effect, an extension of the wave
function and M Theory into a new realm of complements that is
a simple extension of those already given.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA Saturday Aug 25th 2012
In respect to eternity, what is happening is infinite flux making
the mathematically ideal improbable probable and its
emergence in the visible world as Heaven Trigram stimulates
Wind Trigram to become manifest in Earth Trigram and evolve
and expand in Thunder. But, just as important is the
intermediate astral race thought synchronicity, the
phenomenology of freewill and natural selection in Flame
generating analysis in Mountain and homeostatic order in
Water Pit and complex associations in Lake, of Karma in Flame
generating consciousness and mind in Lake and Dharma in
Water Pit linked to astrology and rebirth in Lake. This
intermediate realm in neither mortal nor immortal, but unites
aspects of both. Much of the experience of the soul is linked to
this intermediate realm through which it moves in its
attachments and detachments from bodies and physical forms.
So we have two contrary movements out of the infinite flux
that makes the improbable probable and generates the
expansion of the universe that drives the processes of evolution
as an aspect of entropy and natural selection as an aspect of
the competition between energy dissipative structure. Heaven
Trigram generates divinity as the interaction of the infinite and
the infinitesimal and the emergence of the Wind Trigram ideal
from its Heaven Trigram source. From Wind Trigram comes the
Earth Trigram product and its full expression in the evolutionary
developments that are Thunder Trigram.
But moving counter to this downward expression is the action
of energy as the Karma that moves the Dharma order of all
things and generates individual attachment to individual bodies
in the development of local mind and the complexes of
attachments and detachments that are the birth and rebirth of
the attached and detached soul in various chains of samsara, of
birth and rebirth. Flame Trigram is the competitive attachment
and detachment of the soul and Mountain Trigram is its
individual experience and thought. Water Pit Abysm is the
Dharma, the astrology, the fate that governs this attachment
and detachment and Lake is the complex web of this birth and
rebirth and the genealogy of the bodies and societies to which
the soul attaches and detaches in the complex relationships of
it birth and death.
Hinduism puts emphasis on the magical powers that are the
source of these actions and Buddhism on the ideal relationships
that give it meaning. Platonism, Buddhism, Jainism all
emphasized these interactions in Wind Trigram, Jainism with
emphasis on youngest son yang in the monad soul, Buddhism
on middle son yang in the gone gone utterly beyond
compassion that is the unutterable one, and Platonism in the
nous, the Santa Sophia, the rational and mathematical wisdom
that is the eldest daughter dharma axis of the whole.
Christianity has its mental roots in this Platonism, but its
physical expression in the utilitarianism of the Earth Trigram
and its resulting science. Both Earth and Thunder belong to the
material world, with Earth being more the socialist and Thunder
more the capitalist aspect of the manifest.
It contrast, Flame has always belonged to the primitive and the
shamanistic and Mountain to empirical philosophy. Water Pit
Abysm belongs to the fatalism of Vedic and Arabic astrology,
the polar opposite of the openness of Flame. Lake belongs to
Chinese synchronism between Confucian ancestor worship in
youngest daughter yin, Daoist energy of the Way of eldest son
yang, and Buddhist middle son yang.
This is the complex realm of mythology and synchronicity that
ties the Thunder Trigram of evolution of the complex source in
Heaven Trigram possibility from which it comes. The soul in life
belongs to the process philosophy of the prehensions and the
impressionism of Mountain Trigram and in death to the nexi
and the symbolism and post-impressionism on the
synchronicity and complexity of the dreamtime world, the
astral world, the race thought world, the ghost of the ancestors
in Lake Trigram.
Heaven and Wind Trigram function in the realm of the
immeasurably small immediate and the immeasurable large
boundless eternal, the realm of the gods, Earth and Thunder in
the realm of measurable time and space, the realm of evolving
creatures. Thunder, Mountain, Water Pit Abysm, and Lake
belong to the intermediate realm, neither finite nor infinite,
neither time nor timeless, but a bit of both. Thunder is the
Karma of that realm, the freedom, the adventure. Water Pit
Abysm is the corresponding reward and punishment,
purgatory, heaven, hell, the Dharma, the justice, the effect that
responds to the flaming cause. Mountain is the awakening of
the mind of the embodied to its freedom and Lake is its death
and absorption back into the ancestral dreamtime, the
common fate of men and animals, the ancestors, the gods
themselves, in the complex and deep interaction of all things
that ties evolution in the Thunder of the here and now back to
the timeless quiet of the endless flux from which it came, the
exploding silence of the galaxies of stars in Heaven Trigram.
Genealogy is one doorway to that hidden Lake, a fishing line
trawling deep into its hidden silence that pulls up ancient
forgotten treasures and calls them back to momentary ghostly
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, August 26th, Sunday, 2012
The basic atoms of existence are the jiva, the infinitesimal
monads of the now that invert integration into pleasure and
disintegration into pain, energy into passion and mathematics
into information, individuation into awareness and collective
absorption into dreams and sleep. From these
phenomenological atoms come linear developments that
generate simple phenomenological time and systems of
attachment and detachment, of birth and rebirth. From the
association of these points and lines of phenomenology emerge
complex time and space, the time and space of measurement
and science. But the root of the measurable is in the
immeasurable. Wakefulness and sleep, birth and death of
conscious occur on the breaking point between the infinite
source and the finite product, the necessary ideal and the
contingent expression, between the dreamtime world of the
possible and the observed world of the actual.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, August 27th 2012
Only in meditation and dreams does the soul plunge into its
complex roots. In normal life it is carried along by its astrologic
and genealogic attachments that root it to its body and its
visible world. There is no ability for it to find its deeper
attachments because the energy of its surface processes
focuses it on the objective world and the space time
relationships symbolized in the astrological relationships of that
world. Only detachment and meditation make possible any
changes in this imposed fate. The past and present connections
of the soul to its body and the genealogy of the bodies to which
it was previously attached link the soul to a complex social and
environmental structure from which it is extremely difficult to
gain liberation. This has been the message of spiritual
literature for two thousand years.
Flame is the trigram of liberation and Mountain is the trigram
of thought and experience. Water Pit Abysm is the trigram of
bondage and fate that frames experience and thought, and
Lake is the trigram of the astrological and genealogical
dreamtime that links the expression of that fate in Thunder to
its genesis in Heaven.
August 28th 2012, Allan Ralph Andrews
Hinduism puts focus on the primitive energy of the infinite that
generates the magical aspects of all things, Buddhism on the
ideal form that magic takes. New Thought, as in Religious
Science, on the impression of that ideal on the mind and the
possibility of liberation through the power of mind in Flame
Trigram. Water Pit Abysm Trigram is the law of mind in action
that generates the realistic expression of these processes in
Earth and Thunder Trigram. Lake is the deep complex of birth
and rebirth that acts though the interaction of Karma in Flame
and thought in Mountain to generate the world of our
experience in Water Pit Abysm Trigram.
So magical Hinduism in a romantic Heaven Trigram source is
opposed to a scientific result in Earth Trigram and ideal
Pythagorean Neoplatonism in a classical Wind Trigram source is
opposed to pragmatic evolutionary progressive
thermodynamics. Fatalistic astrological purgatory is the
Dharma of Water Pit Abysm that is opposed to the Shamanistic
freedom of Flame. The New Thought empiricism of Mountain
generates Whitehead process philosophy prehensions that
complement the Jungian synchronicity and dialectics of Lake
Trigram. In Lake is the pool of the genealogical and collective
unconscious. It is psychic, it is a web of birth and rebirth that
forms the deep psychic complexity of Lake Trigram, the postimpressionism and symbolism that complements the
impressionism of Mountain.
Here we find the Tetrahedron of the Pythogorean classism of
Wind Trigram and Air Element that enters through the
phenomenological infinitesimal, the monad of youngest son
yang into the Fire Element that is the pure freedom of Flame
Trigram and the Water Element that is the collective complexity
of Lake, expressing finally in the realism of Earth. Earth is the
tamas guna that is measurable and flame is the rajas guna that
is its dynamic source and wind and air are the sattva guna that
is the pure ideal. Tamas guna is realistic, Lake and Water are
psychic, Sattva and Wind and Air are mystic, Flame and Fire are
the dynamic energy in which they can become free. The ashes
of this Flame become Earth and the vapors return to the Wind,
all dissolve in the rain and fall to Earth through Lake. It is a
single comprehensive system.
My body dies in Earth and my soul endures as an infinitesimal
atom of Air and Wind. The Karma of their interaction, rising in
Flame Trigram, continues in complex associations to play itself
out in birth and rebirth in the dreamtime collective unconscious
world of Lake in that intermediate world of associations and
disassociations that is the Water Element and the astral realm.
Where it is integrative and immortal, it brings joy and love, and
where disintegrative and mortal, it brings suffering and hate.
That is why only the integrative point that ties Wind to Lake,
where the Water Element rises from its ties to race thought and
the psychic and enters into mystic peace, is worthy of our
purpose, of our focus, it is the Nirvana of Buddha Wisdom.
Allan Ralph Andrews, August 28th 2012, Bakersfield, CA
The resulting metaphysics conforms to German Idealism in the
sense that we have taken the Hegelian Dialectic and imposed it
upon the old Neoconfucian Dialectic of the I Ching, Yi Ching, so
that the thesis is the world of systems theory and mathematics
of Eldest Daughter Yin, the “Li,” the natural pattern of
Confucianism and given it an antithesis in Eldest Son Yang that
is the infinite energy flux that makes the improbable probable.
This generates two competing dialectics, one of the subjective
infinite, Heaven Trigram, and one of the objective finite, Earth
Trigram. The way of Heaven is the Dao as the flux that is Shiva
in Eldest Son Yang extends into the boundless everything of the
Dao in middle son Yang to generate the infinitesimal being from
within atoms of subjectivity that are the monad jivas here and
now moments that generate pleasure from integration in
middle son yang and pain from disinitegration in middle
daughter yin, generate passion from energy in eldest son yang
and information from laws of pattern in eldest daughter yang,
finally generating phenomenological time and space in
youngest son yang and public time and space relativity in
youngest daughter yin.
The finite world of scientifically measurable objects is a shadow
dialectic where eldest daughter yin becomes mathematical
systems and middle daughter becomes atomic particles and
waves in quantum mechanics and youngest daughter becomes
public space time relativity in an expanding universe driven by
thermodynamics in eldest son yang.
The result is the full spread of tempers of the metaphysics of
the critique of pure reason of Kant, romantic in Heaven Trigram
infinity and realistic in Earth Trigram finiteness, classical ideals
in the necessary idealism of Wind Trigram and contingent in the
expressionism of Thunder Trigram. Flame Trigram is cubist and
free and Water Pit Abysm is baroque and mechanistic.
Mountain is impressionistic and simple and Lake is postimpressionistic, symbolistic, synchronistic, Jungian, and
Here is the God of Alfred North Whitehead as Heaven Trigram
and Eternal Objects as Wind, Actual Occasions as Earth, Events
as Thunder. Contrasts are Flame, Prehensions are Mountain,
Propositions are Water Pit and Nexi are Lake. This is a giant
idealized version of a Darwinian naturalism, in which Heaven is
mutation, Flame is competitive natural selection, Thunder is the
emergence of maladaptive expressions in the working out of
evolution as energy and the expansion of the universe into
nothingness. Lake is the population genetics and syngamy of
the evolving sexual system that recombines the result in
various complex recombinations only to be worked on by
further mutation in Heaven Trigram.
Mountain is isolation, speciation, and the analysis of input of
information into the resulting systems of organisms. Wind is
the adaptive peak and the genetic ideal as the set point of the
resulting system. Water Pit Abysm is the feedback system that
maintains the homeostasis of the result. Earth is the resulting
phenotype, monitored by input through Mountain to compare
results with the adaptive ideal in Wind.
The main difference between this notion and ordinary
naturalism is the monad of subjectivity is the infinitesimal
simple atom from which all things are made. Thus, it is at core
a monadology. What appears to be probability and contingent
in the objective world is actually rooted to actions of the jiva
monad, each of which is rooted within, is an imaginary number
in the algebra of the Pythagorean idealism in which the system
is rooted. This generates a counter movement from the
Heaven Trigram Infinite Flux, Wind Trigram mathematical and
systems ideals, Earth Trigram expression, Thunder Trigram
evolutionary emergence. Counter to this movement is the only
partly visible evolution of the jiva monad working out its Karma
in Flame and its experience in Mountain, subjected to its own
Dharma as destiny in Water Pit, as result of hidden astral
complexes tying its immortal simple time to the mortal public
time of the birth and death and genealogy of synchronicity and
astrology in the complex relationships of Lake Trigram.
Astrology and psychic phenomena cannot be objective, cannot
belong to science, because their hidden part is rooted in
Dreamtime Heaven Trigram and can never be fully exposed in
Earth and Thunder. They will always belong to the realm of
private faith.
The result is a series of separate ethical systems. Public
utilitarian ethics for Earth Trigram and market hedonism for
Thunder. For reasons discussed above, Lake Trigram belongs to
Divine Command, and ideological, Ethics. For the same
reasons, Heaven Trigram is intuitionist ethics. Our standard
ethical systems, Virtue Ethics and Duty Ethics, rule Wind
Trigram idealism and Water Pit Abysm Trigram rationalism (of
the type found in the Critique of Practical Reason of Kant). This
leaves Mountain Trigram and Flame Trigram, ruled by rational
ethical egoism in Mountain, and the freer and less constrained
psychological egoism, free from any externally imposed order
at all, as the competitive force that regulates Flame Trigram
and Fire Element.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield California, Aug 29th 2012
So we find rational ethical systems belong to eldest daughter
yin and irrational ones to eldest son yang. Care ethics belongs
to middle son yang and hedonism to middle daughter yin.
Private and personal systems belong to the phenomenology of
youngest son yang, here is existentialism. Public systems
belong to youngest daughter yin, here is the pragmatism of
John Dewey for example.
Science tends to be ruled by utilitarianism and business by
market hedonism. Art tends to psychological egotism and
individualism to rational ethical egoism. Metaphysics
encourages Virtue Ethics and Government encourages Duty
Ethics. Divine Command Ethics is encourage by ideology and
Rational Egoism by its philosophic opposite. Magical thinking
and romanticism belong to Intuitionism as an opposite to
Utilitarianism. Thus, you should not be surprised to find
teachers using a care ethics, business men involved with some
kind of rational ethical egoism or hedonism, judges favoring the
notion of duty, classical philosophy supporting virtue, and
preachers and ideology favoring various forms of divine
command. Our system supports a virtue ethics in which every
form of ethics is acceptable except when done to such an
extreme as to unbalance the larger whole.
The Earth and Thunder Trigrams are only result and expression,
the source and the set point of the source lie in Heaven and
Wind Trigrams. Science and evolution track the expression of
what begins in Heaven and Wind. All patterns emerge from the
logic and systems theory and mathematical potential that is the
Nous of Platonism and Wisdom of Jewish Thought, the Logos of
Christian Thought and the Law that is Eldest Daughter Yin, the
“Li” of Neoconfucian philosophy and Chu H si, and the Law of
Mind of Ernest Holmes and New Thought. These patterns
emerge from Eldest Daughter Yin nothingness, the zero point in
the coordinates of all being, from the expansion of energy to
the log e in Eldest Son Yang. It is the stimulation of this
potential generated by the Lord Shiva energy flux that is the
primitive source of everything. The expansion of this energy
flux into the boundless time and space everything in Middle
Son Yang is the beginning of the larger structure of space time
evolution and the origin of the universe of universes. But, the
beginning of the fine structure of existence, the beginning of all
passion, pleasure, pain, awareness, dreams, the
phenomenological fine structure of the subjective world, that
arises from the atoms of subjectivity, the monad souls, the jiva,
the infinitesimal now that is the existential inexistent non-being
from which all being and becoming are generated. The monad
soul is the primary unit in the generation of the deep essence
of all things. Thus, it is to Heaven Trigram and Eldest Son
energy flux, Middle Son boundless integration, and Youngest
Son creative phenomenological infinitesimal atoms of freely
generative becoming that we must look to for the true
beginning, the true origin of what is manifest in the objective
Eldest Daughter Yin provides the rules of that emergence,
Middle Daughter Yin provides the quantum vehicles, and
Youngest Daughter Yin provides the space time relationships, in
which the structures and systems generated in Heaven Trigram
emerge as natural phenomena in Earth Trigram and
evolutionary developments in Thunder. But the deep unseen
roots are in Heaven and Wind. What is seen in Earth and
Thunder are shadows only.
What Plato calls the Sun of the Good, the “God” of Alfred North
Whiteheads Process Philosophy, is Heaven Trigram. The
patterns, models, ideals it shines its light upon are the basis of
Wind Trigram, or Air Element. The objects it generates are
Earth Trigram and Earth Element. The progressive shadows, the
events, the evolutionary consequences of the products
generate in Earth are Thunder Trigram.
When the viewer is unchained within his cave, that is Flame
Trigram (Fire Element) and what he is able to see, when he is
unchained, lies within his Mountain Trigram, the system he is
chained in is his Water Pit Abysm, his cave. The complex
system of birth and rebirth that allows him to change his spot
and work upward toward the light, or be carried back down to
his place of imprisonment. These larger complexes belong to
Lake Trigram (and Water Element).
Only Earth Element is objective and realistic, the other
elements are subjective and romantic. Water Element (Lake
Trigram) is the psychic aspect of the romantic and the
subjective. Air Element (Wind Trigram) is the mystic. Fire
Element (Flame Trigram) is the experimental, the adventurous,
the dynamic, the revolutionary. Objectivity in Earth and
Subjectivity in Heaven are conservative in the psychic
conservatism of Lake and Water and in the mystic conservatism
of Wind and Air. Only Flame is existential and free, is true
liberalism in the deeper sense. Water is limited by the Divine
Command ethic that drives it and Air by the Virtue ethic that
focuses its efforts on its mystical notions of the good. Earth is
captured by its objective realism and utilitarian ethics. Only
Flame and Fire Element open up and liberate us from our place
of bondage within our temper, our conceptual and ethical
systems structure.
This choice does not exist within the visible world. The soul
atoms are too small, too infinitesimal to be found within any
externally objective, externally visible system. This is our peril.
We are bound and chained in realistic systems that claim we
are not free, when our unseen immortal freedom is the unseen
deep Buddha root of everything we are in our real unseen
essence. No science can ever free us. No scientific test will
ever be refined enough to reveal the hidden soul and show is
primal freedom. It is impossible to prove the infinite and the
infinitesimal within the finite shadow that it casts upon the
walls of our bondage in the limited objective realm that is our
cage of suffering, the hell of our finite attachment, the sadness
we generate when we demand proof for what can never be
revealed. The true Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Confucius, is
hidden deep in the Inner Chamber of the Heart in the Endless
Christmas Easter of the Heaven Trigram deep within. There
Aslan the Lion reigns in a heavenly kingdom that will never end.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, California, Aug 29th 2012
The spiritual truths of existence are remarkably simple. Energy
in eldest son yang encourages pattern in eldest daughter yin.
That pattern brings integration and harmony in middle son
yang or disintegration and suffering in middle daughter yin
when used as the basic focus and ideal of existence. When
youngest son yang chooses integration as its focus, it brings
harmony and joy to all its associations in youngest daughter yin
space and time. In Buddhism, a younger son yang that chooses
this path is called a Buddha, its middle son yang integration is
called Nirvana, the eldest daughter yin pattern it encourages is
called Dharma and the youngest daughter yin space and times
community that supports it is called the Sanga. Focus on
energy that subverts this harmony is called Karma and
disintegrative patterns that subverts this harmony is called
Maya. Buddha, Nirvana, and Dharma rule the Wind Trigram
and Nirvana, Dharma, and Sanga rule the Water Pit Abysm that
supports Wind. Maya and Karma and the space time of Loci
that do not support this pattern rule Thunder and Flame.
In Jainism, the harmony and purity of the Jiva in the Wind Ideal
is called Sattva Guna and is opposed to disharmony in Earth
Trigram shadow resulting from Rajas activity in Thunder
Trigram as opposed to enlightenment in Heaven Trigram. This
harmony is supported by a Dharma in Eldest daughter
supportive of the pure integration of Middle Son Yang.
Hinduism and Christianity follow the road of Platonism that
seek the One that is the God of Harmony and love in the
orderly wisdom of reason and justice and the law of God, the
Holy Spirit, Santa Sophia, expressed in the phenomenology of
the Christ Logos as the word of wisdom, the creative expression
of the Kingdom of Heaven, of the Eternal Christmas of the
Heart. In Hinduism, this is often Buddha, Krishna, as the avatar
of the one Brahman Vishnu whole in middle son yang. In Islam,
it is the submission of the monad of thought to the law and
order of the One, of the Psyche to the Nous to the Hen One
integration of all things in the Sufi One Allah.
The idea is simple, the jiva soul chooses love or hate, Maya or
Brahman, attachment in Maya or detachment in Nirvana. If it
chooses love it becomes a Buddha, a Christ, an avatar of the
Vishnu Brahman One, it enters into the spirit of the Prophet of
Allah and Allah’s holy Dharma Wisdom.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, August 29th 2012,
The Earth Trigram is a product and a fruit. Seeking integration
in Earth Trigram is a false path. It is the path of the graven
image as idol or divisive holy book. There is no physical word
that can match the Wind Ideal. Nothing in the world of
objective form, nothing in the finite can do anything but limit
the infinite, no shadow can become its source. Letters in ink
and stone corrupt and become false and untrue. Only the
fleshy tablets of the heart can receive the messages of love.
Only the sattva guna is pure, all things tamas are necessarily a
source of suffering and pain, particularly when used as final
goals or sources of inspiration.
Allan Ralph Andrews, August 29th 2012, Bakersfield, CA.