
The Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS) at Fort Pick-a-Place have recently approved
the purchase of Character Counts education (specifically Character Development Seminar)
for all Youth Services (YS) staff (100 employees). The staff at Fort Pick-a-Place YS have
never been trained in Character Education. Due the more direct focus on the Character
pillars of Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship, this
training will ensure that staff has adequate education and training to create daily lesson
plans focusing on the pillars. In order to accomplish this, Fort Pick-a-Place seeks to be
trained by a Character Development Specialist. Fort Pick-a-Place Youth Services plans to
kick-off the program on 17 November 2013 the first day of National Bully Prevention Week.
The Josephson Institute will send a Character Development Specialist to Fort Pick-a-Place
and offer an intense week-long training (26.25 hours) to all YS staff customized specifically
for US Military youth. The Josephson Institute will send a copy of the customization six
weeks before the training for approval. Specific deliverables and milestones will be listed in
the Work Requirements and Schedules and Milestones section of this SOW.
The period of training for the YS staff at Fort Pick-a-Place will be the week of 30
September -04 October 2013. Completed and approved training plans will be available to
Fort Pick-a-Place no later than 18 September 2013. Vendor will train Youth Services staff 30
Sep - 04 Oct 2013.
Any modifications or extensions will be requested through Fort Pick-a-Place and vendor
contracting officers for review and discussion.
The Josephson Institute will send a trained Character Development Specialist to Fort Pick-aPlace the week of 30 September -04 October 2013. Any modifications or extensions will be
requested through Fort Pick-a-Place and vendor contracting officers for review and
As part of the reenergized Anti-Bully Campaign/Character Counts Program for Fort Pick-aPlace Youth Services, CYSS will employ Josephson Institute to design specific training with
military emphasis for employees of School Age Services and Middle School/Teen.
Design Phase:
12 August 2013 - Vendor send detailed lesson plans to Fort Pick-a-Place Youth Services
26 August 2013 - Fort Pick-a-Place return plans to vendor with suggested changes, if
02 August 2013 - Vendor send revised plans to Fort Pick-a-Place, if needed
09 August 2013 - Fort Pick-a-Place approve final plans
18 August 2013 - Vendor send final plans to Fort Pick-a-Place
Training Phase
Vendor will send on-site Character Development Specialist to Fort Pick-a-Place week of 30
September -04 October 2013 and train Youth Services staff (100 employees) from 09001500 every day, lunch for 45 min.
Develop Statement of Work and Specifications
17 June 2013
Complete Acquisition Plan
15 July 2013
Certify availability of funds
17 July 2013
Complete Josephine Institute Training
30 September -04 October 2013
For the Josephson Institute training the acceptance of all deliverables will reside with the
Youth Services (YS) Administrator. The YS Administrator will maintain a small team of
advisors (four Program Managers) to ensure the completeness of each stage of the project
and that the scope of the work has been met. Once the project phase is completed and
the vendor will provide their detailed lesson plans for review and approval, the YS
Administrator will either sign off on the approval or advise what tasks must still be
accomplished. Once all project tasks have been completed, the project will enter the
closure stage.
Any discrepancies involving completion of project tasks or disagreement between SCG and
the chosen vendor will be referred to both organizations’ contracting offices for review and
The vendor will provide their own computer hardware, software and MiFi connection to be
able to access the Internet.