Quarter 1 Integers and Equations Group Project Outline Project Procedures Step 1: Select a topic – Students must select, as a group, one of the two prompts from the provided project choice board. Each of these prompts require the students to create a finished product in the way of construction of an item. Prompts provided will have a connection to either Integers or Equations, which were our first two units of the school year. Be sure to pick a topic from the provided list that is interesting to you and your group. A boring topic will make for a boring project! Step 2: Complete the project outline form as a group – After students select the prompt from the list provided, they will write out their prompt, discuss goals for the project, and commit to the individual project requirements and descriptions. Step 3: Prompt creation – Students will create their group project based on the prompt that they have chosen. Each prompt asks you to be very specific in your creation, so make sure you cover each and every question throughout both your creation and presentation phases. Step 4: Create a presentation about your selected prompt. Be prepared to present in front of your classmates. Each student must have a part in the presentation as well as during the projects creation. Final Project Components 1. Completed Group Project Outline Proposal – 10 Points 2. Creation of Prompt – 20 Points 3. Oral Presentation – 10 Points Total Points Possible: 40 Points Names: 1_____________________________ 2____________________________ 3_____________________________ 4____________________________ Integers and Equations Project Commitment and Project Proposal Form ______ I have read the project description and requirements and understand what is expected for completion of this Group Project. I understand that in order to be able to complete this project, I am responsible for completing and participating in each section. The prompt that we selected is: 1. _____ After reviewing this project, one group goal for this project is to: ______________________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________________ Student Signature _____________________ Date _____________________ Date _____________________ Date _____________________ Date Integers and Equations Group Presentation and Creation Guidelines A presentation: Students presentations will be judged on the following criteria: 1. Students presentations are rehearsed, prepared presentations, not read reports. 2. Students speak loudly and clearly. 3. The information is presented in such a way that prior knowledge is not necessary to understand the content of the presentation. 4. Each student must have an obvious role in all sections of the project. This not only includes the presentation and creation, but also the research that went into the final products. Inability to contribute in all phases will result in a 1 letter grade deduction for that individual student. A creation: This will be taken from the two prompts that you select. If a prompt asks you to create a poster, then that is what you do. You need to create, or significantly enhance something. Do not copy somebody else’s work or simply put together pre-existing notes and examples. Make this be your own! The connection between your creation and presentation must be obvious. Students must fully explain their creations and their purposes in their presentations. Integers and Equations Group Project Timeline Wednesday, September 30th – Beginning of Integers and Equations Group Project Thursday, October 1st – Have topic selected and all parts to the Integers and Equations Group Project Outline completed. Monday, October 5th – Have a rough draft of your creation completed. Wednesday, October 7th – Have creation completed. Thursday, October 8th and Friday, October 9th – Class presentations. List of Each Students’ Roles In the table below, answer what you are personally responsible for in each aspect of your groups project. Also state how your contributions helped your groups project progress. Roles for the Project Creation Students Name Responsibility How That Contributed Responsibility How That Contributed Roles for the Project Presentation Students Name Integers and Equations Rubric Names:____________________________________________________ CATEGORY Project Outline Creation – Preparation and Use of Time Creation Completion Presentation Point Value 10 – All parts of the project outline were completed as required with a group project goal that enhanced previously learned concepts. 10 – Students carefully prepared their projects and used their time both wisely and responsibly. 10 – Students created a project that followed all guidelines listed within the Project Outline. 10 – Students presented their projects following all guidelines listed within the Project Outline. E.g. not reading directly from notes. Total Points: ____________/40 Additional Comments: Point Value 9 – Most of the project outline was completed as required. Group had no more than one incomplete section and/or a goal that failed to enhance previously learned concepts. 9 – Students were able to complete their projects but failed to use their time wisely or responsibly. Point Value 8 – The project outline was incomplete. Multiple sections were not completed according to project requirements. 9 – Students project was completed but missing integral parts; e.g. not creating enough playing cards. Cards not being relevant to the unit being covered. 9 – Students presented their projects but failed to explain all aspects/follow all listed guidelines. 8 – Students failed to meet one or more guidelines as listed within the Project Outline. 8 – Students presented an incomplete project and struggled to stay on task. 8 – Students presented their project but failed to follow multiple listed guidelines from the Project Outline. Other/Comments __/10 __/10 __/10 __/10