AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF LABOUR HISTORY MELBOURNE BRANCH For more than fifty years the Melbourne Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History has published its newsletter Recorder, held meetings with guest speakers and organised events to commemorate important anniversaries. We have published special issues of Recorder and played a part in restoring the public profile of Labour Day in Victoria. We have restored historic memorials and given assistance to the Labour Historical Graves Committee. Our members continue to write labour history, assist researchers, trade unions and other interested people. We have organised three of the biennial National Labour History conferences, the most recent in February 2015. If you wish to support our work please renew your annual membership of the Branch. It only costs $15 per year (please note the increased fee) for which you will receive three issues of Recorder. AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF LABOUR HISTORY, MELBOURNE BRANCH RENEWAL (Due in November each year) NEW MEMBER …..................................................................................................................................... [Name - in block letters please] ........................................................................................................................................ [Address for posting of the newsletter Recorder] email:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Payment Options: Send $15 by cash or cheque (payable to ASSLH), to the Melbourne Branch Treasurer, Phillip Deery, 85 Little Page Street, Albert Park, VIC, 3206. Electronic bank transfer: Payee BSB: 063-001; Payee Account No. 00800409; Payee Account Title: ASSLH Victorian Branch; Lodgement Reference: [your name] Credit card or PayPal, go to