20th COAL CONGRESS OF TURKEY GUIDELINE FOR PREPARATION OF PAPERS The manuscript should be prepared according to rules given in this guideline. The rules are important to provide uniformity throughout the proceedings. A template file named “20_coal_paper_template.docx” prepared according to rules is attached for the author’s use. Some parts in this template (title, author(s) etc.) are defined with “click and type” macro so that they can be typed directly by clicking on them. When the number of headings is not sufficient further headings can be added by copy and paste method. Since camera-ready manuscripts will be reduced to 75% of original size the main text must be typed in Times New Roman, 14 point. 1. Typing Area The typing area is 170 mm in width and 257 mm in height on an A4 size paper. Single column format must be used throughout the manuscript. The maximum length of the manuscript is limited to 12 pages. 2. Title and Author(s) Name Title (max. 75 characters) should be typed with 18 point in the given field. Author(s) name(s) must be typed with 16 point. Affiliations must be typed in italic with 12 point. Corresponding author’s e-mail address(es) should be placed as a footnote as in the Paper_Template.doc. 3. Abstract ABSTRACT (14 point) should not be more than 150 words. If a second paragraph is used a single line space (by pressing enter) must be placed between the paragraphs. Two lines should be left at the end of abstract and main text should be typed. 4. Headings All headings must be typed in 14 points and they should be numbered consecutively. Headings should be typed in the form of: Main headings : 1 FULL CAPITAL, 14 POINT, BOLD Primary Sub-heading : 1.1 First Letters Capital, 14 Point, Bold Secondary sub-headings : 1.1.1 Only the first letter capital, 14 point, italic- bold Tertiary sub-heading : Only first letter capital, 14 point, italic 5. Paragraphs The paragraphs should be justified and the words should not be hyphenated. There should be one line space (by pressing enter) between each paragraph. No indentation should be used. Line spacing must be selected “1.0 (single spacing)”. 6. Tables, Figures and Equations Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and they must be cited in the text. The caption of a table should be written above the table with 14 point. A single line space should be left after the caption. No vertical lines must be used in the tables. Horizontal lines must be used as minimum as possible. Footnotes to tables and figures should be avoided. Instead use descriptions (marked with a symbol with a smaller size (e.g. 10 point)) just below the table or figure. Table 1. Total number of fatal cases in mining and quarrying in top-10 coal producers within the EU-27 region between 1999 and 2008 (data source: ILO, 2010). Country Bulgaria Czech Republic Estonia Germany Hungary Poland Romania UK Turkey 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 4 15 7 11 8 7 8 7 12 7 8 na* 14 11 15 19 6 3 6 5 3 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 4 32 25 18 18 17 13 6 7 6 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 na* 33 41 31 44 41 19 24 29 26 30 59 62 53 55 30 31 26 28 11 25 4 9 9 3 7 2 5 9 na* na* 328 93 96 69 82 68 121 80 na* na* * not available The caption of a figure must be written under the figure. A single line space should be given between the figure and the caption. 1400 Total Coal Production (million tonnes) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Years Figure 1. Variation in the total coal production in the EU region during 1980 and 2008 (data source: EIA, 2010). Equations must start from the left and typed using an equation editor. They must be numbered consecutively and referred in the text. Variables used in equations must be described just below them, with their units. 7. Abbreviation, Reference, Unit and Footnote Use Throughout the Text If you discuss table(s) and figure(s) in the text, use the form Table 1, Figure 1, Figures 2-4, 8a, b etc. (not abbreviated) If they are given in parenthesis, use the form (Tab.1), (Fig. 1) (Figs. 2-4), (Figs, 8a,b) (abbreviated) SI units should be preferred. No footnotes are allowed in the text. 8. References References in the text should be given as Author (Year), or Author and Author (Year). References cited in the text must be listed at the end in alphabetical order with 12 point in size. Heading (References) must not be numbered. References must be written in justified format and a 5mm-indentation should be used at the preceding lines. Examples of references are: Surname, Initial(s)., (ed.), Year. Book title, Publisher, City, Page (e.g. 271 p.). Surname, Initial(s)., Year. Title of the article, Journal, Volume (Issue): Pages (e.g. 46-52). Surname, Initial(s)., Year. Title of the article, Title of Proceedings of Congress, Symposium etc., City (Country), Volume (if practicable): Pages (e.g. 46-52). Surname, Initial(s)., Year. Title, URL address (e.g. http://www.beun.edu.tr/gercek/kayamek.pdf) (access date, e.g. November 2011)). Abbreviation of Institution (e.g. USEPA), Year. Title of the study, Full Name of the Institution (e.g. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), URL address (www.epa.gov/methane.pdf) (access date, e.g. December 2011). 9. Submission The paper must be submitted to the Congress Secretariat via e-mail before the deadline for submission ( komur2016@gmail.com ).