e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model Version 0.2 Date:30/6/2013 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model Document Description Document Title Data Reference Model Document version Document Status Author NEA Decision 0.2 Draft NEA Team Under Review Versioning Version 0.1 Date 7/1/2013 0.2 6/15/2014 Description of changes made Draft document Changes made after internal review Document Validation Version 0.1 0.2 Authors Review by MUHAMMED YASEEN SYED HUSAIN Date Status DRAFT DRAFT Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 2 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model References S/No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description & Location KOREAN DRM DOCUMENTATION FEDERAL ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK (FEAF) YESSER INTER-OPERABILITY FRAMEWORK (YEFI) Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 3 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5 Value of DRM ....................................................................................................................... 6 Goals of DRM ........................................................................................................................ 7 Data Reference Model ........................................................................................................... 8 4.1. DRM Framework ............................................................................................................ 9 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.2. 4.3. National Data Model ..................................................................................................... 12 Data Classification Block ................................................................................................ 14 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. 4.3.4. 4.3.5. 4.4. Concept of Data Classification ................................................................................................................... 14 Role of Data Classification ......................................................................................................................... 14 Characteristics of DRM’s Data Classification System .................................................................................... 14 Data Classification System......................................................................................................................... 15 Relationship with BRM .............................................................................................................................. 17 Data Structure Block ..................................................................................................... 17 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 4.4.3. 4.4.4. 4.4.5. 4.4.6. 4.4.7. 4.4.8. 4.5. Basic Concepts ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Data Elements ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Entity ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Property .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Relationship ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Terms Dictionary ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Ownership ............................................................................................................................................... 21 Reference Authority .................................................................................................................................. 21 Data Exchange.............................................................................................................. 21 4.5.1. 4.5.2. 4.6. Concept of Data Exchange......................................................................................................................... 21 Message Structure for Data Exchange ........................................................................................................ 22 Data Management ........................................................................................................ 24 4.6.1. 4.6.2. 4.6.3. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.10. DRM’s Part in Establishing Data Architectures ............................................................................................. 10 DRM Building Blocks ................................................................................................................................. 10 Summary of Data Management ................................................................................................................. 24 Principles of Data Management ................................................................................................................. 24 Data Governance ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Establishing Data Architecture at Agency ......................................................................... 26 Building Agency DRM .................................................................................................... 26 Application and Effect of DRM in Data Architectures ........................................................ 27 Maintaining DRM.......................................................................................................... 28 Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 4 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model 1. Introduction The Data Reference Model (DRM) is a flexible, standards-based framework designed to enable sharing and re-use of information across the Saudi Government. This is accomplished by standardizing the description and discovery of common data components and the promotion of uniform data management practices. Put simplem, the DRM provides a standard means by which data may be described, categorized and shared. The scope of the DRM is broad, as it may be applied within a single agency, within a Community of Interest (COI) or across-COI. Figure 1 describes the DRM’s three standardization areas: Figure 1 DRM Structure Data Description: provides a means to uniformly describe data, thereby supporting its discovery and sharing. Data Context: facilitates discovery of data through the use of taxonomies, which help categorize data. Additionally, it enables the definition of authoritative data assets within a Community of Interest (COI). Data Sharing: supports the access and exchange of data where access consists of ad-hoc requests (such as a query of a data asset) and exchange consists of fixed, recurring transactions between parties. It is enabled by capabilities provided by both the Data Context and Data Description standardization areas. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 5 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model 2. Value of DRM As a reference model, the DRM is presented as an abstract framework from which concrete implementations may be derived. The DRM’s abstract nature will enable agencies to use multiple implementation approaches, methodologies and technologies while remaining consistent with the principles of the DRM. For example, the DRM abstract model can be implemented using different combinations of technical standards. As one example, the Exchange Package concept in the Data Sharing standardization area may be represented via different messaging standards (e.g. eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schema 2 , Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction set) in a concrete system architecture for purposes of information sharing. The benefits of the DRM are enumerated below: 1. Provided a means to consistently describe data architectures: The DRM’s approach to Data Description, Data Context, and Data Sharing enables data architecture initiatives to uniformly describe their data artifacts, resulting in increased opportunities for cross-agency and cross-COI data sharing. 2. Bridges data architectures: The DRM can be used to facilitate communications between enterprise and data architects about data and data architecture in their efforts to support the business/mission needs of the COIs that they support. 3. Facilitates compliance with requirements for good data architecture: The DRM’s standardization areas provide a foundation for agency data architecture initiatives to put forth requirements that can result in increased compatibility between agency data architectures. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 6 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model 3. Goals of DRM The DRM can accelerate action around new opportunities afforded by standardized approaches for accomplishing goals such as the following: Facilitating data standardization. Enabling increased visibility and availability of data and data artifacts. Fostering increased information sharing . Facilitating harmonization within and across COIs to form common data entities that support shared missions. Increasing the relevance and re-use of data and data artifacts via uniform categorization techniques. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 7 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model 4. Data Reference Model Data Reference Model (DRM) is designed to help build the data architecture of an organization and provides a method to standardize data elements. It can be used as a reference or reused to develop an organization’s data architecture, data models, data classification; and establishing data management system. Through the data reference model, an agency can set up data architecture constructed with standardized data elements. Sta nda rdiz a tion Ref ere nce DRM General Reu se Business Application Technology Data Conceptual Datamodel Logical Datamodel Physical Datamodel Database Figure 2 EA, DA and DRM The scope of the DRM is government wide, but it is designed to help individual agency’s design and implement standardized data architecture. An agency can extend the DRM to develop its own agency’s DRM, which can be used by other entities within the agency to define its data architecture. Standardized data elements having common purpose (data model, entity, property, etc) can be registered in DRM in order for other agencies to refer to, and reuse them. This is where the data management aspect of DRM comes into play. With this system, we can find opportunities to share and reuse the standardized data model and can make effective investment on information technology, as shown in the picture below. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 8 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model Agency <Search, Share, Reuse> Download Results Search DRM DRM National Data Model Data Classification Data Structure Data Exchange Data Managment DRM Repository Figure 3 DRM Conceptual Model The above diagram details, how an agency participates in whole of government DRM. The core data reference model is a complete deliverable, and isn’t liable to be changed frequently. 4.1. DRM Framework The DRM framework is defined as the components that encompass data standardization, reference( to standardized data and data model) and reuse, each components function and its associated relationships. These components come together to address needs of Data Sharing, Data Context and Data Description as envisioned in section 1.0 . Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 9 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model 4.1.1. DRM’s Part in Establishing Data Architectures One of the main goals of DRM is establishment of standardized Data Architectures and Data Architecture Management. The following diagram shows the core competencies within the Data Architecture domain and the relevant disciplines, tools and artifacts. Da t De a Ide fi n i n ti f ti o n i c a ti o na Identify Government Wide Data – Arial view nd Sta Ca ndard te g oriz ized D a ti o a ta n Search En q Str uiry o uc t ure f Data and Ca te g Enquiry Classification and Search of Gov Wide Data ory Government Data Structure Repository Exc of S hang ta n e o f dar Str di z uc t ed u Da res ta Reuse Exchange of Government Data Ma and nagem DR ent M of Da ta Manage Data Management Guidelines Figure 4 Data Architecture - Competencies and Tooling Reuse Authorized Reference 4.1.2. DRM Building Blocks National Data Model Data Classifcation Data Management Data Structure Standardization Data Exchange Figure 5 DRM Blocks and Objectives The DRM consist of five building blocks, and many of the elements here are related to the concepts detailed in YEFI1. The various components of the DRM are : National Data Model: Created by identifying the relationship between different data domains utilized in the government. By referring to the National Data Model, each organization can identify which data are established and operational at the national level. 1 http://www.yesser.gov.sa/en/BuildingBlocks/Pages/interoperability_framework.aspx Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 10 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model Data Classification: It defines the classification standard for data for whole of government. The Data Model’ is categorized according to the ‘Data Classification’. Data elements part of ‘Data Structure’ block can be mapped in the ‘Data Classification’ System. By utilizing Data Classification System, easier data management and search is possible. Data Structure: Provides items for standardization and guides for developing data elements to be utilized in whole of government. As register of main standard data elements, it ultimately facilitates sharing and reuse. Data Exchange: Provides an exchange message structure to exchange data elements and, if necessary, manage an exchange record. Through the data exchange package defined in a data exchange block, we can refer to and reuse data elements Data Management: it provides both data management principles for maintaining Data Quality, Standardization, Security, etc, and a guide for coordination, procedure, etc. The DRM blocks are related to one another in terms of functional aspects as well as dependencies in capturing relevant information. Figure 6 shows the functional relationship between the different blocks of DRM. Like a bird’s eye view of the building, ‘National Data Model’ can make it possible to see the outline of the whole of government data. ‘Data Classification’ enumerates the data classification system used in ‘National Data Model’. The ‘Data Structure’ contains the re-usable reuse data entities at a whole of governmental level. The ‘Data Exchange’ component is to define the rules used exchange data. At last, ‘Data Management’ provides a guideline for managing data. Figure 6 Functional Relationship between DRM Blocks ( Adapted from Korea DRM) Inter dependencies between blocks National Data Model <> Data Classification: National Data Model is grouped and schematized on the basis of ‘Data Classification’ system. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 11 / 28 e-Government Program (Yesser) Data Reference Model Data Classification <> Data Structure: data elements standardized and shared in ‘Data Structure’ are classified by ‘Data Classification’ Data Structure <> Data Exchange: data elements defined according to data elements in ‘Data Structure’ and a guide provided in ‘Data Structure’ are shared by ‘Data Exchange’. Data Management <> other blocks: ‘Data Management’ can be a guide for managing data defined and utilized in DRM or Data Architecture. Figure 7 Dependencies Between the DRM Blocks ( Adapted from Korean DRM ) 4.2. National Data Model National Data Model and its functionalities has been covered in section 4.1. National Data Model is grouped into Data Subject Area and Information Class according to the data characteristics. Data Subject Area: A grouping of similar characteristic in terms of data, it corresponds to a big class of DRM ‘Data Classification’ system. Information Class: As a subordinate concept of Data Subject Area, the main differentiator is that it classifies data at a much finer level of granularity.. Role of National Data Model It provides easier reuse & method of sharing data by schematizing and showing whole of government data type. Figure 8, describes the national data model. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 12 / 28 Environment Location Physical Location Physical Area Logical Location Pollution Individual Air pollution General Public Water pollution Geological pollution Traffic Information Overland Information Sea Information Geological Information Road Traffic Information Air Traffic Information Marine Traffic Information Disabled Teacher General Population Soldier / Police Overseas Saudi Resident Umrah & Haj Visitor Budget Organization Private Public Official General Official Weather Weather Information Relationship between Individuals Public Educational Institute Agency Medical Institute Ministry Affiliated Organization Tangible Assets Legislative Agency Pubic Enterprise Intangible Assets Business Operator Non - profit Relationship between Individuals & organizations Accounting Municipality Corporation Relationship between organizations System Licensing Policy Ordinance License Qualification Administration Policy Approval Legislature Policy Permission Judiciary Policy Test/ Certification Policy of the board Audit & Inspection General Document Public Document Classified Document Electronic Document Patent Patent Utility Model Library Statistics Natural Resources Historic Document Scholarly Document International Statistics National Statistics Underground Resources Marine Resources Trademark & Design History IT Maritime & Fisheries Culture Vehicle Vessel Human Resources Labor Resources Technical Resources Realestate Science & Technology Construction Patent Patent Building Bridge Power Plant Habor Land Railway Industrial Facility Dam Figure 8 National Data Model ( Adapted from Korean DRM ) Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 13 / 28 Movable Asset Machine Equipment Computation Equipment Local Statistics Book Categories Industry & Economy Education Cultural Assets Physical Property Knowledge Resources Document Law Enforcement Ordinance Enforcement Regulations Relationship between Individual & Organization Student Logical Area Overseas Saudi Financial Property Main Entity Sea Route Observation Facility Water Supply Facility Water desalination Plant 4.3. Data Classification Block 4.3.1. Concept of Data Classification ‘Data Classification’ defines a classification standard of all data managed in DRM. As data elements managed in ‘Data Structure’ are categorized according to data classification standard, data classification makes it possible to easily search data elements which also can be shared between business Areas. 4.3.2. Role of Data Classification ‘Data Classification’ can be a standard for grouping ‘National Data Model’, and it also provides systematic search and identification by managing data elements, which were defined and managed in ‘Data Structure’, with mapping in ‘Data Classification’ system. Figure 9 Role of Data Classification The relation between ‘Data Classification’ system and data elements is that many data elements can be mapped in one classification system and that one data element can be mapped in many classification systems. 4.3.3. Characteristics of DRM’s Data Classification System On the basis of ‘National Data Model’, DRM’s ‘Data Classification’ not only has data viewpoint with Data’s characteristics as the center, but also adopts BRM’s classification system having Service point of view. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 14 / 28 Data Viewpoint: we defined data subject area and data group by classifying and grouping data, which is identified in ‘National Data Model’, into item having similar characteristic and subordinate item in terms of data such as an individual, organization, service, environment , etc. Service Viewpoint: Among ‘data classification’ systems, ‘Service’ part has task domain and mapping by accepting BRM’s ‘Policy Field’. 4.3.4. Data Classification System In order to establish ‘Data Classification’ system at data view point, components were deduced which form parts of the real-world. Public sector has Main Entity or entities who perform Activities. Activity has to do with System, needs Resources, and is also related to Environment. On the basis of its concept, components were classified, constructing real-world, largely as five areas—Main Entity, Resources, Activity, System, Environment, and defined them as data subject areas corresponding to big classes of ‘Data Classification’ system. Main Entity Environment Activity System Resources Figure 10 Areas of Data Classification Following table provides an explanation for each of the areas of classification Area Main Entity Explanation Individuals or organizations, which construct real-world Action or Service, which individuals or organizations, corresponding to Main Entity, Activity perform System Various kinds of standards, which regulate main body’s activity Environment Nature or society, directly or indirectly related to main Entity’s activity Resources Physical, intellectual, or conceptual properties, needed for activity or outputs of activity The classification Areas are further classified into sub groups as shown in Figure 11. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 15 / 28 Main Entity Individual Organization Relationship Environment Activity System Location Info Geographic Info Traffic Info Law Agency Service Licensing National Service Policy Weather Info Pollution Info Resources Physical Property Cultural Property Finance Resource Knowledge Resource Figure 12 Data Classification Sub Groups The explanation of each sub group is provided in the following table. Data Group Explanation Individual Each person ,constructing a country or society Organization Social unit, formed to achieve a common goal Entity Body Relation between Relation between main bodies, such as individual-individual, Individual and individual-organization, organization-organization, etc Organization Physical Property Tangible property, such as real estate, moveable asset, etc Finance Resource Financial Property such as budget, fund etc Property Cultural Property Tangible, intangible assets having cultural value Knowledge Main data for government’s activity Resource Political Activity All activities of a government except nationwide service Activity Activities which a government provides nations, businesses Nationwide Service with (G4C viewpoint) laws or other standards decided by resolution of the National Law Assembly System Licensing Government’s permission of some actions or activities Directions or policies for government or organization to Policy achievement the goal Location Physical location such as latitude, longitude, electronic location Information such as IP address, and electronic area such as frequency range Geographic Information that shows one place in the earth Environment Information Environmental Pollution Information related to environmental pollution Information Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 16 / 28 Traffic Information Weather Information Information of traffic flow or condition Information of weather condition or change The national data model is built based on the above classification, kindly refer to Figure 13. 4.3.5. Relationship with BRM DRM classification system is not only a data-based classification system but also, accepts business classification based on BRM(Business Reference Model). Accepting business classification makes it possible to connect data elements with business function by ‘Service’ part’s accepting ‘Business Area’. Figure 14 Relationship of DRM with BRM 4.4. Data Structure Block 4.4.1. Basic Concepts ‘Data Structure’ plays the role of standard presentation & storage to define and manage data elements—such as entity, relation, property, etc. which are objects of a reference-reuse— in standardized forms. Objects of ‘Data Structure’ are additional information of data elements such as data elements corresponding to actual objects of data structure, word dictionary, additional element-relative information, ownership of data elements, reference authority by an organization, and so on(Figure 15). Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 17 / 28 Figure 16 Components of Data Structure Block DRM 1.0 only provides a standard guideline for defining data elements and additional information required for ‘Data Structure’ block. Henceforth, if standardized data elements and their additional information are practically produced according to standard guideline, they can be registered in common ‘Data Structure’ storage, shared, and reused. In DRM, the basic guideline for standardization with applying ISO 11179 are provided which is, the international standard for data. 4.4.2. Data Elements Objects of reference-reuse in Data Structure can be entity, property set, and model even including relation between entities. In other words, since entity, property, and relation are necessary for reference-reuse, Data Structure deals with definition of data elements. With data elements defined and managed by a model level of summary, concept, logic, and physical elements, they can be referred to and reused in all stages before establishment of data architecture. 4.4.3. Entity Among data elements, entity is an assemblage to be managed by DRM. In other words, it means the assemblage which only manages entity-related property. As below are items which should be written, standardized, and managed during the process of entity definition. Items of Entity Definition Entity Name Entity Definition Data Subject Area Data Group Unusual Remark of Entity Entity Version Name(Code) of Business Classification Explanation As entity name to be managed by wide-Gov DRM, it is uniquely, consistently named by using business terms Defines both what is the entity and to whom, how, where the entity is used Data subject area which the relevant entity belongs to in data classification system Data group which the relevant entity belongs to in data classification system Describing items to separately emphasize, except entity definition Relevant entity’s version Name or code of BRM’s business classification system Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 18 / 28 System Entity Ownership Name or code of an organization creating relevant entity All entities defined here should be mapped with data subject area and data group defined in data classification. This mapping relation has a role of increasing search efficiency when people using DRM. Also, we should use words or terms of entity names which are defined in a word dictionary in order to follow the standardization. 4.4.4. Property Property is set of information to be managed in an entity, should be divided to meaningful smallest unit, and should be expressed in one data type. Property can be set in itself as an object of reference, and also property inside of entity can be referred to. It is critical to use words or terms of property names which are defined in a word dictionary in order to follow the standardization. As mentioned above, data elements to be registered in DRM are managed as standardized types. There is an ‘ISO/IEC 11179’, an international standard for regularizing and expressing semantics of data elements in coherent ways. It defines an expression mode, naming regulation, basic property of data elements. Below table shows basic property items of data elements provided in ISO 11179. Name Label Assigned to DE Identifier Unique ID assigned to DE Version Version of the DE Reg Authority An organization authorized to register DE Language Language in which DE is specified Definition A statement that clearly represent the concept and essential nature of the DE Obligation Indicates whether the DE is required to always or sometimes be present(mandatory, conditional, optional) DataType indicates the type of data Maximum Indicates any limit to repeatability of the DE Occurrence Comment A remark concerning the application of the DE Following are the applicable property for elements in the DRM, with application of international standards. Definition Item of Property Property Name Property Identifier Property Version Property Ownership Language in Use Property Definition Property Selectivity Data Type Data Length Explanation As a name of entity property, it should be unique in the entity. It can be defined by using entity and name of value field, but can’t be the same as the name of entity Unique identifier provided in property Version of relevant property Name or code of the organization creating a relevant property Language used for expressing a relevant property Property’s definition in detail Classifies selectivity of property (prerequisite/ conditional/optional) Physical data type of relevant property (number/ text /date…) Physical data length of relevant property Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 19 / 28 Unusual Remark of Property Value Field/Rule Name of Inducement Entity Name Describing items to separately emphasize, except property definition The field where relevant property’s value is separately gathered Entity name where relevant entity is involved 4.4.5. Relationship Among data elements, relationship shows the logical relation between entities, and as below are items which should be managed in ‘Relationship’. Definition Item of Explanation Relationship The name to express relationship. The one which defines the relationship Relationship Name between entities is used Cardinal Characteristics Cardinal relationship between entities (Cardinality) Whether or not Whether or not the relevant relationship includes identifier identifier is inherited Referential integrityLimitation of entry according to the relationship for data consistency entry rule Referential integrityLimitation of deletion according to the relationship for data consistency deletion rule Explanation of Explanation about relevant relationship relationship Relationship Version Version of relevant relationship Entity Name Entity name related to relevant relationship There may be other additional information that can be added to the element, however it would be taken into consideration and incorporated as and when needed. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION As it mentioned above, data structure is constructed with data elements and their additional information. While data elements are real information for being referred to – reused, their additional information is organized with additional elements-related information which shows more detailed characteristics of data elements such as term dictionary, ownership & reference authority for data elements and so on which supports standardization of data elements. 4.4.6. Terms Dictionary Terms dictionary includes both words and terms. Terms are constituted with word, and term dictionary has both words used in organizations and definition of terms. Words are smallest unit which are used in work and has fixed meaning. Terms are constructed with word combinations. By defining standard words and terms, we can prevent the problems such as, using identical words or terms as different meanings according to work convenience or custom. Using standard words and terms also minimize the problem caused by lack of understanding for terms in case of needing communication between different works in whole of Government. We can support users’ common understanding by using all names of entity, relationship and property defined in a term dictionary. Building a word dictionary is not covered in this DRM 1.0 and, although items which should be defined when building a word dictionary are provided. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 20 / 28 Below are the items that are to be maintained in the terms dictionary. Definition Item of Word Dictionary Word Name Word Classification Related Standard Language English Name of the Word Explanation The word name to be managed in DRM Type classification of a relevant word Standard language related to a relevant word English name of a relevant word abbreviation Abbreviation of English Name Word Definition Word Version Abbreviation of English name of a relevant word Definition content of a relevant word in detail Version of a relevant word 4.4.7. Ownership Ownership is used to show which organization has entity’s ownership. Ownership can be granted to each entity, property and relationship which is registered in DRM and given to a model unit constructed with its elements. The reason for managing the ownership is identification of organization that has entity’s ownership, when using reference – reuse, and can refer to it for data exchange or utilization. 4.4.8. Reference Authority Type of Reference Authority A (All) S (Special) G (General) 4.5. Explanation Authority commonly used at a wide-Governmental level Authority used in a special organization Authority used in the organization having the ownership or its lower organization Data Exchange 4.5.1. Concept of Data Exchange ‘Data Exchange’ defines a message structure which should be defined in advance to exchange data elements in DRM. As shown (Figure 17), ‘Data Exchange’ defines a message structure when delivering data elements registered in DRM repository to the required place, and it make it possible to reuse relevant contents after searching data elements needed in a specific organization. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 21 / 28 Figure 18 Concept of Data Exchange ( Adapted from Korea DRM) The purposes of data exchange message can be two according to the view. One is to exchange data model for reference – reuse, and the other is to define an exchange message form for exchanging a real data instance. Above all, in DRM 1.0, the purpose of data exchange is to search needed data elements in DRM and to deliver the results for organizations’ reference – reuse. However, this data exchange message can be utilized when defining exchange message structure for data exchange between organizations in order to improve interoperability of data exchange between organizations from a wide-governmental point. Additionally, in ‘Data Exchange’, with managing reference – reuse records of any data elements in other organizations or businesses, we can utilize the information about which organization or business refers to – reuse which or how much ‘Data Structure’ 4.5.2. Message Structure for Data Exchange Message Structure of ‘Data Exchange’ comprise of 4 items: identification and breakdown of exchange information, ownership information, use-relative reference authority, and property of exchange information. Below are items which should be managed in data exchange. Definition Item of Data Exchange Exchange ID Identification Exchange Type and Breakdown of Exchange Data Subject Area Information Data Group Explanation Data exchange ID Classification of data exchange type (model/ entity/ property/ relationship) Data subject area in ‘Data Classification System’ where data structure for exchange is involved Data group in ‘Data Classification System’ where data Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 22 / 28 structure for exchange is involved Name of Business Classification System Name of Data Structure Object Classification Name of Object Name of Upper Object Ownership Ownership Reference Authority Reference Authority BRM’s big classification name(code) Data structure to be exchanged Object type classification(entity/ property/ relationship) Name of the relevant object Upper object’s name of the relevant object Name or code of the organization creating the relevant data structure Name or code of the organization referring to the relevant data structure Used language to express the relevant data structure Definition in detail of the relevant object Data type of the relevant column Domain type of the relevant column Length of the relevant column Language in Use Definition of Object Property of Data Type Exchange Domain Type Information Data Length Version of Data Version of the relevant data structure Structure Refer to pic () for data exchange package. This sample package is for exchanging ‘Budget Compliance Master’ entity in ‘Budget Information’ data subject area with ‘Business No’ and ‘Code of the Ministry and Office concerned’ which are the properties of the entity. As showing in the picture, exchange information breakdown is constructed with information identifying exchanged data elements. Source of information and used place information show the ownership of data elements and organization able to refer to. At last, exchange information property includes information of data type, domain value, etc. about data elements to be exchanged. Definition Item of Data Exchange Contents - Example Exchange ID EX0001 EX0001 EX0001 Exchange Type model model model Name of Data Area budget information budget information budget information Identification Name of Data budget compliance budget compliance budget compliance and Structure model model model Breakdown Name of Object entity entity entity of Exchange Composition Information budget compliance Business No code of department Name of Object master concerned Name of Upper budget compliance budget compliance Object master master Team OO of Team OO of Team OO of National National National Computerization Ownership Ownership Computerization Computerization Agency Agency Agency Reference Reference ALL ALL ALL Authority Authority Language in Use Arabic Arabic Arabic Assembly of managing Serial number of each Department in charge of Property of Definition compliance information business managed by assigning the budget and Exchange each department asking compliance (Entity, Properties) to confirm the budget Information concerned according to a business Data Type Number Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 23 / 28 - N-11 – domain of the business number 8 1.0 Domain Type Data Length Version of Structure 4.6. Data 1.0 C123department code domain 4 1.0 Data Management 4.6.1. Summary of Data Management ‘Data Management’ provides data management’s principles and guidelines which can be referred to when public sectors of the organization manage data’s quality, standardization, and so on. Figure 19 Data Management Summary ( adapted from Korea BRM) The objects of data management are ‘Data Standardization Management’, such as metadata, naming rule, etc, ‘Data Model Management’, such as data modeling rule, etc, ‘Database Management’, related to data’s physical realization, and ‘Data Quality Management’ for continuously maintaining and managing this data management system. Each object of data management is registered, operated, and managed according to data management procedure and organization. This data management procedure and organization’s responsibility & role can be established on a basis of the management principles provided in DRM. 4.6.2. Principles of Data Management Principles of data management are the upper standard consistently applied to when carrying out data management activity and can be the basic of establishing data management system. As below are 8 data management principles which should be considered in whole of Government Principle Principle 1 Establishing and managing data architecture in a viewpoint of Enterprise Architecture Principle 2 Data’s redundancy removal Content Data architecture should be arranged with business & technology architecture in a viewpoint of whole organization’s ITA, established, and managed making possible data’ standardization, modularization, and communization. Manages data in a centralized manner in order to remove unnecessary redundancy Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 24 / 28 Principle 3 All data’s standard observance Principle 4 Defining data’ ownership Principle 5 Unification of data input Principle 6 Improving understanding of data definition Principle 7 Providing information of metadata Principle 8 Conducting data quality management in a basis of total standardization information After the establishing data management standard and data standard, makes all data observe them Makes clear the role and responsibility between businessside operation department for creating data and data management department Data input should happen once, primary data should be stored in one place, and data replication should be minimized. If data replication happens, it should be because of data’s function and availability in order to follow data’ accuracy and coordination. When defining data, by using widely-used words and utilizing a term dictionary, makes it possible for users to easily understand the meaning and to coherently utilize data Metadata-related information or standard-related information should be systemically managed and inquired In order to control data standardization observance, increase data’s reliability, and improve the outcome, data quality management should be conducted basedo on total standardized information. It carries out the continuous quality management including not only improving data’s post management but also eliminating the previous cause of degrading data’ quality 4.6.3. Data Governance The organization structure must support roles and responsibilities for reviewing data in a viewpoint of business function, technology, standard, DRM and data quality management. The above roles and responsibilities should engage in the data management processes. The example procedure of managing data standardization is in Figure 20, and it is defined in a viewpoint of reviewing standard data. In case of creating new data in a business-site operation, ‘Functional Examination Role’ checks if data elements have any redundancy with existing contents in a viewpoint of business function, any relativity with other businesses, and so on. If there isn’t any abnormality, ‘Technology Examination Role’ carries out technology review of relevant data element’s standardization and additional information in a viewpoint of DB. And then, ‘DRM Management Role’ conducts final review in a viewpoint of DRM and data quality. Proceeding which authorization for relevant data is performed and for the authorized, registration/ version-up is fulfilled. After registering standard data in DRM, we can finally refer to and utilized them. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 25 / 28 Figure 21 Data Management Procedure (adapted from Korea BRM) 4.7. Establishing Data Architecture at Agency As it showed in , identify which data elements are needed for building data architecture is available in national data model and data classification system. With using data classification system, search of necessary data elements are performed and refer to – reuse the result. In case of data elements not registered in DRM, each organization can define them according to guidelines suggested by DRM’s ‘Data Structure’ and ‘Data Management’. Among self-defined data elements, each organization can register those having shared value in DRM. Through this system, each government can secure standardized data models and DRM can get data elements having sharing value from each organization. Figure 22 Establishing Data Architecture base on DRM 4.8. Building Agency DRM An agency data model can be built by extracting and adding contents of national data model & data classification block as per agency need.. Agency can define and standardize its real data structure as matching standards and guideline for data structure suggested by NEA DRM; and also establish and utilize data exchange and management system as referring to data exchange and data management guideline suggested by whole of government DRM. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 26 / 28 Figure 23 Creating Agency DRM 4.9. Application and Effect of DRM in Data Architectures The table below summarizes the application and effect of DRM in data architectures. Work Classification Building Data Architecture Building DRM Application Example Expected Effect Identifying data classification and each other’s relationship in an organization. At each level of building data architecture, searching and utilizing a standardized model Providing a structural viewpoint about data architecture resources. Possibly building fast data architecture with using the standard model. Comparing and analyzing data architecture between plural organizations. Reducing repeated errors and managing, maintaining high-quality data architecture when building the data architecture. Possibly identifying and classifying total data. Standardizing total data management. Possibly identifying data for reuse and common use. Managing data quality and keeping consistency of data through DRM. Optimizing interoperability between organizations or inter-organization with keeping a standard data model and standard data. Registering standard data elements which need cross reference in plural services. Keeping standard data models at an enterprise-wide level and managing them by control. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 27 / 28 4.10. Maintaining DRM The DRM needs continuous maintenance, for this to be done successfully a DRM management process, DRM management group, and DRM management system should be established, these will be linked closely to the Yesser Interoperability framework and it’s governance processes. Discipline DRM Management Process DRM Management Group Systematization of DRM Management Prerequisites Defining management process for DRM maintenance Change matter happening→analyzing the property→defining management process with following DRM’s revised process DRM management group should be defined with separating a wideGovernmental level from individual organization DRM management group - analyzing the property of contents asked to be revised - reflecting property-reviewed contents in DRM DRM using group - suggesting DRM’s factor to be changed - utilizing DRM when building data architecture and its own DRM in order to support DRM’s easy search and utilization, it can be systematized and we can make use of ITA management system DRM can be renewed based on each individual organization needs or factors. In the case that change is required, the manager of DRM should perform an analysis of the factors’ property, and then reflect it in the DRM. Figure 24 DRM update Process Changes to the DRM may also mean adding new businesses at a level of wide-Government or changing, deleting existing businesses. Since it is connected to Service in ‘Data Classification’, there is need to confirm and review changes in the BRM so that they can be reflected in the DRM. Confidential e-Government Program (Yesser) This document (either in whole or in part) cannot be modified or reproduced without the prior written permission of the e-Government Program (Yesser) Page 28 / 28