Tiered Attendance Interventions and Activities Tier 1: Universal Systems and Support Establish campus attendance procedures and support systems Monitor and review campus attendance and tardy policies Identify campus attendance goals Plan school-wide attendance incentives Communicate information regularly to parents, students, and staff Monitor attendance regularly and accurately Tier 1 (0-3 absences) Activity Person Responsible Take accurate, timely attendance daily Teacher, administrator, attendance specialist Update absences to tardies for late arrivals, based on policy Teacher, administrator Take satellite attendance each period (different colored sign-in sheets for each period in office, library, ISS, counselor, etc.) Attendance specialist, administrator, satellite location designee Show “Attendance Matters” webinar on compulsory attendance to all secondary students during advisory in August/September and again in January Mail home district attendance letter, based on policy Administrator, advisory teacher, DPS, PSS, campus designee Ensure School Messenger makes absence phone calls District, attendance specialist Hold conference with student after 3 absences Advisory teacher, classroom teacher Contact parent via phone or email after 3 absences Advisory teacher, classroom teacher Hang posters in building indicating when and where to submit attendance notes; include contact name and number Hold class, team, or grade level attendance competitions with rewards (extended lunch or recess, attendance flag outside of room, pizza party, staff vs. student sport events, atten-DANCE, etc.) Set attendance improvement goal and share progress weekly with staff Attendance specialist, administrator Have secondary students complete career interest inventories Provide training in best practice attendance monitoring Counselor (with DPS support) Review new enrollee attendance Registrar, administrator Conduct attendance orientation for all new students Registrar, attendance specialist Austin Independent School District, Child Study System District, attendance specialist Attendance committee, CST, leadership team, administrator Administrator Child study facilitator, DPS, administrator Tiered Attendance Interventions and Activities Tier 2: Targeted Strategies and Interventions Identify students with attendance issues (4-9 absences) Create and document intervention plans for groups and individual students Identify staff member responsible for implementing and monitoring plan Connect students to campus support programs Maintain parent communication and encourage parent engagement Review and reevaluate campus systems and procedures to ensure effectiveness Tier 2 (4-9 absences) Activity Person Responsible Conference with student and/or parent Teacher, counselor, DPS Provide daily check in/check out Teacher, counselor, advisor, mentor Provide targeted small group instruction (social skills, study skills, conflict management, etc.) Counselor, social worker, CIS, advisor, mentor Refer to campus attendance committee or CST Administrator, DPS, attendance specialist, counselor, social worker, CIS, PSS Assign weekly attendance contract Administrator, teacher Set monitor triggers in Grade Speed Administrator, teacher, advisor, counselor, parent (divide student groups) Conduct home visits DPS, PSS, administrator, advisor Send attendance warning letter home DPS, attendance specialist, PSS, counselor Present “Connecting the Dots” to parent and student DPS, PSS, campus designee Consult with probation officers DPS, administrator Assign Saturday school (if available) Administrator, counselor, teacher, DPS w/principal approval DPS w/administrator approval Assign mandatory tutoring groups/college test prep (SAT, ACT, ACC COMPASS)/Delta Lab Refer to campus support services (CIS, PSS, CARY, etc) DPS, administrator Refer enrolling students with attendance issues to DPS/administrator PRIOR to enrolling Registrar Show “Connecting the Dots” to enrolling students with attendance issues (and parent) DPS, administrator Refer withdrawals to DPS and/or administrator for next school enrollment counseling PEIMS specialist Austin Independent School District, Child Study System Tiered Attendance Interventions and Activities Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Identify students with 10+ absences by reviewing TEAMS report weekly Review and evaluate Tier 2 interventions and adjust as needed Document attendance interventions in eCST (see Tier 2 and Tier 3 activities) Monitor progress and refer for CST staffing when interventions are not effective Connect students with campus- or community-based support programs Coordinate and communicate with court and other outside agencies Maintain parent communication and encourage parent engagement Review and reevaluate campus systems and procedures to ensure effectiveness Tier 3 (10 or more absences) Activity BEFORE beginning of year schedule pick up, meet with students with history of attendance issues Invite parent and student to attendance workshop in lieu of a court truancy filing Use campus-specific initiatives (TIPS, Premier, etc) Refer to CST for more intensive, comprehensive staffing (academics, behavior, attendance) Discuss alternative education programs (Premier, AYC, Austin Can, etc.) Conduct home visits Connect parent/family to community-based services (Crossroads, Life Changers, Project Hope, SafePlace, etc.) in lieu of truancy filing Assign community service, tutorials, college test prep, twilight school, etc. in lieu of truancy filing Implement daily attendance contract Refer to community service programs Refer new enrollees with 10+ absences to DPS and administrator prior to enrollment Discuss alternative programs (in and out of district) with new students and parents prior to enrollment Refer withdrawals to DPS and administrator to facilitate attendance counseling at next school Initiate administrative withdrawals in coordination with DPS. Ensure follow-up meeting with student and family to address academic and truancy issues. Submit documents for truancy court filing Attend truancy court Communicate with truancy PO and case worker Re-file on students with 20+ absences Austin Independent School District, Child Study System Person Responsible DPS and administrator should plan with appropriate staff prior to first day of school DPS, counselor, administrator, PSS Administrator, DPS, counselor, CST members Teacher, counselor, DPS, PSS, CIS, SSS, social worker, attendance committee DPS, counselor, administrator DPS, administrator, SSS, social worker PSS, Family Resource Center (FRC), CIS, Juvenile Case Manager from JP’s office, SSS, social worker Administrator, DPS w/administrator approval DPS, teacher, administrator, counselor DPS, counselor, FRC,CIS,SSS Registrar DPS, administrator, counselor PEIMS specialist, DPS , administrator Administrator, DPS w/administrator approval Administrator, DPS, attendance specialist, PSS Administrator, DPS, attendance specialist, PSS DPS, counselor, administrator, SRO DPS, administrator