Argumentative essay

Jain 1
Utkarsh Jain
Instructor Kyongson Park
ENGL 106
20th November 2013
Do cell phones raise health and safety issues?
Cell Phones are paramount in people’s lives today. These fancy hand held devices have attract
people to an extent that they have become an integral to the survival of the human race in this
world. Cell phones make life easier, “you are caught in an emergency, don’t worry you have got
a cell phone.” Not only cell phones have surfaced in the business field but also has been gaining
momentum and popularity amongst students. Opponents argue that these mobile phones help
communicate with people who are distant from each other, provides the young generation to
access a whole new world of social media additionally music, videos, texting, etc. Furthermore
cell phones act as a social instrument and helps people to remain acquainted. Moreover aspirants
argue that people whose business requires them to travel stimulates the need of cell phones to
keep intact with their business. Some of these opposing arguments stand true nevertheless the
adversities the use of cell phones bring to its users are mostly overlooked. Have you ever thought
of the ill-effects twenty-four hour usage of cell phones could cause? Does use of cell phones
create casualties?
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There has always been a risk associated with using cell phones while driving but people tend to
neglect this harsh reality. Use of cell phones often incur a certain behavior in people that majorly
affect the way their hands work on the steering wheel. Additionally adequate number of college
students have a habit of using their cell phones all of their valuable time, while walking to
classes, while crossing roads. All of these irresponsible behavior pose a great threat to their lives.
These habits unknowingly force people to indulge in precarious behavior and raise a lot of
concern. For example, an incidence from my past involved dangerous behavior due to use of
mobiles. I was busy texting my friend and did not realize that the signal had become red, I kept
walking until someone from behind stopped me and asked me to focus on what was going
around me. I could have met with an accident or the consequences could have been worse.
Studies have shown that one of the main reasons of road accidents involve the use of mobile
phones. People are often distracted due to a text message or a call that distorts their reaction time
and lead to tragedies. This fact is also testified and bolstered by the study carried by the
University of Utah. Statistics collected through a survey conducted by the AAA Foundation
suggested that almost fifty three percent of the sample sent a text or an e-mail while driving and
therefore tangled themselves into risky behavior. Texting and calling drives away the driver’s
attention from his task i.e. off the road and put them in higher risk of fatalities. Use of cell
phones for any purpose while driving is like fishing in troubled waters. It is as if a deer is
selflessly giving itself to its predator.
Statistics provided by the National Highway Safety Administration further states that ‘more than
three thousand people are killed each year’ due to distractions by cell phones. Likewise cell
phones not only raises concern regarding the person who is in the driving seat but also the whole
society. Distractions due to cell phones despite of personal damages, also cause property
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damage, traffic violations and risk others’ lives too. Predominantly texting and talking over the
phone affects the driver’s reaction time and can put a person in a perilous situation, one of the
possibilities being death.
Many countries including India have banned talking on the cell phone while driving and has
imposed strict actions on the violation of this law. Heavy fines or a short-term imprisonment are
a few of the consequences of breaking this law.
There has been a population explosion in the field of cell phone users, according to the Cellular
Telecommunications and Internet Association there were 303 million cell phone subscribers in
the United States till the year 2010. Cell phones are a source of convenience however they have a
hefty price associated to their use i.e. the possible ill effects it brings to the health of its users.
Cell phones emit radiofrequency radiation which is considered harmful to humans to an extent.
Long- term exposure to such radiation could possibly lead to brain tumor as the device is held
close to the head. International Agency of Research on Cancer, an agency of WHO have
classified the Radiofrequency radiations from mobile phones as “possibly carcinogenic to
humans” which have led to questions being raised on the reliability of cell phones.
Radiofrequency comes under the band of microwaves and are considered non-ionizing radiations
which can increase body temperatures and heat tissues if exposed to it for a long time. These
may have impeding health effects. There is some extent of scholarly evidence that associates
brain cancer and cell phones. For example, research conducted in Sweden established a
momentous trend between increasing risk of brain cancer and the length of time the cell phones
were used for by its users.
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Health effects are not limited to cancer but recent trends have demonstrated that cell phones
severely affects a person’s stress level, one’s vision, etc. Severe psychological impacts have
surfaced in the past with the use of mobile phones, the consistent use of these devices, its
ringing, and notifications keeps its users on the brink. Moreover cell phones carry with
themselves peril to the vision of a person. Screens of cell phones are usually smaller which
prompts users’ to strain their eyes whenever they use their phones. This increases the likelihood
of people having a poor vision or some kind of damage to their retina. The above mentioned
consequences is an alarm for people who are overly dependent on mobile phones for comfort and
convenience. To further strengthen the argument that cell phones pose significant health issues a
lot of extensive research is been carried out which includes a study called COHORT, being
conducted in Europe. This study primarily deals with the subject of cell phones and its cancer
causing effects.
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Work Cited:
Beede, K., and S. Kass. "Engrossed in Conversation: The Impact of Cell Phones on Simulated
Driving Performance." Accident Analysis & Prevention 38.2 (2006): 415-21. Print.
Boice, J. D., and R. E. Tarone. "Cell Phones, Cancer, and Children." JNCI Journal of the
National Cancer Institute 103.16 (2011): 1211-213. Print.
"Cell Phone Users More Likely to Speed and Drive Drowsy When Behind Wheel." Newsroom,
25 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.
"Cell Phone Driving Hazards." Do You Drive and Talk on a Cell Phone? You Are At Risk. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.
National Institute of Health. Cell Phones and Cancer Risk -. National Cancer Institute, n.d. Web.
18 Nov. 2013.