JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION JOHNSON CREEK LIBRARY APRIL 27, 2015 The meeting was called to order by President Amanda Doman at 7 pm. There were twelve members and all officers present. TREASURER REPORT A motion by Steve Haase and seconded by Dick Berner to approve report. Motion passed. Please see enclose or attachment. SECRETARY’S REPORT A motion by Dick Berner and seconded by Allan Roost to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS MIDWEST HORSE FAIR Brittany said the weekend went well. The demos were Friday and Saturday. The scholarship recipient came by and thanked us for the scholarship. Thank you to Brittany and Brianna Buhs, Rhonda Cory, Dedra and Jean Wellman, Anna Tjugum and Jodi Hinz for putting on the demo. Also a big thank you to Kelvin Hinz, Steve Haase and Mary Jane Swedberg for helping with the demo. Thank you to Dave Kemna, Lynn and Kelsey Schwochert, Rhonda, Brittany and Brianna Buhs, Steve and Marcia Haase, Mary Jane Swedberg and Jackie Schuster for selling raffle tickets. Many people were asking about the raffle filly. RAFFLE UPDATE Many more single tickets were sold this year than six packs. We paid $420.92 for tickets. We need to sell $1,420.92 to break even. We sold $862 during Midwest Horse Fair. So we need to sell $558.92 to break even. DUES A motion by Steve Haase and seconded by Greg Buhs to increase dues to $15 per individual over age 18 and those under 17 free with paid adult dues. This is for the 2016 year. Motion passed AMBASSADOR Thank you to Kelsey Schwochert for being our 2014 ambassador. The 2015 ambassador is Keara Duffy niece of Tom Duffy. Thank you for your essay. 30 YEAR ACTIVITY CELEBRATION No update. If anyone has anything about the starting of the club please write it down and give it to the secretary. NEW BUSINESS WISCONSIN STATE HORSE COUNCIL We received the grant of $2,500. We were one of the two groups that received the full amount. It was asked if we recognize the WSHC in any way. They are mention in our brochure and in all articles in their newsletter. The core of people on WSHC has remained the same with some changes in their subcommittees. The WSHC was asked to put on demos at the Farm Technology Days for half hour to hour in a sand arena. This is Statz farm in WaunakeeSun Prairie. Please let Marcia Haase or Amanda know if you are interested. Also the WSHC wants to put a warning of a man Sterling Rockwell- that abused horses is out of prison. OLD WORLD WISCONSIN Rituals of Spring May 23-24 in the German village plowing and possible logging. Please let Dave Kemna and Dirk Hildebrandt what day or days you will be there and with what equipment. A motion was made by Steve Haase and seconded by Dave Kemna to pay $35 per horse up to three horses and what might be leftover will be divided between teamsters. Motion passed. Richard Durrant Plow Days There were 62 horses and mules there which made up about 17 teams. A lot of plowing and disking were done along with an obstacle course. GREAT FOOD followed by good social time. The club members that did go had a great time. Thank you Richard and Lillith for hosting it every year. Steve Haase committed on the Clydesdale sale. The first two horses out were Budweiser and sold as a team and brought $18,000 apiece. JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIR Keith Kulow had the following to say about the fair. New this year is registration online. Looking for class sponsorships- club members, individuals or businesses email him at He was asked about riding class and said it could be done on Sunday as a fun class or use as fillers in between hitch classes. Please let him know. We also need a ring person, gate people and an announcer. Amanda said she couldn’t get DOT to come to the meeting but has brochures with information. If anyone has a speaker for June meeting please let Amanda know. NO MAY MEETING NEXT MEETING JUNE 22 AT JOHNSON CREEK LIBRARY ITEMS FOR SALE Tony Schwantes 920-382-1824 has a Meadowbrook cart $1,500 has extra set of custom shafts to fit Friesian and single tree, rear entry 50inch wheels. Also a set of work harness-nylonincluding 1 collar 26-28 adjustable, 1 collar 24-26 adjustable with pads, 2 6inch Liverpool bits and 2 6 inch snaffle bits $600 takes all.